Class: QgsProcessingLayerPostProcessorInterface

class qgis.core.QgsProcessingLayerPostProcessorInterface

Bases: sip.wrapper

An interface for layer post-processing handlers for execution following a processing algorithm operation.

Note that post-processing of a layer will ONLY occur if that layer is set to be loaded into a QGIS project on algorithm completion. See QgsProcessingContext.layersToLoadOnCompletion().

Algorithms that wish to set post-processing steps for generated layers should implement this interface in a separate class (NOT the algorithm class itself!).

Added in version 3.2:



Post-processes the specified layer, following successful execution of a processing algorithm.

postProcessLayer(self, layer: QgsMapLayer | None, context: QgsProcessingContext, feedback: QgsProcessingFeedback | None)

Post-processes the specified layer, following successful execution of a processing algorithm. This method always runs in the main thread and can be used to setup renderers, editor widgets, metadata, etc for the given layer.

Post-processing classes can utilize settings from the algorithm’s context and report logging messages or errors via the given feedback object.

In the case of an algorithm run as part of a larger model, the post-processing occurs following the completed execution of the entire model.

Note that post-processing of a layer will ONLY occur if that layer is set to be loaded into a QGIS project on algorithm completion. See QgsProcessingContext.layersToLoadOnCompletion().
