Class: QgsGeocoderContext

class qgis.core.QgsGeocoderContext

Bases: sip.wrapper

Encapsulates the context of a geocoding operation.

Added in version 3.18.

QgsGeocoderContext(transformContext: QgsCoordinateTransformContext) Constructor for QgsGeocoderContext, with the specified transformContext.

QgsGeocoderContext(a0: QgsGeocoderContext)



Returns the optional area of interest, which can be used to indicate the desired geographic area where geocoding results are desired.


Returns the coordinate reference system for the area of interest, which can be used to indicate the desired geographic area where geocoding results are desired.


Sets the optional area of interest, which can be used to indicate the desired geographic area where geocoding results are desired.


Sets the crs for the area of interest, which can be used to indicate the desired geographic area where geocoding results are desired.


Sets the coordinate transform context, which should be used whenever the geocoder constructs a coordinate transform.


Returns the coordinate transform context, which should be used whenever the geocoder constructs a coordinate transform.

areaOfInterest(self) QgsGeometry

Returns the optional area of interest, which can be used to indicate the desired geographic area where geocoding results are desired.

The area of interest can be a polygon geometry, in which case it represents the extent to use for filtering candidate results, or a point geometry, in which case it represents a “target point” for prioritizing closer results.

The coordinate reference system for the area of interest can be retrieved via areaOfInterestCrs().

Return type:


areaOfInterestCrs(self) QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem

Returns the coordinate reference system for the area of interest, which can be used to indicate the desired geographic area where geocoding results are desired.

See also


Return type:


setAreaOfInterest(self, area: QgsGeometry)

Sets the optional area of interest, which can be used to indicate the desired geographic area where geocoding results are desired.

The area of interest can be a polygon geometry, in which case it represents the extent to use for filtering candidate results, or a point geometry, in which case it represents a “target point” for prioritizing closer results.

The coordinate reference system for the area of interest can be set via setAreaOfInterestCrs().

See also



area (QgsGeometry)

setAreaOfInterestCrs(self, crs: QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem)

Sets the crs for the area of interest, which can be used to indicate the desired geographic area where geocoding results are desired.


crs (QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem)

setTransformContext(self, context: QgsCoordinateTransformContext)

Sets the coordinate transform context, which should be used whenever the geocoder constructs a coordinate transform.


context (QgsCoordinateTransformContext)

transformContext(self) QgsCoordinateTransformContext

Returns the coordinate transform context, which should be used whenever the geocoder constructs a coordinate transform.

Return type:
