Class: QgsMapHitTest

class qgis.core.QgsMapHitTest

Bases: sip.wrapper

Class that runs a hit test with given map settings. Based on the hit test it returns which symbols will be visible on the map - this is useful for content based legend.

Added in version 2.6.

QgsMapHitTest(settings: QgsMapSettings, polygon: QgsGeometry = QgsGeometry(), layerFilterExpression: Dict[Optional[str], Optional[str]] = {})

  • settings – Map settings used to evaluate symbols

  • polygon – Polygon geometry to refine the hit test

  • layerFilterExpression – Expression string for each layer id to evaluate in order to refine the symbol selection

QgsMapHitTest(settings: QgsMapSettings, layerFilterExpression: Dict[Optional[str], Optional[str]]) Constructor version used with only expressions to filter symbols (no extent or polygon intersection)

QgsMapHitTest(settings: QgsLayerTreeFilterSettings) Constructor based off layer tree filter settings.

Added in version 3.32.

QgsMapHitTest(a0: QgsMapHitTest)



Tests whether a given legend key is visible for a specified layer.


Returns the hit test results, which are a map of layer ID to visible symbol legend keys.


Runs the map hit test


Tests whether a symbol is visible for a specified layer.

legendKeyVisible(self, ruleKey: str | None, layer: QgsVectorLayer | None) bool

Tests whether a given legend key is visible for a specified layer.

  • ruleKey (Optional[str]) – legend rule key

  • layer (Optional[QgsVectorLayer]) – vector layer

See also


Added in version 2.14.

Return type:


results(self) Any

Returns the hit test results, which are a map of layer ID to visible symbol legend keys.

Added in version 3.32.

Return type:



Runs the map hit test

symbolVisible(self, symbol: QgsSymbol | None, layer: QgsVectorLayer | None) bool

Tests whether a symbol is visible for a specified layer.


Added in version 2.12.

Return type:
