
QGIS 以英語思維來開發,甚至是使用者介面 (GUI) 也是,還有說明文件和網路。然而,這些部分設計上相當容易被翻譯成其他語言,因此這些部分也會有其他語言版本。現在已經有 40 種語言的桌面使用者介面,以及 80 種語言已經可以在 transifex 等待翻譯。同樣的網站和文件也是。

整個翻譯過程由:ref:翻譯團隊 <gui-translation>`來管理,而所有實際的翻譯則在 `Transifex 平台進行。


If you plan to contribute to an existing language or you want to translate QGIS into a not yet existing language, see 成為一名 QGIS 翻譯者. For any other related questions, please contact the Translation Team Leader or subscribe to the QGIS Translation mailing list.

訂閱信件列表之後,你可以直接寄信到 qgis-tr@lists.osgeo.org 尋求協助。


其他的信件清單可以到這邊看 郵件論壇.

GUI 翻譯

The QGIS interface is natively programmed in English. However, we do translate it into tens of languages and, at this moment over forty languages are already available in QGIS Desktop (the ones that reached 35% of translation for that specific release).

If you want to find out if your language is already present in QGIS Applications or who is currently working on your language you can take a look in the Help ‣ About ‣ Translators Box in the QGIS Desktop Application.

你會發現翻譯流程 (但記住每個 "穩定" 版本都會停留在同一級)。要找到現在翻譯進度百分比,你可以安裝 QGIS nightly 版本,或是觀看 QGIS 原始碼。



要啟動 QGIS 到適當的語言狀況,在命令列執行 qgis --lang <language code>,或是在 QGIS 的:menuselection:設定 --> 選項 --> 一般 --> 語言 改變語言設定

成為一名 QGIS 翻譯者

QGIS 專案總是尋覓想要花多一些時間翻譯 QGIS 到其語言的人 - 甚至能夠幫忙協調翻譯的人。



請聯繫 ref:Translation team leader <gui-translation> ,或是 ref:Community Assistant <community-resources> ,來讓你的名字出現在 QGIS 桌面版裡的關於方框中。




  1. Go to https://explore.transifex.com/qgis/

  2. You can explore available projects we translate, identify their target languages with various statistics:

    • QGIS Desktop for all the pieces of text available in QGIS apps (QGIS Desktop and QGIS Server),

    • QGIS Documentation for the official documentation,

    • QGIS Website to translate the current website.

  3. Click on the project you would like to help translate

  4. Click on JOIN THIS PROJECT on the right side. You will be prompted to sign up.

  5. Create your account or connect using a third-party platform account. Verify your account by the link in the email you will receive.

  6. 登入

  7. You then get a popup to select which language you want to help translate to. Please, note that we try to make the process as simple as possible and only target languages, regardless of the country parameter (e.g. French (fr) and NOT French (France) (fr_FR)). Only if there are notable differences in the languages (e.g. portuguese in Portugal vs Brazil) we may allow different versions.

    Search your target language:

    • If it is marked as already added then select it and press Join Project.

    • If it is not marked as already added, select it and press Request language. Keep in mind that translating an entire project will take days of work, if not weeks!

  8. 現在你需要等到語言協調者或是專案維護者管理你的加入請求。你會被 email 通知是否准許加入。如果你的請求過了一週一直沒回應,請考慮在 Transifex 或是:ref:QGIS Translators mailing list <mailinglist-translation> 寄訊息給你的語言協調者。

  9. You can also join any of the other QGIS projects and help everywhere too.



In order to help you make good translation, some instructions are provided in the QGIS Translation Guidelines. We strongly recommend you to read them.


快速進入 Transifex 上面的檔案

如果你發現目前的文件或網站有錯誤或遺失的翻譯,你可以使用頁面底部的 修復我 連結,連到 Transifex 上面的資源,並且修正你想要修正的部分。