Class: QgsStoreBadLayerInfo

class qgis.server.QgsStoreBadLayerInfo

Bases: QgsProjectBadLayerHandler

Stores layer ids of bad layers

Added in version 3.6.

QgsStoreBadLayerInfo() Default constructor

QgsStoreBadLayerInfo(a0: QgsStoreBadLayerInfo)



Returns names of bad layers with ids.





Returns the data source for the given layer


Returns data type associated with the given QgsProject file Dom node


type layers:



Returns the physical storage type associated with the given layer


Set the datasource element to the new value

badLayerNames(self) Dict[str, str]

Returns names of bad layers with ids.

Added in version 3.12.

Return type:

Dict[str, str]

badLayers(self) List[str]
badLayers(None) None
Return type:



ids of bad layers

dataSource(self, layerNode: QDomNode) str

Returns the data source for the given layer

The QDomNode is a QgsProject Dom node corresponding to a map layer state.

Essentially dumps datasource tag.

dataType(self, layerNode: QDomNode) QgsProjectBadLayerHandler.DataType

Returns data type associated with the given QgsProject file Dom node

The Dom node should represent the state associated with a specific layer.

handleBadLayers(self, layers: Iterable[QDomNode])
handleBadLayers(None) None

layers (Iterable[QDomNode]) – layer nodes

providerType(self, layerNode: QDomNode) QgsProjectBadLayerHandler.ProviderType

Returns the physical storage type associated with the given layer

The QDomNode is a QgsProject Dom node corresponding to a map layer state.

If the provider tag is “ogr”, then it’s a file type.

However, if the layer is a raster, then there won’t be a provider tag. It will always have an associated file.

If the layer doesn’t fall into either of the previous two categories, then it’s either a database or URL. If the datasource tag has “url=”, then it’s URL based and if it has “dbname=”>, then the layer data is in a database.

setDataSource(self, layerNode: QDomNode, dataSource: str | None)

Set the datasource element to the new value