Class: QgsRasterMatrix

class qgis.analysis.QgsRasterMatrix

Bases: sip.wrapper

Takes ownership of data array

QgsRasterMatrix(m: QgsRasterMatrix)

class OneArgOperator

Bases: int

class TwoArgOperator

Bases: int

acosinus(self) → bool
add(self, other: QgsRasterMatrix) → bool

Adds another matrix to this one

asinus(self) → bool
atangens(self) → bool
changeSign(self) → bool
cosinus(self) → bool
divide(self, other: QgsRasterMatrix) → bool
equal(self, other: QgsRasterMatrix) → bool
greaterEqual(self, other: QgsRasterMatrix) → bool
greaterThan(self, other: QgsRasterMatrix) → bool
isNumber(self) → bool

Returns True if matrix is 1x1 (=scalar number)

lesserEqual(self, other: QgsRasterMatrix) → bool
lesserThan(self, other: QgsRasterMatrix) → bool
log(self) → bool
log10(self) → bool
logicalAnd(self, other: QgsRasterMatrix) → bool
logicalOr(self, other: QgsRasterMatrix) → bool
multiply(self, other: QgsRasterMatrix) → bool
nColumns(self) → int
nRows(self) → int
nodataValue(self) → float
notEqual(self, other: QgsRasterMatrix) → bool
number(self) → float
opACOS = 5
opAND = 11
opASIN = 4
opATAN = 6
opCOS = 2
opDIV = 3
opEQ = 5
opGE = 9
opGT = 7
opLE = 10
opLOG = 8
opLOG10 = 9
opLT = 8
opMINUS = 1
opMUL = 2
opNE = 6
opOR = 12
opPLUS = 0
opPOW = 4
opSIGN = 7
opSIN = 1
opSQRT = 0
opTAN = 3
power(self, other: QgsRasterMatrix) → bool
setData(self, cols: int, rows: int, nodataValue: float) → float
setNodataValue(self, d: float)
sinus(self) → bool
squareRoot(self) → bool
subtract(self, other: QgsRasterMatrix) → bool

Subtracts another matrix from this one

tangens(self) → bool