Class: QgsProjectGpsSettings

class qgis.core.QgsProjectGpsSettings

Bases: PyQt5.QtCore.QObject

Contains settings and properties relating to how a QgsProject should interact with a GPS device.

Added in version 3.30.

QgsProjectGpsSettings(parent: Optional[QObject] = None) Constructor for QgsProjectGpsSettings with the specified parent object.



Returns True if track vertices should be automatically created whenever new locations are received from the GPS device.


Returns True if features created from GPS locations should be immediately committed to their target layers (skipping the usual layer edit buffer).





Returns True if the destination layer for storing features digitized from GPS should follow the current active layer automatically.


Returns the destination layer to be used for storing features digitized from GPS.


Returns the destination time stamp field name for the current destinationLayer(), or an empty string if time stamps should not be automatically saved.


Returns the map of destination layer ID to target time stamp field name.




Reads the settings's state from a DOM element.



Resets the settings to a default state.


Resolves reference to layers from stored layer ID (if it has not been resolved already)




Sets whether track vertices should be automatically created whenever new locations are received from the GPS device.


Sets whether features created from GPS locations should be immediately committed to their target layers (skipping the usual layer edit buffer).


Sets whether the destination layer for storing features digitized from GPS should follow the current active layer automatically.


Sets the destination layer to be used for storing features digitized from GPS.


Sets the destination field name for automatically storing timestamps in the specified destination layer.



Returns a DOM element representing the settings.

automaticallyAddTrackVertices(self) bool

Returns True if track vertices should be automatically created whenever new locations are received from the GPS device.

Return type:



pyqtSignal(*types, name: str = …, revision: int = …, arguments: Sequence = …) -> PYQT_SIGNAL

types is normally a sequence of individual types. Each type is either a type object or a string that is the name of a C++ type. Alternatively each type could itself be a sequence of types each describing a different overloaded signal. name is the optional C++ name of the signal. If it is not specified then the name of the class attribute that is bound to the signal is used. revision is the optional revision of the signal that is exported to QML. If it is not specified then 0 is used. arguments is the optional sequence of the names of the signal’s arguments.

  • name (str = ...)

  • revision (int = ...)

  • arguments (Sequence = ...)

Return type:


automaticallyCommitFeatures(self) bool

Returns True if features created from GPS locations should be immediately committed to their target layers (skipping the usual layer edit buffer).

Return type:



pyqtSignal(*types, name: str = …, revision: int = …, arguments: Sequence = …) -> PYQT_SIGNAL

types is normally a sequence of individual types. Each type is either a type object or a string that is the name of a C++ type. Alternatively each type could itself be a sequence of types each describing a different overloaded signal. name is the optional C++ name of the signal. If it is not specified then the name of the class attribute that is bound to the signal is used. revision is the optional revision of the signal that is exported to QML. If it is not specified then 0 is used. arguments is the optional sequence of the names of the signal’s arguments.

  • name (str = ...)

  • revision (int = ...)

  • arguments (Sequence = ...)

Return type:


childEvent(self, a0: QChildEvent | None)
connectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)
customEvent(self, a0: QEvent | None)
destinationFollowsActiveLayer(self) bool

Returns True if the destination layer for storing features digitized from GPS should follow the current active layer automatically.

Return type:



pyqtSignal(*types, name: str = …, revision: int = …, arguments: Sequence = …) -> PYQT_SIGNAL

types is normally a sequence of individual types. Each type is either a type object or a string that is the name of a C++ type. Alternatively each type could itself be a sequence of types each describing a different overloaded signal. name is the optional C++ name of the signal. If it is not specified then the name of the class attribute that is bound to the signal is used. revision is the optional revision of the signal that is exported to QML. If it is not specified then 0 is used. arguments is the optional sequence of the names of the signal’s arguments.

  • name (str = ...)

  • revision (int = ...)

  • arguments (Sequence = ...)

Return type:


destinationLayer(self) QgsVectorLayer | None

Returns the destination layer to be used for storing features digitized from GPS.


If destinationFollowsActiveLayer() is True then this layer will be changed whenever the user changes the active layer in the QGIS interface.

Return type:



pyqtSignal(*types, name: str = …, revision: int = …, arguments: Sequence = …) -> PYQT_SIGNAL

types is normally a sequence of individual types. Each type is either a type object or a string that is the name of a C++ type. Alternatively each type could itself be a sequence of types each describing a different overloaded signal. name is the optional C++ name of the signal. If it is not specified then the name of the class attribute that is bound to the signal is used. revision is the optional revision of the signal that is exported to QML. If it is not specified then 0 is used. arguments is the optional sequence of the names of the signal’s arguments.

  • name (str = ...)

  • revision (int = ...)

  • arguments (Sequence = ...)

Return type:


destinationTimeStampField(self) str

Returns the destination time stamp field name for the current destinationLayer(), or an empty string if time stamps should not be automatically saved.

Return type:



pyqtSignal(*types, name: str = …, revision: int = …, arguments: Sequence = …) -> PYQT_SIGNAL

types is normally a sequence of individual types. Each type is either a type object or a string that is the name of a C++ type. Alternatively each type could itself be a sequence of types each describing a different overloaded signal. name is the optional C++ name of the signal. If it is not specified then the name of the class attribute that is bound to the signal is used. revision is the optional revision of the signal that is exported to QML. If it is not specified then 0 is used. arguments is the optional sequence of the names of the signal’s arguments.

  • name (str = ...)

  • revision (int = ...)

  • arguments (Sequence = ...)

Return type:


destinationTimeStampFields(self) Dict[str, str]

Returns the map of destination layer ID to target time stamp field name.

Return type:

Dict[str, str]

disconnectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)
isSignalConnected(self, signal: QMetaMethod) bool
readXml(self, element: QDomElement, context: QgsReadWriteContext) bool

Reads the settings’s state from a DOM element.

See also


Return type:


receivers(self, signal: PYQT_SIGNAL) int

Resets the settings to a default state.

resolveReferences(self, project: QgsProject | None)

Resolves reference to layers from stored layer ID (if it has not been resolved already)


project (Optional[QgsProject])

sender(self) QObject | None
senderSignalIndex(self) int
setAutomaticallyAddTrackVertices(self, enabled: bool)

Sets whether track vertices should be automatically created whenever new locations are received from the GPS device.


enabled (bool)

setAutomaticallyCommitFeatures(self, enabled: bool)

Sets whether features created from GPS locations should be immediately committed to their target layers (skipping the usual layer edit buffer).


enabled (bool)

setDestinationFollowsActiveLayer(self, follow: bool)

Sets whether the destination layer for storing features digitized from GPS should follow the current active layer automatically.


follow (bool)

setDestinationLayer(self, layer: QgsVectorLayer | None)

Sets the destination layer to be used for storing features digitized from GPS.


If destinationFollowsActiveLayer() is True then this layer will be changed whenever the user changes the active layer in the QGIS interface.


layer (Optional[QgsVectorLayer])

setDestinationTimeStampField(self, layer: QgsVectorLayer | None, field: str | None)

Sets the destination field name for automatically storing timestamps in the specified destination layer.

Set field argument to an empty string if time stamps should not be automatically saved.

timerEvent(self, a0: QTimerEvent | None)
writeXml(self, doc: QDomDocument, context: QgsReadWriteContext) QDomElement

Returns a DOM element representing the settings.

See also


Return type:
