Class: QgsPathResolver

class qgis.core.QgsPathResolver

Bases: sip.wrapper

Resolves relative paths into absolute paths and vice versa. Used for writing

QgsPathResolver(baseFileName: Optional[str] = ‘’, attachmentDir: Optional[str] = ‘’) Initialize path resolver with a base filename. Null filename means no conversion between relative/absolute path

QgsPathResolver(a0: QgsPathResolver)



Turn filename read from the project file to an absolute path


Removes the custom pre-processor function with matching id.


Removes the custom writer function with matching id.


Sets a path pre-processor function, which allows for manipulation of paths and data sources prior to resolving them to file references or layer sources.


Sets a path writer function, which allows for manipulation of paths and data sources prior to writing them to the project file.


Prepare a filename to save it to the project file.

readPath(self, filename: str | None) str

Turn filename read from the project file to an absolute path


filename (Optional[str])

Return type:


removePathPreprocessor(id: str | None)

Removes the custom pre-processor function with matching id.

The id must correspond to a pre-processor previously added via a call to setPathPreprocessor().


KeyError – if no processor with the specified id exists.

Added in version 3.10.


id (Optional[str])

removePathWriter(id: str | None)

Removes the custom writer function with matching id.

The id must correspond to a writer previously added via a call to setPathWriter(). An KeyError will be raised if no processor with the specified id exists.

See also


Added in version 3.22.


id (Optional[str])

setPathPreprocessor(a0: Callable[..., None] | None) str

Sets a path pre-processor function, which allows for manipulation of paths and data sources prior to resolving them to file references or layer sources.

The processor function must accept a single string argument (representing the original file path or data source), and return a processed version of this path.

The path pre-processor function is called before any bad layer handler.

If multiple preprocessors are set, they will be called in sequence based on the order in which they were originally set.

Example - replace an outdated folder path with a new one:

def my_processor(path):
   return path.replace('c:/Users/ClintBarton/Documents/Projects', 'x:/Projects/')


Example - replace a stored database host with a new one:

def my_processor(path):
   return path.replace('host=', 'host=')


Example - replace stored database credentials with new ones:

def my_processor(path):
   path = path.replace("user='gis_team'", "user='team_awesome'")
   path = path.replace("password='cats'", "password='g7as!m*'")
   return path


Added in version 3.10.


a0 (Optional[Callable[...)

Return type:


setPathWriter(a0: Callable[..., None] | None) str

Sets a path writer function, which allows for manipulation of paths and data sources prior to writing them to the project file.

The writer function must accept a single string argument (representing the original file path or data source), and return a processed version of this path.

The path writer function is called before any bad layer handler.

If multiple writers are set, they will be called in sequence based on the order in which they were originally set.

Example - replace path with a variable:

def my_processor(path):
   return path.replace('c:/Users/ClintBarton/Documents/Projects', '$projectdir$')


Added in version 3.22.


a0 (Optional[Callable[...)

Return type:


writePath(self, filename: str | None) str

Prepare a filename to save it to the project file. Creates an absolute or relative path according to the project settings. Paths written to the project file should be prepared with this method.


filename (Optional[str])

Return type:
