Class: QgsSubsetStringEditorProvider

class qgis.gui.QgsSubsetStringEditorProvider

Bases: sip.wrapper

This is the interface for those who want to provide a dialog to edit a subset string.

Added in version 3.18:



Returns true if the provider can handle the layer


Returns true if the provider can handle specifically the layer->:py:func:~QgsSubsetStringEditorProvider.provider->:py:func:~QgsSubsetStringEditorProvider.storageType This method will only be called if canHandleLayer() returned true.


Creates a new dialog to edit the subset string of the provided layer.


Subset string editor provider name, this is useful to retrieve a particular subset string editor in case the provider has more than one, it should be unique among all providers.


Provider key

canHandleLayer(self, layer: QgsVectorLayer | None) bool

Returns true if the provider can handle the layer


layer (Optional[QgsVectorLayer])

Return type:


canHandleLayerStorageType(self, layer: QgsVectorLayer | None) bool

Returns true if the provider can handle specifically the layer->:py:func:~QgsSubsetStringEditorProvider.provider->:py:func:~QgsSubsetStringEditorProvider.storageType This method will only be called if canHandleLayer() returned true. Typically a generic SQL provider for the OGR provider will return false, whereas a dedicated plugin with a specific behavior for a OGR driver will return true.


layer (Optional[QgsVectorLayer])

Return type:


createDialog(self, layer: QgsVectorLayer | None, parent: QWidget | None = None, fl: Qt.WindowFlags | Qt.WindowType = QgsGuiUtils.ModalDialogFlags) QgsSubsetStringEditorInterface | None

Creates a new dialog to edit the subset string of the provided layer. It may return None if it cannot handle the layer. The returned object must be destroyed by the caller. On successful accept(), the QgsSubsetStringEditorInterface implementation is responsible for setting the updated string on layer.

  • layer (Optional[QgsVectorLayer])

  • parent (Optional[QWidget] = None)

  • fl (Union[Qt.WindowFlags)

Return type:


name(self) str

Subset string editor provider name, this is useful to retrieve a particular subset string editor in case the provider has more than one, it should be unique among all providers.

The default implementation returns the providerKey()

Return type:


providerKey(self) str

Provider key

Return type:
