Class: QgsMeshSpatialIndex

class qgis.core.QgsMeshSpatialIndex

Bases: sip.wrapper

A spatial index for QgsMeshFace or QgsMeshEdge objects.

QgsMeshSpatialIndex objects are implicitly shared and can be inexpensively copied.


While the underlying libspatialindex is not thread safe on some platforms, the QgsMeshSpatialIndex class implements its own locks and accordingly, a single QgsMeshSpatialIndex object can safely be used across multiple threads

See also


Added in version 3.6.

QgsMeshSpatialIndex() Constructor for QgsSpatialIndex. Creates an empty R-tree index.

QgsMeshSpatialIndex(mesh: QgsMesh, feedback: Optional[QgsFeedback] = None, elementType: QgsMesh.ElementType = QgsMesh.ElementType.Face) Constructor - creates R-tree and bulk loads faces or edges from the specified mesh

Not implemented to construct R-tree for vertices Since QGIS 3.14 possibility to create R-tree for edges

The optional feedback object can be used to allow cancellation of bulk face loading. Ownership of feedback is not transferred, and callers must take care that the lifetime of feedback exceeds that of the spatial index construction.

QgsMeshSpatialIndex(other: QgsMeshSpatialIndex) Copy constructor



Adds a face with faceIndex from the mesh in the spatial index


Returns the type of mesh elements that are indexed


Returns a list of face ids with a bounding box which intersects the specified rectangle.


Returns nearest neighbors to a point.


Removes a face with faceIndex from the mesh in the spatial index

addFace(self, faceIndex: int, mesh: QgsMesh)

Adds a face with faceIndex from the mesh in the spatial index

elementType(self) QgsMesh.ElementType

Returns the type of mesh elements that are indexed

Added in version 3.14.

Return type:


intersects(self, rectangle: QgsRectangle) List[int]

Returns a list of face ids with a bounding box which intersects the specified rectangle.


The intersection test is performed based on the face bounding boxes only, so it is necessary to manually test the returned faces for exact geometry intersection when required.


rectangle (QgsRectangle)

Return type:


nearestNeighbor(self, point: QgsPointXY, neighbors: int) List[int]

Returns nearest neighbors to a point. The number of neighbours returned is specified by the neighbours argument.


The nearest neighbour test is performed based on the face bounding boxes only, so this method is not guaranteed to return the actual closest neighbours.

Return type:


removeFace(self, faceIndex: int, mesh: QgsMesh)

Removes a face with faceIndex from the mesh in the spatial index
