Class: QgsLayoutViewMouseEvent

class qgis.gui.QgsLayoutViewMouseEvent

Bases: PyQt5.QtGui.QMouseEvent

A QgsLayoutViewMouseEvent is the result of a user interaction with the mouse on a QgsLayoutView.

It is sent whenever the user moves, clicks, releases or double clicks the mouse. In addition to the coordinates in pixel space it also knows the coordinates the layout space.

QgsLayoutViewMouseEvent(view: Optional[QgsLayoutView], event: Optional[QMouseEvent], snap: bool = False) Constructor for QgsLayoutViewMouseEvent. Should only be required to be called from the QgsLayoutView.

  • view – The view in which the event occurred.

  • event – The original mouse event

  • snap – set to True to snap the point using the layout’s snapping settings

QgsLayoutViewMouseEvent(a0: QgsLayoutViewMouseEvent)



Returns True if point was snapped, e.g. to grid or guide lines.


Returns the event point location in layout coordinates.


Manually triggers a snap for the mouse event position using the layout's snapper.


Returns the snapped event point location in layout coordinates.

isSnapped(self) bool

Returns True if point was snapped, e.g. to grid or guide lines.

See also


Return type:


layoutPoint(self) QPointF

Returns the event point location in layout coordinates.

Return type:


snapPoint(self, horizontalSnapLine: QGraphicsLineItem | None = None, verticalSnapLine: QGraphicsLineItem | None = None, ignoreItems: Iterable[QgsLayoutItem] = [])

Manually triggers a snap for the mouse event position using the layout’s snapper.

If the horizontalSnapLine and verticalSnapLine arguments are specified, then the snapper will automatically display and position these lines to indicate snapping positions to item bounds.

The ignoreItems argument can be used to specify a list of items to avoid snapping to.

  • horizontalSnapLine (Optional[QGraphicsLineItem] = None)

  • verticalSnapLine (Optional[QGraphicsLineItem] = None)

  • ignoreItems (Iterable[QgsLayoutItem] = [])

snappedPoint(self) QPointF

Returns the snapped event point location in layout coordinates. The snapped point will consider all possible snapping methods, such as snapping to grid or guide lines.

See also


Return type:
