Class: QgsDataItemProvider

class qgis.core.QgsDataItemProvider

Bases: sip.wrapper

This is the interface for those who want to add custom data items to the browser tree.

The method createDataItem() is ever called only if capabilities() return non-zero value. There are two occasions when createDataItem() is called:

# to create root items (passed path is empty, parent item is None). # to create items in directory structure. For this capabilities have to return at least

of the following: QgsDataProvider.Dir or QgsDataProvider.File. Passed path is the file or directory being inspected, parent item is a valid QgsDirectoryItem



Returns combination of flags from QgsDataProvider.DataCapabilities


Create a new instance of QgsDataItem (or None) for given path and parent item.


Create a vector of instances of QgsDataItem (or None) for given path and parent item.


Returns the data provider key (if the data item provider is associated with a data provider), the default implementation returns an empty string.


Returns True if the provider will handle the directory at the specified path.


Human-readable name of the provider name

capabilities(self) Qgis.DataItemProviderCapabilities

Returns combination of flags from QgsDataProvider.DataCapabilities

Return type:


createDataItem(self, path: str | None, parentItem: QgsDataItem | None) QgsDataItem | None

Create a new instance of QgsDataItem (or None) for given path and parent item. Caller takes responsibility of deleting created items.

  • path (Optional[str])

  • parentItem (Optional[QgsDataItem])

Return type:


createDataItems(self, path: str | None, parentItem: QgsDataItem | None) List[QgsDataItem]

Create a vector of instances of QgsDataItem (or None) for given path and parent item. Caller takes responsibility of deleting created items.

  • path (Optional[str])

  • parentItem (Optional[QgsDataItem])

Return type:


dataProviderKey(self) str

Returns the data provider key (if the data item provider is associated with a data provider), the default implementation returns an empty string.

Added in version 3.14.

Return type:


handlesDirectoryPath(self, path: str | None) bool

Returns True if the provider will handle the directory at the specified path.

If the provider indicates that it will handle the directory, the default creation and population of directory items for the path will be avoided and it is left to the provider to correctly populate relevant entries for the path.

The default implementation returns False for all paths.


path (Optional[str])

Return type:


name(self) str

Human-readable name of the provider name

Return type:
