Class: Qgis

class qgis.gui.Qgis

Bases: sip.wrapper

The Qgis class provides global constants for use throughout the application.



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alias of DeviceConnectionStatus


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A string with default project scales.


The development version


GEOS string version linked


GEOS version number linked


GEOS Major version number linked


GEOS Minor version number linked


GEOS Patch version number linked


Release name


Version string.


Version number used for comparing versions using the "Check QGIS Version" function






















class ActionStart(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Enum to determine when an operation would begin

New in version 3.22.

  • DownloadLater: Do not start immediately the action

  • DownloadImmediately: Action will start immediately


alias of Qgis

class ActionType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Action types.

Prior to QGIS 3.30 this was available as QgsActionMenu.ActionType

New in version 3.30.

  • Invalid: Invalid

  • MapLayerAction: Standard actions (defined by core or plugins), corresponds to QgsMapLayerAction class.

  • AttributeAction: Custom actions (manually defined in layer properties), corresponds to QgsAction class.


alias of Qgis

class Aggregate(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Available aggregates to calculate. Not all aggregates are available for all field types.

New in version 3.36..

  • Count: Count

  • CountDistinct: Number of distinct values

  • CountMissing: Number of missing (null) values

  • Min: Min of values

  • Max: Max of values

  • Sum: Sum of values

  • Mean: Mean of values (numeric fields only)

  • Median: Median of values (numeric fields only)

  • StDev: Standard deviation of values (numeric fields only)

  • StDevSample: Sample standard deviation of values (numeric fields only)

  • Range: Range of values (max - min) (numeric and datetime fields only)

  • Minority: Minority of values

  • Majority: Majority of values

  • FirstQuartile: First quartile (numeric fields only)

  • ThirdQuartile: Third quartile (numeric fields only)

  • InterQuartileRange: Inter quartile range (IQR) (numeric fields only)

  • StringMinimumLength: Minimum length of string (string fields only)

  • StringMaximumLength: Maximum length of string (string fields only)

  • StringConcatenate: Concatenate values with a joining string (string fields only). Specify the delimiter using setDelimiter().

  • GeometryCollect: Create a multipart geometry from aggregated geometries

  • ArrayAggregate: Create an array of values

  • StringConcatenateUnique: Concatenate unique values with a joining string (string fields only). Specify the delimiter using setDelimiter().


alias of Qgis

class AltitudeBinding(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Altitude binding.

New in version 3.26.

  • Vertex: Clamp every vertex of feature

  • Centroid: Clamp just centroid of feature

Centroid = 1
Vertex = 0

alias of Qgis

class AltitudeClamping(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Altitude clamping.

New in version 3.26.

  • Absolute: Elevation is taken directly from feature and is independent of terrain height (final elevation = feature elevation)

  • Relative: Elevation is relative to terrain height (final elevation = terrain elevation + feature elevation)

  • Terrain: Elevation is clamped to terrain (final elevation = terrain elevation)

Absolute = 0
Relative = 1
Terrain = 2

alias of Qgis

class AngleUnit(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Units of angles.


Prior to QGIS 3.30 this was available as QgsUnitTypes.AngleUnit.

New in version 3.30.

  • AngleDegrees: Degrees

  • AngleRadians: Square kilometers

  • AngleGon: Gon/gradian

  • AngleMinutesOfArc: Minutes of arc

  • AngleSecondsOfArc: Seconds of arc

  • AngleTurn: Turn/revolutions

  • AngleMilliradiansSI: Angular milliradians (SI definition, 1/1000 of radian)

  • AngleMilNATO: Angular mil (NATO definition, 6400 mil = 2PI radians)

  • AngleUnknownUnit: Unknown angle unit


alias of Qgis

class AngularDirection(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Angular directions.

New in version 3.24.

  • Clockwise: Clockwise direction

  • CounterClockwise: Counter-clockwise direction

  • NoOrientation: Unknown orientation or sentinel value


alias of Qgis

class AnimationState(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Animation states.


Prior to QGIS 3.36 this was available as QgsTemporalNavigationObject.AnimationState

New in version 3.36.

  • Forward: Animation is playing forward.

  • Reverse: Animation is playing in reverse.

  • Idle: Animation is paused.


alias of Qgis

class AnnotationItemEditOperationResult(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Results from an edit operation on an annotation item.

New in version 3.22.

  • Success: Item was modified successfully

  • Invalid: Operation has invalid parameters for the item, no change occurred

  • ItemCleared: The operation results in the item being cleared, and the item should be removed from the layer as a result

Invalid = 1
ItemCleared = 2
Success = 0

alias of Qgis

class AnnotationItemFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Flags for annotation items.

New in version 3.22.

  • ScaleDependentBoundingBox: Item’s bounding box will vary depending on map scale

ScaleDependentBoundingBox = 1

alias of Qgis

class AnnotationItemFlags
class AnnotationItemFlags(Union[Qgis.AnnotationItemFlags, Qgis.AnnotationItemFlag])
class AnnotationItemFlags(Qgis.AnnotationItemFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class AnnotationItemGuiFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Flags for controlling how an annotation item behaves in the GUI.

New in version 3.22.

  • FlagNoCreationTools: Do not show item creation tools for the item type

FlagNoCreationTools = 1

alias of Qgis

class AnnotationItemGuiFlags
class AnnotationItemGuiFlags(Union[Qgis.AnnotationItemGuiFlags, Qgis.AnnotationItemGuiFlag])
class AnnotationItemGuiFlags(Qgis.AnnotationItemGuiFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class AnnotationItemNodeType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Annotation item node types.

New in version 3.22.

  • VertexHandle: Node is a handle for manipulating vertices

VertexHandle = 0

alias of Qgis

class ArcGisRestServiceType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Available ArcGIS REST service types.


Prior to QGIS 3.26 this was available as QgsArcGisPortalUtils.ItemType.

New in version 3.28.

  • FeatureService: FeatureServer

  • MapService: MapServer

  • ImageService: ImageServer

  • GlobeServer: GlobeServer

  • GPServer: GPServer

  • GeocodeServer: GeocodeServer

  • Unknown: Other unknown/unsupported type


alias of Qgis

class AreaUnit(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Units of area


Prior to QGIS 3.30 this was available as QgsUnitTypes.AreaUnit.

New in version 3.30.

  • AreaSquareMeters: Square meters

  • AreaSquareKilometers: Square kilometers

  • AreaSquareFeet: Square feet

  • AreaSquareYards: Square yards

  • AreaSquareMiles: Square miles

  • AreaHectares: Hectares

  • AreaAcres: Acres

  • AreaSquareNauticalMiles: Square nautical miles

  • AreaSquareDegrees: Square degrees, for planar geographic CRS area measurements

  • AreaSquareCentimeters: Square centimeters

  • AreaSquareMillimeters: Square millimeters

  • SquareInches: Square inches (since QGIS 3.32)

  • AreaUnknownUnit: Unknown areal unit


alias of Qgis

class AttributeActionType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Attribute action types.

Prior to QGIS 3.30 this was available as QgsAction.ActionType

New in version 3.30.

  • Generic: Generic

  • GenericPython: Python

  • Mac: MacOS specific

  • Windows: Windows specific

  • Unix: Unix specific

  • OpenUrl: Open URL action

  • SubmitUrlEncoded: POST data to an URL, using “application/x-www-form-urlencoded” or “application/json” if the body is valid JSON

New in version 3.24.

  • SubmitUrlMultipart: POST data to an URL using “multipart/form-data”

New in version 3.24.


alias of Qgis

class AttributeEditorContainerType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Attribute editor container types.

New in version 3.32.

  • GroupBox: A group box

  • Tab: A tab widget

  • Row: A row of editors (horizontal layout)

GroupBox = 0
Row = 2
Tab = 1

alias of Qgis

class AttributeEditorType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Attribute editor types.


Prior to QGIS 3.32 this was available as QgsAttributeEditorElement.AttributeEditorType.

New in version 3.32.

  • AeTypeContainer: A container

  • AeTypeField: A field

  • AeTypeRelation: A relation

  • AeTypeQmlElement: A QML element

  • AeTypeHtmlElement: A HTML element

  • AeTypeAction: A layer action element (since QGIS 3.22)

  • AeTypeTextElement: A text element (since QGIS 3.30)

  • AeTypeSpacerElement: A spacer element (since QGIS 3.30)

  • AeTypeInvalid: Invalid


alias of Qgis

class AttributeFormLayout(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Available form types for layout of the attribute form editor.


Prior to QGIS 3.32 this was available as QgsEditFormConfig.EditorLayout.

New in version 3.32.

  • GeneratedLayout: Autogenerate a simple tabular layout for the form

  • TabLayout: “Drag and drop” layout. Needs to be configured.

  • UiFileLayout: Load a .ui file for the layout. Needs to be configured.


alias of Qgis

class AttributeFormPythonInitCodeSource(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

The Python init code source for attribute forms.


Prior to QGIS 3.32 this was available as QgsEditFormConfig.PythonInitCodeSource.

New in version 3.32.

  • CodeSourceNone: Do not use Python code at all

  • CodeSourceFile: Load the Python code from an external file

  • CodeSourceDialog: Use the Python code provided in the dialog

  • CodeSourceEnvironment: Use the Python code available in the Python environment


alias of Qgis

class AttributeFormSuppression(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Available form types for layout of the attribute form editor.


Prior to QGIS 3.32 this was available as QgsEditFormConfig.FeatureFormSuppress.

New in version 3.32.

  • SuppressDefault: Use the application-wide setting.

  • SuppressOn: Always suppress feature form.

  • SuppressOff: Never suppress feature form.


alias of Qgis

class AutoRefreshMode(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Map layer automatic refresh modes.

New in version 3.34.

  • Disabled: Automatic refreshing is disabled

  • ReloadData: Reload data (and draw the new data)

  • RedrawOnly: Redraw current data only

Disabled = 0
RedrawOnly = 2
ReloadData = 1

alias of Qgis

class AvoidIntersectionsMode(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Flags which control how intersections of pre-existing feature are handled when digitizing new features.


Prior to QGIS 3.26 this was available as QgsProject.AvoidIntersectionsMode

New in version 3.26.

  • AllowIntersections: Overlap with any feature allowed when digitizing new features

  • AvoidIntersectionsCurrentLayer: Overlap with features from the active layer when digitizing new features not allowed

  • AvoidIntersectionsLayers: Overlap with features from a specified list of layers when digitizing new features not allowed


alias of Qgis

class Axis(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Cartesian axes.

New in version 3.34.

  • X: X-axis

  • Y: Y-axis

  • Z: Z-axis

X = 0
Y = 1
Z = 2

alias of Qgis

class BabelCommandFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Babel command flags, which control how commands and arguments are generated for executing GPSBabel processes.

New in version 3.22.

  • QuoteFilePaths: File paths should be enclosed in quotations and escaped

QuoteFilePaths = 1

alias of Qgis

class BabelCommandFlags
class BabelCommandFlags(Union[Qgis.BabelCommandFlags, Qgis.BabelCommandFlag])
class BabelCommandFlags(Qgis.BabelCommandFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class BabelFormatCapabilities
class BabelFormatCapabilities(Union[Qgis.BabelFormatCapabilities, Qgis.BabelFormatCapability])
class BabelFormatCapabilities(Qgis.BabelFormatCapabilities)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class BabelFormatCapability(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Babel GPS format capabilities.

New in version 3.22.

  • Import: Format supports importing

  • Export: Format supports exporting

  • Waypoints: Format supports waypoints

  • Routes: Format supports routes

  • Tracks: Format supports tracks

Export = 2
Import = 1
Routes = 8
Tracks = 16
Waypoints = 4

alias of Qgis

class BetweenLineConstraint(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Between line constraints which can be enabled

New in version 3.26.

  • NoConstraint: No additional constraint

  • Perpendicular: Perpendicular

  • Parallel: Parallel


alias of Qgis

class BlendMode(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Blending modes defining the available composition modes that can be used when painting.


Prior to QGIS 3.30 this was available as QgsPainting.BlendMode.

New in version 3.30.

  • BlendNormal: Normal

  • BlendLighten: Lighten

  • BlendScreen: Screen

  • BlendDodge: Dodge

  • BlendAddition: Addition

  • BlendDarken: Darken

  • BlendMultiply: Multiple

  • BlendBurn: Burn

  • BlendOverlay: Overlay

  • BlendSoftLight: Soft light

  • BlendHardLight: Hard light

  • BlendDifference: Difference

  • BlendSubtract: Subtract

  • BlendSource: Source

  • BlendDestinationOver: Destination over

  • BlendClear: Clear

  • BlendDestination: Destination

  • BlendSourceIn: Source in

  • BlendDestinationIn: Destination in

  • BlendSourceOut: Source out

  • BlendDestinationOut: Destination out

  • BlendSourceAtop: Source atop

  • BlendDestinationAtop: Destination atop

  • BlendXor: XOR


alias of Qgis

class BrowserDirectoryMonitoring(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Browser directory item monitoring switches.

New in version 3.20.

  • Default: Use default logic to determine whether directory should be monitored

  • NeverMonitor: Never monitor the directory, regardless of the default logic

  • AlwaysMonitor: Always monitor the directory, regardless of the default logic

AlwaysMonitor = 2
Default = 0
NeverMonitor = 1

alias of Qgis

class BrowserItemCapabilities
class BrowserItemCapabilities(Union[Qgis.BrowserItemCapabilities, Qgis.BrowserItemCapability])
class BrowserItemCapabilities(Qgis.BrowserItemCapabilities)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class BrowserItemCapability(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Browser item capabilities.

New in version 3.20.

  • NoCapabilities: Item has no capabilities

  • SetCrs: Can set CRS on layer or group of layers. deprecated since QGIS 3.6 – no longer used by QGIS and will be removed in QGIS 4.0

  • Fertile: Can create children. Even items without this capability may have children, but cannot create them, it means that children are created by item ancestors.

  • Fast: CreateChildren() is fast enough to be run in main thread when refreshing items, most root items (wms,wfs,wcs,postgres…) are considered fast because they are reading data only from QgsSettings

  • Collapse: The collapse/expand status for this items children should be ignored in order to avoid undesired network connections (wms etc.)

  • Rename: Item can be renamed

  • Delete: Item can be deleted

  • ItemRepresentsFile: Item’s path() directly represents a file on disk (since QGIS 3.22)

  • RefreshChildrenWhenItemIsRefreshed: When the item is refreshed, all its populated children will also be refreshed in turn (since QGIS 3.26)


alias of Qgis

class BrowserItemState(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Browser item states.

New in version 3.20.

  • NotPopulated: Children not yet created

  • Populating: Creating children in separate thread (populating or refreshing)

  • Populated: Children created


alias of Qgis

class BrowserItemType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Browser item types.

New in version 3.20.

  • Collection: A collection of items

  • Directory: Represents a file directory

  • Layer: Represents a map layer

  • Error: Contains an error message

  • Favorites: Represents a favorite item

  • Project: Represents a QGIS project

  • Custom: Custom item type

  • Fields: Collection of fields

  • Field: Vector layer field


alias of Qgis

class BrowserLayerType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Browser item layer types

New in version 3.20.

  • NoType: No type

  • Vector: Generic vector layer

  • Raster: Raster layer

  • Point: Vector point layer

  • Line: Vector line layer

  • Polygon: Vector polygon layer

  • TableLayer: Vector non-spatial layer

  • Database: Database layer

  • Table: Database table

  • Plugin: Plugin based layer

  • Mesh: Mesh layer

  • VectorTile: Vector tile layer

  • PointCloud: Point cloud layer

  • TiledScene: Tiled scene layer (since QGIS 3.34)


alias of Qgis

class BufferSide(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Side of line to buffer.

New in version 3.22.

  • SideLeft: Buffer to left of line

  • SideRight: Buffer to right of line


alias of Qgis

class CadConstraintType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Advanced digitizing constraint type.

New in version 3.32.

  • Generic: Generic value

  • Angle: Angle value

  • Distance: Distance value

  • XCoordinate: X Coordinate value

  • YCoordinate: Y Coordinate value

  • ZValue: Z value

  • MValue: M value

Angle = 1
Distance = 2
Generic = 0
MValue = 6
XCoordinate = 3
YCoordinate = 4
ZValue = 5

alias of Qgis

class Capitalization(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

String capitalization options.


Prior to QGIS 3.24 this was available as QgsStringUtils.Capitalization

New in version 3.24.

  • MixedCase: Mixed case, ie no change

  • AllUppercase: Convert all characters to uppercase

  • AllLowercase: Convert all characters to lowercase

  • ForceFirstLetterToCapital: Convert just the first letter of each word to uppercase, leave the rest untouched

  • SmallCaps: Mixed case small caps (since QGIS 3.24)

  • TitleCase: Simple title case conversion - does not fully grammatically parse the text and uses simple rules only. Note that this method does not convert any characters to lowercase, it only uppercases required letters. Callers must ensure that input strings are already lowercased.

  • UpperCamelCase: Convert the string to upper camel case. Note that this method does not unaccent characters.

  • AllSmallCaps: Force all characters to small caps (since QGIS 3.24)


alias of Qgis

class CaptureTechnique(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Capture technique.

New in version 3.26.

  • StraightSegments: Default capture mode - capture occurs with straight line segments

  • CircularString: Capture in circular strings

  • Streaming: Streaming points digitizing mode (points are automatically added as the mouse cursor moves).

  • Shape: Digitize shapes.


alias of Qgis

class ContentStatus(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Status for fetched or stored content

New in version 3.22.

  • NotStarted: Content fetching/storing has not started yet

  • Running: Content fetching/storing is in progress

  • Finished: Content fetching/storing is finished and successful

  • Failed: Content fetching/storing has failed

  • Canceled: Content fetching/storing has been canceled

Canceled = 4
Failed = 3
Finished = 2
NotStarted = 0
Running = 1

alias of Qgis

class CoordinateDisplayType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Formats for displaying coordinates

New in version 3.28.

  • MapCrs: Map CRS

  • MapGeographic: Map Geographic CRS equivalent (stays unchanged if the map CRS is geographic)

  • CustomCrs: Custom CRS

CustomCrs = 2
MapCrs = 0
MapGeographic = 1

alias of Qgis

class CoordinateOrder(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Order of coordinates.

New in version 3.26.

  • Default: Respect the default axis ordering for the CRS, as defined in the CRS’s parameters

  • XY: Easting/Northing (or Longitude/Latitude for geographic CRS)

  • YX: Northing/Easting (or Latitude/Longitude for geographic CRS)

Default = 0
XY = 1
YX = 2

alias of Qgis

class CoordinateTransformationFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Flags which adjust the coordinate transformations behave.

New in version 3.26.

  • BallparkTransformsAreAppropriate: Indicates that approximate “ballpark” results are appropriate for this coordinate transform. See QgsCoordinateTransform.setBallparkTransformsAreAppropriate() for further details.

  • IgnoreImpossibleTransformations: Indicates that impossible transformations (such as those which attempt to transform between two different celestial bodies) should be silently handled and marked as invalid. See QgsCoordinateTransform.isTransformationPossible() and QgsCoordinateTransform.isValid().

BallparkTransformsAreAppropriate = 1
IgnoreImpossibleTransformations = 2

alias of Qgis

class CoordinateTransformationFlags
class CoordinateTransformationFlags(Union[Qgis.CoordinateTransformationFlags, Qgis.CoordinateTransformationFlag])
class CoordinateTransformationFlags(Qgis.CoordinateTransformationFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class CoverageValidityResult(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Coverage validity results.

New in version 3.36.

  • Invalid: Coverage is invalid. Invalidity includes polygons that overlap, that have gaps smaller than the gap width, or non-polygonal entries in the input collection.

  • Valid: Coverage is valid

  • Error: An exception occurred while determining validity

Error = 2
Invalid = 0
Valid = 1

alias of Qgis

Critical = 2
class CrsAxisDirection(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Coordinate reference system axis directions.

From “Geographic information — Well-known text representation of coordinate reference systems”, section 7.5.1.

New in version 3.26.

  • North: North

  • NorthNorthEast: North North East

  • NorthEast: North East

  • EastNorthEast: East North East

  • East: East

  • EastSouthEast: East South East

  • SouthEast: South East

  • SouthSouthEast: South South East

  • South: South

  • SouthSouthWest: South South West

  • SouthWest: South West

  • WestSouthWest: West South West

  • West: West

  • WestNorthWest: West North West

  • NorthWest: North West

  • NorthNorthWest: North North West

  • GeocentricX: Geocentric (X)

  • GeocentricY: Geocentric (Y)

  • GeocentricZ: Geocentric (Z)

  • Up: Up

  • Down: Down

  • Forward: Forward

  • Aft: Aft

  • Port: Port

  • Starboard: Starboard

  • Clockwise: Clockwise

  • CounterClockwise: Counter clockwise

  • ColumnPositive: Column positive

  • ColumnNegative: Column negative

  • RowPositive: Row positive

  • RowNegative: Row negative

  • DisplayRight: Display right

  • DisplayLeft: Display left

  • DisplayUp: Display up

  • DisplayDown: Display down

  • Future: Future

  • Past: Past

  • Towards: Towards

  • AwayFrom: Away from

  • Unspecified: Unspecified

Aft = 22
AwayFrom = 38
Clockwise = 25
ColumnNegative = 28
ColumnPositive = 27
CounterClockwise = 26
DisplayDown = 34
DisplayLeft = 32
DisplayRight = 31
DisplayUp = 33
Down = 20
East = 4
EastNorthEast = 3
EastSouthEast = 5
Forward = 21
Future = 35
GeocentricX = 16
GeocentricY = 17
GeocentricZ = 18
North = 0
NorthEast = 2
NorthNorthEast = 1
NorthNorthWest = 15
NorthWest = 14
Past = 36
Port = 23
RowNegative = 30
RowPositive = 29
South = 8
SouthEast = 6
SouthSouthEast = 7
SouthSouthWest = 9
SouthWest = 10
Starboard = 24
Towards = 37
Unspecified = 39
Up = 19
West = 12
WestNorthWest = 13
WestSouthWest = 11

alias of Qgis

class CrsDefinitionFormat(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

CRS definition formats.

New in version 3.24.

  • FormatWkt: WKT format (always recommended over proj string format)

  • FormatProj: Proj string format


alias of Qgis

class CrsIdentifierType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Available identifier string types for representing coordinate reference systems


Prior to QGIS 3.36 this was available as QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem.IdentifierType

New in version 3.36.

  • ShortString: A heavily abbreviated string, for use when a compact representation is required

  • MediumString: A medium-length string, recommended for general purpose use

  • FullString: Full definition – possibly a very lengthy string, e.g. with no truncation of custom WKT definitions


alias of Qgis

class CrsType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Coordinate reference system types.

Contains a subset of Proj’s PJ_TYPE enum, specifically the types which relate to CRS types.

New in version 3.34.

  • Unknown: Unknown type

  • Geodetic: Geodetic CRS

  • Geocentric: Geocentric CRS

  • Geographic2d: 2D geographic CRS

  • Geographic3d: 3D geopraphic CRS

  • Vertical: Vertical CRS

  • Projected: Projected CRS

  • Compound: Compound (horizontal + vertical) CRS

  • Temporal: Temporal CRS

  • Engineering: Engineering CRS

  • Bound: Bound CRS

  • Other: Other type

  • DerivedProjected: Derived projected CRS

Bound = 10
Compound = 7
DerivedProjected = 12
Engineering = 9
Geocentric = 2
Geodetic = 1
Geographic2d = 3
Geographic3d = 4
Other = 11
Projected = 6
Temporal = 8
Unknown = 0
Vertical = 5

alias of Qgis

class CrsWktVariant(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Coordinate reference system WKT formatting variants.


Prior to QGIS 3.36 this was available as QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem.WktVariant

New in version 3.36.

  • WKT1_GDAL: WKT1 as traditionally output by GDAL, deriving from OGC 01-009. A notable departure from WKT1_GDAL with respect to OGC 01-009 is that in WKT1_GDAL, the unit of the PRIMEM value is always degrees.

  • WKT1_ESRI: WKT1 as traditionally output by ESRI software, deriving from OGC 99-049.

  • WKT2_2015: Full WKT2 string, conforming to ISO 19162:2015(E) / OGC 12-063r5 with all possible nodes and new keyword names.

  • WKT2_2015_SIMPLIFIED: Same as WKT2_2015 with the following exceptions: UNIT keyword used. ID node only on top element. No ORDER element in AXIS element. PRIMEM node omitted if it is Greenwich. ELLIPSOID.UNIT node omitted if it is UnitOfMeasure.METRE. PARAMETER.UNIT / PRIMEM.UNIT omitted if same as AXIS. AXIS.UNIT omitted and replaced by a common GEODCRS.UNIT if they are all the same on all axis.

  • WKT2_2019: Preferred format for conversion of CRS to WKT for use with the GDAL library.

  • WKT2_2019_SIMPLIFIED: Preferred simplified format, matching the most recent WKT ISO standard. Currently an alias to WKT2_2019_SIMPLIFIED, but may change in future versions.

  • WKT_PREFERRED: Preferred format for conversion of CRS to WKT for use with the GDAL library.

  • WKT_PREFERRED_SIMPLIFIED: Preferred simplified format, matching the most recent WKT ISO standard. Currently an alias to WKT2_2019_SIMPLIFIED, but may change in future versions.

  • WKT_PREFERRED_GDAL: Preferred format for conversion of CRS to WKT for use with the GDAL library.


alias of Qgis

class DashPatternLineEndingRule(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Dash pattern line ending rules.

New in version 3.24.

  • NoRule: No special rule

  • FullDash: Start or finish the pattern with a full dash

  • HalfDash: Start or finish the pattern with a half length dash

  • FullGap: Start or finish the pattern with a full gap

  • HalfGap: Start or finish the pattern with a half length gap

FullDash = 1
FullGap = 3
HalfDash = 2
HalfGap = 4
NoRule = 0

alias of Qgis

class DashPatternSizeAdjustment(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Dash pattern size adjustment options.

New in version 3.24.

  • ScaleBothDashAndGap: Both the dash and gap lengths are adjusted equally

  • ScaleDashOnly: Only dash lengths are adjusted

  • ScaleGapOnly: Only gap lengths are adjusted

ScaleBothDashAndGap = 0
ScaleDashOnly = 1
ScaleGapOnly = 2

alias of Qgis

class DataItemProviderCapabilities
class DataItemProviderCapabilities(Union[Qgis.DataItemProviderCapabilities, Qgis.DataItemProviderCapability])
class DataItemProviderCapabilities(Qgis.DataItemProviderCapabilities)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class DataItemProviderCapability(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Capabilities for data item providers.


Prior to QGIS 3.36 this was available as QgsDataProvider.DataCapability

New in version 3.36.

  • NoDataCapabilities: No capabilities

  • File: Can provides items which corresponds to files

  • Dir: Can provides items which corresponds to directories

  • Database: Can provides items which corresponds to databases

  • Net: Network/internet source


alias of Qgis

class DataProviderFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Generic data provider flags.

New in version 3.26.

  • IsBasemapSource: Associated source should be considered a ‘basemap’ layer. See Qgis.MapLayerProperty.IsBasemapLayer.

IsBasemapSource = 2

alias of Qgis

class DataProviderFlags
class DataProviderFlags(Union[Qgis.DataProviderFlags, Qgis.DataProviderFlag])
class DataProviderFlags(Qgis.DataProviderFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class DataType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Raster data types. This is modified and extended copy of GDALDataType.

  • UnknownDataType: Unknown or unspecified type

  • Byte: Eight bit unsigned integer (quint8)

  • Int8: Eight bit signed integer (qint8) (added in QGIS 3.30)

  • UInt16: Sixteen bit unsigned integer (quint16)

  • Int16: Sixteen bit signed integer (qint16)

  • UInt32: Thirty two bit unsigned integer (quint32)

  • Int32: Thirty two bit signed integer (qint32)

  • Float32: Thirty two bit floating point (float)

  • Float64: Sixty four bit floating point (double)

  • CInt16: Complex Int16

  • CInt32: Complex Int32

  • CFloat32: Complex Float32

  • CFloat64: Complex Float64

  • ARGB32: Color, alpha, red, green, blue, 4 bytes the same as QImage.Format_ARGB32

  • ARGB32_Premultiplied: Color, alpha, red, green, blue, 4 bytes the same as QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied


alias of Qgis

class DatabaseProviderConnectionCapabilities2
class DatabaseProviderConnectionCapabilities2(Union[Qgis.DatabaseProviderConnectionCapabilities2, Qgis.DatabaseProviderConnectionCapability2])
class DatabaseProviderConnectionCapabilities2(Qgis.DatabaseProviderConnectionCapabilities2)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class DatabaseProviderConnectionCapability2(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

The Capability enum represents the extended operations supported by the connection.

New in version 3.32.

  • SetFieldComment: Can set comments for fields via setFieldComment()

  • SetFieldAlias: Can set aliases for fields via setFieldAlias()

SetFieldAlias = 2
SetFieldComment = 1

alias of Qgis

class DateTimeStatistic(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Available date/time statistics.

New in version 3.36..

  • Count: Count

  • CountDistinct: Number of distinct datetime values

  • CountMissing: Number of missing (null) values

  • Min: Minimum (earliest) datetime value

  • Max: Maximum (latest) datetime value

  • Range: Interval between earliest and latest datetime value

  • All: All statistics


alias of Qgis

class DateTimeStatistics
class DateTimeStatistics(Union[Qgis.DateTimeStatistics, Qgis.DateTimeStatistic])
class DateTimeStatistics(Qgis.DateTimeStatistics)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class DeviceConnectionStatus(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

GPS connection status.

New in version 3.30.

  • Disconnected: Device is disconnected

  • Connecting: Device is connecting

  • Connected: Device is successfully connected


alias of Qgis

class DistanceUnit(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Units of distance


Prior to QGIS 3.30 this was available as QgsUnitTypes.DistanceUnit.

New in version 3.30.

  • DistanceMeters: Meters

  • DistanceKilometers: Kilometers

  • DistanceFeet: Imperial feet

  • DistanceNauticalMiles: Nautical miles

  • DistanceYards: Imperial yards

  • DistanceMiles: Terrestrial miles

  • DistanceDegrees: Degrees, for planar geographic CRS distance measurements

  • DistanceCentimeters: Centimeters

  • DistanceMillimeters: Millimeters

  • Inches: Inches (since QGIS 3.32)

  • DistanceUnknownUnit: Unknown distance unit


alias of Qgis

class DistanceUnitType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Types of distance units


Prior to QGIS 3.30 this was available as QgsUnitTypes.DistanceUnitType.

New in version 3.30.

  • Standard: Unit is a standard measurement unit

  • Geographic: Unit is a geographic (e.g., degree based) unit

  • UnknownType: Unknown unit type


alias of Qgis

class DpiMode(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

DpiMode enum

New in version 3.26.

  • All: All

  • Off: Off


  • UMN: UMN

  • GeoServer: GeoServer

All = 7
GeoServer = 4
Off = 0
QGIS = 1
UMN = 2

alias of Qgis

class DriveType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Drive types

New in version 3.20.

  • Unknown: Unknown type

  • Invalid: Invalid path

  • Removable: Removable drive

  • Fixed: Fixed drive

  • Remote: Remote drive

  • CdRom: CD-ROM

  • RamDisk: RAM disk

  • Cloud: Cloud storage – files may be remote or locally stored, depending on user configuration

CdRom = 5
Cloud = 7
Fixed = 3
Invalid = 1
RamDisk = 6
Remote = 4
Removable = 2
Unknown = 0

alias of Qgis

class ElevationMapCombineMethod(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Methods used to select the elevation when two elevation maps are combined

New in version 3.30.

  • HighestElevation: Keep the highest elevation if it is not null

  • NewerElevation: Keep the new elevation regardless of its value if it is not null

HighestElevation = 0
NewerElevation = 1

alias of Qgis

class EndCapStyle(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

End cap styles for buffers.

New in version 3.22.

  • CapRound: Round cap

  • CapFlat: Flat cap (in line with start/end of line)

  • CapSquare: Square cap (extends past start/end of line by buffer distance)


alias of Qgis

class ExpressionType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Expression types

New in version 3.32.

  • Qgis: Native QGIS expression

  • PointCloud: Point cloud expression

  • RasterCalculator: Raster calculator expression (since QGIS 3.34)

PointCloud = 1
Qgis = 0
RasterCalculator = 2

alias of Qgis

class FeatureAvailability(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Possible return value for QgsFeatureSource.hasFeatures() to determine if a source is empty.

It is implemented as a three-value logic, so it can return if there are features available for sure, if there are no features available for sure or if there might be features available but there is no guarantee for this.


Prior to QGIS 3.36 this was available as QgsFeatureSource.FeatureAvailability

New in version 3.36.

  • NoFeaturesAvailable: There are certainly no features available in this source

  • FeaturesAvailable: There is at least one feature available in this source

  • FeaturesMaybeAvailable: There may be features available in this source


alias of Qgis

class FeatureCountState(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Enumeration of feature count states

New in version 3.20.

  • Uncounted: Feature count not yet computed

  • UnknownCount: Provider returned an unknown feature count


alias of Qgis

class FeatureRequestFilterType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Types of feature request filters.


Prior to QGIS 3.36 this was available as QgsFeatureRequest.FilterType

New in version 3.36.

  • FilterNone: No filter is applied

  • FilterFid: Filter using feature ID

  • FilterExpression: Filter using expression

  • FilterFids: Filter using feature IDs


alias of Qgis

class FeatureRequestFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Flags for controlling feature requests.


Prior to QGIS 3.36 this was available as QgsFeatureRequest.Flag

New in version 3.36.

  • NoFlags: No flags are set

  • NoGeometry: Geometry is not required. It may still be returned if e.g. required for a filter condition.

  • SubsetOfAttributes: Fetch only a subset of attributes (setSubsetOfAttributes sets this flag)

  • ExactIntersect: Use exact geometry intersection (slower) instead of bounding boxes

  • IgnoreStaticNodesDuringExpressionCompilation: If a feature request uses a filter expression which can be partially precalculated due to static nodes in the expression, setting this flag will prevent these precalculated values from being utilized during compilation of the filter for the backend provider. This flag significantly slows down feature requests and should be used for debugging purposes only. (Since QGIS 3.18)

  • EmbeddedSymbols: Retrieve any embedded feature symbology (since QGIS 3.20)


alias of Qgis

class FeatureRequestFlags
class FeatureRequestFlags(Union[Qgis.FeatureRequestFlags, Qgis.FeatureRequestFlag])
class FeatureRequestFlags(Qgis.FeatureRequestFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class FeatureSymbologyExport(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Options for exporting features considering their symbology.


Prior to QGIS 3.32 this was available as QgsVectorFileWriter.SymbologyExport.

New in version 3.32.

  • NoSymbology: Export only data

  • FeatureSymbology: Keeps the number of features and export symbology per feature

  • SymbolLayerSymbology: Exports one feature per symbol layer (considering symbol levels)


alias of Qgis

class FieldConfigurationFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Configuration flags for fields These flags are meant to be user-configurable and are not describing any information from the data provider.


FieldConfigurationFlag are expressed in the negative forms so that default flags is NoFlag.

New in version 3.34.

  • NoFlag: No flag is defined

  • NotSearchable: Defines if the field is searchable (used in the locator search for instance)

  • HideFromWms: Field is not available if layer is served as WMS from QGIS server

  • HideFromWfs: Field is not available if layer is served as WFS from QGIS server

HideFromWfs = 8
HideFromWms = 4
NoFlag = 0
NotSearchable = 2

alias of Qgis

class FieldConfigurationFlags
class FieldConfigurationFlags(Union[Qgis.FieldConfigurationFlags, Qgis.FieldConfigurationFlag])
class FieldConfigurationFlags(Qgis.FieldConfigurationFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class FieldDomainMergePolicy(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Merge policy for field domains.

When a feature is built by merging multiple features, defines how the value of attributes following the domain are computed.

New in version 3.26.

  • DefaultValue: Use default field value

  • Sum: Sum of values

  • GeometryWeighted: New values are computed as the weighted average of the source values

DefaultValue = 0
GeometryWeighted = 2
Sum = 1

alias of Qgis

class FieldDomainSplitPolicy(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Split policy for field domains.

When a feature is split into multiple parts, defines how the value of attributes following the domain are computed.

New in version 3.26.

  • DefaultValue: Use default field value

  • Duplicate: Duplicate original value

  • GeometryRatio: New values are computed by the ratio of their area/length compared to the area/length of the original feature

  • UnsetField: Clears the field value so that the data provider backend will populate using any backend triggers or similar logic (since QGIS 3.30)

DefaultValue = 0
Duplicate = 1
GeometryRatio = 2
UnsetField = 3

alias of Qgis

class FieldDomainType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Types of field domain

New in version 3.26.

  • Coded: Coded field domain

  • Range: Numeric range field domain (min/max)

  • Glob: Glob string pattern field domain

Coded = 0
Glob = 2
Range = 1

alias of Qgis

class FieldMetadataProperty(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Standard field metadata values.

New in version 3.30.

  • GeometryCrs: Available for geometry field types with a specific associated coordinate reference system (as a QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem value)

  • GeometryWkbType: Available for geometry field types which accept geometries of a specific WKB type only (as a QgsWkbTypes.Type value)

  • CustomProperty: Starting point for custom user set properties

CustomProperty = 1048576
GeometryCrs = 4096
GeometryWkbType = 4097

alias of Qgis

class FileFilterType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Type of file filters

Prior to QGIS 3.32 this was available as QgsProviderMetadata.FilterType

New in version 3.32.

  • FilterVector: Vector layers

  • FilterRaster: Raster layers

  • FilterMesh: Mesh layers

  • FilterMeshDataset: Mesh datasets

  • FilterPointCloud: Point clouds (since QGIS 3.18)

  • VectorTile: Vector tile layers (since QGIS 3.32)

  • TiledScene: Tiled scene layers (since QGIS 3.34)


alias of Qgis

class FileOperationFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

File operation flags.

New in version 3.22.

  • IncludeMetadataFile: Indicates that any associated .qmd metadata file should be included with the operation

  • IncludeStyleFile: Indicates that any associated .qml styling file should be included with the operation

IncludeMetadataFile = 1
IncludeStyleFile = 2

alias of Qgis

class FileOperationFlags
class FileOperationFlags(Union[Qgis.FileOperationFlags, Qgis.FileOperationFlag])
class FileOperationFlags(Qgis.FileOperationFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class FilePathType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

File path types.

New in version 3.22.

  • Absolute: Absolute path

  • Relative: Relative path

Absolute = 0
Relative = 1

alias of Qgis

class GdalResampleAlgorithm(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Resampling algorithm to be used (equivalent to GDAL’s enum GDALResampleAlg)


RA_Max, RA_Min, RA_Median, RA_Q1 and RA_Q3 are available on GDAL >= 2.0 builds only

New in version 3.34.

  • RA_NearestNeighbour: Nearest neighbour (select on one input pixel)

  • RA_Bilinear: Bilinear (2x2 kernel)

  • RA_Cubic: Cubic Convolution Approximation (4x4 kernel)

  • RA_CubicSpline: Cubic B-Spline Approximation (4x4 kernel)

  • RA_Lanczos: Lanczos windowed sinc interpolation (6x6 kernel)

  • RA_Average: Average (computes the average of all non-NODATA contributing pixels)

  • RA_Mode: Mode (selects the value which appears most often of all the sampled points)

  • RA_Max: Maximum (selects the maximum of all non-NODATA contributing pixels)

  • RA_Min: Minimum (selects the minimum of all non-NODATA contributing pixels)

  • RA_Median: Median (selects the median of all non-NODATA contributing pixels)

  • RA_Q1: First quartile (selects the first quartile of all non-NODATA contributing pixels)

  • RA_Q3: Third quartile (selects the third quartile of all non-NODATA contributing pixels)


alias of Qgis

class GeometryOperationResult(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Success or failure of a geometry operation.

This enum gives details about cause of failure.

New in version 3.22.

  • Success: Operation succeeded

  • NothingHappened: Nothing happened, without any error

  • InvalidBaseGeometry: The base geometry on which the operation is done is invalid or empty

  • InvalidInputGeometryType: The input geometry (ring, part, split line, etc.) has not the correct geometry type

  • SelectionIsEmpty: No features were selected

  • SelectionIsGreaterThanOne: More than one features were selected

  • GeometryEngineError: Geometry engine misses a method implemented or an error occurred in the geometry engine

  • LayerNotEditable: Cannot edit layer

  • AddPartSelectedGeometryNotFound: The selected geometry cannot be found

  • AddPartNotMultiGeometry: The source geometry is not multi

  • AddRingNotClosed: The input ring is not closed

  • AddRingNotValid: The input ring is not valid

  • AddRingCrossesExistingRings: The input ring crosses existing rings (it is not disjoint)

  • AddRingNotInExistingFeature: The input ring doesn’t have any existing ring to fit into

  • SplitCannotSplitPoint: Cannot split points

  • GeometryTypeHasChanged: Operation has changed geometry type


alias of Qgis

class GeometryType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

The geometry types are used to group Qgis.WkbType in a coarse way.


Prior to 3.30 this was available as QgsWkbTypes.GeometryType.

New in version 3.30.

  • PointGeometry: Points

  • LineGeometry: Lines

  • PolygonGeometry: Polygons

  • UnknownGeometry: Unknown types

  • NullGeometry: No geometry


alias of Qgis

class GeometryValidationEngine(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Available engines for validating geometries.

New in version 3.22.

  • ValidatorQgisInternal: Use internal QgsGeometryValidator method

  • ValidatorGeos: Use GEOS validation methods


alias of Qgis

class GeometryValidityFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Geometry validity check flags.

New in version 3.22.

  • FlagAllowSelfTouchingHoles: Indicates that self-touching holes are permitted. OGC validity states that self-touching holes are NOT permitted, whilst other vendor validity checks (e.g. ESRI) permit self-touching holes.


alias of Qgis

class GeometryValidityFlags
class GeometryValidityFlags(Union[Qgis.GeometryValidityFlags, Qgis.GeometryValidityFlag])
class GeometryValidityFlags(Qgis.GeometryValidityFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class GnssConstellation(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

GNSS constellation

New in version 3.30.

  • Unknown: Unknown/other system

  • Gps: Global Positioning System (GPS)

  • Glonass: Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS)

  • Galileo: Galileo

  • BeiDou: BeiDou

  • Qzss: Quasi Zenith Satellite System (QZSS)

  • Navic: Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) / NAVIC

  • Sbas: SBAS

BeiDou = 4
Galileo = 3
Glonass = 2
Gps = 1
Navic = 6
Qzss = 5
Sbas = 7
Unknown = 0

alias of Qgis


alias of DeviceConnectionStatus

class GpsConnectionType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

GPS connection types.

New in version 3.30.

  • Automatic: Automatically detected GPS device connection

  • Internal: Internal GPS device

  • Serial: Serial port GPS device

  • Gpsd: GPSD device

Automatic = 0
Gpsd = 3
Internal = 1
Serial = 2

alias of Qgis

class GpsFeatureType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

GPS feature types.

New in version 3.22.

  • Waypoint: Waypoint

  • Route: Route

  • Track: Track

Route = 1
Track = 2
Waypoint = 0

alias of Qgis

class GpsFixStatus(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

GPS fix status.


Prior to QGIS 3.30 this was available as QgsGpsInformation.FixStatus

New in version 3.30.

  • NoData: No fix data available

  • NoFix: GPS is not fixed

  • Fix2D: 2D fix

  • Fix3D: 3D fix


alias of Qgis

class GpsInformationComponent(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

GPS information component.

New in version 3.30.

  • Location: 2D location (latitude/longitude), as a QgsPointXY value

  • Altitude: Altitude/elevation above or below the mean sea level

  • GroundSpeed: Ground speed

  • Bearing: Bearing measured in degrees clockwise from true north to the direction of travel

  • TotalTrackLength: Total distance of current GPS track (available from QgsGpsLogger class only)

  • TrackDistanceFromStart: Direct distance from first vertex in current GPS track to last vertex (available from QgsGpsLogger class only)

  • Pdop: Dilution of precision

  • Hdop: Horizontal dilution of precision

  • Vdop: Vertical dilution of precision

  • HorizontalAccuracy: Horizontal accuracy in meters

  • VerticalAccuracy: Vertical accuracy in meters

  • HvAccuracy: 3D RMS

  • SatellitesUsed: Count of satellites used in obtaining the fix

  • Timestamp: Timestamp

  • TrackStartTime: Timestamp at start of current track (available from QgsGpsLogger class only)

  • TrackEndTime: Timestamp at end (current point) of current track (available from QgsGpsLogger class only)

  • TrackDistanceSinceLastPoint: Distance since last recorded location (available from QgsGpsLogger class only)

  • TrackTimeSinceLastPoint: Time since last recorded location (available from QgsGpsLogger class only)

  • GeoidalSeparation: Geoidal separation, the difference between the WGS-84 Earth ellipsoid and mean-sea-level (geoid), “-” means mean-sea-level below ellipsoid

  • EllipsoidAltitude: Altitude/elevation above or below the WGS-84 Earth ellipsoid

Altitude = 2
Bearing = 8
EllipsoidAltitude = 524288
GeoidalSeparation = 262144
GroundSpeed = 4
Hdop = 128
HorizontalAccuracy = 512
HvAccuracy = 2048
Location = 1
Pdop = 64
SatellitesUsed = 4096
Timestamp = 8192
TotalTrackLength = 16
TrackDistanceFromStart = 32
TrackDistanceSinceLastPoint = 65536
TrackEndTime = 32768
TrackStartTime = 16384
TrackTimeSinceLastPoint = 131072
Vdop = 256
VerticalAccuracy = 1024

alias of Qgis

class GpsInformationComponents
class GpsInformationComponents(Union[Qgis.GpsInformationComponents, Qgis.GpsInformationComponent])
class GpsInformationComponents(Qgis.GpsInformationComponents)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class GpsQualityIndicator(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

GPS signal quality indicator

New in version 3.22.6.

  • Unknown: Unknown

  • Invalid: Invalid

  • GPS: Standalone

  • DGPS: Differential GPS

  • PPS: PPS

  • RTK: Real-time-kynematic

  • FloatRTK: Float real-time-kynematic

  • Estimated: Estimated

  • Manual: Manual input mode

  • Simulation: Simulation mode

DGPS = 2
Estimated = 6
FloatRTK = 5
GPS = 1
Invalid = 0
Manual = 7
PPS = 3
RTK = 4
Simulation = 8
Unknown = -1

alias of Qgis

class GradientColorSource(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Gradient color sources.


Prior to QGIS 3.24 this was available as QgsGradientFillSymbolLayer.GradientColorType

New in version 3.24.

  • SimpleTwoColor: Simple two color gradient

  • ColorRamp: Gradient color ramp


alias of Qgis

class GradientSpread(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Gradient spread options, which control how gradients are rendered outside of their start and end points.


Prior to QGIS 3.24 this was available as QgsGradientFillSymbolLayer.GradientSpread

New in version 3.24.

  • Pad: Pad out gradient using colors at endpoint of gradient

  • Reflect: Reflect gradient

  • Repeat: Repeat gradient


alias of Qgis

class GradientType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Gradient types.


Prior to QGIS 3.24 this was available as QgsGradientFillSymbolLayer.GradientType

New in version 3.24.

  • Linear: Linear gradient

  • Radial: Radial (circular) gradient

  • Conical: Conical (polar) gradient


alias of Qgis

class GraduatedMethod(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Methods for modifying symbols by range in a graduated symbol renderer.


Prior to QGIS 3.26 this was available as QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer.GraduatedMethod

New in version 3.26.

  • GraduatedColor: Alter color of symbols

  • GraduatedSize: Alter size of symbols


alias of Qgis

class HistoryProviderBackend(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

History provider backends.

New in version 3.24.

  • LocalProfile: Local profile

LocalProfile = 1

alias of Qgis

class HistoryProviderBackends
class HistoryProviderBackends(Union[Qgis.HistoryProviderBackends, Qgis.HistoryProviderBackend])
class HistoryProviderBackends(Qgis.HistoryProviderBackends)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class HttpMethod(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Different methods of HTTP requests

New in version 3.22.

  • Get: GET method

  • Post: POST method

Get = 0
Post = 1

alias of Qgis

Info = 0
class InputControllerType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Input controller types.

New in version 3.34.

  • Map2D: 2D map controller

  • Map3D: 3D map controller

Map2D = 0
Map3D = 1

alias of Qgis

class InvalidGeometryCheck(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Methods for handling of features with invalid geometries


Prior to QGIS 3.36 this was available as QgsFeatureRequest.InvalidGeometryCheck

New in version 3.36.

  • GeometryNoCheck: No invalid geometry checking

  • GeometrySkipInvalid: Skip any features with invalid geometry. This requires a slow geometry validity check for every feature.

  • GeometryAbortOnInvalid: Close iterator on encountering any features with invalid geometry. This requires a slow geometry validity check for every feature.


alias of Qgis

class JoinStyle(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Join styles for buffers.

New in version 3.22.

  • JoinStyleRound: Use rounded joins

  • JoinStyleMiter: Use mitered joins

  • JoinStyleBevel: Use beveled joins


alias of Qgis

class LabelLinePlacementFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Line placement flags, which control how candidates are generated for a linear feature.


Prior to QGIS 3.32 this was available as QgsLabeling.LinePlacementFlag

New in version 3.32.

  • OnLine: Labels can be placed directly over a line feature.

  • AboveLine: Labels can be placed above a line feature. Unless MapOrientation is also specified this mode respects the direction of the line feature, so a line from right to left labels will have labels placed placed below the line feature.

  • BelowLine: Labels can be placed below a line feature. Unless MapOrientation is also specified this mode respects the direction of the line feature, so a line from right to left labels will have labels placed placed above the line feature.

  • MapOrientation: Signifies that the AboveLine and BelowLine flags should respect the map’s orientation rather than the feature’s orientation. For example, AboveLine will always result in label’s being placed above a line, regardless of the line’s direction.


alias of Qgis

class LabelLinePlacementFlags
class LabelLinePlacementFlags(Union[Qgis.LabelLinePlacementFlags, Qgis.LabelLinePlacementFlag])
class LabelLinePlacementFlags(Qgis.LabelLinePlacementFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class LabelMultiLineAlignment(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Text alignment for multi-line labels.


Prior to QGIS 3.26 this was available as QgsPalLayerSettings.MultiLineAlign

New in version 3.26.

  • MultiLeft: Left align

  • MultiCenter: Center align

  • MultiRight: Right align

  • MultiFollowPlacement: Alignment follows placement of label, e.g., labels to the left of a feature will be drawn with right alignment

  • MultiJustify: Justified


alias of Qgis

class LabelOffsetType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Behavior modifier for label offset and distance, only applies in some label placement modes.


Prior to QGIS 3.26 this was available as QgsPalLayerSettings.OffsetType

New in version 3.26.

  • FromPoint: Offset distance applies from point geometry

  • FromSymbolBounds: Offset distance applies from rendered symbol bounds


alias of Qgis

class LabelOverlapHandling(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Label overlap handling.

New in version 3.26.

  • PreventOverlap: Do not allow labels to overlap other labels

  • AllowOverlapIfRequired: Avoids overlapping labels when possible, but permit overlaps if labels for features cannot otherwise be placed

  • AllowOverlapAtNoCost: Labels may freely overlap other labels, at no cost

AllowOverlapAtNoCost = 2
AllowOverlapIfRequired = 1
PreventOverlap = 0

alias of Qgis

class LabelPlacement(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Placement modes which determine how label candidates are generated for a feature.


Prior to QGIS 3.26 this was available as QgsPalLayerSettings.Placement

New in version 3.26.

  • AroundPoint: Arranges candidates in a circle around a point (or centroid of a polygon). Applies to point or polygon layers only.

  • OverPoint: Arranges candidates over a point (or centroid of a polygon), or at a preset offset from the point. Applies to point or polygon layers only.

  • Line: Arranges candidates parallel to a generalised line representing the feature or parallel to a polygon’s perimeter. Applies to line or polygon layers only.

  • Curved: Arranges candidates following the curvature of a line feature. Applies to line layers only.

  • Horizontal: Arranges horizontal candidates scattered throughout a polygon feature. Applies to polygon layers only.

  • Free: Arranges candidates scattered throughout a polygon feature. Candidates are rotated to respect the polygon’s orientation. Applies to polygon layers only.

  • OrderedPositionsAroundPoint: Candidates are placed in predefined positions around a point. Preference is given to positions with greatest cartographic appeal, e.g., top right, bottom right, etc. Applies to point layers only.

  • PerimeterCurved: Arranges candidates following the curvature of a polygon’s boundary. Applies to polygon layers only.

  • OutsidePolygons: Candidates are placed outside of polygon boundaries. Applies to polygon layers only. Since QGIS 3.14


alias of Qgis

class LabelPlacementEngineVersion(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Labeling placement engine version.

Prior to QGIS 3.30 this was available as QgsLabelingEngineSettings.PlacementEngineVersion

New in version 3.30.

  • PlacementEngineVersion1: Version 1, matches placement from QGIS <= 3.10.1

  • PlacementEngineVersion2: Version 2 (default for new projects since QGIS 3.12)


alias of Qgis

class LabelPolygonPlacementFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Polygon placement flags, which control how candidates are generated for a polygon feature.


Prior to QGIS 3.32 this was available as QgsLabeling.PolygonPlacementFlag

New in version 3.32.

  • AllowPlacementOutsideOfPolygon: Labels can be placed outside of a polygon feature

  • AllowPlacementInsideOfPolygon: Labels can be placed inside a polygon feature


alias of Qgis

class LabelPolygonPlacementFlags
class LabelPolygonPlacementFlags(Union[Qgis.LabelPolygonPlacementFlags, Qgis.LabelPolygonPlacementFlag])
class LabelPolygonPlacementFlags(Qgis.LabelPolygonPlacementFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class LabelPredefinedPointPosition(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Positions for labels when using the Qgis.LabelPlacement.OrderedPositionsAroundPoint placement mode.


Prior to QGIS 3.26 this was available as QgsPalLayerSettings.PredefinedPointPosition

New in version 3.26.

  • TopLeft: Label on top-left of point

  • TopSlightlyLeft: Label on top of point, slightly left of center

  • TopMiddle: Label directly above point

  • TopSlightlyRight: Label on top of point, slightly right of center

  • TopRight: Label on top-right of point

  • MiddleLeft: Label on left of point

  • MiddleRight: Label on right of point

  • BottomLeft: Label on bottom-left of point

  • BottomSlightlyLeft: Label below point, slightly left of center

  • BottomMiddle: Label directly below point

  • BottomSlightlyRight: Label below point, slightly right of center

  • BottomRight: Label on bottom right of point


alias of Qgis

class LabelQuadrantPosition(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Label quadrant positions


Prior to QGIS 3.26 this was available as QgsPalLayerSettings.QuadrantPosition

New in version 3.26.

  • QuadrantAboveLeft: Above left

  • QuadrantAbove: Above center

  • QuadrantAboveRight: Above right

  • QuadrantLeft: Left middle

  • QuadrantOver: Center middle

  • QuadrantRight: Right middle

  • QuadrantBelowLeft: Below left

  • QuadrantBelow: Below center

  • QuadrantBelowRight: BelowRight


alias of Qgis

class LabelingFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Various flags that affect drawing and placement of labels.

Prior to QGIS 3.30 this was available as QgsLabelingEngineSettings.Flag

New in version 3.30.

  • UseAllLabels: Whether to draw all labels even if there would be collisions

  • UsePartialCandidates: Whether to use also label candidates that are partially outside of the map view

  • RenderOutlineLabels: Whether to render labels as text or outlines. Deprecated and of QGIS 3.4.3 - use defaultTextRenderFormat() instead.

  • DrawLabelRectOnly: Whether to only draw the label rect and not the actual label text (used for unit tests)

  • DrawCandidates: Whether to draw rectangles of generated candidates (good for debugging)

  • DrawUnplacedLabels: Whether to render unplaced labels as an indicator/warning for users

  • CollectUnplacedLabels: Whether unplaced labels should be collected in the labeling results (regardless of whether they are being rendered). Since QGIS 3.20

  • DrawLabelMetrics: Whether to render label metric guides (for debugging). Since QGIS 3.30


alias of Qgis

class LabelingFlags
class LabelingFlags(Union[Qgis.LabelingFlags, Qgis.LabelingFlag])
class LabelingFlags(Qgis.LabelingFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class LayerFilter(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Filter for layers

New in version 3.34..

  • RasterLayer:

  • NoGeometry:

  • PointLayer:

  • LineLayer:

  • PolygonLayer:

  • HasGeometry:

  • VectorLayer:

  • PluginLayer:

  • WritableLayer:

  • MeshLayer: QgsMeshLayer

New in version 3.6.

New in version 3.14.

New in version 3.18.

New in version 3.22.

New in version 3.34.

  • All:

  • SpatialLayer: .. versionadded:: 3.24

class LayerFilters
class LayerFilters(Union[Qgis.LayerFilters, Qgis.LayerFilter])
class LayerFilters(Qgis.LayerFilters)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class LayerTreeFilterFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Layer tree filter flags.

New in version 3.32.

  • SkipVisibilityCheck: If set, the standard visibility check should be skipped

SkipVisibilityCheck = 1

alias of Qgis

class LayerTreeFilterFlags
class LayerTreeFilterFlags(Union[Qgis.LayerTreeFilterFlags, Qgis.LayerTreeFilterFlag])
class LayerTreeFilterFlags(Qgis.LayerTreeFilterFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class LayerTreeInsertionMethod(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Layer tree insertion methods

New in version 3.30.

  • AboveInsertionPoint: Layers are added in the tree above the insertion point

  • TopOfTree: Layers are added at the top of the layer tree

  • OptimalInInsertionGroup: Layers are added at optimal locations across the insertion point’s group

AboveInsertionPoint = 0
OptimalInInsertionGroup = 2
TopOfTree = 1

alias of Qgis

class LayerType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Types of layers that can be added to a map

New in version 3.30..

  • VectorLayer: Vector layer

  • RasterLayer: Raster layer

  • PluginLayer: Plugin based layer

  • MeshLayer: Mesh layer. Added in QGIS 3.2

  • VectorTileLayer: Vector tile layer. Added in QGIS 3.14

  • AnnotationLayer: Contains freeform, georeferenced annotations. Added in QGIS 3.16

  • PointCloudLayer: Point cloud layer. Added in QGIS 3.18

  • GroupLayer: Composite group layer. Added in QGIS 3.24

  • TiledScene: Tiled scene layer. Added in QGIS 3.34


alias of Qgis

class LayoutUnit(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Layout measurement units


Prior to QGIS 3.30 this was available as QgsUnitTypes.LayoutUnit.

New in version 3.30.

  • LayoutMillimeters: Millimeters

  • LayoutCentimeters: Centimeters

  • LayoutMeters: Meters

  • LayoutInches: Inches

  • LayoutFeet: Feet

  • LayoutPoints: Typographic points

  • LayoutPicas: Typographic picas

  • LayoutPixels: Pixels


alias of Qgis

class LayoutUnitType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Types of layout units


Prior to QGIS 3.30 this was available as QgsUnitTypes.LayoutUnitType.

New in version 3.30.

  • LayoutPaperUnits: Unit is a paper based measurement unit

  • LayoutScreenUnits: Unit is a screen based measurement unit


alias of Qgis

class LegendJsonRenderFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Legend JSON export flags.

Flags to control JSON attributes when exporting a legend in JSON format.

New in version 3.36.

  • ShowRuleDetails: If set, the rule expression of a rule based renderer legend item will be added to the JSON

ShowRuleDetails = 1

alias of Qgis

class LegendJsonRenderFlags
class LegendJsonRenderFlags(Union[Qgis.LegendJsonRenderFlags, Qgis.LegendJsonRenderFlag])
class LegendJsonRenderFlags(Qgis.LegendJsonRenderFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class LightSourceType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Light source types for 3D scenes.

New in version 3.26.

  • Point: Point light source

  • Directional: Directional light source

Directional = 1
Point = 0

alias of Qgis

class LineClipMode(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Line clipping modes.

New in version 3.24.

  • ClipPainterOnly: Applying clipping on the painter only (i.e. line endpoints will coincide with polygon bounding box, but will not be part of the visible portion of the line)

  • ClipToIntersection: Clip lines to intersection with polygon shape (slower) (i.e. line endpoints will coincide with polygon exterior)

  • NoClipping: Lines are not clipped, will extend to shape’s bounding box.

ClipPainterOnly = 0
ClipToIntersection = 1
NoClipping = 2

alias of Qgis

class LineExtensionSide(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Designates whether the line extension constraint is currently soft locked with the previous or next vertex of the locked one.

New in version 3.26.

  • BeforeVertex: Lock to previous vertex

  • AfterVertex: Lock to next vertex

  • NoVertex: Don’t lock to vertex

AfterVertex = 1
BeforeVertex = 0
NoVertex = 2

alias of Qgis

class MakeValidMethod(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Algorithms to use when repairing invalid geometries.

New in version 3.28.

  • Linework: Combines all rings into a set of noded lines and then extracts valid polygons from that linework.

  • Structure: Structured method, first makes all rings valid and then merges shells and subtracts holes from shells to generate valid result. Assumes that holes and shells are correctly categorized. Requires GEOS 3.10+.

Linework = 0
Structure = 1

alias of Qgis

class MapBoxGlStyleSourceType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Available MapBox GL style source types.

New in version 3.28.

  • Vector: Vector source

  • Raster: Raster source

  • RasterDem: Raster DEM source

  • GeoJson: GeoJSON source

  • Image: Image source

  • Video: Video source

  • Unknown: Other/unknown source type

GeoJson = 3
Image = 4
Raster = 1
RasterDem = 2
Unknown = 6
Vector = 0
Video = 5

alias of Qgis

class MapLayerActionFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Map layer action flags.

Prior to QGIS 3.30 this was available as QgsMapLayerAction.Flag

New in version 3.30.

  • EnabledOnlyWhenEditable: Action should be shown only for editable layers


alias of Qgis

class MapLayerActionFlags
class MapLayerActionFlags(Union[Qgis.MapLayerActionFlags, Qgis.MapLayerActionFlag])
class MapLayerActionFlags(Qgis.MapLayerActionFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class MapLayerActionTarget(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Map layer action targets.

Prior to QGIS 3.30 this was available as QgsMapLayerAction.Target

New in version 3.30.

  • Layer: Action targets a complete layer

  • SingleFeature: Action targets a single feature from a layer

  • MultipleFeatures: Action targets multiple features from a layer

  • AllActions:


alias of Qgis

class MapLayerActionTargets
class MapLayerActionTargets(Union[Qgis.MapLayerActionTargets, Qgis.MapLayerActionTarget])
class MapLayerActionTargets(Qgis.MapLayerActionTargets)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class MapLayerProperties
class MapLayerProperties(Union[Qgis.MapLayerProperties, Qgis.MapLayerProperty])
class MapLayerProperties(Qgis.MapLayerProperties)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class MapLayerProperty(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Generic map layer properties.

New in version 3.22.

  • UsersCannotToggleEditing: Indicates that users are not allowed to toggle editing for this layer. Note that this does not imply that the layer is non-editable (see isEditable(), supportsEditing() ), rather that the editable status of the layer cannot be changed by users manually. Since QGIS 3.22.

  • IsBasemapLayer: Layer is considered a ‘basemap’ layer, and certain properties of the layer should be ignored when calculating project-level properties. For instance, the extent of basemap layers is ignored when calculating the extent of a project, as these layers are typically global and extend outside of a project’s area of interest. Since QGIS 3.26.

IsBasemapLayer = 2
UsersCannotToggleEditing = 1

alias of Qgis

class MapLayerRendererFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Flags which control how map layer renderers behave.

New in version 3.34.

  • RenderPartialOutputs: The renderer benefits from rendering temporary in-progress preview renders. These are temporary results which will be used for the layer during rendering in-progress compositions, which will differ from the final layer render. They can be used for showing overlays or other information to users which help inform them about what is actually occurring during a slow layer render, but where these overlays and additional content is not wanted in the final layer renders. Another use case is rendering unsorted results as soon as they are available, before doing a final sorted render of the entire layer contents.

  • RenderPartialOutputOverPreviousCachedImage: When rendering temporary in-progress preview renders, these preview renders can be drawn over any previously cached layer render we have for the same region. This can allow eg a low-resolution zoomed in version of the last map render to be used as a base painting surface to overdraw with incremental preview render outputs. If not set, an empty image will be used as the starting point for the render preview image.

RenderPartialOutputOverPreviousCachedImage = 2
RenderPartialOutputs = 1

alias of Qgis

class MapLayerRendererFlags
class MapLayerRendererFlags(Union[Qgis.MapLayerRendererFlags, Qgis.MapLayerRendererFlag])
class MapLayerRendererFlags(Qgis.MapLayerRendererFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class MapRecenteringMode(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Modes for recentering map canvases.

New in version 3.30.

  • Always: Always recenter map

  • WhenOutsideVisibleExtent: Only recenter map when new center would be outside of current visible extent

  • Never: Never recenter map

Always = 0
Never = 2
WhenOutsideVisibleExtent = 1

alias of Qgis

class MapSettingsFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Flags which adjust the way maps are rendered.

New in version 3.22.

  • Antialiasing: Enable anti-aliasing for map rendering

  • DrawEditingInfo: Enable drawing of vertex markers for layers in editing mode

  • ForceVectorOutput: Vector graphics should not be cached and drawn as raster images

  • UseAdvancedEffects: Enable layer opacity and blending effects

  • DrawLabeling: Enable drawing of labels on top of the map

  • UseRenderingOptimization: Enable vector simplification and other rendering optimizations

  • DrawSelection: Whether vector selections should be shown in the rendered map

  • DrawSymbolBounds: Draw bounds of symbols (for debugging/testing)

  • RenderMapTile: Draw map such that there are no problems between adjacent tiles

  • RenderPartialOutput: Whether to make extra effort to update map image with partially rendered layers (better for interactive map canvas). Added in QGIS 3.0

  • RenderPreviewJob: Render is a ‘canvas preview’ render, and shortcuts should be taken to ensure fast rendering

  • RenderBlocking: Render and load remote sources in the same thread to ensure rendering remote sources (svg and images). WARNING: this flag must NEVER be used from GUI based applications (like the main QGIS application) or crashes will result. Only for use in external scripts or QGIS server.

  • LosslessImageRendering: Render images losslessly whenever possible, instead of the default lossy jpeg rendering used for some destination devices (e.g. PDF). This flag only works with builds based on Qt 5.13 or later.

  • Render3DMap: Render is for a 3D map

  • HighQualityImageTransforms: Enable high quality image transformations, which results in better appearance of scaled or rotated raster components of a map (since QGIS 3.24)

  • SkipSymbolRendering: Disable symbol rendering while still drawing labels if enabled (since QGIS 3.24)

  • ForceRasterMasks: Force symbol masking to be applied using a raster method. This is considerably faster when compared to the vector method, but results in a inferior quality output. (since QGIS 3.26.1)

  • RecordProfile: Enable run-time profiling while rendering (since QGIS 3.34)


alias of Qgis

class MapSettingsFlags
class MapSettingsFlags(Union[Qgis.MapSettingsFlags, Qgis.MapSettingsFlag])
class MapSettingsFlags(Qgis.MapSettingsFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class MapToolUnit(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Type of unit of tolerance value from settings. For map (project) units, use MapToolUnit.Project.

New in version 3.32.

  • LayerUnits: Layer unit value

  • Pixels: Pixels unit of tolerance

  • ProjectUnits: Map (project) units


alias of Qgis

class MarkerClipMode(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Marker clipping modes.

New in version 3.24.

  • NoClipping: No clipping, render complete markers

  • Shape: Clip to polygon shape

  • CentroidWithin: Render complete markers wherever their centroid falls within the polygon shape

  • CompletelyWithin: Render complete markers wherever the completely fall within the polygon shape

CentroidWithin = 2
CompletelyWithin = 3
NoClipping = 0
Shape = 1

alias of Qgis

class MarkerLinePlacement(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Defines how/where the symbols should be placed on a line.


Prior to QGIS 3.24 this was available as QgsTemplatedLineSymbolLayerBase.Placement

New in version 3.24.

  • Interval: Place symbols at regular intervals

  • Vertex: Place symbols on every vertex in the line

  • LastVertex: Place symbols on the last vertex in the line

  • FirstVertex: Place symbols on the first vertex in the line

  • CentralPoint: Place symbols at the mid point of the line

  • CurvePoint: Place symbols at every virtual curve point in the line (used when rendering curved geometry types only)

  • SegmentCenter: Place symbols at the center of every line segment

  • InnerVertices: Inner vertices (i.e. all vertices except the first and last vertex) (since QGIS 3.24)


alias of Qgis

class MarkerLinePlacements
class MarkerLinePlacements(Union[Qgis.MarkerLinePlacements, Qgis.MarkerLinePlacement])
class MarkerLinePlacements(Qgis.MarkerLinePlacements)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class MarkerShape(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Marker shapes.


Prior to QGIS 3.24 this was available as QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayerBase.Shape

New in version 3.24.

  • Square: Square

  • Diamond: Diamond

  • Pentagon: Pentagon

  • Hexagon: Hexagon

  • Triangle: Triangle

  • EquilateralTriangle: Equilateral triangle

  • Star: Star

  • Arrow: Arrow

  • Circle: Circle

  • Cross: Cross (lines only)

  • CrossFill: Solid filled cross

  • Cross2: Rotated cross (lines only), ‘x’ shape

  • Line: Vertical line

  • ArrowHead: Right facing arrow head (unfilled, lines only)

  • ArrowHeadFilled: Right facing filled arrow head

  • SemiCircle: Semi circle (top half)

  • ThirdCircle: One third circle (top left third)

  • QuarterCircle: Quarter circle (top left quarter)

  • QuarterSquare: Quarter square (top left quarter)

  • HalfSquare: Half square (left half)

  • DiagonalHalfSquare: Diagonal half square (bottom left half)

  • RightHalfTriangle: Right half of triangle

  • LeftHalfTriangle: Left half of triangle

  • Octagon: Octagon (since QGIS 3.18)

  • SquareWithCorners: A square with diagonal corners (since QGIS 3.18)

  • AsteriskFill: A filled asterisk shape (since QGIS 3.18)

  • HalfArc: A line-only half arc (since QGIS 3.20)

  • ThirdArc: A line-only one third arc (since QGIS 3.20)

  • QuarterArc: A line-only one quarter arc (since QGIS 3.20)

  • ParallelogramRight: Parallelogram that slants right (since QGIS 3.28)

  • ParallelogramLeft: Parallelogram that slants left (since QGIS 3.28)

  • Trapezoid: Trapezoid (since QGIS 3.28)

  • Shield: A shape consisting of a triangle attached to a rectangle (since QGIS 3.28)

  • DiamondStar: A 4-sided star (since QGIS 3.28)

  • Heart: Heart (since QGIS 3.28)

  • Decagon: Decagon (since QGIS 3.28)

  • RoundedSquare: A square with rounded corners (since QGIS 3.28)


alias of Qgis

class MeshEditingErrorType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Type of error that can occur during mesh frame editing.

New in version 3.22.

  • NoError: No type

  • InvalidFace: An error occurs due to an invalid face (for example, vertex indexes are unordered)

  • TooManyVerticesInFace: A face has more vertices than the maximum number supported per face

  • FlatFace: A flat face is present

  • UniqueSharedVertex: A least two faces share only one vertices

  • InvalidVertex: An error occurs due to an invalid vertex (for example, vertex index is out of range the available vertex)

  • ManifoldFace: ManifoldFace

FlatFace = 3
InvalidFace = 1
InvalidVertex = 5
ManifoldFace = 6
NoError = 0
TooManyVerticesInFace = 2
UniqueSharedVertex = 4

alias of Qgis

class MessageLevel

Bases: int


alias of Qgis

class MetadataDateType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Date types for metadata.

New in version 3.30.

  • Created: Date created

  • Published: Date published

  • Revised: Date revised

  • Superseded: Date superseded

Created = 0
Published = 1
Revised = 2
Superseded = 3

alias of Qgis

class NavigationMode(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

The navigation mode used by 3D cameras.

New in version 3.30.

  • TerrainBased: The default navigation based on the terrain

  • Walk: Uses WASD keys or arrows to navigate in walking (first person) manner

TerrainBased = 0
Walk = 1

alias of Qgis

NoLevel = 4
class PlaybackOperation(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Media playback operations.

New in version 3.36.

  • SkipToStart: Jump to start of playback

  • PreviousFrame: Step to previous frame

  • PlayReverse: Play in reverse

  • Pause: Pause playback

  • PlayForward: Play forward

  • NextFrame: Step to next frame

  • SkipToEnd: Jump to end of playback

NextFrame = 5
Pause = 3
PlayForward = 4
PlayReverse = 2
PreviousFrame = 1
SkipToEnd = 6
SkipToStart = 0

alias of Qgis

class PlotAxisSuffixPlacement(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Placement options for suffixes in the labels for axis of plots.

New in version 3.32.

  • NoLabels: Do not place suffixes

  • EveryLabel: Place suffix after every value label

  • FirstLabel: Place suffix after the first label value only

  • LastLabel: Place suffix after the last label value only

  • FirstAndLastLabels: Place suffix after the first and last label values only

EveryLabel = 1
FirstAndLastLabels = 4
FirstLabel = 2
LastLabel = 3
NoLabels = 0

alias of Qgis

class PlotToolFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Flags that control the way the QgsPlotTools operate.

New in version 3.26.

  • ShowContextMenu: Show a context menu when right-clicking with the tool.

ShowContextMenu = 1

alias of Qgis

class PlotToolFlags
class PlotToolFlags(Union[Qgis.PlotToolFlags, Qgis.PlotToolFlag])
class PlotToolFlags(Qgis.PlotToolFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class Point3DShape(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

3D point shape types.


Prior to QGIS 3.36 this was available as QgsPoint3DSymbol.Shape

New in version 3.36.

  • Cylinder: Cylinder

  • Sphere: Sphere

  • Cone: Cone

  • Cube: Cube

  • Torus: Torus

  • Plane: Flat plane

  • ExtrudedText: Extruded text

  • Model: Model

  • Billboard: Billboard

Billboard = 8
Cone = 2
Cube = 3
Cylinder = 0
ExtrudedText = 6
Model = 7
Plane = 5
Sphere = 1
Torus = 4

alias of Qgis

class PointCloudDrawOrder(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Pointcloud rendering order for 2d views

/since QGIS 3.26

  • Default: Draw points in the order they are stored

  • BottomToTop: Draw points with larger Z values last

  • TopToBottom: Draw points with larger Z values first


alias of Qgis

class PointCloudSymbol(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Rendering symbols for point cloud points.

New in version 3.26.

  • Square: Renders points as squares

  • Circle: Renders points as circles


alias of Qgis

class PointCountMethod(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Methods which define the number of points randomly filling a polygon.


Prior to QGIS 3.24 this was available as QgsRandomMarkerFillSymbolLayer.CountMethod

New in version 3.24.

  • AbsoluteCount: The point count is used as an absolute count of markers

  • DensityBasedCount: The point count is part of a marker density count


alias of Qgis

class PostgresRelKind(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Postgres database relkind options.

New in version 3.32.

  • NotSet: Not set

  • Unknown: Unknown

  • OrdinaryTable: Ordinary table

  • Index: Index

  • Sequence: Sequence

  • View: View

  • MaterializedView: Materialized view

  • CompositeType: Composition type

  • ToastTable: TOAST table

  • ForeignTable: Foreign table

  • PartitionedTable: Partitioned table

CompositeType = 7
ForeignTable = 9
Index = 3
MaterializedView = 6
NotSet = 0
OrdinaryTable = 2
PartitionedTable = 10
Sequence = 4
ToastTable = 8
Unknown = 1
View = 5

alias of Qgis

class ProcessingAlgorithmFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Flags indicating how and when an algorithm operates and should be exposed to users.


Prior to QGIS 3.36 this was available as QgsProcessingAlgorithm.Flag

New in version 3.36.

  • FlagHideFromToolbox: Algorithm should be hidden from the toolbox

  • FlagHideFromModeler: Algorithm should be hidden from the modeler

  • FlagSupportsBatch: Algorithm supports batch mode

  • FlagCanCancel: Algorithm can be canceled

  • FlagRequiresMatchingCrs: Algorithm requires that all input layers have matching coordinate reference systems

  • FlagNoThreading: Algorithm is not thread safe and cannot be run in a background thread, e.g. for algorithms which manipulate the current project, layer selections, or with external dependencies which are not thread-safe.

  • FlagDisplayNameIsLiteral: Algorithm’s display name is a static literal string, and should not be translated or automatically formatted. For use with algorithms named after commands, e.g. GRASS ‘’.

  • FlagSupportsInPlaceEdits: Algorithm supports in-place editing

  • FlagKnownIssues: Algorithm has known issues

  • FlagCustomException: Algorithm raises custom exception notices, don’t use the standard ones

  • FlagPruneModelBranchesBasedOnAlgorithmResults: Algorithm results will cause remaining model branches to be pruned based on the results of running the algorithm

  • FlagSkipGenericModelLogging: When running as part of a model, the generic algorithm setup and results logging should be skipped

  • FlagNotAvailableInStandaloneTool: Algorithm should not be available from the standalone “qgis_process” tool. Used to flag algorithms which make no sense outside of the QGIS application, such as “select by…” style algorithms.

  • FlagRequiresProject: The algorithm requires that a valid QgsProject is available from the processing context in order to execute

  • FlagDeprecated: Algorithm is deprecated


alias of Qgis

class ProcessingAlgorithmFlags
class ProcessingAlgorithmFlags(Union[Qgis.ProcessingAlgorithmFlags, Qgis.ProcessingAlgorithmFlag])
class ProcessingAlgorithmFlags(Qgis.ProcessingAlgorithmFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class ProcessingDateTimeParameterDataType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Processing date time parameter data types.


Prior to QGIS 3.36 this was available as QgsProcessingParameterDateTime.Type

New in version 3.36.

  • DateTime: Datetime values

  • Date: Date values

  • Time: Time values


alias of Qgis

class ProcessingFeatureSourceDefinitionFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Flags which control behavior for a Processing feature source.


Prior to QGIS 3.36 this was available as QgsProcessingFeatureSourceDefinition.Flag

New in version 3.36.

  • FlagOverrideDefaultGeometryCheck: If set, the default geometry check method (as dictated by QgsProcessingContext) will be overridden for this source

  • FlagCreateIndividualOutputPerInputFeature: If set, every feature processed from this source will be placed into its own individually created output destination. Support for this flag depends on how an algorithm is executed.


alias of Qgis

class ProcessingFeatureSourceDefinitionFlags
class ProcessingFeatureSourceDefinitionFlags(Union[Qgis.ProcessingFeatureSourceDefinitionFlags, Qgis.ProcessingFeatureSourceDefinitionFlag])
class ProcessingFeatureSourceDefinitionFlags(Qgis.ProcessingFeatureSourceDefinitionFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class ProcessingFeatureSourceFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Flags which control how QgsProcessingFeatureSource fetches features.


Prior to QGIS 3.36 this was available as QgsProcessingFeatureSource.Flag

New in version 3.36.

  • FlagSkipGeometryValidityChecks: Invalid geometry checks should always be skipped. This flag can be useful for algorithms which always require invalid geometries, regardless of any user settings (e.g. “repair geometry” type algorithms).


alias of Qgis

class ProcessingFeatureSourceFlags
class ProcessingFeatureSourceFlags(Union[Qgis.ProcessingFeatureSourceFlags, Qgis.ProcessingFeatureSourceFlag])
class ProcessingFeatureSourceFlags(Qgis.ProcessingFeatureSourceFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class ProcessingFieldParameterDataType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Processing field parameter data types.


Prior to QGIS 3.36 this was available as QgsProcessingParameterField.DataType

New in version 3.36.

  • Any: Accepts any field

  • Numeric: Accepts numeric fields

  • String: Accepts string fields

  • DateTime: Accepts datetime fields

  • Binary: Accepts binary fields, since QGIS 3.34

  • Boolean: Accepts boolean fields, since QGIS 3.34


alias of Qgis

class ProcessingFileParameterBehavior(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Flags which dictate the behavior of QgsProcessingParameterFile.


Prior to QGIS 3.36 this was available as QgsProcessingParameterFile.Behavior

New in version 3.36.

  • File: Parameter is a single file

  • Folder: Parameter is a folder


alias of Qgis

class ProcessingLogLevel(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Logging level for algorithms to use when pushing feedback messages.


Prior to QGIS 3.36 this was available as QgsProcessingContext.LogLevel

New in version 3.36.

  • DefaultLevel: Default logging level

  • Verbose: Verbose logging

  • ModelDebug: Model debug level logging. Includes verbose logging and other outputs useful for debugging models (since QGIS 3.34).


alias of Qgis

class ProcessingModelChildParameterSource(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Processing model child parameter sources.

New in version 3.34.

  • ModelParameter: Parameter value is taken from a parent model parameter

  • ChildOutput: Parameter value is taken from an output generated by a child algorithm

  • StaticValue: Parameter value is a static value

  • Expression: Parameter value is taken from an expression, evaluated just before the algorithm runs

  • ExpressionText: Parameter value is taken from a text with expressions, evaluated just before the algorithm runs

  • ModelOutput: Parameter value is linked to an output parameter for the model

ChildOutput = 1
Expression = 3
ExpressionText = 4
ModelOutput = 5
ModelParameter = 0
StaticValue = 2

alias of Qgis

class ProcessingNumberParameterType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Processing numeric parameter data types.


Prior to QGIS 3.36 this was available as QgsProcessingParameterNumber.Type

New in version 3.36.

  • Integer: Integer values

  • Double: Double/float values


alias of Qgis

class ProcessingParameterFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Flags which dictate the behavior of Processing parameters.


Prior to QGIS 3.36 this was available as QgsProcessingParameterDefinition.Flag

New in version 3.36.

  • FlagAdvanced: Parameter is an advanced parameter which should be hidden from users by default

  • FlagHidden: Parameter is hidden and should not be shown to users

  • FlagOptional: Parameter is optional

  • FlagIsModelOutput: Destination parameter is final output. The parameter name will be used.


alias of Qgis

class ProcessingParameterFlags
class ProcessingParameterFlags(Union[Qgis.ProcessingParameterFlags, Qgis.ProcessingParameterFlag])
class ProcessingParameterFlags(Qgis.ProcessingParameterFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class ProcessingParameterTypeFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Flags which dictate the behavior of Processing parameter types.

Each parameter type can offer a number of additional flags to fine tune its behavior and capabilities.


Prior to QGIS 3.36 this was available as QgsProcessingParameterType.ParameterFlag

New in version 3.36.

  • ExposeToModeler: Is this parameter available in the modeler. Is set to on by default.


alias of Qgis

class ProcessingParameterTypeFlags
class ProcessingParameterTypeFlags(Union[Qgis.ProcessingParameterTypeFlags, Qgis.ProcessingParameterTypeFlag])
class ProcessingParameterTypeFlags(Qgis.ProcessingParameterTypeFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class ProcessingPropertyAvailability(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Property availability, used for QgsProcessingAlgorithm.VectorProperties in order to determine if properties are available or not.


Prior to QGIS 3.36 this was available as QgsProcessingAlgorithm.PropertyAvailability

New in version 3.36.

  • NotAvailable: Properties are not available

  • Available: Properties are available


alias of Qgis

class ProcessingProviderFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Flags indicating how and when an processing provider operates and should be exposed to users.


Prior to QGIS 3.36 this was available as QgsProcessingProvider.Flag

New in version 3.36.

  • FlagDeemphasiseSearchResults: Algorithms should be de-emphasised in the search results when searching for algorithms. Use for low-priority providers or those with substantial known issues.

  • FlagCompatibleWithVirtualRaster: The processing provider’s algorithms can work with QGIS virtualraster data provider. Since QGIS 3.36


alias of Qgis

class ProcessingProviderFlags
class ProcessingProviderFlags(Union[Qgis.ProcessingProviderFlags, Qgis.ProcessingProviderFlag])
class ProcessingProviderFlags(Qgis.ProcessingProviderFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class ProcessingSourceType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Processing data source types.


Prior to QGIS 3.36 this was available as QgsProcessing.SourceType

New in version 3.36.

  • TypeMapLayer: Any map layer type (raster, vector, mesh, point cloud, annotation or plugin layer)

  • TypeVectorAnyGeometry: Any vector layer with geometry

  • TypeVectorPoint: Vector point layers

  • TypeVectorLine: Vector line layers

  • TypeVectorPolygon: Vector polygon layers

  • TypeRaster: Raster layers

  • TypeFile: Files (i.e. non map layer sources, such as text files)

  • TypeVector: Tables (i.e. vector layers with or without geometry). When used for a sink this indicates the sink has no geometry.

  • TypeMesh: Mesh layers

New in version 3.6.

  • TypePlugin: Plugin layers

New in version 3.22.

  • TypePointCloud: Point cloud layers

New in version 3.22.

  • TypeAnnotation: Annotation layers

New in version 3.22.

  • TypeVectorTile: Vector tile layers

New in version 3.32.


alias of Qgis

class ProcessingTinInputLayerType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Defines the type of input layer for a Processing TIN input.


Prior to QGIS 3.36 this was available as QgsProcessingParameterTinInputLayers.Type

New in version 3.36.

  • Vertices: Input that adds only vertices

  • StructureLines: Input that adds add structure lines

  • BreakLines: Input that adds vertices and break lines


alias of Qgis

class ProfileExportType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Types of export for elevation profiles.

New in version 3.32.

  • Features3D: Export profiles as 3D features, with elevation values stored in exported geometry Z values

  • Profile2D: Export profiles as 2D profile lines, with elevation stored in exported geometry Y dimension and distance in X dimension

  • DistanceVsElevationTable: Export profiles as a table of sampled distance vs elevation values

DistanceVsElevationTable = 2
Features3D = 0
Profile2D = 1

alias of Qgis

class ProfileGeneratorFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Flags that control the way the QgsAbstractProfileGenerator operate.

New in version 3.26.

  • RespectsMaximumErrorMapUnit: Generated profile respects the QgsProfileGenerationContext.maximumErrorMapUnits() property.

  • RespectsDistanceRange: Generated profile respects the QgsProfileGenerationContext.distanceRange() property.

  • RespectsElevationRange: Generated profile respects the QgsProfileGenerationContext.elevationRange() property.

RespectsDistanceRange = 2
RespectsElevationRange = 4
RespectsMaximumErrorMapUnit = 1

alias of Qgis

class ProfileGeneratorFlags
class ProfileGeneratorFlags(Union[Qgis.ProfileGeneratorFlags, Qgis.ProfileGeneratorFlag])
class ProfileGeneratorFlags(Qgis.ProfileGeneratorFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class ProfileSurfaceSymbology(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Surface symbology type for elevation profile plots.

New in version 3.26.

  • Line: The elevation surface will be rendered using a line symbol

  • FillBelow: The elevation surface will be rendered using a fill symbol below the surface level

  • FillAbove: The elevation surface will be rendered using a fill symbol above the surface level (since QGIS 3.32)

FillAbove = 2
FillBelow = 1
Line = 0

alias of Qgis

class ProjectCapabilities
class ProjectCapabilities(Union[Qgis.ProjectCapabilities, Qgis.ProjectCapability])
class ProjectCapabilities(Qgis.ProjectCapabilities)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class ProjectCapability(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Flags which control project capabilities.

These flags are specific upfront on creation of a QgsProject object, and can be used to selectively enable potentially costly functionality for the project.

New in version 3.26.1.

  • ProjectStyles: Enable the project embedded style library. Enabling this flag can increase the time required to clear and load projects.

ProjectStyles = 1

alias of Qgis

class ProjectFileFormat(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Flags which control project read behavior.


Prior to QGIS 3.26 this was available as QgsProject.FileFormat

New in version 3.26.

  • Qgz: Archive file format, supports auxiliary data

  • Qgs: Project saved in a clear text, does not support auxiliary data


alias of Qgis

class ProjectFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Flags which control the behavior of QgsProjects.

New in version 3.26.

  • EvaluateDefaultValuesOnProviderSide: If set, default values for fields will be evaluated on the provider side when features from the project are created instead of when they are committed.

  • TrustStoredLayerStatistics: If set, then layer statistics (such as the layer extent) will be read from values stored in the project instead of requesting updated values from the data provider. Additionally, when this flag is set, primary key unicity is not checked for views and materialized views with Postgres provider.

  • RememberLayerEditStatusBetweenSessions: If set, then any layers set to be editable will be stored in the project and immediately made editable whenever that project is restored

  • RememberAttributeTableWindowsBetweenSessions: If set, then any open attribute tables will be stored in the project and immediately reopened when the project is restored

EvaluateDefaultValuesOnProviderSide = 1
RememberAttributeTableWindowsBetweenSessions = 8
RememberLayerEditStatusBetweenSessions = 4
TrustStoredLayerStatistics = 2

alias of Qgis

class ProjectFlags
class ProjectFlags(Union[Qgis.ProjectFlags, Qgis.ProjectFlag])
class ProjectFlags(Qgis.ProjectFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class ProjectReadFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Flags which control project read behavior.


Prior to QGIS 3.26 this was available as QgsProject.ReadFlag

New in version 3.26.

  • FlagDontResolveLayers: Don’t resolve layer paths (i.e. don’t load any layer content). Dramatically improves project read time if the actual data from the layers is not required.

  • FlagDontLoadLayouts: Don’t load print layouts. Improves project read time if layouts are not required, and allows projects to be safely read in background threads (since print layouts are not thread safe).

  • FlagTrustLayerMetadata: Trust layer metadata. Improves project read time. Do not use it if layers’ extent is not fixed during the project’s use by QGIS and QGIS Server.

  • FlagDontStoreOriginalStyles: Skip the initial XML style storage for layers. Useful for minimising project load times in non-interactive contexts.

  • FlagDontLoad3DViews: Skip loading 3D views (since QGIS 3.26)

  • DontLoadProjectStyles: Skip loading project style databases (deprecated – use ProjectCapability.ProjectStyles flag instead)

  • ForceReadOnlyLayers: Open layers in a read-only mode. (since QGIS 3.28)


alias of Qgis

class ProjectReadFlags
class ProjectReadFlags(Union[Qgis.ProjectReadFlags, Qgis.ProjectReadFlag])
class ProjectReadFlags(Qgis.ProjectReadFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class PropertyType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Property types


Prior to QGIS 3.36 this was available as QgsProperty.Type

New in version 3.36.

  • InvalidProperty: Invalid (not set) property

  • StaticProperty: Static property

  • FieldBasedProperty: Field based property

  • ExpressionBasedProperty: Expression based property


alias of Qgis

class ProviderStyleStorageCapabilities
class ProviderStyleStorageCapabilities(Union[Qgis.ProviderStyleStorageCapabilities, Qgis.ProviderStyleStorageCapability])
class ProviderStyleStorageCapabilities(Qgis.ProviderStyleStorageCapabilities)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class ProviderStyleStorageCapability(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

The StorageCapability enum represents the style storage operations supported by the provider.

New in version 3.34.

  • SaveToDatabase:

  • LoadFromDatabase:

  • DeleteFromDatabase:

DeleteFromDatabase = 8
LoadFromDatabase = 4
SaveToDatabase = 2

alias of Qgis

class PythonMacroMode(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Authorisation to run Python Macros

New in version 3.10.

  • Never: Macros are never run

  • Ask: User is prompt before running

  • SessionOnly: Only during this session

  • Always: Macros are always run

  • NotForThisSession: Macros will not be run for this session


alias of Qgis

QGIS_DEV_VERSION = 'exported'
QGIS_RELEASE_NAME = 'Maidenhead'
QGIS_VERSION = '3.36.1-Maidenhead'
class RasterAttributeTableFieldUsage(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

The RasterAttributeTableFieldUsage enum represents the usage of a Raster Attribute Table field.


Directly mapped from GDALRATFieldUsage enum values.

New in version 3.30.

  • Generic: Field usage Generic

  • PixelCount: Field usage PixelCount

  • Name: Field usage Name

  • Min: Field usage Min

  • Max: Field usage Max

  • MinMax: Field usage MinMax

  • Red: Field usage Red

  • Green: Field usage Green

  • Blue: Field usage Blue

  • Alpha: Field usage Alpha

  • RedMin: Field usage RedMin

  • GreenMin: Field usage GreenMin

  • BlueMin: Field usage BlueMin

  • AlphaMin: Field usage AlphaMin

  • RedMax: Field usage RedMax

  • GreenMax: Field usage GreenMax

  • BlueMax: Field usage BlueMax

  • AlphaMax: Field usage AlphaMax

  • MaxCount: Not used by QGIS: GDAL Maximum GFU value (equals to GFU_AlphaMax+1 currently)

Alpha = 9
AlphaMax = 17
AlphaMin = 13
Blue = 8
BlueMax = 16
BlueMin = 12
Generic = 0
Green = 7
GreenMax = 15
GreenMin = 11
Max = 4
MaxCount = 18
Min = 3
MinMax = 5
Name = 2
PixelCount = 1
Red = 6
RedMax = 14
RedMin = 10

alias of Qgis

class RasterAttributeTableType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

The RasterAttributeTableType enum represents the type of RAT. note Directly mapped from GDALRATTableType enum values.

New in version 3.30.

  • Thematic:

  • Athematic:

Athematic = 1
Thematic = 0

alias of Qgis

class RasterBandStatistic(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Available raster band statistics.

New in version 3.36..

  • NoStatistic: No statistic

  • Min: Minimum

  • Max: Maximum

  • Range: Range

  • Sum: Sum

  • Mean: Mean

  • StdDev: Standard deviation

  • SumOfSquares: Sum of squares

  • All: All available statistics


alias of Qgis

class RasterBandStatistics
class RasterBandStatistics(Union[Qgis.RasterBandStatistics, Qgis.RasterBandStatistic])
class RasterBandStatistics(Qgis.RasterBandStatistics)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class RasterBuildPyramidOption(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Raster pyramid building options.


Prior to QGIS 3.30 this was available as QgsRaster.RasterBuildPyramids

New in version 3.30.

  • PyramidsFlagNo: Never

  • PyramidsFlagYes: Yes

  • PyramidsCopyExisting: Copy existing


alias of Qgis

class RasterColorInterpretation(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Raster color interpretation.

This is a modified copy of the GDAL GDALColorInterp enum.


Prior to QGIS 3.30 this was available as QgsRaster.ColorInterpretation

New in version 3.30.

  • UndefinedColorInterpretation: Undefined

  • GrayIndex: Grayscale

  • PaletteIndex: Paletted (see associated color table)

  • RedBand: Red band of RGBA image

  • GreenBand: Green band of RGBA image

  • BlueBand: Blue band of RGBA image

  • AlphaBand: Alpha (0=transparent, 255=opaque)

  • HueBand: Hue band of HLS image

  • SaturationBand: Saturation band of HLS image

  • LightnessBand: Lightness band of HLS image

  • CyanBand: Cyan band of CMYK image

  • MagentaBand: Magenta band of CMYK image

  • YellowBand: Yellow band of CMYK image

  • BlackBand: Black band of CMLY image

  • YCbCr_YBand: Y Luminance

  • YCbCr_CbBand: Cb Chroma

  • YCbCr_CrBand: Cr Chroma

  • ContinuousPalette: Continuous palette, QGIS addition, GRASS


alias of Qgis

class RasterDrawingStyle(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Raster drawing styles.


Prior to QGIS 3.30 this was available as QgsRaster.DrawingStyle

New in version 3.30.

  • UndefinedDrawingStyle: Undefined

  • SingleBandGray: A single band image drawn as a range of gray colors

  • SingleBandPseudoColor: A single band image drawn using a pseudocolor algorithm

  • PalettedColor: A “Palette” image drawn using color table

  • PalettedSingleBandGray: A “Palette” layer drawn in gray scale

  • PalettedSingleBandPseudoColor: A “Palette” layerdrawn using a pseudocolor algorithm

  • PalettedMultiBandColor: Currently not supported

  • MultiBandSingleBandGray: A layer containing 2 or more bands, but a single band drawn as a range of gray colors

  • MultiBandSingleBandPseudoColor: A layer containing 2 or more bands, but a single band drawn using a pseudocolor algorithm

  • MultiBandColor: A layer containing 2 or more bands, mapped to RGB color space. In the case of a multiband with only two bands, one band will be mapped to more than one color.

  • SingleBandColorDataStyle: ARGB values rendered directly


alias of Qgis

class RasterExportType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Raster file export types.

Prior to QGIS 3.32 this was available as QgsRasterFileWriter.Mode

New in version 3.32.

  • Raw: Raw data

  • Image: Rendered image


alias of Qgis

class RasterFileWriterResult(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Raster file export results.

Prior to QGIS 3.32 this was available as QgsRasterFileWriter.WriterError

New in version 3.32.

  • NoError: Successful export

  • SourceProviderError: Source data provider error

  • DestProviderError: Destination data provider error

  • CreateDatasourceError: Data source creation error

  • WriteError: Write error

  • NoDataConflict: Internal error if a value used for ‘no data’ was found in input

  • WriteCanceled: Writing was manually canceled


alias of Qgis

class RasterIdentifyFormat(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Raster identify formats.


Prior to QGIS 3.30 this was available as QgsRaster.IdentifyFormat

New in version 3.30.

  • IdentifyFormatUndefined: Undefined

  • IdentifyFormatValue: Numerical pixel value

  • IdentifyFormatText: WMS text

  • IdentifyFormatHtml: WMS HTML

  • IdentifyFormatFeature: WMS GML/JSON -> feature


alias of Qgis

class RasterLayerType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Raster layer types.


Prior to QGIS 3.30 this was available as QgsRasterLayer.LayerType

New in version 3.30.

  • GrayOrUndefined: Gray or undefined

  • Palette: Palette

  • Multiband: Multi band

  • ColorLayer: Single band containing color data


alias of Qgis

class RasterPipeInterfaceRole(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Raster pipe interface roles.

New in version 3.22.

  • UnknownRole: Unknown role

  • ProviderRole: Data provider role

  • RendererRole: Raster renderer role

  • BrightnessRole: Brightness filter role

  • ResamplerRole: Resampler role

  • ProjectorRole: Projector role

  • NullerRole: Raster nuller role

  • HueSaturationRole: Hue/saturation filter role (also applies grayscale/color inversion)


alias of Qgis

class RasterPyramidFormat(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Raster pyramid formats.


Prior to QGIS 3.30 this was available as QgsRaster.RasterPyramidsFormat

New in version 3.30.

  • PyramidsGTiff: Geotiff .ovr (external)

  • PyramidsInternal: Internal

  • PyramidsErdas: Erdas Image .aux (external)


alias of Qgis

class RasterRendererFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Flags which control behavior of raster renderers.

New in version 3.28.

  • InternalLayerOpacityHandling: The renderer internally handles the raster layer’s opacity, so the default layer level opacity handling should not be applied.

InternalLayerOpacityHandling = 1

alias of Qgis

class RasterRendererFlags
class RasterRendererFlags(Union[Qgis.RasterRendererFlags, Qgis.RasterRendererFlag])
class RasterRendererFlags(Qgis.RasterRendererFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class RasterResamplingStage(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Stage at which raster resampling occurs.

New in version 3.22.

  • ResampleFilter:

  • Provider:


alias of Qgis

class RasterTemporalCapabilityFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Flags for raster layer temporal capabilities.

New in version 3.28.

  • RequestedTimesMustExactlyMatchAllAvailableTemporalRanges: If present, indicates that the provider must only request temporal values which are exact matches for the values present in QgsRasterDataProviderTemporalCapabilities.allAvailableTemporalRanges().

RequestedTimesMustExactlyMatchAllAvailableTemporalRanges = 1

alias of Qgis

class RasterTemporalCapabilityFlags
class RasterTemporalCapabilityFlags(Union[Qgis.RasterTemporalCapabilityFlags, Qgis.RasterTemporalCapabilityFlag])
class RasterTemporalCapabilityFlags(Qgis.RasterTemporalCapabilityFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class RasterTemporalMode(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Raster layer temporal modes

New in version 3.22.

  • ModeFixedTemporalRange: Mode when temporal properties have fixed start and end datetimes.

  • ModeTemporalRangeFromDataProvider: Mode when raster layer delegates temporal range handling to the dataprovider.

  • ModeRedrawLayerOnly: Redraw the layer when temporal range changes, but don’t apply any filtering. Useful when raster symbology expressions depend on the time range. (since QGIS 3.22)


alias of Qgis

class RelationshipCapabilities
class RelationshipCapabilities(Union[Qgis.RelationshipCapabilities, Qgis.RelationshipCapability])
class RelationshipCapabilities(Qgis.RelationshipCapabilities)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class RelationshipCapability(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Relationship capabilities.

New in version 3.30.

  • MultipleFieldKeys: Supports multiple field keys (as opposed to a singular field)

  • ForwardPathLabel: Supports forward path labels

  • BackwardPathLabel: Supports backward path labels

BackwardPathLabel = 4
ForwardPathLabel = 2
MultipleFieldKeys = 1

alias of Qgis

class RelationshipCardinality(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Relationship cardinality.

New in version 3.28.

  • OneToOne: One to one relationship

  • OneToMany: One to many relationship

  • ManyToOne: Many to one relationship

  • ManyToMany: Many to many relationship

ManyToMany = 3
ManyToOne = 2
OneToMany = 1
OneToOne = 0

alias of Qgis

class RelationshipStrength(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Relationship strength.


Prior to QGIS 3.28 this was available as QgsRelation.RelationStrength.

New in version 3.28.

  • Association: Loose relation, related elements are not part of the parent and a parent copy will not copy any children.

  • Composition: Fix relation, related elements are part of the parent and a parent copy will copy any children or delete of parent will delete children


alias of Qgis

class RelationshipType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Relationship types.


Prior to QGIS 3.28 this was available as QgsRelation.RelationType.

New in version 3.28.

  • Normal: A normal relation

  • Generated: A generated relation is a child of a polymorphic relation


alias of Qgis

class RenderContextFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Flags which affect rendering operations.

New in version 3.22.

  • DrawEditingInfo: Enable drawing of vertex markers for layers in editing mode

  • ForceVectorOutput: Vector graphics should not be cached and drawn as raster images

  • UseAdvancedEffects: Enable layer opacity and blending effects

  • UseRenderingOptimization: Enable vector simplification and other rendering optimizations

  • DrawSelection: Whether vector selections should be shown in the rendered map

  • DrawSymbolBounds: Draw bounds of symbols (for debugging/testing)

  • RenderMapTile: Draw map such that there are no problems between adjacent tiles

  • Antialiasing: Use antialiasing while drawing

  • RenderPartialOutput: Whether to make extra effort to update map image with partially rendered layers (better for interactive map canvas). Added in QGIS 3.0

  • RenderPreviewJob: Render is a ‘canvas preview’ render, and shortcuts should be taken to ensure fast rendering

  • RenderBlocking: Render and load remote sources in the same thread to ensure rendering remote sources (svg and images). WARNING: this flag must NEVER be used from GUI based applications (like the main QGIS application) or crashes will result. Only for use in external scripts or QGIS server.

  • RenderSymbolPreview: The render is for a symbol preview only and map based properties may not be available, so care should be taken to handle map unit based sizes in an appropriate way.

  • LosslessImageRendering: Render images losslessly whenever possible, instead of the default lossy jpeg rendering used for some destination devices (e.g. PDF). This flag only works with builds based on Qt 5.13 or later.

  • ApplyScalingWorkaroundForTextRendering: Whether a scaling workaround designed to stablise the rendering of small font sizes (or for painters scaled out by a large amount) when rendering text. Generally this is recommended, but it may incur some performance cost.

  • Render3DMap: Render is for a 3D map

  • ApplyClipAfterReprojection: Feature geometry clipping to mapExtent() must be performed after the geometries are transformed using coordinateTransform(). Usually feature geometry clipping occurs using the extent() in the layer’s CRS prior to geometry transformation, but in some cases when extent() could not be accurately calculated it is necessary to clip geometries to mapExtent() AFTER transforming them using coordinateTransform().

  • RenderingSubSymbol: Set whenever a sub-symbol of a parent symbol is currently being rendered. Can be used during symbol and symbol layer rendering to determine whether the symbol being rendered is a subsymbol. (Since QGIS 3.24)

  • HighQualityImageTransforms: Enable high quality image transformations, which results in better appearance of scaled or rotated raster components of a map (since QGIS 3.24)

  • SkipSymbolRendering: Disable symbol rendering while still drawing labels if enabled (since QGIS 3.24)

  • RecordProfile: Enable run-time profiling while rendering (since QGIS 3.34)


alias of Qgis

class RenderContextFlags
class RenderContextFlags(Union[Qgis.RenderContextFlags, Qgis.RenderContextFlag])
class RenderContextFlags(Qgis.RenderContextFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class RenderSubcomponentProperty(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Rendering subcomponent properties.

New in version 3.22.

  • Generic: Generic subcomponent property

  • ShadowOffset: Shadow offset

  • BlurSize: Blur size

  • GlowSpread: Glow spread size

BlurSize = 2
Generic = 0
GlowSpread = 3
ShadowOffset = 1

alias of Qgis

class RenderUnit(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Rendering size units


Prior to QGIS 3.30 this was available as QgsUnitTypes.RenderUnit.

New in version 3.30.

  • RenderMillimeters: Millimeters

  • RenderMapUnits: Map units

  • RenderPixels: Pixels

  • RenderPercentage: Percentage of another measurement (e.g., canvas size, feature size)

  • RenderPoints: Points (e.g., for font sizes)

  • RenderInches: Inches

  • RenderUnknownUnit: Mixed or unknown units

  • RenderMetersInMapUnits: Meters value as Map units


alias of Qgis

class RendererUsage(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Usage of the renderer.

New in version 3.24.

  • View: Renderer used for displaying on screen

  • Export: Renderer used for printing or exporting to a file

  • Unknown: Renderer used for unknown usage

Export = 1
Unknown = 2
View = 0

alias of Qgis

SCALE_PRECISION = 0.9999999999
class ScaleMethod(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Scale methods

New in version 3.20.

  • ScaleArea: Calculate scale by the area

  • ScaleDiameter: Calculate scale by the diameter


alias of Qgis

class ScaleToTileZoomLevelMethod(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Available methods for converting map scales to tile zoom levels.

New in version 3.26.

  • MapBox: Uses a scale doubling approach to account for hi-DPI tiles, and rounds to the nearest tile level for the map scale

  • Esri: No scale doubling, always rounds down when matching to available tile levels

Esri = 1
MapBox = 0

alias of Qgis

class ScriptLanguage(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Scripting languages.

New in version 3.30.

  • Css: CSS

  • QgisExpression: QGIS expressions

  • Html: HTML

  • JavaScript: JavaScript

  • Json: JSON

  • Python: Python

  • R: R Stats

  • Sql: SQL

  • Batch: Windows batch files

  • Bash: Bash scripts

  • Unknown: Unknown/other language

Bash = 9
Batch = 8
Css = 0
Html = 2
JavaScript = 3
Json = 4
Python = 5
QgisExpression = 1
R = 6
Sql = 7
Unknown = 10

alias of Qgis

class ScriptLanguageCapabilities
class ScriptLanguageCapabilities(Union[Qgis.ScriptLanguageCapabilities, Qgis.ScriptLanguageCapability])
class ScriptLanguageCapabilities(Qgis.ScriptLanguageCapabilities)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class ScriptLanguageCapability(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Script language capabilities.

The flags reflect the support capabilities of a scripting language.

New in version 3.32.

  • Reformat: Language supports automatic code reformatting

  • CheckSyntax: Language supports syntax checking

  • ToggleComment: Language supports comment toggling

CheckSyntax = 2
Reformat = 1
ToggleComment = 4

alias of Qgis

class SelectBehavior(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Specifies how a selection should be applied.

New in version 3.22.

  • SetSelection: Set selection, removing any existing selection

  • AddToSelection: Add selection to current selection

  • IntersectSelection: Modify current selection to include only select features which match

  • RemoveFromSelection: Remove from current selection


alias of Qgis

class SelectGeometryRelationship(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Geometry relationship test to apply for selecting features.

New in version 3.28.

  • Intersect: Select where features intersect the reference geometry

  • Within: Select where features are within the reference geometry

Intersect = 0
Within = 1

alias of Qgis

class SelectionFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Flags which control feature selection behavior.

New in version 3.28.

  • SingleFeatureSelection: Select only a single feature, picking the “best” match for the selection geometry

  • ToggleSelection: Enables a “toggle” selection mode, where previously selected matching features will be deselected and previously deselected features will be selected. This flag works only when the SingleFeatureSelection flag is also set.

SingleFeatureSelection = 1
ToggleSelection = 2

alias of Qgis

class SelectionFlags
class SelectionFlags(Union[Qgis.SelectionFlags, Qgis.SelectionFlag])
class SelectionFlags(Qgis.SelectionFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class SelectionRenderingMode(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Specifies how a selection should be rendered.

New in version 3.34.

  • Default: Use default symbol and selection colors

  • CustomColor: Use default symbol with a custom selection color

  • CustomSymbol: Use a custom symbol

CustomColor = 1
CustomSymbol = 2
Default = 0

alias of Qgis

class SensorThingsEntity(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

OGC SensorThings API entity types.

New in version 3.36.

  • Invalid: An invalid/unknown entity

  • Thing: A Thing is an object of the physical world (physical things) or the information world (virtual things) that is capable of being identified and integrated into communication networks

  • Location: A Location entity locates the Thing or the Things it associated with. A Thing’s Location entity is defined as the last known location of the Thing

  • HistoricalLocation: A Thing’s HistoricalLocation entity set provides the times of the current (i.e., last known) and previous locations of the Thing

  • Datastream: A Datastream groups a collection of Observations measuring the same ObservedProperty and produced by the same Sensor

  • Sensor: A Sensor is an instrument that observes a property or phenomenon with the goal of producing an estimate of the value of the property

  • ObservedProperty: An ObservedProperty specifies the phenomenon of an Observation

  • Observation: An Observation is the act of measuring or otherwise determining the value of a property

  • FeatureOfInterest: In the context of the Internet of Things, many Observations’ FeatureOfInterest can be the Location of the Thing. For example, the FeatureOfInterest of a wifi-connect thermostat can be the Location of the thermostat (i.e., the living room where the thermostat is located in). In the case of remote sensing, the FeatureOfInterest can be the geographical area or volume that is being sensed

Datastream = 4
FeatureOfInterest = 8
HistoricalLocation = 3
Invalid = 0
Location = 2
Observation = 7
ObservedProperty = 6
Sensor = 5
Thing = 1

alias of Qgis

class SettingsOption(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Settings options

New in version 3.26.

  • SaveFormerValue:

  • SaveEnumFlagAsInt:

SaveEnumFlagAsInt = 4
SaveFormerValue = 2

alias of Qgis

class SettingsOptions
class SettingsOptions(Union[Qgis.SettingsOptions, Qgis.SettingsOption])
class SettingsOptions(Qgis.SettingsOptions)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class SettingsOrigin(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

The setting origin describes where a setting is stored.

New in version 3.30.

  • Any: From any origin

  • Global: Global settings are stored in qgis_global_settings.ini

  • Local: Local settings are stored in the user profile

Any = 0
Global = 1
Local = 2

alias of Qgis

class SettingsTreeNodeOption(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Options for named list nodes

New in version 3.30.

  • NamedListSelectedItemSetting: Creates a setting to store which is the current item

NamedListSelectedItemSetting = 1

alias of Qgis

class SettingsTreeNodeOptions
class SettingsTreeNodeOptions(Union[Qgis.SettingsTreeNodeOptions, Qgis.SettingsTreeNodeOption])
class SettingsTreeNodeOptions(Qgis.SettingsTreeNodeOptions)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class SettingsTreeNodeType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Type of tree node

New in version 3.30.

  • Root: Root Node

  • Standard: Normal Node

  • NamedList:

NamedList = 2
Root = 0
Standard = 1

alias of Qgis

class SettingsType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Types of settings entries

New in version 3.26.

  • Custom: Custom implementation

  • Variant: Generic variant

  • String: String

  • StringList: List of strings

  • VariantMap: Map of strings

  • Bool: Boolean

  • Integer: Integer

  • Double: Double precision number

  • EnumFlag: Enum or Flag

  • Color: Color


alias of Qgis

class SldExportOption(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

SLD export options

New in version 3.30.

  • NoOptions: Default SLD export

  • Svg: Export complex styles to separate SVG files for better compatibility with OGC servers

  • Png: Export complex styles to separate PNG files for better compatibility with OGC servers

NoOptions = 0
Png = 2
Svg = 1

alias of Qgis

class SldExportOptions
class SldExportOptions(Union[Qgis.SldExportOptions, Qgis.SldExportOption])
class SldExportOptions(Qgis.SldExportOptions)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class SldExportVendorExtension(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

SLD export vendor extensions, allow the use of vendor extensions when exporting to SLD.

New in version 3.30.

  • NoVendorExtension: No vendor extensions

  • GeoServerVendorExtension: Use GeoServer vendor extensions when required

  • DeegreeVendorExtension: Use Deegree vendor extensions when required

DeegreeVendorExtension = 4
GeoServerVendorExtension = 2
NoVendorExtension = 0

alias of Qgis

class SnappingMode(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

SnappingMode defines on which layer the snapping is performed

New in version 3.26.

  • ActiveLayer: On the active layer

  • AllLayers: On all vector layers

  • AdvancedConfiguration: On a per layer configuration basis


alias of Qgis

class SnappingType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

SnappingTypeFlag defines on what object the snapping is performed

New in version 3.26.

  • NoSnapFlag: No snapping

  • VertexFlag: On vertices

  • SegmentFlag: On segments

  • AreaFlag: On Area

  • CentroidFlag: On centroid

  • MiddleOfSegmentFlag: On Middle segment

  • LineEndpointFlag: Start or end points of lines, or first vertex in polygon rings only (since QGIS 3.20)


alias of Qgis

class SnappingTypes
class SnappingTypes(Union[Qgis.SnappingTypes, Qgis.SnappingType])
class SnappingTypes(Qgis.SnappingTypes)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class SpatialFilterType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Feature request spatial filter types.

New in version 3.22.

  • NoFilter: No spatial filtering of features

  • BoundingBox: Filter using a bounding box

  • DistanceWithin: Filter by distance to reference geometry

BoundingBox = 1
DistanceWithin = 2
NoFilter = 0

alias of Qgis

class SpatialIndexPresence(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Enumeration of spatial index presence states.


Prior to QGIS 3.36 this was available as QgsFeatureSource.SpatialIndexPresence

New in version 3.36.

  • SpatialIndexUnknown: Spatial index presence cannot be determined, index may or may not exist

  • SpatialIndexNotPresent: No spatial index exists for the source

  • SpatialIndexPresent: A valid spatial index exists for the source


alias of Qgis

class SqlKeywordCategory(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

SqlKeywordCategory enum represents the categories of the SQL keywords used by the SQL query editor.


The category has currently no usage, but it was planned for future uses.

New in version 3.22.

  • Keyword: SQL keyword

  • Constant: SQL constant

  • Function: SQL generic function

  • Geospatial: SQL spatial function

  • Operator: SQL operator

  • Math: SQL math function

  • Aggregate: SQL aggregate function

  • String: SQL string function

  • Identifier: SQL identifier

Aggregate = 6
Constant = 1
Function = 2
Geospatial = 3
Identifier = 8
Keyword = 0
Math = 5
Operator = 4
String = 7

alias of Qgis

class SqlLayerDefinitionCapabilities
class SqlLayerDefinitionCapabilities(Union[Qgis.SqlLayerDefinitionCapabilities, Qgis.SqlLayerDefinitionCapability])
class SqlLayerDefinitionCapabilities(Qgis.SqlLayerDefinitionCapabilities)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class SqlLayerDefinitionCapability(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

SqlLayerDefinitionCapability enum lists the arguments supported by the provider when creating SQL query layers.

New in version 3.22.

  • SubsetStringFilter: SQL layer definition supports subset string filter

  • GeometryColumn: SQL layer definition supports geometry column

  • PrimaryKeys: SQL layer definition supports primary keys

  • UnstableFeatureIds: SQL layer definition supports disabling select at id

GeometryColumn = 4
PrimaryKeys = 8
SubsetStringFilter = 2
UnstableFeatureIds = 16

alias of Qgis

class Statistic(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Available generic statistics.

New in version 3.36..

  • Count: Count

  • CountMissing: Number of missing (null) values

  • Sum: Sum of values

  • Mean: Mean of values

  • Median: Median of values

  • StDev: Standard deviation of values

  • StDevSample: Sample standard deviation of values

  • Min: Min of values

  • Max: Max of values

  • Range: Range of values (max - min)

  • Minority: Minority of values

  • Majority: Majority of values

  • Variety: Variety (count of distinct) values

  • FirstQuartile: First quartile

  • ThirdQuartile: Third quartile

  • InterQuartileRange: Inter quartile range (IQR)

  • First: First value (since QGIS 3.6)

  • Last: Last value (since QGIS 3.6)

  • All: All statistics


alias of Qgis

class Statistics
class Statistics(Union[Qgis.Statistics, Qgis.Statistic])
class Statistics(Qgis.Statistics)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class StringStatistic(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Available string statistics.

New in version 3.36..

  • Count: Count

  • CountDistinct: Number of distinct string values

  • CountMissing: Number of missing (null) values

  • Min: Minimum string value

  • Max: Maximum string value

  • MinimumLength: Minimum length of string

  • MaximumLength: Maximum length of string

  • MeanLength: Mean length of strings

  • Minority: Minority of strings

  • Majority: Majority of strings

  • All: All statistics


alias of Qgis

class StringStatistics
class StringStatistics(Union[Qgis.StringStatistics, Qgis.StringStatistic])
class StringStatistics(Qgis.StringStatistics)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class SublayerFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Flags which reflect the properties of sublayers in a dataset.

New in version 3.22.

  • SystemTable: Sublayer is a system or internal table, which should be hidden by default

SystemTable = 1

alias of Qgis

class SublayerFlags
class SublayerFlags(Union[Qgis.SublayerFlags, Qgis.SublayerFlag])
class SublayerFlags(Qgis.SublayerFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class SublayerPromptMode(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Specifies how to handle layer sources with multiple sublayers.

New in version 3.22.

  • AlwaysAsk: Always ask users to select from available sublayers, if sublayers are present

  • AskExcludingRasterBands: Ask users to select from available sublayers, unless only raster bands are present

  • NeverAskSkip: Never ask users to select sublayers, instead don’t load anything

  • NeverAskLoadAll: Never ask users to select sublayers, instead automatically load all available sublayers

AlwaysAsk = 0
AskExcludingRasterBands = 1
NeverAskLoadAll = 3
NeverAskSkip = 2

alias of Qgis

class SublayerQueryFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Flags which control how data providers will scan for sublayers in a dataset.

New in version 3.22.

  • FastScan: Indicates that the provider must scan for sublayers using the fastest possible approach – e.g. by first checking that a uri has an extension which is known to be readable by the provider

  • ResolveGeometryType: Attempt to resolve the geometry type for vector sublayers

  • CountFeatures: Count features in vector sublayers

  • IncludeSystemTables: Include system or internal tables (these are not included by default)

CountFeatures = 4
FastScan = 1
IncludeSystemTables = 8
ResolveGeometryType = 2

alias of Qgis

class SublayerQueryFlags
class SublayerQueryFlags(Union[Qgis.SublayerQueryFlags, Qgis.SublayerQueryFlag])
class SublayerQueryFlags(Qgis.SublayerQueryFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

Success = 3
class SymbolCoordinateReference(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Symbol coordinate reference modes.


Prior to QGIS 3.24 this was available as QgsGradientFillSymbolLayer.GradientCoordinateMode

New in version 3.24.

  • Feature: Relative to feature/shape being rendered

  • Viewport: Relative to the whole viewport/output device


alias of Qgis

class SymbolFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Flags controlling behavior of symbols

New in version 3.20.

  • RendererShouldUseSymbolLevels: If present, indicates that a QgsFeatureRenderer using the symbol should use symbol levels for best results

RendererShouldUseSymbolLevels = 1

alias of Qgis

class SymbolFlags
class SymbolFlags(Union[Qgis.SymbolFlags, Qgis.SymbolFlag])
class SymbolFlags(Qgis.SymbolFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class SymbolLayerFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Flags controlling behavior of symbol layers


These differ from Qgis.SymbolLayerUserFlag in that Qgis.SymbolLayerFlag flags are used to reflect the inbuilt properties of a symbol layer type, whereas Qgis.SymbolLayerUserFlag are optional, user controlled flags which can be toggled for a symbol layer.

New in version 3.22.

  • DisableFeatureClipping: If present, indicates that features should never be clipped to the map extent during rendering

DisableFeatureClipping = 1

alias of Qgis

class SymbolLayerFlags
class SymbolLayerFlags(Union[Qgis.SymbolLayerFlags, Qgis.SymbolLayerFlag])
class SymbolLayerFlags(Qgis.SymbolLayerFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class SymbolLayerUserFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

User-specified flags controlling behavior of symbol layers.


These differ from Qgis.SymbolLayerFlag in that Qgis.SymbolLayerFlag flags are used to reflect the inbuilt properties of a symbol layer type, whereas Qgis.SymbolLayerUserFlag are optional, user controlled flags which can be toggled for a symbol layer.

New in version 3.34.

  • DisableSelectionRecoloring: If present, indicates that the symbol layer should not be recolored when rendering selected features

DisableSelectionRecoloring = 1

alias of Qgis

class SymbolLayerUserFlags
class SymbolLayerUserFlags(Union[Qgis.SymbolLayerUserFlags, Qgis.SymbolLayerUserFlag])
class SymbolLayerUserFlags(Qgis.SymbolLayerUserFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class SymbolPreviewFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Flags for controlling how symbol preview images are generated.

New in version 3.20.

  • FlagIncludeCrosshairsForMarkerSymbols: Include a crosshairs reference image in the background of marker symbol previews


alias of Qgis

class SymbolPreviewFlags
class SymbolPreviewFlags(Union[Qgis.SymbolPreviewFlags, Qgis.SymbolPreviewFlag])
class SymbolPreviewFlags(Qgis.SymbolPreviewFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class SymbolRenderHint(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Flags controlling behavior of symbols during rendering

New in version 3.20.

  • DynamicRotation: Rotation of symbol may be changed during rendering and symbol should not be cached


alias of Qgis

class SymbolRenderHints
class SymbolRenderHints(Union[Qgis.SymbolRenderHints, Qgis.SymbolRenderHint])
class SymbolRenderHints(Qgis.SymbolRenderHints)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class SymbolRotationMode(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Modes for handling how symbol and text entity rotation is handled when maps are rotated.

New in version 3.32.

  • RespectMapRotation: Entity is rotated along with the map

  • IgnoreMapRotation: Entity ignores map rotation

IgnoreMapRotation = 1
RespectMapRotation = 0

alias of Qgis

class SymbolType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Symbol types

New in version 3.20.

  • Marker: Marker symbol

  • Line: Line symbol

  • Fill: Fill symbol

  • Hybrid: Hybrid symbol


alias of Qgis

class SystemOfMeasurement(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Systems of unit measurement.


Prior to QGIS 3.30 this was available as QgsUnitTypes.SystemOfMeasurement.

New in version 3.30.

  • UnknownSystem: Unknown system of measurement

  • MetricSystem: International System of Units (SI)

  • ImperialSystem: British Imperial

  • USCSSystem: United States customary system


alias of Qgis

class TemporalIntervalMatchMethod(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Method to use when resolving a temporal range to a data provider layer or band.

New in version 3.22.

  • MatchUsingWholeRange: Use an exact match to the whole temporal range

  • MatchExactUsingStartOfRange: Match the start of the temporal range to a corresponding layer or band, and only use exact matching results

  • MatchExactUsingEndOfRange: Match the end of the temporal range to a corresponding layer or band, and only use exact matching results

  • FindClosestMatchToStartOfRange: Match the start of the temporal range to the least previous closest datetime.

  • FindClosestMatchToEndOfRange: Match the end of the temporal range to the least previous closest datetime.


alias of Qgis

class TemporalNavigationMode(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Temporal navigation modes.


Prior to QGIS 3.36 this was available as QgsTemporalNavigationObject.NavigationMode

New in version 3.36.

  • NavigationOff: Temporal navigation is disabled

  • Animated: Temporal navigation relies on frames within a datetime range

  • FixedRange: Temporal navigation relies on a fixed datetime range

  • Movie: Movie mode – behaves like a video player, with a fixed frame duration and no temporal range (since QGIS 3.36)


alias of Qgis

class TemporalUnit(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Temporal units.


Prior to QGIS 3.30 this was available as QgsUnitTypes.TemporalUnit.

New in version 3.30.

  • TemporalMilliseconds: Milliseconds

  • TemporalSeconds: Seconds

  • TemporalMinutes: Minutes

  • TemporalHours: Hours

  • TemporalDays: Days

  • TemporalWeeks: Weeks

  • TemporalMonths: Months

  • TemporalYears: Years

  • TemporalDecades: Decades

  • TemporalCenturies: Centuries

  • TemporalIrregularStep: Special ‘irregular step’ time unit, used for temporal data which uses irregular, non-real-world unit steps (since QGIS 3.20)

  • TemporalUnknownUnit: Unknown time unit


alias of Qgis

class TextCharacterVerticalAlignment(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Text vertical alignment for characters.

This enum controls vertical alignment of individual characters within a block of text.

New in version 3.30.

  • Normal: Adjacent characters are positioned in the standard way for text in the writing system in use

  • SuperScript: Characters are placed above the base line for normal text.

  • SubScript: Characters are placed below the base line for normal text.

Normal = 0
SubScript = 2
SuperScript = 1

alias of Qgis

class TextComponent(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Text components.


Prior to QGIS 3.28 this was available as QgsTextRenderer.TextPart

New in version 3.28.

  • Text: Text component

  • Buffer: Buffer component

  • Background: Background shape

  • Shadow: Drop shadow


alias of Qgis

class TextHorizontalAlignment(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Text horizontal alignment.


Prior to QGIS 3.28 this was available as QgsTextRenderer.HAlignment

New in version 3.28.

  • AlignLeft: Left align

  • AlignCenter: Center align

  • AlignRight: Right align

  • AlignJustify: Justify align


alias of Qgis

class TextLayoutMode(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Text layout modes.


Prior to QGIS 3.28 this was available as QgsTextRenderer.DrawMode

New in version 3.28.

  • Rect: Text within rectangle layout mode

  • Point: Text at point of origin layout mode

  • Label: Labeling-specific layout mode

  • RectangleCapHeightBased: Similar to Rectangle mode, but uses cap height only when calculating font heights for the first line of text, and cap height + descent for subsequent lines of text (since QGIS 3.30)

  • RectangleAscentBased: Similar to Rectangle mode, but uses ascents only when calculating font and line heights. (since QGIS 3.30)


alias of Qgis

class TextOrientation(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Text orientations.


Prior to QGIS 3.28 this was available as QgsTextFormat.TextOrientation

New in version 3.28.

  • HorizontalOrientation: Horizontally oriented text

  • VerticalOrientation: Vertically oriented text

  • RotationBasedOrientation: Horizontally or vertically oriented text based on rotation (only available for map labeling)


alias of Qgis

class TextRenderFormat(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Options for rendering text.

New in version 3.22.

  • TextFormatAlwaysOutlines: Always render text using path objects (AKA outlines/curves). This setting guarantees the best quality rendering, even when using a raster paint surface (where sub-pixel path based text rendering is superior to sub-pixel text-based rendering). The downside is that text is converted to paths only, so users cannot open created vector outputs for post-processing in other applications and retain text editability. This setting also guarantees complete compatibility with the full range of formatting options available through QgsTextRenderer and QgsTextFormat, some of which may not be possible to reproduce when using a vector-based paint surface and TextFormatAlwaysText mode. A final benefit to this setting is that vector exports created using text as outlines do not require all users to have the original fonts installed in order to display the text in its original style.

  • TextFormatAlwaysText: Always render text as text objects. While this mode preserves text objects as text for post-processing in external vector editing applications, it can result in rendering artifacts or poor quality rendering, depending on the text format settings. Even with raster based paint devices, TextFormatAlwaysText can result in inferior rendering quality to TextFormatAlwaysOutlines. When rendering using TextFormatAlwaysText to a vector based device (e.g. PDF or SVG), care must be taken to ensure that the required fonts are available to users when opening the created files, or default fallback fonts will be used to display the output instead. (Although PDF exports MAY automatically embed some fonts when possible, depending on the user’s platform).


alias of Qgis

class TextRendererFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Flags which control the behavior of rendering text.

New in version 3.24.

  • WrapLines: Automatically wrap long lines of text

WrapLines = 1

alias of Qgis

class TextRendererFlags
class TextRendererFlags(Union[Qgis.TextRendererFlags, Qgis.TextRendererFlag])
class TextRendererFlags(Qgis.TextRendererFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class TextVerticalAlignment(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Text vertical alignment.

This enum controls vertical alignment of text in a predefined rectangular bounding box. See also Qgis.TextCharacterVerticalAlignment.


Prior to QGIS 3.28 this was available as QgsTextRenderer.VAlignment

New in version 3.28.

  • AlignTop: Align to top

  • AlignVCenter: Center align

  • AlignBottom: Align to bottom


alias of Qgis

class TileAvailability(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Possible availability states for a tile within a tile matrix.

New in version 3.32.

  • Available: Tile is available within the matrix

  • NotAvailable: Tile is not available within the matrix, e.g. there is no content for the tile

  • AvailableNoChildren: Tile is available within the matrix, and is known to have no children (ie no higher zoom level tiles exist covering this tile’s region)

  • UseLowerZoomLevelTile: Tile is not available at the requested zoom level, it should be replaced by a tile from a lower zoom level instead182

Available = 0
AvailableNoChildren = 2
NotAvailable = 1
UseLowerZoomLevelTile = 3

alias of Qgis

class TileChildrenAvailability(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Possible availability states for a tile’s children.

New in version 3.34.

  • NoChildren: Tile is known to have no children

  • Available: Tile children are already available

  • NeedFetching: Tile has children, but they are not yet available and must be fetched

Available = 1
NeedFetching = 2
NoChildren = 0

alias of Qgis

class TilePixelRatio(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

DpiMode enum

New in version 3.30.

  • Undefined: Undefined (not scale)

  • StandardDpi: Standard (96 DPI)

  • HighDpi: High (192 DPI)

HighDpi = 2
StandardDpi = 1
Undefined = 0

alias of Qgis

class TileRefinementProcess(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Tiled scene tile refinement processes.

Refinement determines the process by which a lower resolution parent tile renders when its higher resolution children are selected to be rendered.

New in version 3.34.

  • Replacement: When tile is refined then its children should be used in place of itself.

  • Additive: When tile is refined its content should be used alongside its children simultaneously.

Additive = 1
Replacement = 0

alias of Qgis

class TiledSceneBoundingVolumeType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Tiled scene bounding volume types.

New in version 3.34.

  • Region: Region type

  • OrientedBox: Oriented bounding box (rotated box)

  • Sphere: Sphere

OrientedBox = 1
Region = 0
Sphere = 2

alias of Qgis

class TiledSceneProviderCapabilities
class TiledSceneProviderCapabilities(Union[Qgis.TiledSceneProviderCapabilities, Qgis.TiledSceneProviderCapability])
class TiledSceneProviderCapabilities(Qgis.TiledSceneProviderCapabilities)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class TiledSceneProviderCapability(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Tiled scene data provider capabilities.

New in version 3.34.

  • ReadLayerMetadata: Provider can read layer metadata from data store. See QgsDataProvider.layerMetadata()

ReadLayerMetadata = 2

alias of Qgis

class TiledSceneRendererFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Flags which control how tiled scene 2D renderers behave.

New in version 3.34.

  • RequiresTextures: Renderer requires textures

  • ForceRasterRender: Layer should always be rendered as a raster image

  • RendersTriangles: Renderer can render triangle primitives

  • RendersLines: Renderer can render line primitives

ForceRasterRender = 2
RendersLines = 8
RendersTriangles = 4
RequiresTextures = 1

alias of Qgis

class TiledSceneRendererFlags
class TiledSceneRendererFlags(Union[Qgis.TiledSceneRendererFlags, Qgis.TiledSceneRendererFlag])
class TiledSceneRendererFlags(Qgis.TiledSceneRendererFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class TiledSceneRequestFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Flags which control how tiled scene requests behave.

New in version 3.34.

  • NoHierarchyFetch: Do not allow hierarchy fetching when hierarchy is not currently available. Avoids network requests, but may result in an incomplete tile set. If set, then callers will need to manually perform hierarchy fetches as required.

NoHierarchyFetch = 1

alias of Qgis

class TiledSceneRequestFlags
class TiledSceneRequestFlags(Union[Qgis.TiledSceneRequestFlags, Qgis.TiledSceneRequestFlag])
class TiledSceneRequestFlags(Qgis.TiledSceneRequestFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class TransactionMode(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Transaction mode.

New in version 3.26.

  • Disabled: Edits are buffered locally and sent to the provider when toggling layer editing mode.

  • AutomaticGroups: Automatic transactional editing means that on supported datasources (postgres and geopackage databases) the edit state of all tables that originate from the same database are synchronized and executed in a server side transaction.

  • BufferedGroups: Buffered transactional editing means that all editable layers in the buffered transaction group are toggled synchronously and all edits are saved in a local edit buffer. Saving changes is executed within a single transaction on all layers (per provider).

AutomaticGroups = 1
BufferedGroups = 2
Disabled = 0

alias of Qgis

class TransformDirection(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Indicates the direction (forward or inverse) of a transform.

New in version 3.22.

  • ForwardTransform: Forward transform (from source to destination)

  • ReverseTransform: Reverse/inverse transform (from destination to source)


alias of Qgis

class UnitType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Unit types.


Prior to QGIS 3.30 this was available as QgsUnitTypes.UnitType.

New in version 3.30.

  • TypeDistance: Distance unit

  • TypeArea: Area unit

  • TypeVolume: Volume unit

  • TypeUnknown: Unknown unit type

  • TypeTemporal: Temporal unit


alias of Qgis

class UnplacedLabelVisibility(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Unplaced label visibility.

New in version 3.20.

  • FollowEngineSetting: Respect the label engine setting

  • NeverShow: Never show unplaced labels, regardless of the engine setting

FollowEngineSetting = 0
NeverShow = 1

alias of Qgis

class UpsideDownLabelHandling(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Handling techniques for upside down labels.


Prior to QGIS 3.26 this was available as QgsPalLayerSettings.UpsideDownLabels

New in version 3.26.

  • Upright: Upside-down labels (90 <= angle < 270) are shown upright

  • ShowDefined: Show upside down when rotation is layer- or data-defined

  • ShowAll: Show upside down for all labels, including dynamic ones


alias of Qgis

class UserProfileSelectionPolicy(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

User profile selection policy.

New in version 3.32.

  • LastProfile: Open the last closed profile (only mode supported prior to QGIS 3.32)

  • DefaultProfile: Open a specific profile

  • AskUser: Let the user choose which profile to open

AskUser = 2
DefaultProfile = 1
LastProfile = 0

alias of Qgis

class VectorDataProviderAttributeEditCapabilities
class VectorDataProviderAttributeEditCapabilities(Union[Qgis.VectorDataProviderAttributeEditCapabilities, Qgis.VectorDataProviderAttributeEditCapability])
class VectorDataProviderAttributeEditCapabilities(Qgis.VectorDataProviderAttributeEditCapabilities)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class VectorDataProviderAttributeEditCapability(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Attribute editing capabilities which may be supported by vector data providers.

New in version 3.32.

  • EditAlias: Allows editing aliases

  • EditComment: Allows editing comments

EditAlias = 1
EditComment = 2

alias of Qgis

class VectorDataProviderTemporalMode(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Vector data provider temporal handling modes.

New in version 3.22.

  • ProviderHasFixedTemporalRange: Entire dataset from provider has a fixed start and end datetime.

  • ProviderStoresFeatureDateTimeInstantInField: Dataset has feature datetime instants stored in a single field

  • ProviderStoresFeatureDateTimeStartAndEndInSeparateFields: Dataset stores feature start and end datetimes in separate fields


alias of Qgis

class VectorEditResult(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Specifies the result of a vector layer edit operation

New in version 3.22.

  • Success: Edit operation was successful

  • EmptyGeometry: Edit operation resulted in an empty geometry

  • EditFailed: Edit operation failed

  • FetchFeatureFailed: Unable to fetch requested feature

  • InvalidLayer: Edit failed due to invalid layer


alias of Qgis

class VectorExportResult(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Vector layer export result codes.

New in version 3.20.

  • NoError: No errors were encountered

  • ErrCreateDataSource: Could not create the destination data source

  • ErrCreateLayer: Could not create destination layer

  • ErrAttributeTypeUnsupported: Source layer has an attribute type which could not be handled by destination

  • ErrAttributeCreationFailed: Destination provider was unable to create an attribute

  • ErrProjection: An error occurred while reprojecting features to destination CRS

  • ErrFeatureWriteFailed: An error occurred while writing a feature to the destination

  • ErrInvalidLayer: Could not access newly created destination layer

  • ErrInvalidProvider: Could not find a matching provider key

  • ErrProviderUnsupportedFeature: Provider does not support creation of empty layers

  • ErrConnectionFailed: Could not connect to destination

  • ErrUserCanceled: User canceled the export


alias of Qgis

class VectorFileWriterCapabilities
class VectorFileWriterCapabilities(Union[Qgis.VectorFileWriterCapabilities, Qgis.VectorFileWriterCapability])
class VectorFileWriterCapabilities(Qgis.VectorFileWriterCapabilities)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class VectorFileWriterCapability(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Capabilities supported by a QgsVectorFileWriter object.

New in version 3.32.

  • FieldAliases: Writer can support field aliases

  • FieldComments: Writer can support field comments

FieldAliases = 1
FieldComments = 4

alias of Qgis

class VectorLayerTypeFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Vector layer type flags.

New in version 3.24.

  • SqlQuery: SQL query layer

SqlQuery = 1

alias of Qgis

class VectorLayerTypeFlags
class VectorLayerTypeFlags(Union[Qgis.VectorLayerTypeFlags, Qgis.VectorLayerTypeFlag])
class VectorLayerTypeFlags(Qgis.VectorLayerTypeFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class VectorProfileType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Types of elevation profiles to generate for vector sources.

New in version 3.26.

  • IndividualFeatures: Treat each feature as an individual object (eg buildings)

  • ContinuousSurface: The features should be treated as representing values on a continuous surface (eg contour lines)

ContinuousSurface = 1
IndividualFeatures = 0

alias of Qgis

class VectorTemporalLimitMode(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Mode for the handling of the limits of the filtering timeframe for vector features

New in version 3.22.

  • IncludeBeginExcludeEnd: Default mode: include the Begin limit, but exclude the End limit

  • IncludeBeginIncludeEnd: Mode to include both limits of the filtering timeframe

IncludeBeginExcludeEnd = 0
IncludeBeginIncludeEnd = 1

alias of Qgis

class VectorTemporalMode(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Vector layer temporal feature modes

New in version 3.22.

  • ModeFixedTemporalRange: Mode when temporal properties have fixed start and end datetimes.

  • ModeFeatureDateTimeInstantFromField: Mode when features have a datetime instant taken from a single field

  • ModeFeatureDateTimeStartAndEndFromFields: Mode when features have separate fields for start and end times

  • ModeFeatureDateTimeStartAndDurationFromFields: Mode when features have a field for start time and a field for event duration

  • ModeFeatureDateTimeStartAndEndFromExpressions: Mode when features use expressions for start and end times

  • ModeRedrawLayerOnly: Redraw the layer when temporal range changes, but don’t apply any filtering. Useful when symbology or rule based renderer expressions depend on the time range.


alias of Qgis

class VectorTileProviderCapabilities
class VectorTileProviderCapabilities(Union[Qgis.VectorTileProviderCapabilities, Qgis.VectorTileProviderCapability])
class VectorTileProviderCapabilities(Qgis.VectorTileProviderCapabilities)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class VectorTileProviderCapability(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Enumeration with capabilities that vector tile data providers might implement.

New in version 3.32.

  • ReadLayerMetadata: Provider can read layer metadata from data store. See QgsDataProvider.layerMetadata()

ReadLayerMetadata = 2

alias of Qgis

class VectorTileProviderFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Flags for vector tile data providers.

New in version 3.32.

  • AlwaysUseTileMatrixSetFromProvider: Vector tile layer must always use the tile matrix set from the data provider, and should never store, restore or override the definition of this matrix set.

AlwaysUseTileMatrixSetFromProvider = 2

alias of Qgis

class VectorTileProviderFlags
class VectorTileProviderFlags(Union[Qgis.VectorTileProviderFlags, Qgis.VectorTileProviderFlag])
class VectorTileProviderFlags(Qgis.VectorTileProviderFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

class VertexMarkerType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Editing vertex markers, used for showing vertices during a edit operation.

New in version 3.22.

  • SemiTransparentCircle: Semi-transparent circle marker

  • Cross: Cross marker

  • NoMarker: No marker


alias of Qgis

class VertexType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Types of vertex.

New in version 3.22.

  • SegmentVertex: The actual start or end point of a segment

  • CurveVertex: An intermediate point on a segment defining the curvature of the segment


alias of Qgis

class VerticalAxisInversion(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Vertical axis inversion options for 3D views.

New in version 3.30.

  • Never: Never invert vertical axis movements

  • WhenDragging: Invert vertical axis movements when dragging in first person modes

  • Always: Always invert vertical axis movements

Always = 2
Never = 0
WhenDragging = 1

alias of Qgis

class ViewSyncModeFlag(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Synchronization of 2D map canvas and 3D view

New in version 3.26.

  • Sync3DTo2D: Synchronize 3D view camera to the main map canvas extent

  • Sync2DTo3D: Update the 2D main canvas extent to include the viewed area from the 3D view

Sync2DTo3D = 2
Sync3DTo2D = 1

alias of Qgis

class ViewSyncModeFlags
class ViewSyncModeFlags(Union[Qgis.ViewSyncModeFlags, Qgis.ViewSyncModeFlag])
class ViewSyncModeFlags(Qgis.ViewSyncModeFlags)

Bases: sip.wrapper

class VolumeUnit(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Units of volume.


Prior to QGIS 3.30 this was available as QgsUnitTypes.VolumeUnit.

New in version 3.30.

  • VolumeCubicMeters: Cubic meters

  • VolumeCubicFeet: Cubic feet

  • VolumeCubicYards: Cubic yards

  • VolumeBarrel: Barrels

  • VolumeCubicDecimeter: Cubic decimeters

  • VolumeLiters: Litres

  • VolumeGallonUS: US Gallons

  • VolumeCubicInch: Cubic inches

  • VolumeCubicCentimeter: Cubic Centimeters

  • VolumeCubicDegrees: Cubic degrees, for planar geographic CRS volume measurements

  • VolumeUnknownUnit: Unknown volume unit


alias of Qgis

Warning = 1
class WkbType(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

The WKB type describes the number of dimensions a geometry has

  • Point

  • LineString

  • Polygon

as well as the number of dimensions for each individual vertex

  • X (always)

  • Y (always)

  • Z (optional)

  • M (measurement value, optional)

it also has values for multi types, collections, unknown geometry, null geometry, no geometry and curve support.

These classes of geometry are often used for data sources to communicate what kind of geometry should be expected for a given geometry field. It is also used for tools or algorithms to decide if they should be available for a given geometry type or act in a different mode.


Prior to 3.30 this was available as QgsWkbTypes.Type.

New in version 3.30.

  • Unknown: Unknown

  • Point: Point

  • LineString: LineString

  • Polygon: Polygon

  • Triangle: Triangle

  • MultiPoint: MultiPoint

  • MultiLineString: MultiLineString

  • MultiPolygon: MultiPolygon

  • GeometryCollection: GeometryCollection

  • CircularString: CircularString

  • CompoundCurve: CompoundCurve

  • CurvePolygon: CurvePolygon

  • MultiCurve: MultiCurve

  • MultiSurface: MultiSurface

  • NoGeometry: No geometry

  • PointZ: PointZ

  • LineStringZ: LineStringZ

  • PolygonZ: PolygonZ

  • TriangleZ: TriangleZ

  • MultiPointZ: MultiPointZ

  • MultiLineStringZ: MultiLineStringZ

  • MultiPolygonZ: MultiPolygonZ

  • GeometryCollectionZ: GeometryCollectionZ

  • CircularStringZ: CircularStringZ

  • CompoundCurveZ: CompoundCurveZ

  • CurvePolygonZ: CurvePolygonZ

  • MultiCurveZ: MultiCurveZ

  • MultiSurfaceZ: MultiSurfaceZ

  • PointM: PointM

  • LineStringM: LineStringM

  • PolygonM: PolygonM

  • TriangleM: TriangleM

  • MultiPointM: MultiPointM

  • MultiLineStringM: MultiLineStringM

  • MultiPolygonM: MultiPolygonM

  • GeometryCollectionM: GeometryCollectionM

  • CircularStringM: CircularStringM

  • CompoundCurveM: CompoundCurveM

  • CurvePolygonM: CurvePolygonM

  • MultiCurveM: MultiCurveM

  • MultiSurfaceM: MultiSurfaceM

  • PointZM: PointZM

  • LineStringZM: LineStringZM

  • PolygonZM: PolygonZM

  • MultiPointZM: MultiPointZM

  • MultiLineStringZM: MultiLineStringZM

  • MultiPolygonZM: MultiPolygonZM

  • GeometryCollectionZM: GeometryCollectionZM

  • CircularStringZM: CircularStringZM

  • CompoundCurveZM: CompoundCurveZM

  • CurvePolygonZM: CurvePolygonZM

  • MultiCurveZM: MultiCurveZM

  • MultiSurfaceZM: MultiSurfaceZM

  • TriangleZM: TriangleZM

  • Point25D: Point25D

  • LineString25D: LineString25D

  • Polygon25D: Polygon25D

  • MultiPoint25D: MultiPoint25D

  • MultiLineString25D: MultiLineString25D

  • MultiPolygon25D: MultiPolygon25D


alias of Qgis

class ZonalStatistic(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Statistics to be calculated during a zonal statistics operation.

New in version 3.36..

  • Count: Pixel count

  • Sum: Sum of pixel values

  • Mean: Mean of pixel values

  • Median: Median of pixel values

  • StDev: Standard deviation of pixel values

  • Min: Min of pixel values

  • Max: Max of pixel values

  • Range: Range of pixel values (max - min)

  • Minority: Minority of pixel values

  • Majority: Majority of pixel values

  • Variety: Variety (count of distinct) pixel values

  • Variance: Variance of pixel values

  • All: All statistics

  • Default: Default statistics


alias of Qgis

class ZonalStatisticResult(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Zonal statistics result codes.

New in version 3.36..

  • Success: Success

  • LayerTypeWrong: Layer is not a polygon layer

  • LayerInvalid: Layer is invalid

  • RasterInvalid: Raster layer is invalid

  • RasterBandInvalid: The raster band does not exist on the raster layer

  • FailedToCreateField: Output fields could not be created

  • Canceled: Algorithm was canceled


alias of Qgis

class ZonalStatistics
class ZonalStatistics(Union[Qgis.ZonalStatistics, Qgis.ZonalStatistic])
class ZonalStatistics(Qgis.ZonalStatistics)

Bases: sip.wrapper


alias of Qgis

defaultProjectScales() str

A string with default project scales.

New in version 3.12.

Return type:


devVersion() str

The development version

New in version 3.12.

Return type:


geosVersion() str

GEOS string version linked

New in version 3.20.

Return type:


geosVersionInt() int

GEOS version number linked

New in version 3.20.

Return type:


geosVersionMajor() int

GEOS Major version number linked

New in version 3.20.

Return type:


geosVersionMinor() int

GEOS Minor version number linked

New in version 3.20.

Return type:


geosVersionPatch() int

GEOS Patch version number linked

New in version 3.20.

Return type:


releaseName() str

Release name

New in version 3.12.

Return type:


staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>
version() str

Version string.

New in version 3.12.

Return type:


versionInt() int

Version number used for comparing versions using the “Check QGIS Version” function

New in version 3.12.

Return type:
