Class: QgsLineSymbol

class qgis.core.QgsLineSymbol

Bases: QgsSymbol

A line symbol type, for rendering LineString and MultiLineString geometries.

QgsLineSymbol(layers: Iterable[QgsSymbolLayer] = []) Constructor for QgsLineSymbol, with the specified list of initial symbol layers.

Ownership of the layers are transferred to the symbol.






Retrieve a cloned list of all layers that make up this symbol.


Create a line symbol with one symbol layer: SimpleLine with specified properties.


Returns data defined width for whole symbol (including all symbol layers).


Renders the symbol along the line joining points, using the given render context.


Renders a context using a particular symbol layer without passing in a geometry.


Render editing vertex marker at specified point


Set data defined width for whole symbol (including all symbol layers).


Sets the width for the whole line symbol.


Sets the width units for the whole symbol (including all symbol layers).


Returns the estimated width for the whole symbol, which is the maximum width of all marker symbol layers in the symbol.

clone(self) QgsLineSymbol | None
Return type:


cloneLayers(self) List[QgsSymbolLayer]

Retrieve a cloned list of all layers that make up this symbol. Ownership is transferred to the caller.

createSimple(properties: Dict[str, Any]) QgsLineSymbol | None

Create a line symbol with one symbol layer: SimpleLine with specified properties. This is a convenience method for easier creation of line symbols.


properties (Dict[str)

Return type:


dataDefinedWidth(self) QgsProperty

Returns data defined width for whole symbol (including all symbol layers).

Return type:



data defined width, or invalid property if size is not set at the line level. Caller takes responsibility for deleting the returned object.

renderPolyline(self, points: QPolygonF, f: QgsFeature | None, context: QgsRenderContext, layer: int = -1, selected: bool = False)

Renders the symbol along the line joining points, using the given render context.

The f argument is used to pass the feature currently being rendered (when available).

If only a single symbol layer from the symbol should be rendered, it should be specified in the layer argument. A layer of -1 indicates that all symbol layers should be rendered.

If selected is True then the symbol will be drawn using the “selected feature” style and colors instead of the symbol’s normal style.

renderUsingLayer(self, layer: QgsSymbolLayer | None, context: QgsSymbolRenderContext, geometryType: Qgis.GeometryType = Qgis.GeometryType.Unknown, points: QPolygonF | None = None, rings: Iterable[QPolygonF] | None = [])

Renders a context using a particular symbol layer without passing in a geometry. This is used as fallback, if the symbol being rendered is not compatible with the specified layer. In such a case, this method can be called and will call the layer’s rendering method anyway but the geometry passed to the layer will be empty. This is required for layers that generate their own geometry from other information in the rendering context.

Since QGIS 3.22, the optional geometryType, points and rings arguments can specify the original geometry type, points and rings in which are being rendered by the parent symbol.

renderVertexMarker(self, pt: QPointF | QPoint, context: QgsRenderContext, currentVertexMarkerType: Qgis.VertexMarkerType, currentVertexMarkerSize: float)

Render editing vertex marker at specified point

setDataDefinedWidth(self, property: QgsProperty)

Set data defined width for whole symbol (including all symbol layers).


property (QgsProperty)

setWidth(self, width: float)

Sets the width for the whole line symbol. Individual symbol layer sizes will be scaled to maintain their current relative size to the whole symbol size.

See also



width (float)

setWidthUnit(self, unit: Qgis.RenderUnit)

Sets the width units for the whole symbol (including all symbol layers).


unit (Qgis.RenderUnit) – size units

Added in version 3.16.

width(self) float

Returns the estimated width for the whole symbol, which is the maximum width of all marker symbol layers in the symbol.


This returned value is inaccurate if the symbol consists of multiple symbol layers with different width units. Use the overload accepting a QgsRenderContext argument instead for accurate sizes in this case.

See also


width(self, context: QgsRenderContext) -> float Returns the symbol width, in painter units. This is the maximum width of all marker symbol layers in the symbol.

This method returns an accurate width by calculating the actual rendered width of each symbol layer using the provided render context.

See also


Added in version 3.4.5.

Return type:
