QGIS API Documentation  3.14.0-Pi (9f7028fd23)
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
core library

The CORE library contains all basic GIS functionality. More...




struct  QgsAbstractMetadataBase::Address
 Metadata address structure. More...
class  QgsVectorFileWriter::BoolOption
class  pal::CandidatePolygonRingDistanceCalculator
 Calculates distance from a label candidate to nearest polygon ring. More...
struct  QgsAbstractGeoPdfExporter::ComponentLayerDetail
 Contains details of a particular input component to be used during PDF composition. More...
class  QgsAbstractGeometry::const_part_iterator
struct  QgsAbstractMetadataBase::Contact
 Metadata contact structure. More...
struct  QgsAbstractGeoPdfExporter::ControlPoint
 Contains details of a control point used during georeferencing GeoPDF outputs. More...
class  pal::CostCalculator
class  QgsLayerDefinition::DependencySorter
class  pal::InternalException::Empty
 Thrown when trying to access an empty data set. More...
class  QgsNewsFeedParser::Entry
 Represents a single entry from a news feed. More...
class  QgsGeometry::Error
struct  QgsLayoutItem::ExportLayerDetail
 Contains details of a particular export layer relating to a layout item. More...
class  pal::Feats
 For usage in problem solving algorithm. More...
class  pal::PalException::FeatureExists
 features already exists More...
class  pal::FeaturePart
 Main class to handle feature. More...
struct  QgsRuleBasedRenderer::FeatureToRender
 Feature for rendering by a QgsRuleBasedRenderer. More...
class  QgsRelation::FieldPair
class  QgsVectorFileWriter::FieldValueConverter
class  pal::InternalException::Full
 Thrown when something is added in a Full set. More...
class  pal::GeomFunction
class  QgsVectorFileWriter::HiddenOption
class  QgsSnappingConfig::IndividualLayerSettings
class  pal::InternalException
 Various Exceptions. More...
class  QgsVectorFileWriter::IntOption
class  pal::LabelInfo
 Optional additional info about label (for curved labels) More...
class  pal::LabelPosition
 LabelPosition is a candidate feature label position. More...
class  pal::Layer
 A set of features which influence the labeling process. More...
class  QgsVectorTileWriter::Layer
class  QgsProcessingContext::LayerDetails
 Details for layers to load into projects. More...
class  pal::PalException::LayerExists
 layer already exists More...
class  QgsOgcUtils::LayerProperties
class  QgsGmlStreamingParser::LayerProperties
struct  QgsAbstractMetadataBase::Link
 Metadata link structure. More...
class  QgsMapThemeCollection::MapThemeLayerRecord
class  QgsMapThemeCollection::MapThemeRecord
class  QgsProjectStorage::Metadata
struct  QgsExpressionNode::NamedNode
 Named node. More...
class  QgsSQLStatement::Node
class  QgsSQLStatement::NodeBetweenOperator
class  QgsSQLStatement::NodeBinaryOperator
class  QgsSQLStatement::NodeCast
class  QgsSQLStatement::NodeColumnRef
class  QgsSQLStatement::NodeColumnSorted
class  QgsSQLStatement::NodeFunction
class  QgsSQLStatement::NodeInOperator
class  QgsSQLStatement::NodeJoin
class  QgsExpressionNode::NodeList
 A list of expression nodes. More...
class  QgsSQLStatement::NodeList
 A list of nodes. More...
class  QgsSQLStatement::NodeLiteral
class  QgsSQLStatement::NodeSelect
class  QgsSQLStatement::NodeSelectedColumn
class  QgsSQLStatement::NodeTableDef
class  QgsSQLStatement::NodeUnaryOperator
class  pal::InternalException::NoLabelPosition
 Throw an exception when it's impossible to compute labelPosition. More...
class  pal::PalException::NotImplemented
 Thrown when a feature is not yet implemented. More...
class  QgsVectorFileWriter::Option
class  QgsFeatureRequest::OrderBy
class  QgsFeatureRequest::OrderByClause
class  pal::Pal
 Main Pal labeling class. More...
class  pal::PalException
 Various Exceptions. More...
class  PalRtree< T >
class  pal::PalStat
 Summary statistics of labeling problem. More...
class  QgsExpressionFunction::Parameter
class  QgsAbstractGeometry::part_iterator
class  pal::PointSet
class  pal::PriorityQueue
class  pal::Problem
 Representation of a labeling problem. More...
class  Qgis
class  QgisVisitor
 Custom visitor that adds found features to list. More...
class  Qgs25DRenderer
class  Qgs3DRendererAbstractMetadata
 Base metadata class for 3D renderers. More...
class  Qgs3DRendererRegistry
 Keeps track of available 3D renderers. More...
class  QgsAbstract3DRenderer
class  QgsAbstractCacheIndex
 Abstract base class for cache indices. More...
class  QgsAbstractContentCache< T >
class  QgsAbstractContentCacheBase
class  QgsAbstractContentCacheEntry
class  QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection
 The QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection class provides common functionality for DB based connections. More...
class  QgsAbstractFeatureIterator
class  QgsAbstractFeatureIteratorFromSource< T >
class  QgsAbstractFeatureSource
class  QgsAbstractGeometry
 Abstract base class for all geometries. More...
class  QgsAbstractGeometrySimplifier
class  QgsAbstractGeoPdfExporter
class  QgsAbstractLabelProvider
 The QgsAbstractLabelProvider class is an interface class. Implementations return list of labels and their associated geometries - these are used by QgsLabelingEngine to compute the final layout of labels. More...
class  QgsAbstractLayoutIterator
 An abstract base class for QgsLayout based classes which can be exported by QgsLayoutExporter. More...
class  QgsAbstractLayoutUndoCommand
class  QgsAbstractMetadataBase
 An abstract base class for metadata stores. More...
class  QgsAbstractMetadataBaseValidator
 Abstract base class for metadata validators. More...
class  QgsAbstractPropertyCollection
 Abstract base class for QgsPropertyCollection like objects. More...
class  QgsAbstractProviderConnection
 The QgsAbstractProviderConnection provides an interface for data provider connections. More...
class  QgsAbstractValidityCheck
 Abstract base class for individual validity checks. More...
class  QgsAbstractVectorLayerLabeling
class  QgsAction
class  QgsActionManager
class  QgsActionScope
class  QgsActionScopeRegistry
class  QgsAggregateCalculator
 Utility class for calculating aggregates for a field (or expression) over the features from a vector layer. It is recommended that QgsVectorLayer::aggregate() is used rather then directly using this class, as the QgsVectorLayer method can handle delegating aggregate calculation to a data provider for remote calculation. More...
class  QgsAnimatedIcon
class  QgsAnnotation
 Abstract base class for annotation items which are drawn over a map. More...
class  QgsAnnotationManager
 Manages storage of a set of QgsAnnotation annotation objects. More...
class  QgsApplication
class  QgsArchive
 Class allowing to manage the zip/unzip actions. More...
class  QgsArrayFilterExpressionFunction
 Handles the array_filter(array, expression) expression function. More...
class  QgsArrayForeachExpressionFunction
 Handles the array_foreach(array, expression) expression function. More...
class  QgsArrowSymbolLayer
 Line symbol layer used for representing lines as arrows. More...
class  QgsAttributeEditorContainer
class  QgsAttributeEditorElement
class  QgsAttributeEditorField
class  QgsAttributeEditorHtmlElement
class  QgsAttributeEditorQmlElement
class  QgsAttributeEditorRelation
class  QgsAttributes
class  QgsAttributeTableConfig
class  QgsAuthCertUtils
 Utilities for working with certificates and keys. More...
class  QgsAuthConfigSslServer
 Configuration container for SSL server connection exceptions or overrides. More...
class  QgsAuthCrypto
class  QgsAuthManager
class  QgsAuthMethod
class  QgsAuthMethodConfig
 Configuration storage class for authentication method configurations. More...
class  QgsAuthMethodMetadata
class  QgsAuthMethodRegistry
class  QgsAuxiliaryLayer
class  QgsAuxiliaryStorage
 Class providing some utility methods to manage auxiliary storage. More...
class  QgsBasicNumericFormat
class  QgsBearingNumericFormat
class  QgsBearingUtils
class  QgsBilinearRasterResampler
class  QgsBlockingNetworkRequest
 A thread safe class for performing blocking (sync) network requests, with full support for QGIS proxy and authentication settings. More...
class  QgsBlurEffect
 A paint effect which blurs a source picture, using a number of different blur methods. More...
class  QgsBookmark
 Represents a spatial bookmark, with a name, CRS and extent. More...
class  QgsBookmarkManager
 Manages storage of a set of bookmarks. More...
class  QgsBookmarkManagerModel
 Implements a model for the contents of QgsBookmarkManager objects. More...
class  QgsBookmarkManagerProxyModel
 A QSortFilterProxyModel subclass for sorting the entries in a QgsBookmarkManagerModel. More...
class  QgsBox3d
class  QgsBrightnessContrastFilter
class  QgsBrowserModel
class  QgsBrowserProxyModel
class  QgsBrowserWatcher
class  QgsCachedFeatureIterator
 Delivers features from the cache. More...
class  QgsCachedFeatureWriterIterator
 Uses another iterator as backend and writes features to the cache. More...
class  QgsCacheIndexFeatureId
class  QgsCadUtils
class  QgsCallout
 Abstract base class for callout renderers. More...
class  QgsCalloutAbstractMetadata
struct  QgsCallout::QgsCalloutContext
 Contains additional contextual information about the context in which a callout is being rendered. More...
class  QgsCalloutMetadata
class  QgsCalloutRegistry
class  QgsCategorizedSymbolRenderer
class  QgsCentroidFillSymbolLayer
class  QgsCheckBoxFieldFormatter
class  QgsCircle
 Circle geometry type. More...
class  QgsCircularString
 Circular string geometry type. More...
class  QgsClassificationCustom
class  QgsClassificationEqualInterval
class  QgsClassificationJenks
class  QgsClassificationLogarithmic
class  QgsClassificationMethod
class  QgsClassificationPrettyBreaks
class  QgsClassificationQuantile
class  QgsClassificationRange
class  QgsClassificationStandardDeviation
class  QgsClipper
class  QgsClipToMinMaxEnhancement
class  QgsColorBrewerColorRamp
 Color ramp utilising "Color Brewer" preset color schemes. More...
class  QgsColorBrewerPalette
class  QgsColorEffect
 A paint effect which alters the colors (e.g., brightness, contrast) in a source picture. More...
class  QgsColorRamp
 Abstract base class for color ramps. More...
class  QgsColorRampShader
class  QgsColorRampTransformer
 QgsPropertyTransformer subclass for transforming a numeric value into a color from a color ramp. More...
class  QgsColorScheme
 Abstract base class for color schemes. More...
class  QgsColorSchemeRegistry
 Registry of color schemes. More...
class  QgsCompositionConverter
 QgsCompositionConverter class converts a QGIS 2.x composition to a QGIS 3.x layout. More...
class  QgsCompoundCurve
 Compound curve geometry type. More...
class  QgsConditionalLayerStyles
 The QgsConditionalLayerStyles class holds conditional style information for a layer. This includes field styles and full row styles. More...
class  QgsConditionalStyle
class  QgsConnectionPool< T, T_Group >
class  QgsConnectionPoolGroup< T >
class  QgsConnectionRegistry
class  QgsConstWkbPtr
class  QgsContrastEnhancement
class  QgsContrastEnhancementFunction
class  QgsCoordinateFormatter
 Contains methods for converting coordinates for display in various formats. More...
class  QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem
class  QgsCoordinateTransform
class  QgsCoordinateTransformContext
class  QgsCptCityAllRampsItem
class  QgsCptCityArchive
class  QgsCptCityBrowserModel
class  QgsCptCityCollectionItem
 A Collection: logical collection of subcollections and color ramps. More...
class  QgsCptCityColorRamp
class  QgsCptCityColorRampItem
 Item that represents a layer that can be opened with one of the providers. More...
class  QgsCptCityDataItem
 Base class for all items in the model. More...
class  QgsCptCityDirectoryItem
 A directory: contains subdirectories and color ramps. More...
class  QgsCptCitySelectionItem
class  QgsCredentials
class  QgsCredentialsConsole
 Implementation of credentials interface for the console. More...
class  QgsCredentialsNone
 Default implementation of credentials interface. More...
class  QgsCsException
class  QgsCubicRasterResampler
class  QgsCurrencyNumericFormat
class  QgsCurve
 Abstract base class for curved geometry type. More...
class  QgsCurvePolygon
 Curve polygon geometry type. More...
class  QgsCurveTransform
 Handles scaling of input values to output values by using a curve created from smoothly joining a number of set control points. More...
class  QgsCustomColorScheme
 A color scheme which contains custom colors set through QGIS app options dialog. More...
class  QgsDartMeasurement
class  QgsDatabaseFilterProxyModel
class  QgsDatabaseSchemaModel
 A model containing schemas from a database connection. More...
class  QgsDatabaseTableModel
 A model containing tables from a database connection. More...
class  QgsDataCollectionItem
class  QgsDataDefinedSizeLegend
class  QgsDataDefinedSizeLegendNode
class  QgsDataItem
class  QgsDataItemProvider
class  QgsDataItemProviderRegistry
class  QgsDataProvider
class  QgsDataProviderTemporalCapabilities
class  QgsDataSourceUri
class  QgsDateTimeFieldFormatter
class  QgsDateTimeStatisticalSummary
 Calculator for summary statistics and aggregates for a list of datetimes. More...
class  QgsDatumTransform
 Contains methods and classes relating the datum transformations. More...
class  QgsDefaultLabelingEngine
 Default QgsLabelingEngine implementation, which completes the whole labeling operation (including label rendering) in the run() method. More...
class  QgsDefaultMeshLayerLegend
class  QgsDefaultRasterLayerLegend
class  QgsDefaultValue
 The QgsDefaultValue class provides a container for managing client side default values for fields. More...
class  QgsDefaultVectorLayerLegend
class  QgsDiagram
class  QgsDiagramInterpolationSettings
class  QgsDiagramLabelFeature
class  QgsDiagramLayerSettings
 Stores the settings for rendering of all diagrams for a layer. More...
class  QgsDiagramRenderer
 Evaluates and returns the diagram settings relating to a diagram for a specific feature. More...
class  QgsDiagramSettings
 Stores the settings for rendering a single diagram. More...
class  QgsDirectoryItem
class  QgsDirectoryParamWidget
class  QgsDistanceArea
class  QgsDoubleBoxScaleBarRenderer
class  QgsDrawSourceEffect
 A paint effect which draws the source picture with minor or no alterations. More...
class  QgsDropShadowEffect
 A paint effect which draws an offset and optionally blurred drop shadow. More...
class  QgsVectorLayerUtils::QgsDuplicateFeatureContext
 Contains mainly the QMap with QgsVectorLayer and QgsFeatureIds do list all the duplicated features. More...
class  QgsDxfExport
class  QgsDxfPaintDevice
class  QgsDxfPaintEngine
class  QgsEditFormConfig
class  QgsEditorWidgetSetup
class  QgsEffectPainter
 A class to manager painter saving and restoring required for effect drawing. More...
class  QgsEffectStack
 A paint effect which consists of a stack of other chained paint effects. More...
class  QgsEllipse
 Ellipse geometry type. More...
class  QgsEllipseSymbolLayer
class  QgsEllipsoidUtils
class  QgsError
class  QgsErrorItem
class  QgsErrorMessage
class  QgsException
class  QgsExpression
class  QgsExpressionContext
 Expression contexts are used to encapsulate the parameters around which a QgsExpression should be evaluated. QgsExpressions can then utilize the information stored within a context to contextualise their evaluated result. A QgsExpressionContext consists of a stack of QgsExpressionContextScope objects, where scopes added later to the stack will override conflicting variables and functions from scopes lower in the stack. More...
class  QgsExpressionContextGenerator
class  QgsExpressionContextScope
 Single scope for storing variables and functions for use within a QgsExpressionContext. Examples include a project's scope, which could contain information about the current project such as the project file's location. QgsExpressionContextScope can encapsulate both variables (static values) and functions(which are calculated only when an expression is evaluated). More...
class  QgsExpressionContextScopeGenerator
class  QgsExpressionContextScopePopper
class  QgsExpressionContextUtils
 Contains utilities for working with QgsExpressionContext objects, including methods for creating scopes for specific uses (e.g., project scopes, layer scopes). More...
class  QgsExpressionFieldBuffer
class  QgsExpressionFunction
class  QgsExpressionNode
class  QgsExpressionNodeBinaryOperator
 A binary expression operator, which operates on two values. More...
class  QgsExpressionNodeColumnRef
 An expression node which takes it value from a feature's field. More...
class  QgsExpressionNodeCondition
 An expression node for CASE WHEN clauses. More...
class  QgsExpressionNodeFunction
 An expression node for expression functions. More...
class  QgsExpressionNodeIndexOperator
 A indexing expression operator, which allows use of square brackets [] to reference map and array items. More...
class  QgsExpressionNodeInOperator
 An expression node for value IN or NOT IN clauses. More...
class  QgsExpressionNodeLiteral
 An expression node for literal values. More...
class  QgsExpressionNodeUnaryOperator
class  QgsFallbackFieldFormatter
class  QgsFallbackNumericFormat
class  QgsFavoritesItem
class  QgsFeature
class  QgsVectorLayerUtils::QgsFeatureData
 Encapsulate geometry and attributes for new features, to be passed to createFeatures. More...
class  QgsFeatureFilterModel
class  QgsFeatureFilterProvider
class  QgsFeatureIterator
class  QgsFeaturePickerModel
class  QgsFeaturePickerModelBase
class  QgsFeatureRenderer
class  QgsFeatureRequest
class  QgsFeatureSink
class  QgsFeatureSource
class  QgsFeatureStore
class  QgsFeedback
class  QgsFetchedContent
class  QgsField
class  QgsFieldConstraints
class  QgsFieldFormatter
class  QgsFieldFormatterContext
class  QgsFieldFormatterRegistry
class  QgsFieldModel
 The QgsFieldModel class is a model to display the list of fields in widgets (optionally associated with a vector layer). If allowed, expressions might be added to the end of the model. It can be associated with a QgsMapLayerModel to dynamically display a layer and its fields. More...
class  QgsFieldProxyModel
 The QgsFieldProxyModel class provides an easy to use model to display the list of fields of a layer. More...
class  QgsFields
class  QgsFileDownloader
class  QgsFileFilterGenerator
class  QgsFileUtils
 Class for file utilities. More...
class  QgsFilledMarkerSymbolLayer
 Filled marker symbol layer, consisting of a shape which is rendered using a QgsFillSymbol. This allows the symbol to support advanced styling of the interior and stroke of the shape. More...
class  QgsFillSymbol
class  QgsFillSymbolLayer
class  QgsFontMarkerSymbolLayer
class  QgsFontUtils
class  QgsFractionNumericFormat
class  QgsGdalUtils
 Utilities for working with GDAL. More...
class  QgsGenericNumericTransformer
 QgsPropertyTransformer subclass for scaling an input numeric value into an output numeric value. More...
class  QgsGenericSpatialIndex< T >
class  QgsGeometry
class  QgsGeometryCollection
 Geometry collection. More...
class  QgsGeometryConstPartIterator
 Java-style iterator for const traversal of parts of a geometry. More...
class  QgsGeometryEditUtils
 Convenience functions for geometry editing. More...
class  QgsGeometryEngine
 Contains geometry relation and modification algorithms. More...
class  QgsGeometryFactory
 Contains geometry creation routines. More...
class  QgsGeometryGeneratorSymbolLayer
class  QgsGeometryOptions
class  QgsGeometryPartIterator
 Java-style iterator for traversal of parts of a geometry. More...
class  QgsGeometryUtils
 Contains various geometry utility functions. More...
class  QgsGeometryValidator
class  QgsGeoNodeConnection
 Encapsulates settings related to a single GeoNode connection. More...
class  QgsGeoNodeConnectionUtils
 Contains various utilities for managing the known collection of GeoNode servers associated with a QGIS install. More...
class  QgsGeoNodeRequest
 Request handler for GeoNode servers. More...
class  QgsGeoNodeStyle
 Encapsulates information about a GeoNode layer style. More...
class  QgsGeos
class  QgsGlowEffect
 Base class for paint effect which draw a glow inside or outside a picture. More...
class  QgsGml
class  QgsGmlFeatureClass
class  QgsGmlSchema
class  QgsGmlStreamingParser
class  QgsGplColorScheme
 A color scheme which stores its colors in a gpl palette file. More...
class  QgsGpsConnection
class  QgsGpsConnectionRegistry
class  QgsGpsdConnection
class  QgsGpsDetector
class  QgsGpsInformation
class  QgsGradientColorRamp
 Gradient color ramp, which smoothly interpolates between two colors and also supports optional extra color stops. More...
class  QgsGradientFillSymbolLayer
class  QgsGradientStop
 Represents a color stop within a QgsGradientColorRamp color ramp. More...
class  QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer
class  QgsHashedLineSymbolLayer
class  QgsHeatmapRenderer
 A renderer which draws points as a live heatmap. More...
class  QgsHillshadeRenderer
 A renderer for generating live hillshade models. More...
class  QgsHistogram
 Calculator for a numeric histogram from a list of values. More...
class  QgsHistogramDiagram
class  QgsHollowScaleBarRenderer
class  QgsHtmlAnnotation
class  QgsHtmlUtils
 Class for HTML utilities. More...
class  QgsHueSaturationFilter
class  QgsImageCache
class  QgsImageFetcher
 Handles asynchronous download of images. More...
class  QgsImageFillSymbolLayer
class  QgsImageLegendNode
class  QgsImageOperation
 Contains operations and filters which apply to QImages. More...
class  QgsIndexedFeature
class  QgsInnerGlowEffect
 A paint effect which draws a glow within a picture. More...
class  QgsInnerShadowEffect
 A paint effect which draws an offset and optionally blurred drop shadow within a picture. More...
class  QgsInternalGeometryEngine
class  QgsInterpolatedLineColor
class  QgsInterpolatedLineRenderer
class  QgsInterpolatedLineWidth
class  QgsInterval
 A representation of the interval between two datetime values. More...
class  QgsInvertedPolygonRenderer
class  QgsJsonExporter
 Handles exporting QgsFeature features to GeoJSON features. More...
class  QgsJsonUtils
 Helper utilities for working with JSON and GeoJSON conversions. More...
class  QgsKeyValueFieldFormatter
class  QgsLabelBlockingRegion
class  QgsLabelCandidate
class  QgsLabelFeature
 The QgsLabelFeature class describes a feature that should be used within the labeling engine. Those may be the usual textual labels, diagrams, or any other custom type of map annotations (generated by custom label providers). More...
class  QgsLabeling
class  QgsLabelingEngine
 The QgsLabelingEngine class provides map labeling functionality. The input for the engine is a list of label provider objects and map settings. Based on the input, the engine computes layout of labels for the given map view with no collisions between the labels. Drawing of resulting labels is done again by label providers. More...
class  QgsLabelingEngineSettings
class  QgsLabelingResults
class  QgsLabelingUtils
 Contains helper utilities for working with QGIS' labeling engine. More...
class  QgsLabelObstacleSettings
class  QgsLabelPosition
class  QgsLabelSearchTree
class  QgsLabelSink
class  QgsLabelSinkProvider
class  QgsLabelSorter
class  QgsLabelThinningSettings
class  QgsLayerDefinition
 The QgsLayerDefinition class holds generic methods for loading/exporting QLR files. More...
class  QgsLayerItem
class  QgsLayerMetadata
 A structured metadata store for a map layer. More...
class  QgsLayerMetadataFormatter
 Class for metadata formatter. More...
class  QgsLayerTree
class  QgsLayerTreeFilterProxyModel
class  QgsLayerTreeGroup
class  QgsLayerTreeLayer
class  QgsLayerTreeModel
class  QgsLayerTreeModelLegendNode
class  QgsLayerTreeNode
class  QgsLayerTreeRegistryBridge
class  QgsLayerTreeUtils
class  QgsLayout
 Base class for layouts, which can contain items such as maps, labels, scalebars, etc. More...
class  QgsLayoutAligner
 Handles aligning and distributing sets of layout items. More...
class  QgsLayoutAtlas
class  QgsLayoutEffect
class  QgsLayoutExporter
 Handles rendering and exports of layouts to various formats. More...
class  QgsLayoutFrame
class  QgsLayoutGeoPdfExporter
class  QgsLayoutGridSettings
 Contains settings relating to the appearance, spacing and offset for layout grids. More...
class  QgsLayoutGuide
 Contains the configuration for a single snap guide used by a layout. More...
class  QgsLayoutGuideCollection
 Stores and manages the snap guides used by a layout. More...
class  QgsLayoutGuideProxyModel
 Filters QgsLayoutGuideCollection models to guides of a single orientation (horizontal or vertical). More...
class  QgsLayoutItem
 Base class for graphical items within a QgsLayout. More...
class  QgsLayoutItemAbstractMetadata
 Stores metadata about one layout item class. More...
class  QgsLayoutItemAttributeTable
class  QgsLayoutItemGroup
class  QgsLayoutItemGuiRegistry
 Registry of available layout item GUI behavior. More...
class  QgsLayoutItemHtml
class  QgsLayoutItemLabel
class  QgsLayoutItemLegend
class  QgsLayoutItemManualTable
class  QgsLayoutItemMap
 Layout graphical items for displaying a map. More...
class  QgsLayoutItemMapGrid
 An individual grid which is drawn above the map content in a QgsLayoutItemMap. More...
class  QgsLayoutItemMapGridStack
 A collection of grids which is drawn above the map content in a QgsLayoutItemMap. The grid stack controls which grids are drawn and the order they are drawn in. More...
class  QgsLayoutItemMapItem
 An item which is drawn inside a QgsLayoutItemMap, e.g., a grid or map overview. More...
class  QgsLayoutItemMapItemStack
 A collection of map items which are drawn above the map content in a QgsLayoutItemMap. The item stack controls which items are drawn and the order they are drawn in. More...
class  QgsLayoutItemMapOverview
 An individual overview which is drawn above the map content in a QgsLayoutItemMap, and shows the extent of another QgsLayoutItemMap. More...
class  QgsLayoutItemMapOverviewStack
 A collection of overviews which are drawn above the map content in a QgsLayoutItemMap. The overview stack controls which overviews are drawn and the order they are drawn in. More...
class  QgsLayoutItemMarker
 A layout item for showing marker symbols. More...
class  QgsLayoutItemMetadata
class  QgsLayoutItemPage
 Item representing the paper in a layout. More...
class  QgsLayoutItemPicture
class  QgsLayoutItemPolygon
class  QgsLayoutItemPolyline
class  QgsLayoutItemRegistry
 Registry of available layout item types. More...
class  QgsLayoutItemRenderContext
class  QgsLayoutItemScaleBar
class  QgsLayoutItemShape
 Layout item for basic filled shapes (e.g. rectangles, ellipses). More...
class  QgsLayoutItemTextTable
class  QgsLayoutManager
 Manages storage of a set of layouts. More...
class  QgsLayoutManagerModel
class  QgsLayoutManagerProxyModel
class  QgsLayoutMeasurement
 This class provides a method of storing measurements for use in QGIS layouts using a variety of different measurement units. More...
class  QgsLayoutMeasurementConverter
 This class provides a method of converting QgsLayoutMeasurements from one unit to another. Conversion to or from pixel units utilizes a specified dots per inch (DPI) property for the converter. Converters default to using 300 DPI. More...
class  QgsLayoutModel
class  QgsLayoutMultiFrame
class  QgsLayoutMultiFrameAbstractMetadata
 Stores metadata about one layout multiframe class. More...
class  QgsLayoutMultiFrameMetadata
class  QgsLayoutNodesItem
class  QgsLayoutNorthArrowHandler
class  QgsLayoutObject
class  QgsLayoutPageCollection
 A manager for a collection of pages in a layout. More...
class  QgsLayoutPoint
 This class provides a method of storing points, consisting of an x and y coordinate, for use in QGIS layouts. Measurement units are stored alongside the position. More...
class  QgsLayoutProxyModel
 Allows for filtering a QgsLayoutModel by item type. More...
class  QgsLayoutRenderContext
 Stores information relating to the current rendering settings for a layout. More...
class  QgsLayoutReportContext
 Stores information relating to the current reporting context for a layout. More...
class  QgsLayoutSerializableObject
class  QgsLayoutSize
 This class provides a method of storing sizes, consisting of a width and height, for use in QGIS layouts. Measurement units are stored alongside the size. More...
class  QgsLayoutSnapper
 Manages snapping grids and preset snap lines in a layout, and handles snapping points to the nearest grid coordinate/snap line when possible. More...
class  QgsLayoutTable
 A class to display a table in the print layout, and allow the table to span over multiple frames. More...
class  QgsLayoutTableColumn
class  QgsLayoutTableStyle
 Styling option for a layout table cell. More...
class  QgsLayoutUndoObjectInterface
class  QgsLayoutUndoStack
class  QgsLayoutUtils
class  QgsLayoutValidityCheckContext
 Validity check context for print layout validation. More...
class  QgsLegendModel
class  QgsLegendPatchShape
class  QgsLegendRenderer
 The QgsLegendRenderer class handles automatic layout and rendering of legend. The content is given by QgsLayerTreeModel instance. Various layout properties can be configured within QgsLegendRenderer. More...
class  QgsLegendSettings
 The QgsLegendSettings class stores the appearance and layout settings for legend drawing with QgsLegendRenderer. The content of the legend is given in QgsLegendModel class. More...
class  QgsLegendStyle
class  QgsLegendSymbolItem
class  QgsLimitedRandomColorRamp
 Constrained random color ramp, which returns random colors based on preset parameters. More...
class  QgsLinearlyInterpolatedDiagramRenderer
class  QgsLinearMinMaxEnhancement
class  QgsLinearMinMaxEnhancementWithClip
class  QgsLinePatternFillSymbolLayer
class  QgsLineSegment2D
class  QgsLineString
 Line string geometry type, with support for z-dimension and m-values. More...
class  QgsLineSymbol
class  QgsLineSymbolLayer
class  QgsListFieldFormatter
class  QgsLocalDefaultSettings
 Contains local default settings which should be respected when creating new objects such as QgsProjects. More...
class  QgsLocaleNumC
class  QgsLocalizedDataPathRegistry
class  QgsLocator
class  QgsLocatorAutomaticModel
class  QgsLocatorContext
class  QgsLocatorFilter
class  QgsLocatorModel
class  QgsLocatorModelBridge
class  QgsLocatorProxyModel
class  QgsLocatorResult
class  QgsLogger
class  QgsManhattanLineCallout
 Draws straight (right angled) lines as callouts. More...
class  QgsMapDecoration
 Interface for map decorations. More...
class  QgsMapHitTest
class  QgsMapLayer
class  QgsMapLayerDependency
class  QgsMapLayerLegend
class  QgsMapLayerLegendUtils
class  QgsMapLayerModel
 The QgsMapLayerModel class is a model to display layers in widgets. More...
class  QgsMapLayerProxyModel
 The QgsMapLayerProxyModel class provides an easy to use model to display the list of layers in widgets. More...
class  QgsMapLayerRenderer
class  QgsMapLayerStore
class  QgsMapLayerStyle
class  QgsMapLayerStyleManager
class  QgsMapLayerStyleOverride
class  QgsMapLayerTemporalProperties
class  QgsMapRendererAbstractCustomPainterJob
class  QgsMapRendererCache
class  QgsMapRendererCustomPainterJob
class  QgsMapRendererJob
class  QgsMapRendererParallelJob
class  QgsMapRendererQImageJob
class  QgsMapRendererSequentialJob
class  QgsMapRendererStagedRenderJob
class  QgsMapRendererTask
class  QgsMapSettings
class  QgsMapSettingsUtils
class  QgsMapThemeCollection
 Container class that allows storage of map themes consisting of visible map layers and layer styles. More...
class  QgsMapToPixel
class  QgsMapToPixelSimplifier
class  QgsMapUnitScale
 Struct for storing maximum and minimum scales for measurements in map units. More...
class  QgsMargins
 The QgsMargins class defines the four margins of a rectangle. More...
class  QgsMarkerLineSymbolLayer
class  QgsMarkerSymbol
class  QgsMarkerSymbolLayer
 Abstract base class for marker symbol layers. More...
class  QgsMaskIdProvider
class  QgsMaskMarkerSymbolLayer
 Special symbol layer that uses its sub symbol as a selective mask. More...
class  QgsMasterLayoutInterface
 Interface for master layout type objects, such as print layouts and reports. More...
class  QgsMbTiles
class  QgsMemoryProviderUtils
struct  QgsMesh
class  QgsMesh3dAveragingMethod
class  QgsMesh3dDataBlock
class  QgsMeshDataBlock
class  QgsMeshDataProvider
class  QgsMeshDataProviderTemporalCapabilities
class  QgsMeshDatasetGroupMetadata
class  QgsMeshDatasetGroupTreeItem
class  QgsMeshDatasetIndex
class  QgsMeshDatasetMetadata
class  QgsMeshDatasetSourceInterface
class  QgsMeshDatasetValue
class  QgsMeshDataSourceInterface
class  QgsMeshDriverMetadata
class  QgsMeshElevationAveragingMethod
class  QgsMeshLayer
class  QgsMeshLayer3DRenderer
class  QgsMeshLayer3DRendererMetadata
class  QgsMeshLayerRenderer
class  QgsMeshLayerTemporalProperties
class  QgsMeshMultiLevelsAveragingMethod
class  QgsMeshRelativeHeightAveragingMethod
class  QgsMeshRendererMeshSettings
class  QgsMeshRendererScalarSettings
class  QgsMeshRendererSettings
class  QgsMeshRendererVectorArrowSettings
class  QgsMeshRendererVectorSettings
class  QgsMeshRendererVectorStreamlineSettings
class  QgsMeshRendererVectorTracesSettings
class  QgsMeshSigmaAveragingMethod
class  QgsMeshSimplificationSettings
class  QgsMeshSpatialIndex
class  QgsMeshTimeSettings
class  QgsMeshVectorTraceAnimationGenerator
class  QgsMessageLog
class  QgsMessageLogConsole
 Default implementation of message logging interface. More...
class  QgsMessageLogNotifyBlocker
 Temporarily blocks the application QgsMessageLog (see QgsApplication::messageLog()) from emitting the messageReceived( bool ) signal for the lifetime of the object. More...
class  QgsMessageOutput
class  QgsMessageOutputConsole
 Default implementation of message output interface. More...
class  QgsMimeDataUtils
class  QgsMultiBandColorRenderer
class  QgsMultiCurve
 Multi curve geometry collection. More...
class  QgsMultiLineString
 Multi line string geometry collection. More...
class  QgsMultiPoint
 Multi point geometry collection. More...
class  QgsMultiPolygon
 Multi polygon geometry collection. More...
class  QgsMultiRenderChecker
class  QgsMultiSurface
 Multi surface geometry collection. More...
class  QgsNativeMetadataBaseValidator
 A validator for the native base QGIS metadata schema definition. More...
class  QgsNativeMetadataValidator
 A validator for the native QGIS layer metadata schema definition. More...
class  QgsNativeProjectMetadataValidator
 A validator for the native QGIS project metadata schema definition. More...
class  QgsNetworkAccessManager
 network access manager for QGIS More...
class  QgsNetworkAuthenticationHandler
 Network authentication handler, used for responding to network authentication requests during network requests. More...
class  QgsNetworkContentFetcher
 HTTP network content fetcher. A simple method for fetching remote HTTP content and converting the content to standard formats. Url redirects are automatically handled. More...
class  QgsNetworkContentFetcherRegistry
 Registry for temporary fetched files. More...
class  QgsNetworkContentFetcherTask
 Handles HTTP network content fetching in a background task. More...
class  QgsNetworkDiskCache
class  QgsNetworkReplyContent
 Encapsulates a network reply within a container which is inexpensive to copy and safe to pass between threads. More...
class  QgsNetworkReplyParser
 Multipart QNetworkReply parser. More...
class  QgsNetworkRequestParameters
class  QgsNewsFeedModel
class  QgsNewsFeedParser
class  QgsNewsFeedProxyModel
class  QgsNmeaConnection
class  QgsNullSymbolRenderer
 Null symbol renderer. Renderer which draws no symbols for features by default, but allows for labeling and diagrams for the layer. Selected features will also be drawn with a default symbol. More...
class  QgsNumericFormat
class  QgsNumericFormatContext
class  QgsNumericFormatRegistry
class  QgsNumericScaleBarRenderer
class  QgsObjectCustomProperties
class  QgsOfflineEditing
class  QgsOgcUtils
 The QgsOgcUtils class provides various utility functions for conversion between OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) standards and QGIS internal representations. More...
class  QgsOgcUtilsExpressionFromFilter
 Internal use by QgsOgcUtils. More...
class  QgsOgcUtilsExprToFilter
class  QgsOgcUtilsSQLStatementToFilter
class  QgsOgrUtils
 Utilities for working with OGR features and layers. More...
class  QgsOpenClUtils
 The QgsOpenClUtils class is responsible for common OpenCL operations such as. More...
class  QgsOptional< T >
 QgsOptional is a container for other classes and adds an additional enabled/disabled flag. More...
class  QgsOptionalExpression
class  QgsOuterGlowEffect
 A paint effect which draws a glow outside of a picture. More...
class  QgsOwsConnection
 Connections management. More...
class  QgsPageSize
 A named page size for layouts. More...
class  QgsPageSizeRegistry
 A registry for known page sizes. More...
class  QgsPaintEffect
 Base class for visual effects which can be applied to QPicture drawings. More...
class  QgsPaintEffectAbstractMetadata
 Stores metadata about a paint effect class. More...
class  QgsPaintEffectMetadata
 Convenience metadata class that uses static functions to create an effect and its widget. More...
class  QgsPaintEffectRegistry
 Registry of available paint effects. More...
class  QgsPaintEngineHack
class  QgsPainterSwapper
 A class to manage painter saving and restoring required for drawing on a different painter (mask painter for example) More...
class  QgsPainting
class  QgsPalettedRasterRenderer
class  QgsPalLabeling
class  QgsPalLayerSettings
class  QgsPathResolver
class  QgsPercentageNumericFormat
class  QgsPieDiagram
class  QgsPkiBundle
 Storage set for PKI bundle: SSL certificate, key, optional CA cert chain. More...
class  QgsPkiConfigBundle
 Storage set for constructed SSL certificate, key, associated with an authentication config. More...
class  QgsPluginLayer
class  QgsPluginLayerRegistry
class  QgsPluginLayerType
class  QgsPoint
 Point geometry type, with support for z-dimension and m-values. More...
class  QgsPointClusterRenderer
class  QgsPointDisplacementRenderer
class  QgsPointDistanceRenderer
class  QgsPointLocator
 The class defines interface for querying point location: More...
class  QgsPointLocator_DumpTree
class  QgsPointLocator_Stream
class  QgsPointLocator_VisitorArea
class  QgsPointLocator_VisitorCentroidsInRect
class  QgsPointLocator_VisitorEdgesInRect
class  QgsPointLocator_VisitorMiddlesInRect
class  QgsPointLocator_VisitorNearestCentroid
class  QgsPointLocator_VisitorNearestEdge
class  QgsPointLocator_VisitorNearestMiddleOfSegment
class  QgsPointLocator_VisitorNearestVertex
class  QgsPointLocator_VisitorVerticesInRect
class  QgsPointPatternFillSymbolLayer
class  QgsPointXY
class  QgsPolygon
 Polygon geometry type. More...
class  QgsPostgresStringUtils
class  QgsPresetSchemeColorRamp
 A scheme based color ramp consisting of a list of predefined colors. More...
class  QgsPrintLayout
 Print layout, a QgsLayout subclass for static or atlas-based layouts. More...
class  QgsProcessing
class  QgsProcessingAlgorithm
class  QgsProcessingAlgRunnerTask
class  QgsProcessingContext
class  QgsProcessingDestinationParameter
class  QgsProcessingException
class  QgsProcessingFeatureBasedAlgorithm
class  QgsProcessingFeatureSink
class  QgsProcessingFeatureSource
class  QgsProcessingFeatureSourceDefinition
class  QgsProcessingFeedback
class  QgsProcessingLayerPostProcessorInterface
 An interface for layer post-processing handlers for execution following a processing algorithm operation. More...
class  QgsProcessingMultiStepFeedback
class  QgsProcessingOutputBoolean
class  QgsProcessingOutputConditionalBranch
class  QgsProcessingOutputDefinition
class  QgsProcessingOutputFile
class  QgsProcessingOutputFolder
class  QgsProcessingOutputHtml
class  QgsProcessingOutputLayerDefinition
class  QgsProcessingOutputMapLayer
class  QgsProcessingOutputMultipleLayers
class  QgsProcessingOutputNumber
class  QgsProcessingOutputRasterLayer
class  QgsProcessingOutputString
class  QgsProcessingOutputVectorLayer
class  QgsProcessingParameterAggregate
class  QgsProcessingParameterAuthConfig
class  QgsProcessingParameterBand
class  QgsProcessingParameterBoolean
class  QgsProcessingParameterColor
class  QgsProcessingParameterCoordinateOperation
class  QgsProcessingParameterCrs
class  QgsProcessingParameterDatabaseSchema
class  QgsProcessingParameterDatabaseTable
class  QgsProcessingParameterDateTime
class  QgsProcessingParameterDefinition
class  QgsProcessingParameterDistance
class  QgsProcessingParameterEnum
class  QgsProcessingParameterExpression
class  QgsProcessingParameterExtent
class  QgsProcessingParameterFeatureSink
class  QgsProcessingParameterFeatureSource
class  QgsProcessingParameterField
class  QgsProcessingParameterFieldMapping
class  QgsProcessingParameterFile
class  QgsProcessingParameterFileDestination
class  QgsProcessingParameterFolderDestination
class  QgsProcessingParameterLayout
class  QgsProcessingParameterLayoutItem
class  QgsProcessingParameterLimitedDataTypes
class  QgsProcessingParameterMapLayer
class  QgsProcessingParameterMapTheme
class  QgsProcessingParameterMatrix
class  QgsProcessingParameterMeshLayer
class  QgsProcessingParameterMultipleLayers
class  QgsProcessingParameterNumber
class  QgsProcessingParameterPoint
class  QgsProcessingParameterProviderConnection
class  QgsProcessingParameterRange
class  QgsProcessingParameterRasterDestination
class  QgsProcessingParameterRasterLayer
class  QgsProcessingParameters
class  QgsProcessingParameterScale
class  QgsProcessingParameterString
class  QgsProcessingParameterType
 Makes metadata of processing parameters available. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterTypeAuthConfig
 A authentication configuration parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterTypeBand
 A raster band parameter for Processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterTypeBoolean
 A boolean parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterTypeColor
 A color parameter for Processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterTypeCoordinateOperation
 A coordinate operation parameter for Processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterTypeCrs
 A crs parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterTypeDatabaseSchema
 A database schema name parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterTypeDatabaseTable
 A database table name parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterTypeDateTime
 A datetime parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterTypeDistance
 A distance parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterTypeEnum
 An enum based parameter for processing algorithms, allowing for selection from predefined values. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterTypeExpression
 An expression parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterTypeExtent
 A rectangular map extent parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterTypeFeatureSink
 A feature sink parameter for Processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterTypeFeatureSource
 An input feature source (such as vector layers) parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterTypeField
 A vector layer or feature source field parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterTypeFile
 An input file or folder parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterTypeFileDestination
 A generic file based destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a file (non-map layer) created by the algorithm. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterTypeFolderDestination
 A folder destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a folder created by the algorithm or used for creating new files within the algorithm. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterTypeLayout
 A print layout parameter for Processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterTypeLayoutItem
 A print layout item parameter for Processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterTypeMapLayer
 A generic map layer parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterTypeMapTheme
 A map theme parameter for Processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterTypeMatrix
 A table (matrix) parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterTypeMeshLayer
 A mesh layer parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterTypeMultipleLayers
 A parameter for processing algorithms which accepts multiple map layers. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterTypeNumber
 A numeric parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterTypePoint
 A point parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterTypeProviderConnection
 A provider connection name parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterTypeRange
 A numeric range parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterTypeRasterDestination
 A raster layer destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a raster layer created by the algorithm. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterTypeRasterLayer
 A raster layer parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterTypeScale
 A scale parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterTypeString
 A string parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterTypeVectorDestination
 A vector layer destination parameter, for specifying the destination path for a vector layer created by the algorithm. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterTypeVectorLayer
 A vector layer parameter for processing algorithms. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterTypeVectorTileWriterLayers
 Parameter type definition for QgsProcessingParameterVectorTileWriterLayers. More...
class  QgsProcessingParameterVectorDestination
class  QgsProcessingParameterVectorLayer
class  QgsProcessingParameterVectorTileWriterLayers
 A parameter for processing algorithms that need a list of input vector layers for writing of vector tiles - this parameter provides processing framework's adapter for QList<QgsVectorTileWriter::Layer>. More...
class  QgsProcessingProvider
class  QgsProcessingRegistry
class  QgsProcessingUtils
class  QgsProjContext
class  QgsProject
class  QgsProjectArchive
 Class allowing to manage the zip/unzip actions on project file. More...
class  QgsProjectBadLayerHandler
class  QgsProjectColorScheme
 A color scheme which contains project specific colors set through project properties dialog. More...
class  QgsProjectDirtyBlocker
 Temporarily blocks QgsProject "dirtying" for the lifetime of the object. More...
class  QgsProjectDisplaySettings
 Contains settings and properties relating to how a QgsProject should display values such as map coordinates and bearings. More...
class  QgsProjectFileTransform
class  QgsProjectItem
class  QgsProjectMetadata
 A structured metadata store for a map layer. More...
class  QgsProjectProperty
class  QgsProjectPropertyKey
class  QgsProjectPropertyValue
class  QgsProjectServerValidator
 Validates the server specific parts of the configuration of a QGIS project. More...
class  QgsProjectStorage
class  QgsProjectStorageGuiProvider
class  QgsProjectStorageRegistry
class  QgsProjectTimeSettings
 Contains temporal settings and properties for the project, this may be used when animating maps or showing temporal layers. More...
class  QgsProjectTranslator
class  QgsProjectVersion
class  QgsProjectViewSettings
 Contains settings and properties relating to how a QgsProject should be displayed inside map canvas, e.g. More...
class  QgsProjUtils
class  QgsProperty
 A store for object properties. More...
class  QgsPropertyCollection
 A grouped map of multiple QgsProperty objects, each referenced by a integer key value. More...
class  QgsPropertyCollectionStack
 An ordered stack of QgsPropertyCollection containers, where collections added later to the stack will take priority over earlier collections. More...
class  QgsPropertyDefinition
 Definition for a property. More...
class  QgsPropertyTransformer
 Abstract base class for objects which transform the calculated value of a property. Possible uses include transformers which map a value into a scaled size or color from a gradient. More...
class  QgsProviderConnectionException
class  QgsProviderConnectionModel
 A model containing registered connection names for a specific data provider. More...
class  QgsProviderMetadata
class  QgsProviderRegistry
class  QgsProxyFeatureSink
class  QgsProxyProgressTask
class  QgsPythonRunner
class  QgsQtLocationConnection
class  QgsQuadrilateral
 Quadrilateral geometry type. A quadrilateral is a polygon with four edges (or sides) and four vertices or corners. This class allows the creation of simple quadrilateral (which does not self-intersect). More...
class  QgsRandomColorRamp
 Totally random color ramp. Returns colors generated at random, but constrained to some hardcoded saturation and value ranges to prevent ugly color generation. More...
class  QgsRandomMarkerFillSymbolLayer
class  QgsRange< T >
class  QgsRangeFieldFormatter
class  QgsRaster
class  QgsRasterBandStats
class  QgsRasterBlock
class  QgsRasterBlockFeedback
class  QgsRasterChecker
class  QgsRasterContourRenderer
class  QgsRasterDataProvider
class  QgsRasterDataProviderTemporalCapabilities
class  QgsRasterDrawer
class  QgsRasterFileWriter
class  QgsRasterFileWriterTask
class  QgsRasterFillSymbolLayer
 A class for filling symbols with a repeated raster image. More...
class  QgsRasterHistogram
class  QgsRasterIdentifyResult
class  QgsRasterInterface
class  QgsRasterIterator
class  QgsRasterLayer
class  QgsRasterLayerRenderer
class  QgsRasterLayerTemporalProperties
class  QgsRasterMarkerSymbolLayer
 Raster marker symbol layer class. More...
class  QgsRasterMinMaxOrigin
class  QgsRasterNuller
class  QgsRasterPipe
class  QgsRasterProjector
 QgsRasterProjector implements approximate projection support for it calculates grid of points in source CRS for target CRS + extent which are used to calculate affine transformation matrices. More...
class  QgsRasterPyramid
class  QgsRasterRange
class  QgsRasterRenderer
class  QgsRasterRendererRegistry
struct  QgsRasterRendererRegistryEntry
class  QgsRasterResampleFilter
class  QgsRasterResampler
class  QgsRasterResamplerV2
class  QgsRasterShader
class  QgsRasterShaderFunction
class  QgsRasterSymbolLegendNode
class  QgsRasterTransparency
struct  QgsRasterViewPort
class  QgsRay2D
 A 2D ray which extends from an origin point to an infinite distance in a given direction. More...
class  QgsReadWriteContext
class  QgsReadWriteContextCategoryPopper
class  QgsReadWriteLocker
class  QgsRecentColorScheme
 A color scheme which contains the most recently used colors. More...
class  QgsRectangle
class  QgsReferencedGeometryBase
class  QgsReferencedPointXY
class  QgsReferencedRectangle
class  QgsRegularPolygon
 Regular Polygon geometry type. More...
class  QgsRelation
class  QgsRelationContext
class  QgsRelationManager
class  QgsRelationReferenceFieldFormatter
class  QgsRemappingProxyFeatureSink
class  QgsRemappingSinkDefinition
class  QgsRenderChecker
class  QgsRenderContext
class  QgsRenderedFeatureHandlerInterface
class  QgsRendererAbstractMetadata
class  QgsRendererCategory
 Represents an individual category (class) from a QgsCategorizedSymbolRenderer. More...
class  QgsRendererMetadata
class  QgsRendererRange
class  QgsRendererRangeLabelFormat
class  QgsRendererRegistry
 Registry of renderers. More...
class  QgsRuleBasedLabeling
class  QgsRuleBasedLabelProvider
class  QgsRuleBasedLabelSinkProvider
class  QgsRuleBasedRenderer
class  QgsRunProcess
class  QgsRuntimeProfiler
class  QgsSatelliteInfo
class  QgsScaleBarRenderer
class  QgsScaleBarRendererRegistry
class  QgsScaleBarSettings
class  QgsScaleCalculator
class  QgsScaleUtils
class  QgsScientificNumericFormat
class  QgsScopedExpressionFunction
 Expression function for use within a QgsExpressionContextScope. This differs from a standard QgsExpression::Function in that it requires an implemented clone() method. More...
class  QgsScopedProxyProgressTask
class  QgsScopedRenderContextPainterSwap
class  QgsScopedRenderContextScaleToMm
class  QgsScopedRenderContextScaleToPixels
class  QgsScopedRuntimeProfile
class  QgsScopeLogger
class  QgsSettings
class  QgsShadowEffect
 Base class for paint effects which offset, blurred shadows. More...
class  QgsShapeburstFillSymbolLayer
class  QgsSignalBlocker< Object >
class  QgsSimpleFillSymbolLayer
class  QgsSimpleLegendNode
class  QgsSimpleLineCallout
 A simple direct line callout style. More...
class  QgsSimpleLineSymbolLayer
class  QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer
 Simple marker symbol layer, consisting of a rendered shape with solid fill color and an stroke. More...
class  QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayerBase
 Abstract base class for simple marker symbol layers. Handles creation of the symbol shapes but leaves the actual drawing of the symbols to subclasses. More...
class  QgsSimplifyMethod
class  QgsSingleBandColorDataRenderer
class  QgsSingleBandGrayRenderer
class  QgsSingleBandPseudoColorRenderer
class  QgsSingleBoxScaleBarRenderer
class  QgsSingleCategoryDiagramRenderer
class  QgsSingleSymbolRenderer
class  QgsSizeScaleTransformer
 QgsPropertyTransformer subclass for scaling a value into a size according to various scaling methods. More...
class  QgsSnappingConfig
class  QgsSnappingUtils
class  QgsSpatialIndex
class  QgsSpatialIndexCopyVisitor
class  QgsSpatialIndexKDBush
class  QgsSpatialIndexKDBushData
class  QgsSpatialIndexUtils
struct  QgsSpatialiteCloser
class  QgsSqlExpressionCompiler
 Generic expression compiler for translation to provider specific SQL WHERE clauses. More...
struct  QgsSqlite3Closer
class  QgsSqliteUtils
 Contains utilities for working with Sqlite data sources. More...
class  QgsSQLStatement
class  QgsSQLStatementCollectTableNames
class  QgsSslErrorHandler
 SSL error handler, used for responding to SSL errors encountered during network requests. More...
class  QgsStackedBarDiagram
class  QgsStagedRenderLabelingEngine
 A QgsLabelingEngine implementation, which only calculates the labeling solution during its run() method. The actual rendering of labels themselves is deferred to follow up calls to .... More...
class  QgsStaticExpressionFunction
class  QgsStatisticalSummary
 Calculator for summary statistics for a list of doubles. More...
class  QgsSteppedLineScaleBarRenderer
struct  QgsStoredExpression
class  QgsStoredExpressionManager
class  QgsStringReplacement
 A representation of a single string replacement. More...
class  QgsStringReplacementCollection
 A collection of string replacements (specified using QgsStringReplacement objects). More...
class  QgsStringStatisticalSummary
 Calculator for summary statistics and aggregates for a list of strings. More...
class  QgsStringUtils
 Utility functions for working with strings. More...
class  QgsStyle
class  QgsStyleColorRampEntity
class  QgsStyleEntityInterface
class  QgsStyleEntityVisitorInterface
class  QgsStyleLabelSettingsEntity
class  QgsStyleLegendPatchShapeEntity
class  QgsStyleModel
class  QgsStyleProxyModel
class  QgsStyleSymbolEntity
class  QgsStyleTextFormatEntity
class  QgsSurface
class  QgsSvgAnnotation
class  QgsSvgCache
class  QgsSVGFillSymbolLayer
class  QgsSvgMarkerSymbolLayer
class  QgsSymbol
class  QgsSymbolLayer
class  QgsSymbolLayerAbstractMetadata
class  QgsSymbolLayerId
 We may need stable references to symbol layers, when pointers to symbol layers is not usable (when a symbol or a feature renderer is cloned for example). More...
class  QgsSymbolLayerMetadata
class  QgsSymbolLayerReference
class  QgsSymbolLayerRegistry
class  QgsSymbolLayerUtils
class  QgsSymbolLegendNode
class  QgsSymbolLevelItem
class  QgsSymbolRenderContext
class  QgsTableCell
 Encapsulates the contents and formatting of a single table cell. More...
class  QgsTask
 Abstract base class for long running background tasks. Tasks can be controlled directly, or added to a QgsTaskManager for automatic management. More...
class  QgsTaskManager
 Task manager for managing a set of long-running QgsTask tasks. This class can be created directly, or accessed via QgsApplication::taskManager(). More...
class  QgsTemplatedLineSymbolLayerBase
class  QgsTemporalController
class  QgsTemporalNavigationObject
class  QgsTemporalProperty
class  QgsTemporalRange< T >
class  QgsTemporalRangeObject
class  QgsTemporalUtils
 Contains utility methods for working with temporal layers and projects. More...
class  QgsTessellator
class  QgsTextAnnotation
class  QgsTextBackgroundSettings
class  QgsTextBlock
class  QgsTextBufferSettings
class  QgsTextCharacterFormat
class  QgsTextDiagram
class  QgsTextDocument
class  QgsTextFormat
class  QgsTextFragment
class  QgsTextLabelFeature
 Class that adds extra information to QgsLabelFeature for text labels. More...
class  QgsTextMaskSettings
class  QgsTextRenderer
class  QgsTextRendererUtils
class  QgsTextShadowSettings
class  QgsThreadingUtils
class  QgsTicksScaleBarRenderer
class  QgsTileCache
 A simple tile cache implementation. More...
class  QgsTileMatrix
class  QgsTileRange
class  QgsTileXYZ
class  QgsTolerance
class  QgsTopologyPreservingSimplifier
class  QgsTracer
class  QgsTrackedVectorLayerTools
class  QgsTransaction
class  QgsTransactionGroup
class  QgsTransformEffect
 A paint effect which applies transformations (such as move, scale and rotate) to a picture. More...
class  QgsTranslationContext
 Used for the collecting of strings from projects for translation and creation of ts files. More...
class  QgsTriangle
 Triangle geometry type. More...
class  QgsTriangularMesh
class  QgsUnitTypes
 Helper functions for various unit types. More...
class  QgsUserColorScheme
 A color scheme which stores its colors in a gpl palette file within the "palettes" subfolder off the user's QGIS settings folder. More...
class  QgsUserProfile
class  QgsUserProfileManager
class  QgsValidityCheckContext
 Base class for validity check contexts. More...
class  QgsValidityCheckResult
 Represents an individual result from a validity check run by a QgsAbstractValidityCheck subclass. More...
class  QgsValueMapFieldFormatter
class  QgsValueRelationFieldFormatter
class  QgsVector
class  QgsVectorDataProvider
class  QgsVectorDataProviderTemporalCapabilities
class  QgsVectorFieldSymbolLayer
class  QgsVectorFileWriter
class  QgsVectorFileWriterTask
class  QgsVectorLayer
class  QgsVectorLayer3DRenderer
class  QgsVectorLayer3DRendererMetadata
class  QgsVectorLayerCache
 The cached features can be indexed by QgsAbstractCacheIndex. More...
class  QgsVectorLayerDiagramProvider
 The QgsVectorLayerDiagramProvider class implements support for diagrams within the labeling engine. Parameters for the diagrams are taken from the layer settings. More...
class  QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer
class  QgsVectorLayerEditPassthrough
class  QgsVectorLayerEditUtils
class  QgsVectorLayerExporter
class  QgsVectorLayerExporterTask
class  QgsVectorLayerFeatureCounter
class  QgsVectorLayerFeatureIterator
class  QgsVectorLayerFeatureSource
class  QgsVectorLayerJoinBuffer
class  QgsVectorLayerJoinInfo
class  QgsVectorLayerLabelProvider
 The QgsVectorLayerLabelProvider class implements a label provider for vector layers. Parameters for the labeling are taken from the layer's custom properties or from the given settings. More...
class  QgsVectorLayerRenderer
class  QgsVectorLayerRendererInterruptionChecker
class  QgsVectorLayerSelectedFeatureSource
class  QgsVectorLayerServerProperties
class  QgsVectorLayerSimpleLabeling
class  QgsVectorLayerTemporalContext
class  QgsVectorLayerTemporalProperties
class  QgsVectorLayerTools
class  QgsVectorLayerUndoCommand
 Base class for undo commands within a QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer. More...
class  QgsVectorLayerUndoCommandAddAttribute
 Undo command for adding a new attribute to a vector layer. More...
class  QgsVectorLayerUndoCommandAddFeature
 Undo command for adding a feature to a vector layer. More...
class  QgsVectorLayerUndoCommandChangeAttribute
 Undo command for modifying an attribute of a feature from a vector layer. More...
class  QgsVectorLayerUndoCommandChangeGeometry
 Undo command for modifying the geometry of a feature from a vector layer. More...
class  QgsVectorLayerUndoCommandDeleteAttribute
 Undo command for removing an existing attribute from a vector layer. More...
class  QgsVectorLayerUndoCommandDeleteFeature
 Undo command for deleting a feature from a vector layer. More...
class  QgsVectorLayerUndoCommandRenameAttribute
 Undo command for renaming an existing attribute of a vector layer. More...
class  QgsVectorLayerUndoPassthroughCommand
 Undo command for vector layer in transaction group mode. More...
class  QgsVectorLayerUndoPassthroughCommandAddAttribute
 Undo command for adding attri to a vector layer in transaction group. More...
class  QgsVectorLayerUndoPassthroughCommandAddFeatures
 Undo command for adding a feature to a vector layer in transaction group mode. More...
class  QgsVectorLayerUndoPassthroughCommandChangeAttribute
 Undo command for changing attr value from a vector layer in transaction group. More...
class  QgsVectorLayerUndoPassthroughCommandChangeAttributes
 Undo command for changing attributes' values from a vector layer in transaction group. More...
class  QgsVectorLayerUndoPassthroughCommandChangeGeometry
 Undo command for changing feature geometry from a vector layer in transaction group. More...
class  QgsVectorLayerUndoPassthroughCommandDeleteAttribute
 Undo command for deleting attri of a vector layer in transaction group. More...
class  QgsVectorLayerUndoPassthroughCommandDeleteFeatures
 Undo command for deleting features from a vector layer in transaction group. More...
class  QgsVectorLayerUndoPassthroughCommandRenameAttribute
 Undo command for deleting attri of a vector layer in transaction group. More...
class  QgsVectorLayerUndoPassthroughCommandUpdate
 Undo command for running a specific sql query in transaction group. More...
class  QgsVectorLayerUtils
 Contains utility methods for working with QgsVectorLayers. More...
class  QgsVectorSimplifyMethod
class  QgsVectorTileBasicLabeling
class  QgsVectorTileBasicLabelingStyle
class  QgsVectorTileBasicLabelProvider
class  QgsVectorTileBasicRenderer
class  QgsVectorTileBasicRendererStyle
class  QgsVectorTileLabeling
class  QgsVectorTileLabelProvider
class  QgsVectorTileLayer
class  QgsVectorTileLayerRenderer
class  QgsVectorTileLoader
class  QgsVectorTileMVTDecoder
class  QgsVectorTileMVTEncoder
class  QgsVectorTileMVTUtils
class  QgsVectorTileRawData
class  QgsVectorTileRenderer
class  QgsVectorTileRendererData
class  QgsVectorTileUtils
class  QgsVectorTileWriter
class  QgsVertexId
 Utility class for identifying a unique vertex within a geometry. More...
class  QgsVertexIterator
 Java-style iterator for traversal of vertices of a geometry. More...
class  QgsVirtualLayerDefinition
class  QgsVirtualLayerDefinitionUtils
class  QgsVirtualLayerTask
class  QgsWeakRelation
 The QgsWeakRelation class represent a QgsRelation with possibly unresolved layers or unmatched fields. More...
class  QgsWebPage
 QWebPage subclass which redirects JavaScript errors and console output to the QGIS message log. More...
class  QgsWebView
 The QgsWebView class is a collection of stubs to mimic the API of QWebView on systems where the real library is not available. It should be used instead of QWebView inside QGIS. More...
class  QgsWithVariableExpressionFunction
 Handles the with_variable(name, value, node) expression function. More...
class  QgsWkbException
class  QgsWkbPtr
class  QgsWkbTypes
 Handles storage of information regarding WKB types and their properties. More...
class  QgsWmsLegendNode
class  QgsXmlUtils
class  QgsZipItem
class  QObjectUniquePtr< T >
 Keeps a pointer to a QObject and deletes it whenever this object is deleted. More...
class  QWebFrame
 The QWebFrame class is a collection of stubs to mimic the API of a QWebFrame on systems where QtWebkit is not available. More...
class  QWebPage
 The QWebPage class is a collection of stubs to mimic the API of a QWebPage on systems where QtWebkit is not available. More...
class  QWebSettings
 The QWebSettings class is a collection of stubs to mimic the API of a QWebSettings on systems where QtWebkit is not available. More...
class  QgsSQLStatement::RecursiveVisitor
struct  QgsRuleBasedRenderer::RenderJob
 A QgsRuleBasedRenderer rendering job, consisting of a feature to be rendered with a particular symbol. More...
struct  QgsRuleBasedRenderer::RenderLevel
 Render level: a list of jobs to be drawn at particular level for a QgsRuleBasedRenderer. More...
class  QgsRuleBasedLabeling::Rule
class  QgsRuleBasedRenderer::Rule
class  QgsVectorFileWriter::SaveVectorOptions
class  QgsVectorFileWriter::SetOption
class  Sol
class  QgsVirtualLayerDefinition::SourceLayer
class  spatialite_database_unique_ptr
class  sqlite3_database_unique_ptr
class  sqlite3_statement_unique_ptr
class  QgsVectorFileWriter::StringOption
class  pal::PalException::UnknownFeature
 Try to access an unknown feature. More...
class  pal::InternalException::UnknownGeometry
 Thrown when a geometry type is not like expected. More...
class  pal::PalException::UnknownLayer
 Try to access an unknown layer. More...
class  pal::Util
class  QgsAbstractMetadataBaseValidator::ValidationResult
 Contains the parameters describing a metadata validation failure. More...
class  pal::PalException::ValueNotInRange
 thrown when a value is not in the valid scale range\ More...
class  QgsAbstractGeometry::vertex_iterator
class  QgsSQLStatement::Visitor
class  QgsExpressionNodeCondition::WhenThen
 Represents a "WHEN... THEN..." portation of a CASE WHEN clause in an expression. More...
class  pal::InternalException::WrongGeometry
 Thrown when a geometry type is not like expected. More...


typedef QList< QgsAbstractMetadataBase::ContactQgsAbstractMetadataBase::ContactList
 A list of contacts. More...
typedef QList< QgsAbstractMetadataBase::LinkQgsAbstractMetadataBase::LinkList
 A list of links. More...
typedef QVector< QgsLayoutTableColumnQgsLayoutTableColumns
typedef QVector< QgsLayoutTableRowQgsLayoutTableContents
typedef QVector< QVariant > QgsLayoutTableRow
typedef QVector< QgsLayoutTableColumnQgsLayoutTableSortColumns
typedef QList< QPair< QColor, QString > > QgsNamedColorList
typedef QMultiMap< QString, QString > QgsSmartConditionMap


enum  QgsMapLayerType : int {
  QgsMapLayerType::VectorLayer, QgsMapLayerType::RasterLayer, QgsMapLayerType::PluginLayer, QgsMapLayerType::MeshLayer,


 QgsPointLocator_VisitorNearestCentroid::QgsPointLocator_VisitorNearestCentroid (QgsPointLocator *pl, QgsPointLocator::Match &m, const QgsPointXY &srcPoint, QgsPointLocator::MatchFilter *filter=nullptr)
 QgsPointLocator_VisitorNearestMiddleOfSegment::QgsPointLocator_VisitorNearestMiddleOfSegment (QgsPointLocator *pl, QgsPointLocator::Match &m, const QgsPointXY &srcPoint, QgsPointLocator::MatchFilter *filter=nullptr)

Detailed Description

The CORE library contains all basic GIS functionality.

Typedef Documentation

◆ ContactList

A list of contacts.

QGIS 3.2

Definition at line 199 of file qgsabstractmetadatabase.h.

◆ LinkList

A list of links.

QGIS 3.2

Definition at line 263 of file qgsabstractmetadatabase.h.

◆ QgsLayoutTableColumns

List of column definitions for a QgsLayoutTable

QGIS 3.0

Definition at line 57 of file qgslayouttable.h.

◆ QgsLayoutTableContents

List of QgsLayoutTableRows, representing rows and column cell contents for a QgsLayoutTable

QGIS 3.0

Definition at line 46 of file qgslayouttable.h.

◆ QgsLayoutTableRow

typedef QVector< QVariant > QgsLayoutTableRow

List of QVariants, representing a the contents of a single row in a QgsLayoutTable

QGIS 3.0

Definition at line 29 of file qgslayouttable.h.

◆ QgsLayoutTableSortColumns

List of column definitions for sorting a QgsLayoutTable

QGIS 3.14

Definition at line 64 of file qgslayouttable.h.

◆ QgsNamedColorList

typedef QList< QPair< QColor, QString > > QgsNamedColorList

List of colors paired with a friendly display name identifying the color

QGIS 2.5

Definition at line 34 of file qgscolorscheme.h.

◆ QgsSmartConditionMap

typedef QMultiMap<QString, QString> QgsSmartConditionMap

A multimap to hold the smart group conditions as constraint and parameter pairs. Both the key and the value of the map are QString. The key is the constraint of the condition and the value is the parameter which is applied for the constraint.

The supported constraints are: tag -> symbol has the tag matching the parameter !tag -> symbol doesn't have the tag matching the parameter name -> symbol has a part of its name matching the parameter !name -> symbol doesn't have any part of the name matching the parameter

Example Usage: QgsSmartConditionMap conditions; conditions.insert( "tag", "red" ); // adds the condition: Symbol has the tag red conditions.insert( "!name", "way" ); // add the condition: Symbol doesn't have any part of its name matching way

This is a Multimap, which means it will contain multiple values for the same key.

Definition at line 79 of file qgsstyle.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ QgsMapLayerType

enum QgsMapLayerType : int

Types of layers that can be added to a map

QGIS 3.8

Added in 3.2.


Added in 3.14.

Definition at line 67 of file qgsmaplayer.h.

Function Documentation

◆ QgsPointLocator_VisitorNearestCentroid()

QgsPointLocator_VisitorNearestCentroid::QgsPointLocator_VisitorNearestCentroid ( QgsPointLocator pl,
QgsPointLocator::Match m,
const QgsPointXY srcPoint,
QgsPointLocator::MatchFilter filter = nullptr 

Helper class used when traversing the index looking for centroid - builds a list of matches.

not available in Python bindings
QGIS 3.12

Definition at line 154 of file qgspointlocator.cpp.

◆ QgsPointLocator_VisitorNearestMiddleOfSegment()

QgsPointLocator_VisitorNearestMiddleOfSegment::QgsPointLocator_VisitorNearestMiddleOfSegment ( QgsPointLocator pl,
QgsPointLocator::Match m,
const QgsPointXY srcPoint,
QgsPointLocator::MatchFilter filter = nullptr 

Helper class used when traversing the index looking for middle segment - builds a list of matches.

not available in Python bindings
QGIS 3.12

Definition at line 206 of file qgspointlocator.cpp.