Jurnalul schimbărilor pentru QGIS 3.18


Data lansării: 2021-02-19

Similar versiunilor pline de noutăți QGIS 3.14 și QGIS 3.16, QGIS 3.18 introduce o serie de îmbunătățiri și funcții noi, alături de o facilitate mult așteptată - suport Nativ pentru Norii de Puncte în QGIS! Grație eforturilor celor de la Lutra, North Road și Hobu, QGIS poate, de acum, să importe și să redea datele norilor de puncte în diverse formate, apelând la biblioteca Open Source PDAL. Această funcționalitate a fost introdusă datorită succesului unei „campanii de „crowd-funding” <https://www.lutraconsulting.co.uk/crowdfunding/pointcloud-qgis/>`__ și nu ar fi fost posibilă fără sprijinul comunității și a colaboratorilor QGIS. Mulțumim tuturor celor implicați în atingerea acestui obiectiv!

As QGIS Desktop 3.18 bids farewell to the DB2 database provider, it introduces support for users of the SAP HANA database system.

The QGIS ecosystem has also seen some exciting changes in the form of the QGIS HUB which is an extension of the plugin site which now supports the distribution of community developed styles, projects, and even processing models.

Dorim să mulțumim dezvoltatorilor, creatorilor documentației, testerilor și voluntarilor pentru timpul dedicat și pentru efortul depus (sau pentru că au finanțat anumite persoane în scopurile enumerate) făcând aceste versiuni posibile. Din partea comunității QGIS, vă urăm să vă bucurați de această versiune! Dacă doriți să contribuiți cu efort, bani sau să vă implicați într-un mod care ar putea îmbunătăți QGIS, vă rugăm să vizitați QGIS.ORG și să oferiți o mână de ajutor!

QGIS este susținut din donații și prin programul membrilor susținători. Lista curentă a celor care au contribuit financiar la acest proiect poate fi consultată aici. Dacă doriți să deveniți un membru susținător oficial al proiectului, vă rugăm să vizitați pagina membrilor susținători. Sponsorizările QGIS ne ajută să finanțăm întâlnirea dezvoltatorilor o dată la șase luni, să menținem infrastructura proiectului și să finanțăm eforturile de eliminare a erorilor. În continuare este prezentată lista completă a sponsorilor actuali - acestora le transmitem mulțumirile noastre!

QGIS este un soft gratuit iar dvs. nu aveți obligația de a plăti pentru folosirea lui - de fapt, vrem să încurajăm oamenii de pretutindeni să-l folosească, indiferent de starea financiară sau socială - având convingerea că, oferind utilizatorilor posibilități de decizie spațială, vom obține o societate mai bună.

Interfața cu Utilizatorul

Feature: Hide derived attributes from the Identify results

Previously, the QGIS Desktop Identify utility would expose a large number of derived attributes, such as geometry information. Although incredibly valuable, for many use cases this information is verbose. Users will now have the option to toggle the display of derived attributes to create a more concise view of the Identify results.



Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Richard Duivenvoorde

Feature: Close all tabs at once from message logs interface

The QgsMessageLogViewer now includes an „Empty tab and close others” to the log viewer panel context menu, supporting a quicker action to a clean interface when debugging.


Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Olivier Dalang

Feature: API for layer source widgets

An API has been added in the provider GUI to allow a provider to create a custom widget, which exposes options to customize and change the layer’s source. For example, a file-based layer provider could expose a widget for selecting a new file path, or an online provider could expose widgets for changing the host or authentication information.

Two implementations have been added for this:

  1. A file picker widget for GDAL file-based layers.

  2. A widget for customizing XYZ layer properties.



Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de: Nyall Dawson

Feature: GUI for dynamic SVGs

QGIS now supports dynamic standard vector graphic elements, as outlined in QEP #199. This allows QGIS to dynamically replace attributes or node values in the XML of the SVG and apply data-driven values to SVG elements. QGIS Desktop has additionally added a GUI editor to ensure that users are able to properly leverage this new functionality.


Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Denis Rouzaud

Feature: Zoom to multiple layers

The „Zoom to Layer” function available from the context menu, the View menu and the Map Navigation toolbar can now zoom to the extent of all the selected layers in the layer tree.


Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Patrice Pineault

Feature: Zoom and pan to selection for multiple layers

The „Zoom to Selection” and „Pan Map to Selection” functions available from the context menu, the View menu or the Map Navigation toolbox now offer the ability to navigate to the extent of the selection from the selected layers in the layer tree.


Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Patrice Pineault

Feature: Zoom in/out by scrolling mouse wheel over map overview panel

Users can now zoom in and out from the Map Overview panel using the mouse scroll.


Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Mathieu Pellerin


Feature: Improved color vision deficiency simulation

This modifies the previous support for grayscale and LMS-based simulation for protanopia and deuteranopia, bringing it in line with the methodology currently used in Chromium and Firefox. QGIS now uses updated grayscale luminance calculations (renamed to achromatopsia), a precomputed protanopia matrix (renamed from protanope), a precomputed deuteranopia matrix (renamed from deuteranope), and an additional mode for tritanopia using a similarly precomputed matrix.

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Will Cohen

Feature: Rotation widget for the Georeferencer

The georeferencer canvas can now be rotated in order to facilitate the placement of reference points. This is especially useful for scanned images which may not have uniform orientations.


Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de uclaros


Funcționalitate: Opacitate globală pentru simboluri, definită cu ajutorul datelor

Cu toate că era posibilă setarea prin intermediul expresiilor definite cu ajutorul datelor a opacității pentru culorile straturilor unui simbol, de acum este posibilă folosirea unei expresii definită de date care va controla opacitatea generală a simbolului.

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de: Nyall Dawson

Suprafața poliedrică

Funcționalitate: Noi algoritmi de exportare a suprafețelor poliedrice

New export options have been added for mesh layers. These allow the following options when exporting a mesh to a vector layer:

  • Export faces

  • Export edges (1D mesh)

  • Export as grid


Această funcționalitate a fost finanțată de Lutra Consulting

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Lutra Consulting (Vincent Cloarec)

Feature: Native export for mesh layers

Previous versions of QGIS required the utilization of the crayfish plugin, however, this functionality has now been incorporated into QGIS core and allows users to export mesh layers to vectors and add the dataset value as an attribute.


Această funcționalitate a fost finanțată de Lutra Consulting

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Lutra Consulting (Vincent Cloarec)

Feature: Mesh simplification for 3D

Mesh data can now be simplified by defining a level of detail for 3D rendering. This helps performance for complex datasets and ensures a smoother experience when 3D navigation is required.


Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Vincent Cloarec

Feature: Multiple native mesh processing algorithms

A number of new processing algorithms have been ported from the crayfish plugin, including:

  • Rasterize mesh layer

  • Export contour to vector layers

  • Export cross section to text file (csv)

  • Export time series to text file (csv)


Această funcționalitate a fost finanțată de Lutra Consulting

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Lutra Consulting (Vincent Cloarec)


Feature: „Merged feature” renderer for polygon and line layers

A new rendering option allows area and line features to be „dissolved” into a single object prior to rendering to ensure that complex symbols or overlapping features are represented by a uniform and contiguous cartographic symbol.


Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de: Nyall Dawson

Feature: Smarter Map Redraws

Previously, map redraws would attempt to redraw all elements in the frame. The map rendering has been significantly improved and now the existing map frame elements are used during the redraw process. This work was completed as a part of QEP #181 and was funded by the QGIS Grant program for 2020.

The following display outlines the redraw behavior before enhancement:


Această funcționalitate a fost finanțată de Programul de Granturi QGIS 2020

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Lutra Consulting (Peter Petrik)

Caracteristici 3D

Feature: Eye dome lighting

Eyedome lighting (EDL) is a post-processing effect which compares the depth of each pixel (distance from the camera) with the neighboring pixel depths and highlights edges according to the calculated differences.

An EDL configuration element has been added to the advanced settings tab of the 3D view configuration dialog. EDL strength has the effect of increasing the contrast, allowing for better depth perception (which may need to be adjusted when zooming in). EDL distance is the distance of the used pixels from the center pixel and it has the effect of making edges thicker.

The eye dome lighting is, by principle, an image-based rendering solution similar to SSAO (screen space ambient occlusion), and therefore works on the whole scene and doesn’t differ between point clouds or regular 3D objects.


Această funcționalitate a fost finanțată de Lutra Consulting

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Lutra Consulting (Nedjima Belgacem)

Feature: Data defined 3D material colors

3D material colors may now be data defined, allowing feature colors to be determined using the value of an attribute or expression.

Rendering of polygons may be currently done with multiple material types, each having distinct appearance and configuration of colors:

  • Realistic (Phong) material - calculated using 3 colors (diffuse, ambient, specular), which utilizes the 3D view lighting configuration

  • CAD (Gooch) material - calculated using 4 colors (diffuse, warm, cool, specular), which ignores the 3D view lighting configuration

Textured materials are unsupported at this time.



Această funcționalitate a fost finanțată de Kristianstad

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Lutra Consulting (Vincent Cloarec)

Feature: 3D Orthographic projection support

QGIS now offers orthographic projection support for 3D scenes, a feature often desired in the context of architecture, archeology, and more.


Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Mathieu Pellerin

Nori de Puncte

Feature: Point Cloud Support

Following the successful crowdfunding campaign for point cloud support in QGIS, the engineers at Lutra, North Road, and Hobu have been able to introduce the ability for QGIS to import and render point cloud data.

This includes the ability to add point cloud layers to QGIS projects, with support for the EPT format, and render them in 2D and 3D contexts.


Această funcționalitate a fost finanțată de Implementarea Norilor de Puncte în QGIS

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Lutra Consulting (Peter Petrik)

Funcționalitate: Adăugarea norilor de puncte în Navigatorul QGIS

The QGIS Browser and data source management interface now support the basic structure of PDAL supported point cloud layers.


Această funcționalitate a fost finanțată prin Campania de strângere de fonduri pentru implementarea Norilor de Puncte în QGIS

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Lutra Consulting (Peter Petrik)

Feature: Untwine PDAL Provider Integration

Ability to generate EPT index for (smaller) laz files directly in QGIS via the untwine library

Această funcționalitate a fost finanțată prin Campania de strângere de fonduri pentru implementarea Norilor de Puncte în QGIS

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Lutra Consulting (Peter Petrik)


Feature: Optional formatting of UUID results

There is now a string format parameter available for the uuid() function in QGIS expressions. Users now have various options that they can use to stipulate the format of the returned UUID value, including the following options:

  • uuid(): {0bd2f60f-f157-4a6d-96af-d4ba4cb366a1}

  • uuid('WithoutBraces'): 0bd2f60f-f157-4a6d-96af-d4ba4cb366a1

  • uuid('Id128'): 0bd2f60ff1574a6d96afd4ba4cb366a1


Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de signedav

Feature: Layer CRS variable for expressions

QGIS expressions now support a layer_crs variable which will return the AuthID for a particular layer’s coordinate reference system. This allows expressions to identify the layer CRS dynamically and perform transformations without needing to manually specify the CRS.

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Alex

Feature: Support for min, max, majority, sum, mean, and median functions on numerical arrays

QGIS expressions now include aggregate functions for arrays, which allow the easy retrieval of specific values from an array that may be used in QGIS elements such as symbologies. The following functions have been introduced:

  • array_min

  • array_max

  • array_majority

  • array_sum

  • array_mean

  • array_median

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de uclaros

Feature: Negative index for array_get function

The function array_get now supports the use of negative index positions.

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Alex

Feature: Add map_credits function

A map_credits function was added that collates a list of all the layer metadata attribution strings for the layers shown inside a specified map item.

For example:

array_to_string( map_credits( 'Main Map' ) )

Returns a comma-separated list of layer credits for layers shown in the «Main Map» layout item, e.g «CC-BY-NC, CC-BY-SA»

There’s an optional include_layer_names argument you can use to include layer names before their attribution:

array_to_string( map_credits( 'Main Map',
   include_layer_names := true,
   layer_name_separator := ': ' ) )

This would return a comma-separated list of layer names and their credits for layers shown in the «Main Map» layout item, e.g. «Railway lines: CC-BY-NC, Basemap: CC-BY-SA»

Această funcționalitate a fost finanțată de SLYR

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de: Nyall Dawson


Feature: Select features context menu

It is now possible to select features using a context menu on the map canvas. Right-clicking on the map will intelligently identify the features below the mouse cursor and allow the available features to be added or removed from the current selection. Where multiple features are available, a short delay may persist whilst the system attempts to search for available features that will become available in a nested menu item for selection, or users may simply use the select all function to select all available features at the given position.


Această funcționalitate a fost finanțată de Kristianstad

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Lutra Consulting (Vincent Cloarec)

Feature: Curve tracing settings added to UI

Existing curve tracing settings were introduced previously and have now been exposed in the user interface to enable users to incrementally modify settings to optimize their results when capturing curve data.


Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Olivier Dalang

Feature: Feature scaling tool

Un nou instrument de digitalizare permite scalarea caracteristicilor selectate în modul de editare. Această implementare s-a bazat pe munca prestată de @roya0045 în #40650.


Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de: Nyall Dawson

Gestiunea Datelor

Funcționalitate: Nou algoritm pentru exportarea într-o foaie de calcul

Users may export a selection of vector layers as sheets in a new spreadsheet or append them as additional sheets to an existing spreadsheet

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de: Nyall Dawson

Feature: Reproject coordinates in the Georeferencer

The georeferencer now reprojects data points in a desired output projection, rather than using the map canvas CRS for determining data point positions. This allows users more flexibility and control when capturing control points.


Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Alex

Feature: Polymorphic relations/ Document management system

A new GUI is available to manage polymorphic relations, implemented as a part of the dynamic relations described in QEP #79.

The „Add relation” button in the relation manager screen now has additional options for adding and editing polymorphic relations:

The „Add polymorphic relation” and „Edit polymorphic relation” open the same dialog, although in the latter case it will automatically be populated with existing values.

Once saved, the list of relations appear as a tree widget, where the generated relation objects for a polymorphic relation appear as children. The names of the generated relations cannot be changed.

Polymorphic relations are stored within a project and currently cannot be exported.


Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Ivan Ivanov

Formulare și Controale grafice

Feature: Soft and hard constraints in forms

Historically, required fields would prevent a form from being saved entirely. Using soft constraints allow forms to notify users that expected information has been omitted, without preventing the form submission. Hard constraints, by contrast, function identically to the previous „required fields” functionality and will prevent form submissions unless data is correctly captured for the field.

Această funcționalitate a fost finanțată de Lutra Consulting

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Lutra Consulting (Viktor Sklencar)

Instrumentele de Analiză

Feature: Nominatim geocoder API

Although not exposed through the locator or as an algorithm, QGIS now includes a Nominatim API geocoder class. The geocoder class» implementation insures that it respects the OpenStreetMap Foundation Terms of Use by caching results and throttling requests by default.

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Mathieu Pellerin


Feature: Allow expression for order fields in PointsToPath algorithm

$id may be used as an expression for a csv with ordered values, and the ORDER_EXPRESSION parameter has been added to the PointsToPath algorithm.

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Matthias Kuhn

Feature: Override CRS for Clip Raster by extent output

In some instances, the Clip raster by extent algorithm may output features without a CRS specified, which can now be modified by explicitly enforcing the output to inherit it’s CRS from the input layer.

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de rldhont

Feature: Add „retain fields” algorithm

Allows users to select a list of fields to keep, and all other fields will be dropped from the layer. Helps with making flexible models where input datasets may have a range of different fields and only a certain subset of them need to be retained. This work was inspired by #39114


Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de: Nyall Dawson

Feature: Reference common field parameter for multiple layers

Processing tools field parameters may support processing a common field for multiple vector layers, in an implementation inspired by the behavior of some processing algorithms in Orfeo ToolBox.

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Julien Cabieces

Feature: Extend import geotagged photos to include exif_orientation

The „Import geotagged photos” tool has been updated so that the exif_orientation parameter value is extracted to the output table. This ensures that maptips and other HTML widgets can be configured to correctly transform the photos to be correctly displayed based on the orientation value.

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Pelle Rosenbeck Gøeg

Feature: Export layer information algorithm

A new algorithm in the processing toolbox called export layers information has been added to support the creation of a polygon layer corresponding to extent of user-defined layer(s) with additional layer details which are attached as attributes to each polygon feature. The information collected currently supports the following elements:

  • CRS

  • Provider name

  • Calea către fișier

  • Numele stratului

  • Filtrul subsetului

  • Rezumat

  • Atribuire

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Mathieu Pellerin

Feature: Cell stack percentile and percentrank algorithms

The characteristics of the Cell Statistics processing tool have been replicated and modified to allow for three new processing algorithms, which allow QGIS to calculate cell statistics in a similar manner to common percentage functions used in spreadsheet programs. The new processing algorithms are:

  • Cell stack percentile

  • Cell stack percentrank from value

  • Cell stack percentrank from raster layer

While the percentile algorithm only offers the possibility of calculating percentiles based on an input fraction value (ranging between 0 and 1), a percentrank raster can also be calculated based on an input value raster. This gives the user the opportunity to calculate per-cell percentranks based on dataset driven value input (eg. sample layers).

All algorithms provide different methods for calculating percentiles and percentranks:

Percentile: - Nearest Rank - Inclusive linear interpolation (see LibreOffice’s and Microsoft Excel’s PERCENTILE.INC function) - Exclusive linear interpolation (see LibreOffice’s and Microsoft Excel’s PERCENTILE.EXC function)

Percentrank: - Inclusive linear interpolation (see LibreOffice’s and Microsoft Excel’s PERCENTRANK.INC function) - Exclusive linear interpolation (see LibreOffice’s and Microsoft Excel’s PERCENTRANK.EXC function)


Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Clemens Raffler

Feature: Points to lines processing algorithm

A native processing algorithm has been added in c++ that creates line layers from point layers, similar to the existing python Points to path but with extended functionality:

  • Added support for natural sorting ( «10» > «9» )

  • Avoid creating invalid lines with a single vertex

  • Avoid creating closed lines with two vertices

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de uclaros

Opțiunile Aplicației și ale Proiectului

Feature: Hidden layers

QGIS Projects now support the inclusion of hidden layers, which are capable of being included in a project but are not visible in the table of contents.

The layer property is configurable from the Data Sources tab of the project properties and includes API support for text filtering.


Această funcționalitate a fost finanțată de ARPA Piemonte

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Alessandro Pasotti

Feature: Custom „Full Extent” definition

A new „View Settings” tab has been added to the project properties, with the option to manually defined the full extent of a project. The extent defined here will be the extent used when zooming to the full map extent, instead of the calculated or maximum extent of all layers. This is useful for defining a particular area of interest for a project and does not limit user’s ability to „zoom out” further than the defined extent.


Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de: Nyall Dawson

Feature: Toggle network caching to QgsNetworkAccessManager

A checkbox in the network logger panel now allows users to temporarily disable the network cache, which is useful when debugging QGIS network activity, or when using QGIS to test server-side changes.

This is a transient setting by design and is forgotten as soon as QGIS is closed.


Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de: Nyall Dawson


Feature: Unify ArcGis Feature Service and ArcGIS Map Service connections in browser

The separate „ArcGis Feature Service” and „ArcGIS Map Service” browser connections have been replaced with a single, unified, „ArcGIS Rest Servers” connection and browser node, which shows a definitive view of the server and exposes both service types.

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de: Nyall Dawson

Feature: Allow browsing ArcGIS REST by content groups

ArcGIS Feature Service connections which have their corresponding Portal endpoint URLS set can be explored by content groups in the browser panel.

If a connection has the Portal endpoints set, then expanding out the connection in the browser will show a „Groups” and „Services” folder, instead of the full list of services usually shown. Expanding out the groups folder will show a list of all content groups that the user is a member of, each of which can be expanded to show the service items belonging to that group.

Această funcționalitate a fost finanțată de SRK Consulting

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de: Nyall Dawson

Furnizorii de Date

Feature: Native DXF export algorithm

Allows exporting individual or multiple layers into a single DXF file. For each input layer, users can select which attribute to use for splitting a single layer into multiple output layers.

Implements a native DXF export algorithm using QgsDxfExport functionality, which is also used by Project -> Import/Export -> Export Project to DXF.


Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Alexander Bruy

Feature: Additional geometry types for PostGIS Export

Some available geometry types from the GDAL ogr2ogr operation used for exporting data to PostGIS databases have been added to the tool interface. This functionality also includes the option to specify vector dimensions for exported data and resolves issue 39003.


Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de mazano

Feature: Improved network requests with GDAL

A QgsCPLHTTPFetchOverrider utility class was added and used in the OGR provider which redirects GDAL’s CPL HTTP calls through QgsBlockingNetworkRequest. This ensures that GDAL can use the QGIS network provider rather than redirecting requests through cURL. Additional head(), put() and deleteResource() methods were added to QgsBlockingNetworkRequest.

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Even Rouault

Feature: Read only generated fields

An API method has been added to ensure that readonly generated columns are not exposed in editors.

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Julien Cabieces

Feature: Improve MSSQL loading with predefined parameters

To reduce layer loading times, the map layer extent can be precomputed, and primary keys can be specified, removing the need for QGIS to calculate these characteristics and improving performance.

This is done by extending dbo.geometry_columns tables and adding the following extra columns, which may be populated accordingly by database administrators:

  • Extent : qgis_xmin, qgis_xmax, qgis_ymin, qgis_ymax

  • Primary key : qgis_pkey

In the database connection configuration widget, there are now two extra checkboxes which make use of these parameters:

  • Use layer extent from the extra columns

  • Use the primary key from the extra column


Această funcționalitate a fost finanțată de ms.GIS

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Lutra Consulting (Vincent Cloarec)

Feature: Filter schemas for MS SQL

Users may now filter the available schemas for MS SQL connections. The database connection widget now contains options for filtering available schemas, so that only the expected schemas are available from the QGIS browser.


Această funcționalitate a fost finanțată de ms.GIS

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Lutra Consulting (Vincent Cloarec)

Feature: SAP HANA database support

QGIS now supports SAP HANA databases. SAP HANA is an in-memory database with an OGC-compliant spatial engine with a free express edition available from www.sap.com

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Maxim Rylov

Feature: Deprecate support for DB2

The DB2 data provider has been marked as deprecated, and is hidden from the QGIS UI by default.

QGIS has adopted a gentle approach to removing unmaintained core providers, and users of deprecated providers may enable support for them by setting the hidden „providers/showDeprecated” settings key to true.

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de: Nyall Dawson

Feature: Oracle connection API

The QGIS API now includes QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection for the Oracle provider.

Această funcționalitate a fost finanțată de Metropole de Lille

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Julien Cabieces

Feature: Add advanced options for raster data imports

New functionality has been introduced which allows advanced parameters to be specified when importing layers using the GDAL data provider, opening a vast range of new possibilities, especially when working around expected dataset issues and shortcomings.


Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Mathieu Pellerin

QGIS Server

Feature: GetLegendGraphics Symbol Scale

The QGIS Server WMS GetLegendGraphics request now supports the inclusion of min/max scale denominators to json symbol exports

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Alessandro Pasotti

Feature: Drag and drop for WMS GetFeatureInfo response

With the drag and drop editor form, it is possible to reorder the attributes and add groups or subgroups from within the edit form. This functionality has been extended so that the WMS GetFeatureInfo response may be modified to include groups and subgroups, as well as allow the response content to be modified and reordered using the editor form, with support for drag and drop functionality.

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de mhugent


Feature: Run multiple items from command history dialog

The QGIS Python Console now supports the execution of multiple selected commands from the history dialog by adding a new Paste button.


Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Salvatore Larosa

Feature: Enable or disable plugins from the command line

The qgis_process command line tool has had new commands added which allow users to enable or disable plugins using the commands as outlined below:

  • qgis_process plugins enable plugin_name: enables the named plugin

  • qgis_process plugins disable plugin_name: disables the named plugin

This improves the automation capabilities of QGIS and allows the use of plugins on headless environments with the qgis_process tool.

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de: Nyall Dawson

Corecții Importante

Funcționalitate: Corecții efectuate de Alessandro Pasotti

Titlul Erorii

URL issues.qgis.org (dacă a fost raportată)

URL Commit (Github)

3.16 backport commit (GitHub)

Crash with VRT layers using Python pixel functions


Funcționează pentru mine

Cannot enter attributes and save edits on PostGIS table when user has only the INSERT privilige


PR #41059


GeoPackage layer name truncated when filename contains more that one dot


PR #41061


Unable to right click GeoPackage table from browser


Funcționează pentru mine

Empty Temporary scratch layer made permanent is not editable


PR #41075


Update MXE build, several issues

multiple issues

Commit afff8ba7be2794fe521a462feaf83b1a5d7cce63 PR #40923

yes (CI)

can’t change value in vertex editor if „locale” settings use commas as decimal separator


PR #41082

PR #41607

Empty String «» is shown as NULL with a spatialite layer using OGR provider


PR #41109

PR #41123

Wrong WFS 2.0.0 request returns duplicate features


PR #41169


Server WMS GetFeatureInfo feature ID inconsitencies


PR #41137

PR #41148

WMS throws LayerNotDefined when layer name contains plus sign (+)


PR #41211

PR #41331

QGIS Server WFS 1.1: issue with axis order


PR #41242

PR #41608

raster export (save as…) not working if QGIS locale uses commas as decimal separator


PR #41316

PR #41330

QGISserver WFS returns invalid GML in case of cascading WFS


PR #41335

PR #41387

Better handling of duplicated FIDs in GPKGs


Funcționează pentru mine

Cannot Create New Tables in a Geopackage (browser)


PR #41355

PR #41403

QGIS crashes when cancelling add child form


PR #41375


Group has no name when importing sublayers from browser panel


PR #41379

PR #41402

Identifty tool does not work anymore on arcgis map services layers


PR #41427

PR #41430

Signal committedAttributeValuesChanges not emitted when project in auto transaction mode


PR #41539


The project file does not store variables with formatted text


Upstream bug in QT

New spatial table in a geopackage with index always throw a warning


PR #41556

PR #41609

Empty „Exclude layers” selection list in Server settings dialog when using projects saved in GPKG files or PGSQL databases


PR #41605

Această funcționalitate a fost finanțată de QGIS.ORG (Prin programul de donații și susține)

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Alessandro Pasotti

Funcționalitate: Corecții efectuate de Peter Petrik

Titlul Erorii

URL issues.qgis.org (dacă a fost raportată)

URL Commit (Github)

3.16 backport commit (GitHub)

Skipping unknown layer type circle in vector tiles


PR #41584


Passwords cannot be saved into keychain on macOS with QGIS 3.16


QGIS-Mac-Packager PR #112


Symbol not found: _curl_mime_addpart with GDAL merge

QGIS-Mac-Packager Issue #111

QGIS-Mac-Packager PR #112


initGUI() results in Segmentation fault on macOS in standalone PyQgis


answered with the fix to the script

QgsCompoundColorWidget instance crash when QgsApplication::colorSchemeRegistry() is empty \



Include missing fonts in build

QGIS-Mac-Packager Issue #105

PR #41412

not needed?

Mishandling Grib Data Values


unable to replicate in qgis 3.16 macos

Error opening .2dm and .xmdf mesh data


PR libspatialindex #221


r.watershed error on macOS


QGIS-Mac-Packager Commit 7238782

QGIS-Mac-Packager Commit 7238782

OpenCL Acceleration not found on macOS


PR #41374

Github commit

Proj.db not found for SAGA tools on QGIS 3.17 Mac nightly


QGIS-Mac-Packager Commit 7a71390


[mesh][ui] Changing settings for 2D Contour color ramp shader shows confusing widgets


PR #41442

not needed?

QGIS crashes when „open directory” is selected from the recent projects contextual menu

PR #41591

PR #41591


Data-defined setting in html frame does not work


investigation done

Această funcționalitate a fost finanțată de QGIS.ORG (Prin programul de donații și susține)

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Peter Petrik

Funcționalitate: Corecții efectuate de Even Rouault

Titlul Erorii

URL issues.qgis.org (dacă a fost raportată)

URL Commit (Github)

3.16 backport commit (GitHub)

PostgreSQL provider doesn’t support special characters for authentication on Windows


PR #41144

PR #41179

WMS/WFS connections XML import fails silently if there are two connections with the same name


PR #41145

PR #41195

QgsAttributeWidgetRelationEditWidget::setRelationEditorConfiguration(): avoid crash on corrupted relation


PR #41147

PR #41175

[Processing] Rescale Raster gives bad results


PR #41155

PR #41194

QGIS not using PostGIS spatial index on geography column


PR #41296

PR #41301

Geopackage with DateTime field (temporal selection) behave different for painting and attributetable


Analysis of the issue

Crash with VRT layers using Python pixel functions


GDAL PR 3424

GDAL Commit a2ed089

Empty layer names adding Raster layer from GDAL / OGCAPI driver


PR #41452

not appropriate

Imported GeoTIFF not using data extent to select CRS - NAD83 vs NAD83(CSRS)



Georeferencer: fix crash on .points files generated by older QGIS versions


PR #41480


Crash trying to load ArcGis community map vector tiles


PR #41481

PR #41516

Această funcționalitate a fost finanțată de QGIS.ORG (Prin programul de donații și susține)

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Even Rouault

Funcționalitate: Corecții efectuate de Julien Cabieces

Titlul Erorii

URL issues.qgis.org (dacă a fost raportată)

URL Commit (Github)

3.16 backport commit (GitHub)

Record count regression on views


Won’t fix

Integer overflow errors creating and saving virtual layers


PR #41332

PR #41054

Vertex Tool uses old cached data resulting in corrupted data in db


PR #41357

PR #41509

WMS layer metadata - count for available CRS is not correct


PR #41363

Layer variables missing from Field Calculator algorithm on QGIS 3.16.1


PR #41417

PR #41510/

Filter is not applied in duplicated layers



Unable to save results to PostgreSQL database when iterating features in processing algorithms


PR #41446

Closed Python call to –processing.run(«qgis:fieldcalculator»– fails to catch divide by zero


Already Fixed

Expression widget does not list fields when Selected features only is checked


PR #41457

PR #41511

Această funcționalitate a fost finanțată de QGIS.ORG (Prin programul de donații și susține)

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Julien Cabieces

Funcționalitate: Corecții efectuate de Nyall Dawson

Titlul Erorii

URL issues.qgis.org (dacă a fost raportată)

URL Commit (Github)

3.16 backport commit (GitHub)

Fix text edit widget wrapper incorrectly shows „NULL” string for indeterminate state


Commit fa91357

PR #41054

[layouts] Expose the correct expression context for attribute and manual table text format widgets


Commit f337271

PR #41054

Fix incorrect error when saving attribute modifications to layers with joins


Commit 01889d9

PR #41054

Fix misleading JSON error message when an attribute form fails to save changes


Commit fd657be

PR #41054

Fix project „avoid tile artifacts” setting has no effect on server


Commit 04d6ea9

Not appropriate

Don’t crash when a relation is created where the field names defined in the relation differ in case from the layer’s field names


Commit 0f49cb9

Commit c708ca58

Fix add/remove buttons have no icons in create relationship dialogs


Commit 2e81dbc


Fix restoring previous GDAL alg raster creation options when running an algorithm from processing history


Commit 645397e

Commit c708ca5

Fix setting the current GDAL profile options temporarily overwrites the definition of one of the stored GDAL profiles


Commit 7ff0187

Commit c708ca58e

Fix crash when running model from file through qgis_process with the –json switch


Commit ccd4fb6

Commit 8bda37c

When labelling job takes a long time to render, don’t clear the map canvas between the finished layer render state and final state


Commit 1beb1bd


Don’t loop through all selected features multiple times (once per field) when the attribute form is opened


Commit c661359

PR #41054

Fix incorrect feature request filter expression generated when rule based renderer uses a NOT IN rule


Commit a895598

Commit 5eec9e4

Ask users for existing destination fields for Sum Line Length and Count Points In Polygons result fields when running in in-place mode


Commit 12e8130

Not appropriate

Fix crash when no layers exist in project


Commit 039bc20


[processing] Fix exception in algorithm locator filter if an algorithm has no group set


Commit 46dbd8b

Commit 7ef7b17

Expose additional GDAL supported resampling methods as options for „early” raster resampling


Commit 13fbcd1c

Not appropriate

[processing] Add commands to qgis_process tool to enable or disable plugins from the command line


Commit d140970

PR #41054

Fix transparency for ImageServer layers added via browser


Commit 9fb554f

Not appropriate

[server] Just skip any broken projects on the landing page, instead of blocking the whole landing pag


Commit e4a4b83

Not appropriate

Automatically update map canvas and layouts if set to a user crs and the user changes that crs definition


Commit ea57cfe

Not appropriate

Don’t show duplicate „source”/”path” rows for local files


Commit 8aa9c6a


Fix retrieval of sql results from geopackages


Commit f65fe3d

Don’t default to input field for optional expression parameters


Commit 1fed902

PR #41054

[layouts] Always update label after text changes


Commit 5d14c61

PR #41054

Fix fill symbol only related properties (like ring filters) show for line symbols in some contexts.


Commit 9cba248

Not appropriate

Ensure layer style dock is updated when toggling legend items through layer tree menu


Commit 457d661

PR #41054

Fix rendering of Vector Field marker symbol layer when map is rotated


Commit 157bdca

PR #41054

Fix marker line symbol layer renders vertices for segmentized versions of curved geometries instead of the actual vertices


Commit 71090b0

PR #41054

Fix scalebar decoration uses incorrect map extent when restoring a project


Commit f1ea5a9

Commit 6b1e67d

Fix missing identify results right click menu items for non vector layer types


Commit 176e972

Not appropriate

Această funcționalitate a fost finanțată de QGIS.ORG (Prin programul de donații și susține)

Această funcționalitate a fost dezvoltată de Nyall Dawson