QGIS 3.10 pakeitimai


Laidos data: 2019-10-25

QGIS 3.10 suteikia didžiulį skaičių naujų pakeitimų ir daug esamų savybių patobulinimų - apie svarbiausius iš kurių parašysime čia. Kaip visada, mes primename, kad QGIS yra atviro kodo projektas, jei galite, apsvarstykite galimybę mus paremti per įnašus, rėmimą ar pagalbą dokumentuojant kodą, svetainę ir pan.


Mes norėtume padėkoti vystytojams, dokumentacijos rašytojams, testuotojams ir visiems kitiems, kurie savanoriškai skyrė laiką ir pastangas (arba skyrė lėšų, kad tai būtų padaryta). QGIS bendruomenė tikisi, kad jums patiks ši laida! Jei norite skirti laiko, pinigų ar kitaip prisidėti prie to, kad QGIS būtų dar puikesnis, prašome užsukti į qgis.org ir padėti!

QGIS palaiko rėmėjai ir palaikantys nariai. Dabartinių rėmėjų, daugiau ar mažiau prisidėjusių finansiškai prie projekto, sąrašą rasite rėmėjų sąraše. Jei norėtumėte tapti oficialiu palaikymo nariu, prašome apsilankyti mūsų rėmėjų puslapyje, kur rasite daugiau informacijos. QGIS palaikymas leidžia mums finansuoti kas du metus vykstančius vystytojų susitikimus, palaikyti projekto infrastruktūrą ir finansuoti klaidų taisymo pastangas. Pilną palaikymo narių sąrašą rasite žemiau - mūsų pačios didžiausios padėkos visiems mūsų rėmėjams!

QGIS yra atvira programinė įranga ir jums jokiu būdu neprivalu mokėti norint ją naudoti. Priešingai, mes norime skatinti kiek galima daugiau žmonių naudoti ją nepriklausomai nuo jūsų finansinio ar visuomeninio statuso - mes tikime, kad duodant žmonėms įrankius, teikiančius galimybę daryti erdvinius sprendimus, galima sukurti geresnę visos žmonijos visuomenę.


Savybė: identifikavimo įrankių rezultatai rodo 3D linijų ilgius

Naudojant geoobjektų identifikavimo įrankį su 3D liniją dabar rezultatuose parodys ir linijos 3d dekarto ilgį (kartu su esamu 2D dekarto ir 2D elipsoido ilgiais).


Šią savybę finansavo North Road

Šią savybę sukūrė Nyall Dawson (North Road)


Savybė: numatytasis perdėstymo nustatymas naujai pridėtiems rastro sluoksniams

QGIS 3.10 pridėtas naujas nustatymas numatytajam perdėstymo režimui, kuris turi būti naudojamas, kai pridedamas naujas rastro duomenų rinkinys. (Šį nustatymą galima rasti parinkčių dialogo braižymo skydelyje).


Šią savybę sukūrė Mathieu Pellerin

Savybė: pagerintas simbolių kopijavimas/įkėlimas

Mes aistringai siekiama padaryti QGIS naudotojams draugišku kartografijos įrankiu, kurį naudoti ir su kuriuo dirbti yra malonu, todėl mes visoje sąsajoje pridėjome keletą naujų klavišų kombinacijų, kurios leidžia kopijuoti ir įkelti simbolius iš vienos QGIS vietos į kitą. Pavyzdžiui jūs galite kopijuoti simbolį iš kategorijos ir įkelti jį tiesiai į kitą kategoriją arba išdėstymo formos elementą, arba stilių tvarkyklės dialogo viduje!


Šią savybę finansavo SMEC/SJ

Šią savybę sukūrė Nyall Dawson (North Road)

Savybė: žymeklių ir punktyrinių linijų simbolių sluoksnių pozicijos režimas „segmento centras“

Mes pridėjome visiškai naują režimą „Segmento centras“, skirtą žymeklių ar punktyrų linijų simbolių vietoms. Tai leidžia padėti žymeklius ar punktyrų linijas virš individualių linijų segmentų centro taškų, taip sukuriant kartografinius efektus, kurie anksčiau nebuvo galimi (ir pagerinant kokybę sluoksnių, kurie buvo konvertuoti iš ArcMap naudojant įrankį SLYR).


Šią savybę finansavo North Road

Šią savybę sukūrė Nyall Dawson (North Road)

Savybė: lankstesnės nuo duomenų priklausančių poslinkių išraiškos

Ankstesnėse QGIS versijose, nuo duomenų priklausantiems simboliams ir užrašų poslinkiams buvo galima naudoti tik reikšmes su formatu „x,y“. Mes įsiklausėme į naudotojų atsiliepimus, kad tai neaišku, ir QGIS 3.10 dabar leidžia pateikti skaičių masyvus kaip tinkamą poslinkio rezultatą. Pvz. „array(3,5)“.


Šią savybę finansavo North Road

Šią savybę sukūrė Nyall Dawson (North Road)


Savybė: kurti ir tvarkyti teksto formatus ir užrašų nustatymus QGIS stiliuose

QGIS 3.10 mes pagaliau pridėjome ilgai lauktą savybę, leidžiančią naudotojams tvarkyti savo teksto formatų ir užrašų nustatymų bibliotekas kartu su jau esamomis simbolių bibliotekomis!

Dabar Stilių valdymo dialogą galima naudoti norint tvarkyti teksto formatus (kuriuose laikomas šriftas, spalva, buferiai, šešėliai ir fonai) ir sluoksnio lygio užrašų nustatymus. („Teksto formate“ yra tik šrifto nustatymai ir kiti su išvaizda susiję nustatymai, o „užrašų nustatymuose“ taipogi yra sluoksnio tipo specifiniai nustatymai, tokie kaip užrašų pozicija, prioritetas ir braižymo nustatymai).

Teksto formatai ir užrašų nustatymai suteikia tokį patį funkcionalumą, prie kurio jūs pripratę tvarkant simbolius ir spalvų rampas, įskaitant importą ir eksportą į XML failus, žymas, išmanias grupes, mėgstamus ir pan…


Šią savybę finansavo North Road

Šią savybę sukūrė North Road

Savybė: žymeklių simboliai kaip užrašų fonai

Kartu su kitais įspūdingais užrašų pagerinimais, atsiradusiais 3.10, mes dabar leidžiame naudoti žymeklių simbolius kaip užrašų fonus. Tai leidžia jums naudoti visą turtingą žymeklių simbolių funkcionalumą kaip užrašų foną, tai papildo esamus formų ir SVG fonų pasirinkimus!


Šią savybę finansavo North Road

Šią savybę sukūrė North Road

Savybė: užrašų išnešimai!

Dažna praktika dedant užrašus stipriai užpildytame žemėlapyje yra naudoti „išnešimus“ - užrašus, kurie yra padėti toliau (ar patraukti) nuo jų susijusių geoobjektų su linija, kuri jungia užrašą ir geoobjektą. QGIS 3.10 mes pridėjom savą palaikymą greitai sukurti gražiai atrodančius užrašų išnešimus (daugiau nebereikia žaisti su išraiškomis ar braižyti rankomis!).

Mes pridėjome daug nustatymų, leidžiančių valdyti, kaip braižomi šie išnešimai, ir, natūraliai, jūs galite pilnai valdyti QGIS linijų simboliką jūsų išnešimuose! Tai įskaito visus esamus linijų simbolių stilius, sluoksnių efektus ir net nuo duomenų priklausančių nustatymų palaikymą!

3.10 mes pridedame galimybę pasirinkti „paprastą“ (tiesioginę liniją) arba „Manheteno“ (tiesias linijas) išnešimą. Jei jums norėtumėte ateities laidose palaikyti kitus išnešimų stilius, prašome susisiekti su QGIS komanda ir sužinoti, kaip galite padėti tam įvykti!


Šią savybę finansavo SMEC/SJ

Šią savybę sukūrė Nyall Dawson (North Road)

Savybė: keisti kelių linijų užrašų lygiavimą konkretiems užrašams

Mes pridėjome papildomą parinktį, kuri leidžia valdyti kelių eilučių lygiavimą konkrečiam užrašui. Įjunkite užrašo savybių įrankį ir spauskite ant žemėlapio užrašų, dabar pamatysite naują teksto lygiavimo nustatymą.


Šią savybę sukūrė Mathieu Pellerin

Savybė: rodyti nepadėtus užrašus

Jei jums kada nors kėlė rūpestį tai, kad automatinis užrašų dėliojimas gali paslėpti svarbius jūsų žemėlapio užrašus - ši savybė yra jums! QGIS 3.10 pridėta galimybė rodyti žemėlapyje „Nepadėtus užrašus“, kad galėtumėte nedelsiant pamatyti, kas konkrečiai buvo paslėpta (t.y. „matyti tai, ko kiti negali“)!

Šis naujas nustatymas (kuris prieinamas per užrašų įrankinę) braižys šiuos nepadėtus užrašus raudona spalva (bet spalvą galima pakeisti projekto užrašų nustatymo dialoge). Identifikavus bet kuriuos jūsų žemėlapyje trūkstamus užrašus, mes siūlome naudoti esamus užrašų įrankius, tokius kaip „perkelti užrašą“ ar „rodyti/slėpti užrašą“, kad pertvarkytumėte jūsų žemėlapį ir reikiamus užrašus vėl parodytumėte.


Šią savybę finansavo North Road

Šią savybę sukūrė Nyall Dawson (North Road)

Savybė: linijinių užrašų atstumo viršijimas

Mes suprantame, kad kartografinio šedevro sukūrimas yra reikli užduotis, todėl mes QGIS 3.10 išplėtėme kreivinių užrašų galimybes, pridėdami naują „atstumo viršijimo“ nustatymą. Šis nustatymas leidžia valdyti, kiek toli linijinių geoobjektų užrašai gali išsikišti už savo ribų. Padidinus šį atstumą, užrašų dėliojimo variklis turės daugiau lankstumo dėliojant jūsų užrašus, todėl jūsų žemėlapyje bus padėta daugiau užrašų ir jų pozicijos bus geresnės! Valio! Nustatymas veikia tiek kreiviniams, tiek ir paraleliems užrašams, palaiko atstumus mm/žemėlapio vienetais/pikseliais/kt ir nuo duomenų priklausančius atstumus.


Šią savybę finansavo North Road

Šią savybę sukūrė Nyall Dawson (North Road)

Feature: Data defined control for „label every part of multipart features“ setting

The „label every part“ option was one of the very few settings which couldn’t be previously data-definable for labels. We’ve remedied this omission in QGIS 3.10, and you can now control whether you want all parts labelled on a feature-by-feature basis!


Šią savybę finansavo North Road

Šią savybę sukūrė Nyall Dawson (North Road)

Feature: Control „label all parts“ via the label properties tool

We aren’t lying when we say that QGIS 3.10 is a love-letter to map labelling! Another new option we’ve added in this version is interactive control over whether all parts of a feature should be labeled via the Label Properties tool.


Šią savybę finansavo North Road

Šią savybę sukūrė Nyall Dawson (North Road)

Feature: Vertical text orientation

As of 3.10, QGIS is now fully equipped to render vertically oriented labels. To our Chinese, Japanese, and Korean users: spread the word! :)

You can choose between two vertical orientation mode: one that always renders labels vertically, or an alternative mode that dynamically picks the orientation based on the label rotation.


Šią savybę sukūrė Mathieu Pellerin

Feature: Control over font kerning

Another option we’ve added for improving the conversion of ArcMap symbology to QGIS (via SLYR) is a new setting for controlling whether label fonts are kerned (or not).


Šią savybę finansavo North Road

Šią savybę sukūrė Nyall Dawson (North Road)


Feature: Rendering raster layers outside the reported extent

Depending on the server technology used, sometimes the map extent reported by raster layers may be smaller than the actual area which can be rendered (especially notably for WMS servers with symbology which takes more space than the data extent). Previous version of QGIS would crop raster layers to the reported extents, resulting in truncated symbols on the borders of these layers. Now, there’s a new option to allow you to override this behaviour and ignore the reported extent for affected servers.

This feature was developed by Matthias Kuhn (Opengis.ch)

Feature: Georeference PDFs and TIFs when saving the map canvas as image/PDF

In QGIS 3.10 we’ve implemented support for embedded georeferencing within PDFs and TIFs when using the save [map canvas] as image or PDF.


Šią savybę sukūrė Mathieu Pellerin

Feature: New map canvas image decoration

We’ve added a brand new decoration for the QGIS main canvas, allowing you to add a bitmap and SVG image overlay (logo, legend, etc.) to your map window.

As with other parts of QGIS, the image decoration supports customizable fill and outline color for parameter-enabled SVGs.


Šią savybę sukūrė Mathieu Pellerin

Feature: Logarithmic scale classification

You can now use a logarithmic based classification technique when creating ranges for the graduated renderer.


This feature was developed by OPENGIS.ch

3D savybės

Feature: Measurement tool in 3D map view

Now you can measure distances in 3D map views! This new tool is available in the 3D map view toolbar, and has the same workflow as the 2D measurement tool (with the same configuration settings of rubber band color, units, decimal place, etc). It also has the same behavior (left-click to add a new point, middle-click to delete the last point, and right-click to restart the measurement). This allows you to measure distances in 3d, e.g. the distance between two building’s roofs or the length of a river running down a mountain. See the 3D measurement tool in action:

This feature was funded by Google Summer of Code Program

This feature was developed by Ismail Sunni

Feature: Billboard Rendering for Points

We added a new kind of rendering style for point layers. It allows you to show the point with a QGIS symbol (e.g. marker, SVG, etc) that always faces the user and always has the same size. You can see sample usage in the video.

This feature was funded by Google Summer of Code Program

This feature was developed by Ismail Sunni

Feature: 3D On-Screen Navigation

In earlier QGIS versions, you could already navigate the 3D world by using a mouse and keyboard. Unfortunately, for a new user, it is not easy to start using them! 3D On-Screen Navigation will help to navigate the 3D world. There are buttons to zoom in/out, tilt up/down, pan up/down/left/right, and rotate the 3D map view. This feature can be activated from the 3D map view toolbar. See how to use it in this video:


This feature was funded by Google Summer of Code Program

This feature was developed by Ismail Sunni


Savybė: naujos išraiškų funkcijos

  • attributes(): returns a map containing all attributes from a feature, with field names as map keys. We’ve got flexible, robust support for working with map values in expressions now, so this allows rapid conversion of all feature attributes to a map to use with these handy functions!

  • New optional „format“ parameters were added to the to_date, to_datetime, and to_time functions

  • collect_geometries: this new function collects a set of geometries into a multi-part geometry object. Geometry parts can either be specified as separate arguments to the function or (more flexibly), as an array of geometry parts. This function allows geometries to be generated using iterator based approaches, such as transforming an array generated using generate_series, e.g:
    collect_geometries(     array_foreach(       generate_series( 0, 330, 30),       project($geometry, .2, radians(@element))     )   )
    Gives a nice radial effect of points surrounding the central feature point when used as a MultiPoint geometry generator
  • A new make_line expression function variant which accepts an array of points. This allows creation of lines from variable numbers of points, and from sequences from aggregates/dynamically generated sequences.


Feature: GPS timestamp support

We’ve overhauled the existing GPS based functionality in QGIS 3.10, adding new options for automatically retrieving and storing GPS timestamps alongside GPS based features.

This feature was funded by NIWA

This feature was developed by Alessandro Pasotti (North Road)

Feature: Allowed gap exceptions

In QGIS 3.4 we introduced the ability to configure QGIS layers to run topological checks on every save operation. For 3.10, we have now added a new option to the check for „gaps“ which allows you to actively mark some gaps as allowed. These exceptions will be saved on a separate, configurable layer. Whenever a gap is detected, you either have the possibility to fix it or to add it to the allowed exceptions with the press of a button.


This feature was funded by Kanton Solothurn

Šią savybę sukūrė Matthias Kuhn (OPENGIS.ch)

Duomenų valdymas

Feature: Composite Foreign Keys

In QGIS 3.10, we added the possibility to create layer relationships which utilise composite foreign keys. QGIS now fully supports editing parent and child features which are linked with more than one attribute. This functionality is accessed in the Project Properties -> Relations tab.


This feature was funded by California Geological Survey

This feature was developed by OPENGIS.ch

Feature: Add circular data dependencies

Ever had issues with snapping when editing a feature that is modified by someone else (or a nasty database trigger)? Data dependencies allow refreshing the content of the dependent layers when the data is changed. We improved the dependencies support in QGIS by allowing refreshing the modified layer itself, which is kind of a circular dependency (a point layer and a line layer depending on each other for instance). No more snapping on ghost features!

More info in the pull request


Šią savybę finansavo QGIS.org

This feature was developed by Julien Cabieces (Oslandia)

Formos ir valdikliai

Feature: Update depending widgets real-time

Updates widget values on real time while editing the referenced fields. When widget A contains a default value depending on widget B, it updates as soon as widget B is edited.


This feature was funded by Kanton Schaffhausen

This feature was developed by David Signer (OPENGIS.ch)

Analizės įrankiai

Feature: Stored filter expressions for attribute tables

While previous versions of QGIS allowed you to filter attribute tables using a custom expression, these expressions were lost whenever the attribute table was closed. Now, we’ve added the ability to store and manage your custom expression filters to the attribute table dialog. You can now build up your own personal collection of useful filters, which will always be available for re-use with a few simple mouse clicks!


This feature was funded by Kanton Schaffhausen

Šią savybę sukūrė David Signer (OPENGIS.ch)

Feature: New operators for Raster Calculator

You ask, we listen: abs , min and max are now available in the Raster Calculator user interface!


This feature was developed by Alessandro Pasotti


Feature: New algorithm „Point to layer“

This algorithm creates a new vector layer which contains a single feature with geometry matching a point parameter. It can be used in models to convert a point input into a layer, which can then be used for other algorithms which require a layer based input.


This feature was developed by Olivier Dalang

Feature: Advanced model parameters

When creating inputs for a Processing model, you can now mark these input parameters as „Advanced“ options. (Advanced parameters are hidden by default when users run your model through the Processing toolbox)


Šią savybę sukūrė Alex Bruy

Feature: All GDAL based algorithms now support free-form „additional parameters“

We added an optional „Additional command-line parameters“ parameter to all GDAL algorithms , useful for cases when you need to pass a specific command-line argument(s) which is not exposed in the algorithm UI.


Šią savybę sukūrė Alex Bruy

Feature: Metatile size for XYZ tiles

You can now specify a custom metatile size when generating XYZ tiles. Larger values may speed up the rendering of tiles and provide better labelling (fewer gaps without labels) at the expense of using more memory.


Šią savybę sukūrė Martin Dobias

Feature: New parameter type for colors

QGIS 3.10 brings a new parameter type for use in Processing models and scripts, which allows for users to pick a color value. Useful for any models and algorithms which require a color value as an input!


Šią savybę finansavo North Road

Šią savybę sukūrė Nyall Dawson (North Road)

Feature: New algorithm „Create style database from project“

This algorithm extracts all style objects (symbols, color ramps, text formats and label settings) from a QGIS project and stores them in a new style XML database, which can then be managed and imported via the Style Manager dialog.


Šią savybę finansavo SMEC/SJ

Šią savybę sukūrė Nyall Dawson (North Road)

Feature: File filter and default values for file and folder inputs in models

For file or folder inputs in Processing models we’ve added a new file filter setting (with some standard file formats available as an optional preset), and now allow you to set a default value for these inputs.


Šią savybę finansavo North Road

Šią savybę sukūrė Nyall Dawson (North Road)

Feature: New algorithm „Combine style databases“

The new „Combine style databases“ algorithm combines multiple QGIS style databases into a single output style database. If any symbols exist with duplicate names between the different source databases these will be renamed to have unique names in the output combined database. It’s designed to give users an easy way to condense multiple separate style databases into a single unified database.

It works brilliantly with results generated by running the „Create style database from project“ in a batch mode!


Šią savybę finansavo SMEC/SJ

Šią savybę sukūrė Nyall Dawson (North Road)

Feature: Generate XYZ tiles using multiple threads

The existing Generate XYZ tiles algorithm has been optimised and can now generate tiles using multiple processing threads.


This feature was developed by Isghj5

Feature: New algorithms for exporting and importing bookmarks to/from map layers

To complement the spatial bookmark overhaul in QGIS 3.10, we’ve added new Processing algorithms which allow you to create a bunch of new bookmarks corresponding to the features from a layer, or to export existing spatial bookmark extents to a new polygon layer.


Šią savybę finansavo North Road

Šią savybę sukūrė Nyall Dawson (North Road)

Feature: New algorithm „Split features by character“

This brand new algorithm splits features into multiple output features, by splitting a field value with a specified character.

For instance, if a layer contains features with multiple comma separated values contained in a single field, this algorithm can be used to split these values up across multiple output features. Geometries and other attributes remain unchanged in the output.

Optionally, the separator string can be a regular expression for added flexibility.

This algorithm was designed for use in models which need to process input files with multiple concatenated values in a single attribute, e.g. geocoding a table with „address1,address2,address3“ format strings.


Šią savybę finansavo SMEC/SJ

Šią savybę sukūrė Nyall Dawson (North Road)

Feature: New algorithm Climb Along Line

Previously available as a plugin, the „Climb Along Line“ algorithm has been added to the out-of-the-box QGIS toolset. This algorithm calculates the accumulated height differences for lines in an input line layer, calculated using the Z values of the line vertices. A copy of the input line layer is returned with additional attributes for accumulated climb and descent, as well as the minimum and maximum Z values for each line.


This feature was developed by Håvard Tveite (NMBU) and Matteo Ghetta (Faunalia)

Feature: Port Create Grid algorithm to C++

We ported the Create Grid algorithm from Python to C++ in order to speed up the algorithm. The algorithm now performs much faster for you and is also capable of creating point|line|rectangle|diamond|hexagon regular vector grids in high resolution in huge extents (eg. whole nations) in a reasonable amount of time.


This feature was funded by Clemens Raffler

This feature was developed by Clemens Raffler


Feature: Extract symbols from QGIS projects within the browser

QGIS‘ Browser panel just keeps getting more and more powerful! In 3.10, we’ve added a new option when right-clicking a QGIS project within the browser: „Extract Symbols“. Selecting this option opens a style manager dialog showing all symbols, color ramps, text formats and label settings from the selected project, allowing you to easily export the browse these symbols.


Šią savybę finansavo North Road

Šią savybę sukūrė Nyall Dawson (North Road)


Feature: Show news items on welcome page

A curated QGIS news feed is now shown on the welcome page. This finally gives us a direct channel to push project news to ALL our users! Expect to see lots of interesting QGIS news, tips, and events coming your way!


This feature was funded by QGIS.org

Šią savybę sukūrė Nyall Dawson (North Road)

Feature: Milliradians (SI definition) and mil (NATO) units

QGIS 3.10 allows you to measure angles in two new units, milliradians (SI definition) and mil (NATO) units.


Šią savybę finansavo North Road

Šią savybę sukūrė Nyall Dawson (North Road)

Feature: Interface Customization dialog filtering

We’ve added a new „search“ box to the Interface Customization dialog, which allows you to filter through the widgets and easily find the widget you are trying to customize…


This feature was developed by DelazJ

Feature: Improved auto-fix broken layers

When a layer path is fixed in a project, QGIS 3.10 will automatically scan through all other broken paths and try to auto-fix any others which were also pointing to the same original broken file path. Any change which speeds up fixing broken layer paths is a welcome change in our view!


Šią savybę finansavo North Road

Šią savybę sukūrė Nyall Dawson (North Road)

Feature: Spatial bookmarks supercharged!

We’ve totally revamped how spatial bookmarks are exposed and managed in QGIS 3.10. Spatial Bookmarks are now shown in the browser panel, and can be regrouped into custom, categorized folders. This offers a much easier way to navigate and manage your bookmarks.

We also added a brand new bookmark editor dialog, which features an extent widget that greatly facilitates bookmark editing.

Bookmarks can also now be dragged and dropped onto canvases, allowing secondary canvases to zoom to a particular bookmark. This allows bookmarks to play nice in multi-canvas projects, since you can drop them onto a specific canvas to zoom.


Šią savybę sukūrė Mathieu Pellerin, Nyall Dawson

Feature: „Reselect Features“ action in Edit -> Select menu

Ever spend 10 minutes painstakingly creating an interactive selection of features, only to accidentally deselect them all through an errant mouse click? If so, this feature is designed just for you! Now, you can restore a layer’s selection following a selection clear operation via the new „Reselect Features“ option in the Edit menu.


Šią savybę finansavo North Road

Šią savybę sukūrė Nyall Dawson (North Road)

Feature: Parallelize snap index build

The idea was to parallelize for each layer the snap cache computing (sequential at the moment) and to make it non blocking. As a consequence it is still possible to use QGIS even if snap cache is currently building. User can for instance start to edit node while the snap cache build is in progress.

This feature was developed by Oslandia

Feature: Templates for QGIS Projects

QGIS 3.10 includes the ability to directly use Project Templates from the welcome page. Additionally, you can now ship project templates to your whole organisation by placing them in a system folder, next to the already existing possibility to put it into a user profile folder.


Šią savybę finansavo QGIS Projektas

Šią savybę sukūrė Matthias Kuhn (OPENGIS.ch)

Duomenų tiekėjai

Feature: Read-write support for .shz and .shp.zip

For QGIS builds based on GDAL 3.1, you can now open and edit single-layer ZIP compressed shapefiles (.shz), or multi-layer ones (.shp.zip). Regardless of where you sit on the Shapefile vs Geopackage battle, you’ll welcome this ability to de-clutter your folders and store shapefiles as a single file!

Šią savybę sukūrė Even Rouault

Feature: Oracle provider authentication

We’ve updated the Oracle database provider to add full support for QGIS built-in authentication system.

Šią savybę sukūrė Jürgen Fischer

Feature: Improved PostGIS raster support

PostGIS raster layers are now shown in the Browser panel and from the Data Source Manager dialog, allowing you to easily manage and add these layers to your projects. Currently only read support from browser is supported - you cannot drag rasters into a PostGIS database using the browser.

Šią savybę sukūrė Alessandro Pasotti

Feature: Oracle - Database transaction support

For version 3.10, we’ve enhanced the Oracle database provider and added support for editing layers via transactions.

Šią savybę sukūrė Nyall Dawson (North Road)

Feature: Z/M dimensions in delimited text layers

We’ve added optional support for Z and M fields to QGIS‘ delimited text provider, allowing you to create Z or M enabled layers directly from CSV files.


Šią savybę sukūrė Mathieu Pellerin

Feature: Static data providers

One huge behind-the-scenes job we completed for QGIS 3.10 is a refactoring of the provider infrastructure. Now, providers allow both dynamic and static linking. This was a pre-requisite to be able to build QGIS libraries on platforms that do not support dynamic linkage (iOS), and allows for QGIS based tools like the Input data collection app to be distributed for iOS based devices!

This feature was funded by Lutra Consulting Ltd.

This feature was developed by Peter Petrik, Martin Dobias

QGIS Serveris

Feature: Using SVG in QGIS Server

Earlier QGIS server versions had rendering issues when remote SVG files were used in a project (e.g. those hosted via external http servers). We’ve improved how QGIS Server fetches these resources, and it’s now possible to use remote SVG paths in your layers and publish them as WMS without rendering issues in QGIS Server.


This feature was funded by Ifremer

This feature was developed by René-Luc D’Hont (3Liz)

Feature: WMS dimension

In QGIS 3.10 a WMS server can provide support for several type of dimensions such as time, elevation or other types of dimensions. The dimension has to be defined as the layer level and can be used by the WMS client to filter requested information. WMS Time is part of the WMS Dimension.


This feature was funded by Ifremer

This feature was developed by René-Luc D’Hont (3Liz)

Feature: Server OAPIF (aka WFS3) support

QGIS 3.10 Server is one of the very first geospatial servers which supports the new OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core standard (also known as WFS3)!

This is a completely new implementation that provides an HTML and JSON based service for your web mapping developments, including a simple WebGIS interface which is available out of the box and it is easily customizable through an HTML template system.

More information is available in the documentation


This feature was developed by Alessandro Pasotti


Feature: New class QgsBookmarkManager

Attached to QgsProject and QgsApplication, this new class provides a stable, supported method of managing project and global bookmarks (vs the old undocumented, not stable approach of directly manipulating project keys or a sqlite database). Now your plugins and scripts are capable of reading, modifying, and managing spatial bookmarks!

Šią savybę finansavo North Road

Šią savybę sukūrė Nyall Dawson (North Road)

Feature: New API for provider database connections

Thanks to funding from the QGIS grant program, you can now use a new API aimed to manage DB connections in a unified way. The new connection API also provides a set of useful methods that can be used by plugin authors to access information about tables, schemas etc. and to run SQL arbitrary queries and get the results back into a handy Python array.

This feature was funded by QGIS

This feature was developed by Alessandro Pasotti

Svarbūs pataisymai

Savybė: Alessandro Pasotti riktų pataisymai

Rikto pavadinimas

URL issues (if reported)

URL PR or commit

3.4 backport PR or commit

Crash when deleting print layout items


DB manager python error


QGIS 3.4.11: Clicking a PDF URL in GetFeatureInfo response generates error


Already fixed (by me) on 3.8 and Master

Watch file not adding new columns


Loss of labels background from older project/style


PR #3164

„Text formats“ dialog shows modifiable buffer properties while the „draw text buffer“ is unchecked


PR #3173

Symbology tab widget does not horizontally expand in the layer properties dialog extent


PR #3166

Watch file not adding new columns


Unreported but related to #31452

PR #3168

Unable to add WMS service in QGIS, same URL works in other clients


QGIS Server - Download of capabilities failed: SSL handshake failed


apparent regression in raster calculator multiplying conditionals


PR #3169

Broken GPKG browser actions


PR #3173

Resizing the data source manager dialog fails to resize unfocused panels


PR #3174

In place processing multipart to singleparts does not handle unique constraints


PR #3175

PR #3181

crash when adding legend via python


UI: Legend does not refresh after classifincation bounds updated


Not affected

PR #3183

UI: PostGIS layer error message not helpful, disappears and shouldn’t happen


PR #3184

Server GetLegendGraphics contextual (BBOX) fails if no WIDTH and HEIGHT are supplied


PR #3186

PR #3188

extend/trim crash


UI: any click on number of classes updown triggers twice


PR #3187

GPKG project is not marked dirty after it is deleted from the storage


PR #3187

Fix unreported issue with QVariantList to JSON conversion in QgsJsonUtils


PR #3192

Crash on adding WMS



PR #3197

Raster calculator change sign does not work when OpenCL is on


PR #3202

Snapping map units always show „meters even when the project is in different units


PR #3201

QGIS Raster Calculator outputs nodata only rasters


PR #3202

Opening projects from PostgreSQL issue


PR #3206

GetLegendGraphic shows all identical symbols for content based legend


WFS doesn’t recognize advertised GeoJSON outputFormat string


PR #3210

creating indexes on geopackage failes (QGIS 3.8.3)


DB manager import option „Create single-part geometries instead of multi-part“ is broken


PR #3210

GetLegendGraphic shows all identical symbols for content based legend


PR #3212

WFS contextual legend issue when canvas CRS is different than layer’s CRS


PR #3212

PostGIS/geojson: Cannot input negative numbers in int fields


PR #3216

Information tab in WMS layer properties is unresponsive if a WMS service contains many layers


PR #3226

Data Source UI - PostgreSQL table multi-line comments make the grid table hard to read


PR #3233

More null pointer dereferences when plugins are off


PR #3235

null pointer dereferences when plugins are off


PR #3234

„Merge features“ and „merge feature attributes“ have broken numerical functions

PR #3236

PR #3236

This feature was funded by QGIS.ORG (through donations and sustaining memberships)

Šią savybę sukūrė Alessandro Pasotti

Savybė: Alexander Bruy riktų pataisymai

Rikto pavadinimas

URL issues (if reported)

URL PR or commit

3.4 backport PR or commit

GDAL scripts in Processing need quoting on attribute names


PR #3171

PR #3171

Processing GDAL algorithms does not handle correctly WFS input layers


PR #3173

shp files in zip files files cannot be used in Processing with 3rd party providers (SAGA, GRASS…)


PR #3174

PR #3178

Not possible to toggle use selected features in the Processing layer combobox


PR #3173

Connect to postgis database fails in „Layer - Add Postgis layer“ on databases with weird table names


PR #3176

GRASS v.build.polylines dosn’t work in Qgis 3.4.10


Processing Algorithms written with the @alg decorator don’t get the gear icon


PR #3188

v.drape - no 25D export with SpatiaLite format


Service url cannot include custom query parameters


Processing: python error on startup


Saving Processing’s Package Layers algorithm’s output to default temporary output leaves no result


[Georeferencer] GDAL script does not set target SR


PR #3189

Processing „Build virtual vector“ now fails in certain cases


PR #3190

Unreported issue with missed import in the Processing algorithms dialog


PR #3190

db manager: python error when clicking „edit table“ if the table is a postgis raster


PR #3190

DB Manager: Renaming a PostGIS geometry column causes it to lose its geometry type and SRS


PR #3192

Georeferencer incorrectly shows last image when reopened


PR #3193

DB Manager: Create Layer dialog should be closed or cleared once the new layer is generated


PR #3195

[Vector Save As…] Extension is not replaced in filename when switching format


PR #3196

This feature was funded by QGIS.ORG (through donations and sustaining memberships)

Šią savybę sukūrė Alexander Bruy

Savybė: Peter Petrik ištaisyti riktai

Rikto pavadinimas

URL issues (if reported)

URL PR or commit

3.4 backport PR or commit

Reproducible Crash: retrieving QgsHighlight instance stored as a widget property


PR #3173

PR #3197

Layer styling Mesh layer does not respond to change of Color ramp (first time)


PR #3198

qgis crashed on close in QSortFilterProxyModel


QGIS freezes


Crash when trying to save a project


Crash on exit with advanced digitizing active


Renaming macOS app causes authentication error


QGIS cannot be opened after updating to Mac OS Catalina


This feature was funded by QGIS.ORG (through donations and sustaining memberships)

Šią savybę sukūrė Peter Petrik

Savybė: Even Rouault riktų pataisymai

Rikto pavadinimas

URL issues (if reported)

URL PR or commit

3.4 backport PR or commit

QGIS master crash upon exit @ QgsCoordinateTransformPrivate::freeProj on Windows platform


PR #3176

Commit 08bb3fe

QGIS master crash upon exit @ QgsCoordinateTransformPrivate::freeProj on Windows platform


PR #3184

PR #3185

QGIS WFS stripping of viewparam KVP from WFS Feature Requests


PR #3176

PR #3188

Crash: right click on image ->export ->save as->“save raster layer as“


PR #3176

PR #3178

crash in discover relations for postgresql layers


PR #3176

PR #3177

Exporting raster as raw data to GeoPackage fails silently


PR #3177

PR #3178

QGIS crashes after deactivating a GDAL driver in use in the project


PR #3177

PR #3180

Crash exporting to GS7BG format


PR #3178

PR #3183

pgdump is no longer a recognized format for the GDAL/OGR convert format algorithm


PR #3181

not worth

PBF files not loading correctly


PR #3181

PR #31835

Error importing cover from Geoserver WFS service


PR #31813

PR #31867

Feature count from online Geojson not updated upon refresh


PR #31860

not worth

Edits in GeoJson datasources are not saved anymore


GDAL https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/pull/1846

Backported to GDAL 3.0 and 2.4 maintenance branches

This feature was funded by QGIS.ORG (through donations and sustaining memberships)

Šią savybę sukūrė Even Rouault

Feature: Bug fixes by Sandro Santilli

Rikto pavadinimas

URL issues (if reported)

URL PR or commit

3.4 backport PR or commit

Adding Postgis rasters from DB Manager ask for password for each add


[processing] segmentizebymaxdistance puts qgis in endless CPU loop


Commit 6942b4b9

Commit 3225f491

file INSTALL cannot find doc/api/html


Commit 3225f491


QGIS died on signal 11 # at start up


repository files modified by make check


PR #31980

CMake Error at cmake/FindGEOS.cmake:162


Commit bc9bb888

Commit 27f13936

False success from ogr provider’s committChanges


Commit f421dc4f

Commit 136cec24

TestSagaAlgorithms: line 139, in check_algorithm: ‚NoneType‘ object has no attribute ‚checkParameterValues‘


Commit 76b39de1


PostGIS Data Loads Extemely Slow


PR #31858

This feature was funded by QGIS.ORG (through donations and sustaining memberships)

This feature was developed by Sandro Santilli

Feature: Bug fixes by Matthias Kuhn

Rikto pavadinimas

URL issues (if reported)

URL PR or commit

3.4 backport PR or commit

Crash when opening symbology tab of invalid layer




PR reviews

Many :D

qgz are marked as temporary on windows


Allow selecting geometry type in context


PR #32125


This feature was funded by QGIS.ORG (through donations and sustaining memberships)

This feature was developed by Matthias Kuhn

Feature: Bug fixes by Paul Blottiere

Rikto pavadinimas

URL issues (if reported)

URL PR or commit

3.4 backport PR or commit

Fixes invalid schemaLocation in GetCapabilities doc


PR #32352

Invalid WMS GetFeatureInfo response with json info_format


PR #32386/files

QGIS Server SELECTION doesn’t work with Postgres ids of type bigint or text


Regression with opacities for the WMS GetPrint request


Unreported regression: Invalid renderer type after loading a QML style file

unreported regression

PR #32388

This feature was funded by QGIS.ORG (through donations and sustaining memberships)

Šią savybę sukūrė Paul Blottiere

Savybė: Nyall Dawson ištaisyti riktai

Rikto pavadinimas

URL issues (if reported)

URL PR or commit

3.4 backport PR or commit

Fix crash when deleting layouts from designer window


Commit e643e7f6


Fix model to python when model has no input parameters

Commit 6f1c42e7


Fix string escaping when converting models to python code


Commit e3eb4f54


Fix memory leak

Commit 5be31915


Fix potential overflow in raster renderer

Commit 1ba8db41


Restore project variables early in the project read cycle


Commit d76835fe


Improve docs for Join by Nearest, raise warning in log


Commit 670c81f9


Catch some reprojection exceptions during raster rendering


Commit 1dfc0c1e


[labeling] Fix broken numeric formatting settings, add tests


Commit b58dd674


Fix uncaught transform exception when determining AFS layer bounds


Commit 857697dd


Fix qt warning thrown when converting a 2.18 project


Commit 12ad9fca


Add option to take no action („Leave as an unknown CRS“) when a layer is loaded which has no CRS

#19762, #27634, #24815 (and probably others)

Commit ffe66bff


Don’t force fallback to WGS84 for unknown layer CRSes


Commit 93741566


Fix memory layers cannot use non-EPSG CRS codes

unreported, but likely a cause of many bugs

Commit 2dad68f7


Fix crash after deleting report sections


Commit 3356460c

Commit d3230ac0

Ensure polygon rings generated for rendering are always closed


Commit a69e38d9


Don’t crash QgsTessellator when an empty polygon is added


Commit 761b2e77


Fix crash in topology checker plugin after a check is canceled


Commit 606bcd35


Fix topology checker multipart check


Commit 5101386b


Fix crash on exit when topology checker dock is open with visible results


Commit 64375ad4


Don’t load print layouts when opening project browser items

via email

Commit 9f1ce084


Add QgsProject flag to avoid loading print layouts when reading a project file, avoids crashes when project is loaded in background thread

via email

Commit d0ed3746


Don’t try to load HTML content when a layout is created in a background thread

via email

Commit 53252496

Commit 5fcab0e7

Huge speed up to QgsTessellator

Commit 577e1e96


[processing] Ensure all objects used by the model are correctly imported


Commit e5e3fe47


[processing] Avoid confusing use of expression parameter type in Random Points in Polygon algorithm


Commit 196e15a0


[layouts] Update map settings variables in UI when map extent/rotation changes


Commit 86c83537


[layouts] Fix layout variables set programmatically do not show in GUI


Commit 1afdd935


[layouts] Ensure variable panels are updated when layout or atlas properties change


Commit 2b31e03a


[layouts] Move page background setting to a per-page option


Commit 45e847ef


Optimize QgsContrastEnhancementFunction

Commit f5c21a0f


[layouts] Prevent removal of the last remaining page in a layout

via email

Commit e6ecfdd3

Commit b65f23f8

[layouts] Fix crash when exporting layout with no pages

via email

Commit b784d698

Commit f8355cbb

Fix conditional formatting panel high dpi issues

Commit 1f033fe8


Fix loss of font setting when editing conditional format

Commit 72efc1ed


Avoid overflow in QgsImageOperation

Commit aefbf662

Commit 9f4d3a87

[processing] Extend api for retrieving a layer in a compatible format

via 3rd party plugin bug tracker

Commit 651c5071


Fix conditional styles in feature list view do not update when the layer’s conditional styles are changed

Commit bccd5a46


Fix broken display of conditional styles in feature list view

Commit 5f7264d4


Fix incorrect conditional styling applied to rows in some cases

Commit c15c7271


Use invalid colors, not transparent colors, to indict not set colors in conditional formats, fixes incorrect colors used for conditionally styled rows

Commit bc82cffd


„[labeling] When an extreme number of features are being labeled from a single layer, place additional limits on the maximum number of

labeling candidates to generate for features in this layer“

Commit 61bfced6


[layouts] Fix incorrect alignment of items when the align or distribute tools are used with items with a non-top-left reference point


Commit b4550dc4


[processing] Respect user set default vector output format in vector split algorithm

Commit 90bac82f


Fix GUI is not updated when layout atlas is set to use the default filename expression


Commit a4da849e


[reports] Remove useless extra set of export actions


Commit d6b41813


[reports] Fix crash when print button clicked before a report section is opened


Commit c93fd0a4


[reports] Reduce minimum width of report organiser dock


Commit 7c490848


[layouts] Add a page number selection combo box at the top of the guide manager dock


Commit 2f22aeaf


Show color button style „Pick color“ and „Chooe Color“ and symbol button menu


Commit 39cfd0f9


Fix out of sync layout bounds after page removal


Commit d498eed0


[layouts] Fix odd selection behavior when keyboard modifiers are pressed when rectangular selection ends

Commit 37b5af54


Fix interaction with group members in items panel


Commit 5154240f


[layout] Fix invalid svg exports when including metadata


Commit cc94aebc


[legends] Fix missing symbols for inverted polygon layers when using filter by map content


Commit abc9f47c


Use a slightly larger font size in CRS details on Windows


Commit 757017c2


[processing] Add warning when packaging a geopackage with no layers


Commit f11e6603


[layouts] Fix crash when opening layout with dynamic image in html label


Commit 5db6165f

Commit e29865cd

Expose report feature settings when an attribute table is used in an atlas


Commit 9fd17c8f


[layouts] Fix attribute table ignores cell margin for top/bottom aligned text


Commit 7b356fe4


Fix truncated legend symbol borders when layer has opacity set

Commit 30e14938


Fix adding/moving legend is very slow with large projects


Commit 758ac909


[reports] Fix predefined scale mode is incompatible with report outputs


Commit fcd21e48


Ensure atlas expression evaluation has access to coverage layer scope


Commit 3de05939


Resizing pages to content should not create empty page size if no items are present


Commit 421e68cf


Fix map rotation does not immediately restore in reports


Commit f5afebe5


Do not return nan values when an assistant is used with min val == max val


Commit 97923751


[layouts] Fix label items don’t update when their opacity < 100


Commit f9a47738


Fix project load status indicator can get „stuck“ after project load


Commit 40d95b69


Fix corrupted expressions in filter indicator tooltips

Commit 393e623b

Commit 8e0e368f

Fix cannot use GPS panel to draw features in multi polygon/line


Commit dc2b209d


Fix loss of label background settings when restoring projects.


Commit aa4a8da3


Fix crash in point displacement renderer

Commit 7043933f


This feature was funded by QGIS.ORG (through donations and sustaining memberships)

Šią savybę sukūrė Nyall Dawson