Class: QgsTessellator

class qgis.core.QgsTessellator

Bases: sip.wrapper

Class that takes care of tessellation of polygons into triangles.

It is expected that client code will create the tessellator object, then repeatedly call addPolygon() method that will generate triangles, and finally call data() to get final vertex data.

Optionally provides extrusion by adding triangles that serve as walls when extrusion height is non-zero.

Added in version 3.4.

QgsTessellator(originX: float, originY: float, addNormals: bool, invertNormals: bool = False, addBackFaces: bool = False, noZ: bool = False, addTextureCoords: bool = False, facade: int = 3, textureRotation: float = 0) Creates tessellator with a specified origin point of the world (in map coordinates)

QgsTessellator(bounds: QgsRectangle, addNormals: bool, invertNormals: bool = False, addBackFaces: bool = False, noZ: bool = False, addTextureCoords: bool = False, facade: int = 3, textureRotation: float = 0) Creates tessellator with a specified bounds of input geometry coordinates. This constructor allows the tessellator to map input coordinates to a desirable range for numerical stability during calculations.

If noZ is True, then a 2-dimensional tessellation only will be performed and all z coordinates will be ignored.

Added in version 3.10.

QgsTessellator(a0: QgsTessellator)



Tessellates a triangle and adds its vertex entries to the output data array


Returns array of triangle vertex data


Returns the number of vertices stored in the output data array


Returns a descriptive error string if the tessellation failed.


Returns size of one vertex entry in bytes


Returns maximal Z value of the data (in world coordinates)


Returns minimal Z value of the data (in world coordinates)

addPolygon(self, polygon: QgsPolygon, extrusionHeight: float)

Tessellates a triangle and adds its vertex entries to the output data array

data(self) List[float]

Returns array of triangle vertex data

Vertice coordinates are stored as (x, z, -y)

Return type:


dataVerticesCount(self) int

Returns the number of vertices stored in the output data array

Return type:


error(self) str

Returns a descriptive error string if the tessellation failed.

Added in version 3.34.

Return type:


stride(self) int

Returns size of one vertex entry in bytes

Return type:


zMaximum(self) float

Returns maximal Z value of the data (in world coordinates)

Added in version 3.12.

Return type:


zMinimum(self) float

Returns minimal Z value of the data (in world coordinates)

Added in version 3.12.

Return type:
