Class: QgsPlotCanvasItem

class qgis.gui.QgsPlotCanvasItem

Bases: PyQt5.QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem

An abstract class for items that can be placed on a QgsPlotCanvas.

Added in version 3.26.

QgsPlotCanvasItem(canvas: Optional[QgsPlotCanvas]) Constructor for QgsPlotCanvasItem for the specified canvas.

contextMenuEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent | None)
dragEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent | None)
dragLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent | None)
dragMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent | None)
dropEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent | None)
focusInEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent | None)
focusOutEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent | None)
hoverEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent | None)
hoverLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent | None)
hoverMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent | None)
inputMethodEvent(self, event: QInputMethodEvent | None)
inputMethodQuery(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
itemChange(self, change: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemChange, value: Any) Any
keyPressEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent | None)
keyReleaseEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent | None)
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent | None)
mouseMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent | None)
mousePressEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent | None)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent | None)
paint(self, painter: QPainter | None)

Paints the item. Must be implemented by derived classes.

paint(self, painter: Optional[QPainter], option: Optional[QStyleOptionGraphicsItem], widget: Optional[QWidget] = None)


painter (Optional[QPainter])

sceneEvent(self, event: QEvent | None) bool
sceneEventFilter(self, watched: QGraphicsItem | None, event: QEvent | None) bool
wheelEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent | None)