Class: QgsGradientStopEditor

class qgis.gui.QgsGradientStopEditor

Bases: PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget

An interactive editor for previewing a gradient color ramp and modifying the position of color stops along the gradient.

QgsGradientStopEditor(parent: Optional[QWidget] = None, ramp: Optional[QgsGradientColorRamp] = None) Constructor for QgsGradientStopEditor.

actionEvent(self, a0: QActionEvent | None)
changeEvent(self, a0: QEvent | None)

pyqtSignal(*types, name: str = …, revision: int = …, arguments: Sequence = …) -> PYQT_SIGNAL

types is normally a sequence of individual types. Each type is either a type object or a string that is the name of a C++ type. Alternatively each type could itself be a sequence of types each describing a different overloaded signal. name is the optional C++ name of the signal. If it is not specified then the name of the class attribute that is bound to the signal is used. revision is the optional revision of the signal that is exported to QML. If it is not specified then 0 is used. arguments is the optional sequence of the names of the signal’s arguments.

  • name (str = ...)

  • revision (int = ...)

  • arguments (Sequence = ...)

Return type:


childEvent(self, a0: QChildEvent | None)
closeEvent(self, a0: QCloseEvent | None)
connectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)
contextMenuEvent(self, a0: QContextMenuEvent | None)
create(self, window: PyQt5.sip.voidptr = None, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)
customEvent(self, a0: QEvent | None)

Deletes the current selected stop. This slot has no effect if either the first or last stop is selected, as they cannot be deleted.

destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)
disconnectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)
dragEnterEvent(self, e: QDragEnterEvent | None)

e (Optional[QDragEnterEvent])

dragLeaveEvent(self, a0: QDragLeaveEvent | None)
dragMoveEvent(self, a0: QDragMoveEvent | None)
dropEvent(self, e: QDropEvent | None)

e (Optional[QDropEvent])

enterEvent(self, a0: QEvent | None)
event(self, a0: QEvent | None) bool
focusInEvent(self, a0: QFocusEvent | None)
focusNextChild(self) bool
focusNextPrevChild(self, next: bool) bool
focusOutEvent(self, a0: QFocusEvent | None)
focusPreviousChild(self) bool
gradientRamp(self) QgsGradientColorRamp

Returns the current ramp created by the editor.

Return type:


hideEvent(self, a0: QHideEvent | None)
initPainter(self, painter: QPainter | None)
inputMethodEvent(self, a0: QInputMethodEvent | None)
isSignalConnected(self, signal: QMetaMethod) bool
keyPressEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent | None)

event (Optional[QKeyEvent])

keyReleaseEvent(self, a0: QKeyEvent | None)
leaveEvent(self, a0: QEvent | None)
metric(self, a0: QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event: QMouseEvent | None)

event (Optional[QMouseEvent])

mouseMoveEvent(self, event: QMouseEvent | None)

event (Optional[QMouseEvent])

mousePressEvent(self, event: QMouseEvent | None)

event (Optional[QMouseEvent])

mouseReleaseEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent | None)
moveEvent(self, a0: QMoveEvent | None)
nativeEvent(self, eventType: QByteArray | bytes | bytearray, message: PyQt5.sip.voidptr | None)
paintEvent(self, event: QPaintEvent | None)

event (Optional[QPaintEvent])

receivers(self, signal: PYQT_SIGNAL) int
resizeEvent(self, a0: QResizeEvent | None)
selectStop(self, index: int)

Sets the currently selected stop.


index (int) – index of stop, where 0 corresponds to the first stop

See also


selectedStop(self) QgsGradientStop

Returns details about the currently selected stop.

See also


Return type:



pyqtSignal(*types, name: str = …, revision: int = …, arguments: Sequence = …) -> PYQT_SIGNAL

types is normally a sequence of individual types. Each type is either a type object or a string that is the name of a C++ type. Alternatively each type could itself be a sequence of types each describing a different overloaded signal. name is the optional C++ name of the signal. If it is not specified then the name of the class attribute that is bound to the signal is used. revision is the optional revision of the signal that is exported to QML. If it is not specified then 0 is used. arguments is the optional sequence of the names of the signal’s arguments.

  • name (str = ...)

  • revision (int = ...)

  • arguments (Sequence = ...)

Return type:


sender(self) QObject | None
senderSignalIndex(self) int
setColor1(self, color: QColor | Qt.GlobalColor)

Sets the color for the first stop.


color (Union[QColor) – new stop color

See also


setColor2(self, color: QColor | Qt.GlobalColor)

Sets the color for the last stop.


color (Union[QColor) – new stop color

See also


setGradientRamp(self, ramp: QgsGradientColorRamp)

Sets the current ramp shown in the editor.


ramp (QgsGradientColorRamp) – color ramp

See also


setSelectedStopColor(self, color: QColor | Qt.GlobalColor)

Sets the color for the current selected stop.


color (Union[QColor) – new stop color

See also


See also


setSelectedStopColorSpec(self, spec: QColor.Spec)

Sets the color spec for the current selected stop.

Added in version 3.24.


spec (QColor.Spec)

setSelectedStopDetails(self, color: QColor | Qt.GlobalColor, offset: float)

Sets the color and offset for the current selected stop.

  • color (Union[QColor) – new stop color

  • offset (float) – new stop offset

setSelectedStopDirection(self, direction: Qgis.AngularDirection)

Sets the hue angular direction for the current selected stop.

Added in version 3.24.


direction (Qgis.AngularDirection)

setSelectedStopOffset(self, offset: float)

Sets the offset for the current selected stop. This slot has no effect if either the first or last stop is selected, as they cannot be repositioned.


offset (float) – new stop offset

sharedPainter(self) QPainter | None
showEvent(self, a0: QShowEvent | None)
sizeHint(self) QSize
Return type:


tabletEvent(self, a0: QTabletEvent | None)
timerEvent(self, a0: QTimerEvent | None)
wheelEvent(self, a0: QWheelEvent | None)