Class: QgsProcessing

class qgis.core.QgsProcessing

Bases: sip.wrapper

Contains enumerations and other constants for use in processing algorithms and parameters.

class LayerOptionsFlag(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Layer options flags

Added in version 3.32.

  • SkipIndexGeneration: Do not generate index when creating a layer. Makes sense only for point cloud layers

SkipIndexGeneration = 1
class LayerOptionsFlags
class LayerOptionsFlags(f: QgsProcessing.LayerOptionsFlags | QgsProcessing.LayerOptionsFlag)
class LayerOptionsFlags(a0: QgsProcessing.LayerOptionsFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper

class PythonOutputType

Bases: int

PythonQgsProcessingAlgorithmSubclass = 0
class SourceType

Bases: int

TypeAnnotation = 9
TypeFile = 4
TypeMapLayer = -2
TypeMesh = 6
TypePlugin = 7
TypePointCloud = 8
TypeRaster = 3
TypeVector = 5
TypeVectorAnyGeometry = -1
TypeVectorLine = 1
TypeVectorPoint = 0
TypeVectorPolygon = 2
TypeVectorTile = 10
sourceTypeToString(type: QgsProcessing.SourceType) str

Converts a source type to a string representation.

Added in version 3.6.


type (QgsProcessing.SourceType)

Return type:
