Class: QgsGeometryCheckerUtils

class qgis.analysis.QgsGeometryCheckerUtils

Bases: sip.wrapper

Contains utilities required for geometry checks.


This class is a technology preview and unstable API.

Added in version 3.4:

class LayerFeature

Bases: sip.wrapper

A layer feature combination to uniquely identify and access a feature in a set of layers.

Added in version 3.4.

QgsGeometryCheckerUtils.LayerFeature(pool: Optional[QgsFeaturePool], feature: QgsFeature, context: Optional[QgsGeometryCheckContext], useMapCrs: bool) Create a new layer/feature combination. The layer is defined by pool, feature needs to be from this layer. If useMapCrs is True, geometries will be reprojected to the mapCrs defined in context.

QgsGeometryCheckerUtils.LayerFeature(a0: QgsGeometryCheckerUtils.LayerFeature)

feature(self) QgsFeature

Returns the feature. The geometry will not be reprojected regardless of useMapCrs.

Return type:


geometry(self) QgsGeometry

Returns the geometry of this feature. If useMapCrs was specified, it will already be reprojected into the CRS specified in the context specified in the constructor.

Return type:


id(self) str

Returns a combination of the layerId and the feature id.

Return type:


layerId(self) str

The layer id.

Return type:


useMapCrs(self) bool

Returns if the geometry is reprojected to the map CRS or not.

Return type:


class LayerFeatures

Bases: sip.wrapper

Contains a set of layers and feature ids in those layers to pass to a geometry check.

Added in version 3.4.