Class: QgsMeshDatasetSourceInterface

class qgis.core.QgsMeshDatasetSourceInterface

Bases: sip.wrapper

Interface for mesh datasets and dataset groups

Dataset is a collection of vector or scalar values on vertices or faces of the mesh. Based on the underlying data provider/format, whole dataset is either stored in memory or read on demand

Datasets are grouped in the dataset groups. A dataset group represents a measured quantity (e.g. depth or wind speed), dataset represents values of the quantity in a particular time.


The API is considered EXPERIMENTAL and can be changed without a notice

Added in version 3.2:



Associate dataset with the mesh


Returns whether the faces are active for particular dataset


Returns N vector/scalar values from the face index from the dataset for 3d stacked meshes


Returns number of datasets loaded in the group


Returns number of datasets groups loaded


Returns dataset group metadata


Returns the dataset index of the dataset in a specific dataset group at time from the reference time


Returns a list of dataset indexes of the dataset in a specific dataset group that are between time1 and time2 from the reference time


Returns dataset metadata


Returns vector/scalar value associated with the index from the dataset To read multiple continuous values, use datasetValues()


Returns N vector/scalar values from the index from the dataset


Returns list of additional dataset file URIs added using addDataset() calls.


Returns whether the face is active for particular dataset


Creates a new dataset group from a data and persists it into a destination path

addDataset(self, uri: str | None) bool

Associate dataset with the mesh

emits dataChanged when successful


uri (Optional[str])

Return type:


areFacesActive(self, index: QgsMeshDatasetIndex, faceIndex: int, count: int) QgsMeshDataBlock

Returns whether the faces are active for particular dataset

Added in version 3.6.

Return type:


dataset3dValues(self, index: QgsMeshDatasetIndex, faceIndex: int, count: int) QgsMesh3DDataBlock

Returns N vector/scalar values from the face index from the dataset for 3d stacked meshes

See QgsMeshDatasetMetadata.isVector() to check if the returned value is vector or scalar

returns invalid block for DataOnFaces and DataOnVertices.

See also


Added in version 3.12.

Return type:


datasetCount(self, groupIndex: int) int

Returns number of datasets loaded in the group

datasetCount(self, index: QgsMeshDatasetIndex) -> int Returns number of datasets loaded in the group


groupIndex (int)

Return type:


datasetGroupCount(self) int

Returns number of datasets groups loaded

Return type:


datasetGroupMetadata(self, groupIndex: int) QgsMeshDatasetGroupMetadata

Returns dataset group metadata

datasetGroupMetadata(self, index: QgsMeshDatasetIndex) -> QgsMeshDatasetGroupMetadata Returns dataset group metadata


groupIndex (int)

Return type:


datasetIndexAtTime(self, referenceTime: QDateTime | datetime.datetime, groupIndex: int, time: int, method: QgsMeshDataProviderTemporalCapabilities.MatchingTemporalDatasetMethod) QgsMeshDatasetIndex

Returns the dataset index of the dataset in a specific dataset group at time from the reference time

Return type:



the dataset index

datasetIndexInTimeInterval(self, referenceTime: QDateTime | datetime.datetime, groupIndex: int, time1: int, time2: int) List[QgsMeshDatasetIndex]

Returns a list of dataset indexes of the dataset in a specific dataset group that are between time1 and time2 from the reference time

  • referenceTime (Union[QDateTime) – the reference time from where to find the dataset

  • groupIndex (int) – the index of the dataset group

  • time1 (int) – the first relative time of the time intervale from reference time

  • time2 (int) – the second relative time of the time intervale from reference time

Return type:



the dataset index

Added in version 3.22.

datasetMetadata(self, index: QgsMeshDatasetIndex) QgsMeshDatasetMetadata

Returns dataset metadata


index (QgsMeshDatasetIndex)

Return type:


datasetValue(self, index: QgsMeshDatasetIndex, valueIndex: int) QgsMeshDatasetValue

Returns vector/scalar value associated with the index from the dataset To read multiple continuous values, use datasetValues()

See QgsMeshDatasetMetadata.isVector() or QgsMeshDataBlock.type() to check if the returned value is vector or scalar

Returns invalid value for DataOnVolumes

See also


Return type:


datasetValues(self, index: QgsMeshDatasetIndex, valueIndex: int, count: int) QgsMeshDataBlock

Returns N vector/scalar values from the index from the dataset

See QgsMeshDatasetMetadata.isVector() or QgsMeshDataBlock.type() to check if the returned value is vector or scalar

Returns invalid block for DataOnVolumes. Use QgsMeshLayerUtils.datasetValues() if you need block for any type of data type

Added in version 3.6.

Return type:


extraDatasets(self) List[str]

Returns list of additional dataset file URIs added using addDataset() calls.

Return type:


isFaceActive(self, index: QgsMeshDatasetIndex, faceIndex: int) bool

Returns whether the face is active for particular dataset

For example to represent the situation when F1 and F3 are flooded, but F2 is dry, some solvers store water depth on vertices V1-V8 (all non-zero values) and set active flag for F2 to False. V1 —- V2 —- V5—–V7 | F1 | F2 | F3 | V3 —- V4 —- V6—–V8

Return type:


persistDatasetGroup(self, path: str | None, meta: QgsMeshDatasetGroupMetadata, datasetValues: Iterable[QgsMeshDataBlock], datasetActive: Iterable[QgsMeshDataBlock], times: Iterable[float]) bool

Creates a new dataset group from a data and persists it into a destination path

On success, the mesh’s dataset group count is changed

  • path (Optional[str]) – destination path of the stored file in form DRIVER_NAME:path

  • meta (QgsMeshDatasetGroupMetadata) – new group’s metadata

  • datasetValues (Iterable[QgsMeshDataBlock]) – scalar/vector values for all datasets and all faces/vertices in the group

  • datasetActive (Iterable[QgsMeshDataBlock]) – active flag values for all datasets in the group. Empty array represents can be used when all faces are active

  • times (Iterable[float]) – times in hours for all datasets in the group


True on failure, False on success


Doesn’t work if there is “:” in the path (e.g. Windows system)

Added in version 3.6.

Deprecated since version QGIS: 3.12.3

persistDatasetGroup(self, outputFilePath: Optional[str], outputDriver: Optional[str], meta: QgsMeshDatasetGroupMetadata, datasetValues: Iterable[QgsMeshDataBlock], datasetActive: Iterable[QgsMeshDataBlock], times: Iterable[float]) -> bool Creates a new dataset group from a data and persists it into a destination path

On success, the mesh’s dataset group count is changed

  • outputFilePath – destination path of the stored file

  • outputDriver – output driver name

  • meta – new group’s metadata

  • datasetValues – scalar/vector values for all datasets and all faces/vertices in the group

  • datasetActive – active flag values for all datasets in the group. Empty array represents can be used when all faces are active

  • times – times in hours for all datasets in the group


True on failure, False on success

Added in version 3.12.3.

persistDatasetGroup(self, outputFilePath: Optional[str], outputDriver: Optional[str], source: Optional[QgsMeshDatasetSourceInterface], datasetGroupIndex: int) -> bool Saves a an existing dataset group provided by source to a file with a specified driver

On success, the mesh’s dataset group count is changed

  • outputFilePath – destination path of the stored file

  • outputDriver – output driver name

  • source – source of the dataset group

  • datasetGroupIndex – index of the dataset group in the source

Return type:



True on failure, False on success

Added in version 3.16.