Class: QgsStyleEntityVisitorInterface

class qgis.core.QgsStyleEntityVisitorInterface

Bases: sip.wrapper

An interface for classes which can visit style entity (e.g. symbol) nodes (using the visitor pattern).

Added in version 3.10:



Bases: enum.IntEnum



Called when the visitor will visit a style entity.


Called when the visitor starts visiting a node.


Called when the visitor stops visiting a node.

class Node(type: QgsStyleEntityVisitorInterface.NodeType, identifier: str | None, description: str | None)

Bases: sip.wrapper

Constructor for Node, visiting the node with the specified identifier and description.

QgsStyleEntityVisitorInterface.Node(a0: QgsStyleEntityVisitorInterface.Node)

class NodeType(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Describes the types of nodes which may be visited by the visitor.

  • Project: QGIS Project node

  • Layer: Map layer

  • SymbolRule: Rule based symbology or label child rule

  • Layouts: Layout collection

  • PrintLayout: An individual print layout

  • LayoutItem: Individual item in a print layout

  • Report: A QGIS print report

  • ReportHeader: Report header section

  • ReportFooter: Report footer section

  • ReportSection: Report sub section

  • Annotations: Annotations collection

  • Annotation: An individual annotation

Annotation = 11
Annotations = 10
Layer = 1
LayoutItem = 5
Layouts = 3
PrintLayout = 4
Project = 0
Report = 6
ReportFooter = 8
ReportHeader = 7
ReportSection = 9
SymbolRule = 2
class StyleLeaf(entity: QgsStyleEntityInterface | None, identifier: str | None = '', description: str | None = '')

Bases: sip.wrapper

Constructor for StyleLeaf, visiting the given style entity with the specified identifier and description.

Ownership of entity is not transferred.

QgsStyleEntityVisitorInterface.StyleLeaf(a0: QgsStyleEntityVisitorInterface.StyleLeaf)

visit(self, entity: QgsStyleEntityVisitorInterface.StyleLeaf) bool

Called when the visitor will visit a style entity.

Subclasses should return False to abort further visitations, or True to continue visiting after processing this entity.


entity (QgsStyleEntityVisitorInterface.StyleLeaf)

Return type:


visitEnter(self, node: QgsStyleEntityVisitorInterface.Node) bool

Called when the visitor starts visiting a node.

Subclasses should return False if they do NOT want to visit this particular node - e.g. if the node type is QgsStyleEntityVisitorInterface.NodeType.Layouts and they do not wish to visit layout objects. In this case the visitor will not process the node, and will move to the next available node instead. Return True to proceed with visiting the node.

The default implementation returns True.


node (QgsStyleEntityVisitorInterface.Node)

Return type:


visitExit(self, node: QgsStyleEntityVisitorInterface.Node) bool

Called when the visitor stops visiting a node.

Subclasses should return False to abort further visitations, or True to continue visiting other nodes.

The default implementation returns True.


node (QgsStyleEntityVisitorInterface.Node)

Return type:
