Class: QgsScopedRuntimeProfile

class qgis.core.QgsScopedRuntimeProfile

Bases: sip.wrapper

Scoped object for logging of the runtime for a single operation or group of operations.

This class automatically takes care of registering an operation in the QgsApplication.profiler() registry upon construction, and recording of the elapsed runtime upon destruction.

Python scripts should not use QgsScopedRuntimeProfile directly. Instead, use QgsRuntimeProfiler.profile()

with QgsRuntimeProfiler.profile('My operation'):
  # do something

Added in version 3.14.

QgsScopedRuntimeProfile(name: Optional[str], group: Optional[str] = ‘’, id: Optional[str] = ‘’) Constructor for QgsScopedRuntimeProfile.

Automatically registers the operation in the QgsApplication.profiler() instance and starts recording the run time of the operation.

Since QGIS 3.34, the optional id argument can be used to provide a unique ID to disambiguate nodes with the same name.

QgsScopedRuntimeProfile(a0: QgsScopedRuntimeProfile)



Switches the current task managed by the scoped profile to a new task with the given name.

switchTask(self, name: str | None)

Switches the current task managed by the scoped profile to a new task with the given name. The current task will be finalised before switching.

This is useful for reusing an existing scoped runtime profiler with multi-step processes.

Added in version 3.14.


name (Optional[str])