Class: QgsLegendPatchShape

class qgis.core.QgsLegendPatchShape

Bases: sip.wrapper

Represents a patch shape for use in map legends.

Added in version 3.14.

QgsLegendPatchShape() Constructor for a null QgsLegendPatchShape.

A null QgsLegendPatchShape indicates that the default legend patch shape should be used instead.

QgsLegendPatchShape(type: Qgis.SymbolType, geometry: QgsGeometry, preserveAspectRatio: bool = True) Constructor for QgsLegendPatchShape.

The type argument specifies the symbol type associated with this patch.

The geometry argument gives the shape of the patch to render. See setGeometry() for further details on the geometry requirements.

If preserveAspectRatio is True, then the patch shape should preserve its aspect ratio when it is resized to fit a desired legend patch size.

QgsLegendPatchShape(a0: QgsLegendPatchShape)



Returns the geometry for the patch shape.


Returns True if the patch shape is a null QgsLegendPatchShape, which indicates that the default legend patch shape should be used instead.


Returns True if the patch shape should preserve its aspect ratio when it is resized to fit a desired legend patch size.


Read settings from a DOM element.


Returns True if the patch shape should by resized to the desired target size when rendering.


Returns the patch shape's geometry, scaled to the given size.


Sets the geometry for the patch shape.


Sets whether the patch shape should preserve its aspect ratio when it is resized to fit a desired legend patch size.


Sets whether the patch shape should by resized to the desired target size when rendering.


Sets the symbol type associated with this patch.


Returns the symbol type associated with this patch.


Converts the patch shape to a set of QPolygonF objects representing how the patch should be drawn for a symbol of the given type at the specified size (as geometry parts and rings).


Write settings into a DOM element.

geometry(self) QgsGeometry

Returns the geometry for the patch shape.

See also


Return type:


isNull(self) bool

Returns True if the patch shape is a null QgsLegendPatchShape, which indicates that the default legend patch shape should be used instead.

Return type:


preserveAspectRatio(self) bool

Returns True if the patch shape should preserve its aspect ratio when it is resized to fit a desired legend patch size.

Return type:


readXml(self, element: QDomElement, context: QgsReadWriteContext)

Read settings from a DOM element.

See also


scaleToOutputSize(self) bool

Returns True if the patch shape should by resized to the desired target size when rendering.

Resizing to the target size is the default behavior.

Added in version 3.22.

Return type:


scaledGeometry(self, size: QSizeF) QgsGeometry

Returns the patch shape’s geometry, scaled to the given size.

Note that if scaleToOutputSize() is False then no scaling will be applied.

Added in version 3.22.


size (QSizeF)

Return type:


setGeometry(self, geometry: QgsGeometry)

Sets the geometry for the patch shape.

The origin and size of the geometry is not important, as the legend renderer will automatically scale and transform the geometry to match the desired overall patch bounds.

Geometries for legend patches are rendered respecting the traditional “y values increase toward the top of the map” convention, as opposed to the standard computer graphics convention of “y values increase toward the bottom of the display”.


The geometry type should match the patch shape’s symbolType(), e.g. a fill symbol type should only have Polygon or MultiPolygon geometries set, while a line symbol type must have LineString or MultiLineString geometries.

See also



geometry (QgsGeometry)

setPreserveAspectRatio(self, preserve: bool)

Sets whether the patch shape should preserve its aspect ratio when it is resized to fit a desired legend patch size.

The default behavior is to respect the geometry()’s aspect ratio.


preserve (bool)

setScaleToOutputSize(self, scale: bool)

Sets whether the patch shape should by resized to the desired target size when rendering.

Resizing to the target size is the default behavior.

Added in version 3.22.


scale (bool)

setSymbolType(self, type: Qgis.SymbolType)

Sets the symbol type associated with this patch.

See also



type (Qgis.SymbolType)

symbolType(self) Qgis.SymbolType

Returns the symbol type associated with this patch.

See also


Return type:


toQPolygonF(self, type: Qgis.SymbolType, size: QSizeF) Any

Converts the patch shape to a set of QPolygonF objects representing how the patch should be drawn for a symbol of the given type at the specified size (as geometry parts and rings).

Return type:


writeXml(self, element: QDomElement, doc: QDomDocument, context: QgsReadWriteContext)

Write settings into a DOM element.

See also

