Class: QgsHelp

class qgis.gui.QgsHelp

Bases: sip.wrapper

Helper class for showing help topic URI for the given key.

Help can be stored online, on the local directory or on the intranet server. Location of the QGIS help can be configured in QGIS options. Multiple locations are supported, they will be used in order of preference, from top to bottom.

URI construction takes in account following information:

  • QGIS version

  • language of the QGIS UI

If no help found, default error page with information how to setup help system will be shown.

Added in version 3.0:



Returns URI of the help topic for the given key.


Opens help topic for the given help key using default system web browser.

helpUrl(key: str | None) QUrl

Returns URI of the help topic for the given key. If help topic not found, URI of the builtin error page returned.


key (Optional[str]) – key which identified help topic

Added in version 3.0.

Return type:


openHelp(key: str | None)

Opens help topic for the given help key using default system web browser. If help topic not found, builtin error page shown.


key (Optional[str]) – key which identified help topic

Added in version 3.0.