Class: QgsGraphAnalyzer

class qgis.analysis.QgsGraphAnalyzer

Bases: sip.wrapper

This class performs graph analysis, e.g. calculates shortest path between two points using different strategies with Dijkstra algorithm



Solve shortest path problem using Dijkstra algorithm


Returns shortest path tree with root-node in startVertexIdx

dijkstra(source: QgsGraph | None, startVertexIdx: int, criterionNum: int, resultTree: Iterable[int] | None = [], resultCost: Iterable[float] | None = []) List

Solve shortest path problem using Dijkstra algorithm

  • source (Optional[QgsGraph]) – source graph

  • startVertexIdx (int) – index of the start vertex

  • criterionNum (int) – index of the optimization strategy

  • resultTree (Optional[Iterable[int]] = []) – array that represents shortest path tree. resultTree[ vertexIndex ] == inboundingArcIndex if vertex reachable, otherwise resultTree[ vertexIndex ] == -1. Note that the startVertexIdx will also have a value of -1 and may need special handling by callers.

  • resultCost (Optional[Iterable[float]] = []) – array of the paths costs

Return type:


shortestTree(source: QgsGraph | None, startVertexIdx: int, criterionNum: int) QgsGraph | None

Returns shortest path tree with root-node in startVertexIdx

  • source (Optional[QgsGraph]) – source graph

  • startVertexIdx (int) – index of the start vertex

  • criterionNum (int) – index of the optimization strategy

Return type:
