Class: QgsPlotMouseEvent

class qgis.gui.QgsPlotMouseEvent

Bases: PyQt5.QtGui.QMouseEvent

A QgsPlotMouseEvent is the result of a user interaction with the mouse on a QgsPlotCanvas.

The event is sent whenever the user moves, clicks, releases or double clicks the mouse.

In addition to the coordinates in pixel space the event may have knowledge about geographic coordinates corresponding to the event.

Added in version 3.26.

QgsPlotMouseEvent(canvas: Optional[QgsPlotCanvas], event: Optional[QMouseEvent]) Creates a new QgsPlotMouseEvent.

  • canvas – The map canvas on which the event occurred

  • event – The original mouse event

QgsPlotMouseEvent(canvas: Optional[QgsPlotCanvas], type: QEvent.Type, pos: QPoint, button: Qt.MouseButton = Qt.NoButton, buttons: Union[Qt.MouseButtons, Qt.MouseButton] = Qt.NoButton, modifiers: Union[Qt.KeyboardModifiers, Qt.KeyboardModifier] = Qt.NoModifier) Creates a new QgsPlotMouseEvent.

  • canvas – The canvas on which the event occurred

  • type – The type of the event

  • pos – The pixel position of the mouse

  • button – The pressed button

  • buttons – Further buttons that are pressed

  • modifiers – Keyboard modifiers

QgsPlotMouseEvent(a0: QgsPlotMouseEvent)



Returns True if the point can be snapped to the plot.


Returns the point in map coordinates corresponding to the event.


Returns the point snapped to the plot, if possible.

isSnapped(self) bool

Returns True if the point can be snapped to the plot.

Return type:


mapPoint(self) QgsPoint

Returns the point in map coordinates corresponding to the event.

May return an empty point if the event cannot be converted to a map point.

Return type:


snappedPoint(self) QgsPointXY

Returns the point snapped to the plot, if possible.

Returns the original canvas point if snapping was not possible.

Return type:
