Class: QgsTaskManager

class qgis.core.QgsTaskManager

Bases: PyQt5.QtCore.QObject

Task manager for managing a set of long-running QgsTask tasks. This class can be created directly, or accessed via QgsApplication.taskManager().

Added in version 3.0.

QgsTaskManager(parent: Optional[QObject] = None) Constructor for QgsTaskManager.



parent QObject



Returns a list of the active (queued or running) tasks.


Adds a task to the manager.


Instructs all tasks tracked by the manager to terminate.




Returns the number of tasks tracked by the manager.


Returns the number of active (queued or running) tasks.



Returns True if all dependencies for the specified task are satisfied


Returns a list of layers on which as task is dependent.







Returns the task with matching ID.


Returns the unique task ID corresponding to a task managed by the class.


Returns all tasks tracked by the manager.


Returns a list of tasks which depend on a layer.


Returns the threadpool utilized by the task manager.



Triggers a task, e.g. as a result of a GUI interaction.

class TaskDefinition(task: QgsTask | None, dependentTasks: Iterable[QgsTask] = [])

Bases: sip.wrapper

Constructor for TaskDefinition. Ownership of the task is not transferred to the definition, but will be transferred to a QgsTaskManager.

QgsTaskManager.TaskDefinition(a0: QgsTaskManager.TaskDefinition)

activeTasks(self) List[QgsTask]

Returns a list of the active (queued or running) tasks.

Return type:


addTask(self, task: QgsTask | None, priority: int = 0) int

Adds a task to the manager. Ownership of the task is transferred to the manager, and the task manager will be responsible for starting the task. The priority argument can be used to control the run queue’s order of execution, with larger numbers taking precedence over lower priority numbers.


unique task ID, or 0 if task could not be added

addTask(self, task: QgsTaskManager.TaskDefinition, priority: int = 0) -> int Adds a task to the manager, using a full task definition (including dependency handling). Ownership of the task is transferred to the manager, and the task manager will be responsible for starting the task. The priority argument can be used to control the run queue’s order of execution, with larger numbers taking precedence over lower priority numbers.

Return type:



unique task ID, or 0 if task could not be added

  • task (Optional[QgsTask])

  • priority (int = 0)


pyqtSignal(*types, name: str = …, revision: int = …, arguments: Sequence = …) -> PYQT_SIGNAL

types is normally a sequence of individual types. Each type is either a type object or a string that is the name of a C++ type. Alternatively each type could itself be a sequence of types each describing a different overloaded signal. name is the optional C++ name of the signal. If it is not specified then the name of the class attribute that is bound to the signal is used. revision is the optional revision of the signal that is exported to QML. If it is not specified then 0 is used. arguments is the optional sequence of the names of the signal’s arguments.

  • name (str = ...)

  • revision (int = ...)

  • arguments (Sequence = ...)

Return type:



Instructs all tasks tracked by the manager to terminate. Individual tasks may take some time to cancel, or may totally ignore this instruction. Calling this does not block but will instead signal the tasks to cancel and then return immediately.

childEvent(self, a0: QChildEvent | None)
connectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)
count(self) int

Returns the number of tasks tracked by the manager.

Return type:


countActiveTasks(self, includeHidden: bool = True) int

Returns the number of active (queued or running) tasks.

The includeHidden argument dictates whether hidden tasks should be shown.

See also



includeHidden (bool = True)

Return type:



pyqtSignal(*types, name: str = …, revision: int = …, arguments: Sequence = …) -> PYQT_SIGNAL

types is normally a sequence of individual types. Each type is either a type object or a string that is the name of a C++ type. Alternatively each type could itself be a sequence of types each describing a different overloaded signal. name is the optional C++ name of the signal. If it is not specified then the name of the class attribute that is bound to the signal is used. revision is the optional revision of the signal that is exported to QML. If it is not specified then 0 is used. arguments is the optional sequence of the names of the signal’s arguments.

  • name (str = ...)

  • revision (int = ...)

  • arguments (Sequence = ...)

Return type:


customEvent(self, a0: QEvent | None)
dependenciesSatisfied(self, taskId: int) bool

Returns True if all dependencies for the specified task are satisfied


taskId (int)

Return type:


dependentLayers(self, taskId: int) List[QgsMapLayer]

Returns a list of layers on which as task is dependent. The task will automatically be canceled if any of these layers are about to be removed.


taskId (int) – task ID

Return type:



list of layers

disconnectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)

pyqtSignal(*types, name: str = …, revision: int = …, arguments: Sequence = …) -> PYQT_SIGNAL

types is normally a sequence of individual types. Each type is either a type object or a string that is the name of a C++ type. Alternatively each type could itself be a sequence of types each describing a different overloaded signal. name is the optional C++ name of the signal. If it is not specified then the name of the class attribute that is bound to the signal is used. revision is the optional revision of the signal that is exported to QML. If it is not specified then 0 is used. arguments is the optional sequence of the names of the signal’s arguments.

  • name (str = ...)

  • revision (int = ...)

  • arguments (Sequence = ...)

Return type:


isSignalConnected(self, signal: QMetaMethod) bool

pyqtSignal(*types, name: str = …, revision: int = …, arguments: Sequence = …) -> PYQT_SIGNAL

types is normally a sequence of individual types. Each type is either a type object or a string that is the name of a C++ type. Alternatively each type could itself be a sequence of types each describing a different overloaded signal. name is the optional C++ name of the signal. If it is not specified then the name of the class attribute that is bound to the signal is used. revision is the optional revision of the signal that is exported to QML. If it is not specified then 0 is used. arguments is the optional sequence of the names of the signal’s arguments.

  • name (str = ...)

  • revision (int = ...)

  • arguments (Sequence = ...)

Return type:


receivers(self, signal: PYQT_SIGNAL) int
sender(self) QObject | None
senderSignalIndex(self) int

pyqtSignal(*types, name: str = …, revision: int = …, arguments: Sequence = …) -> PYQT_SIGNAL

types is normally a sequence of individual types. Each type is either a type object or a string that is the name of a C++ type. Alternatively each type could itself be a sequence of types each describing a different overloaded signal. name is the optional C++ name of the signal. If it is not specified then the name of the class attribute that is bound to the signal is used. revision is the optional revision of the signal that is exported to QML. If it is not specified then 0 is used. arguments is the optional sequence of the names of the signal’s arguments.

  • name (str = ...)

  • revision (int = ...)

  • arguments (Sequence = ...)

Return type:


task(self, id: int) QgsTask | None

Returns the task with matching ID.


id (int) – task ID

Return type:



task if found, or None


pyqtSignal(*types, name: str = …, revision: int = …, arguments: Sequence = …) -> PYQT_SIGNAL

types is normally a sequence of individual types. Each type is either a type object or a string that is the name of a C++ type. Alternatively each type could itself be a sequence of types each describing a different overloaded signal. name is the optional C++ name of the signal. If it is not specified then the name of the class attribute that is bound to the signal is used. revision is the optional revision of the signal that is exported to QML. If it is not specified then 0 is used. arguments is the optional sequence of the names of the signal’s arguments.

  • name (str = ...)

  • revision (int = ...)

  • arguments (Sequence = ...)

Return type:



pyqtSignal(*types, name: str = …, revision: int = …, arguments: Sequence = …) -> PYQT_SIGNAL

types is normally a sequence of individual types. Each type is either a type object or a string that is the name of a C++ type. Alternatively each type could itself be a sequence of types each describing a different overloaded signal. name is the optional C++ name of the signal. If it is not specified then the name of the class attribute that is bound to the signal is used. revision is the optional revision of the signal that is exported to QML. If it is not specified then 0 is used. arguments is the optional sequence of the names of the signal’s arguments.

  • name (str = ...)

  • revision (int = ...)

  • arguments (Sequence = ...)

Return type:


taskId(self, task: QgsTask | None) int

Returns the unique task ID corresponding to a task managed by the class.


task (Optional[QgsTask]) – task to find

Return type:



task ID, or -1 if task not found


pyqtSignal(*types, name: str = …, revision: int = …, arguments: Sequence = …) -> PYQT_SIGNAL

types is normally a sequence of individual types. Each type is either a type object or a string that is the name of a C++ type. Alternatively each type could itself be a sequence of types each describing a different overloaded signal. name is the optional C++ name of the signal. If it is not specified then the name of the class attribute that is bound to the signal is used. revision is the optional revision of the signal that is exported to QML. If it is not specified then 0 is used. arguments is the optional sequence of the names of the signal’s arguments.

  • name (str = ...)

  • revision (int = ...)

  • arguments (Sequence = ...)

Return type:


tasks(self) List[QgsTask]

Returns all tasks tracked by the manager.

Return type:


tasksDependentOnLayer(self, layer: QgsMapLayer | None) List[QgsTask]

Returns a list of tasks which depend on a layer.


layer (Optional[QgsMapLayer])

Return type:


threadPool(self) QThreadPool | None

Returns the threadpool utilized by the task manager.

Added in version 3.34.

Return type:


timerEvent(self, a0: QTimerEvent | None)
triggerTask(self, task: QgsTask | None)

Triggers a task, e.g. as a result of a GUI interaction.

See also



task (Optional[QgsTask])