
QGIS文档的更新是由 社区团队 引导管理。请查看 QGIS管理方法 ,了解是谁负责指导您。

QGIS文档团队管理的完整文档列表可在 https://www.qgis.org/en/docs/index.html 查看,并在 https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Documentation/graphs/contributors 查看文档管理员列表。


如果您计划为QGIS文档投稿,请参阅 成为文档管理员 。有关其他相关问题,请联系 文档团队负责人 或订阅 QGIS社区团队 邮件列表。

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The complete list of documents managed by the QGIS Documentation Team can be found at https://www.qgis.org/en/docs/index.html. All the documentation sources are hosted in QGIS-Documentation repository. If you want to update some features in QGIS or document new ones, you need to:

Instructions for contributing in documentation and managing a git repository are available at Documentation Guidelines


Direct access to source file

To easily find the file to update in the repository, use the Fix me link provided at the bottom of any page of the Testing documentation. It directly opens the source file in your forked repo. Just make your changes, commit in a new branch and submit pull request to the main repository.