Class: QgsMapToolIdentifyFeature

class qgis.gui.QgsMapToolIdentifyFeature(canvas: QgsMapCanvas, vl: QgsVectorLayer = None)

Bases: QgsMapToolIdentify

QgsMapToolIdentifyFeature is a map tool to identify a feature on a chosen layer

  • canvas (QgsMapCanvas) – the map canvas

  • vl (QgsVectorLayer = None) – the vector layer. The map tool can be initialized without any layer and can be set afterward.

The QgsMapToolIdentifyFeature class is a map tool to identify a feature on a chosen layer. Once the map tool is enable, user can click on the map canvas to identify a feature. A signal will then be emitted.



param e





Returns derived attributes map for a clicked point in map coordinates.



Performs the identification.


Call the right method depending on layer type


Identifies data from active scalar and vector dataset from the mesh layer





param e



Clears canvas properties overrides previously set with setCanvasPropertiesOverrides()




Overrides some map canvas properties inside the map tool for the upcoming identify requests.


change the layer used by the map tool to identify



transformation from map coordinates to screen coordinates


transformation from screen coordinates to layer’s coordinates


transformation from screen coordinates to map coordinates


transformation from layer’s coordinates to map coordinates (which is different in case reprojection is used)



featureIdentified(self, QgsFeature) [signal] featureIdentified(self, int) [signal]

canvasReleaseEvent(self, e: QgsMapMouseEvent)

e (QgsMapMouseEvent) –

childEvent(self, QChildEvent)
connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)
customEvent(self, QEvent)
derivedAttributesForPoint(self, point: QgsPoint) → Dict[str, str]

Returns derived attributes map for a clicked point in map coordinates. May be 2D or 3D point.

disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)

featureIdentified(self, QgsFeature) [signal] featureIdentified(self, int) [signal]

identify(self, x: int, y: int, layerList: Iterable[QgsMapLayer] = [], mode: QgsMapToolIdentify.IdentifyMode = QgsMapToolIdentify.DefaultQgsSetting) → List[QgsMapToolIdentify.IdentifyResult]

Performs the identification.

  • x – x coordinates of mouseEvent

  • y – y coordinates of mouseEvent

  • layerList – Performs the identification within the given list of layers. Default value is an empty list, i.e. uses all the layers.

  • mode – Identification mode. Can use QGIS default settings or a defined mode. Default mode is DefaultQgsSetting.


a list of IdentifyResult*

identify(self, x: int, y: int, mode: QgsMapToolIdentify.IdentifyMode, layerType: Union[QgsMapToolIdentify.LayerType, QgsMapToolIdentify.Type] = QgsMapToolIdentify.AllLayers) -> List[QgsMapToolIdentify.IdentifyResult] Performs the identification. To avoid being forced to specify IdentifyMode with a list of layers this has been made private and two publics methods are offered

  • x – x coordinates of mouseEvent

  • y – y coordinates of mouseEvent

  • mode – Identification mode. Can use QGIS default settings or a defined mode.

  • layerType – Only performs identification in a certain type of layers (raster, vector, mesh). Default value is AllLayers.


a list of IdentifyResult

identify(self, geometry: QgsGeometry, mode: QgsMapToolIdentify.IdentifyMode, layerType: Union[QgsMapToolIdentify.LayerType, QgsMapToolIdentify.Type]) -> List[QgsMapToolIdentify.IdentifyResult] Performs identification based on a geometry (in map coordinates)

identify(self, geometry: QgsGeometry, mode: QgsMapToolIdentify.IdentifyMode, layerList: Iterable[QgsMapLayer], layerType: Union[QgsMapToolIdentify.LayerType, QgsMapToolIdentify.Type]) -> List[QgsMapToolIdentify.IdentifyResult] Performs identification based on a geometry (in map coordinates)

identify(self, x: int, y: int, mode: QgsMapToolIdentify.IdentifyMode, layerList: Iterable[QgsMapLayer], layerType: Union[QgsMapToolIdentify.LayerType, QgsMapToolIdentify.Type] = QgsMapToolIdentify.AllLayers) -> List[QgsMapToolIdentify.IdentifyResult] Performs the identification. To avoid being forced to specify IdentifyMode with a list of layers this has been made private and two publics methods are offered

  • x – x coordinates of mouseEvent

  • y – y coordinates of mouseEvent

  • mode – Identification mode. Can use QGIS default settings or a defined mode.

  • layerList – Performs the identification within the given list of layers.

  • layerType – Only performs identification in a certain type of layers (raster, vector, mesh).


a list of IdentifyResult

identifyLayer(self, results: Iterable[QgsMapToolIdentify.IdentifyResult], layer: QgsMapLayer, point: QgsPointXY, viewExtent: QgsRectangle, mapUnitsPerPixel: float, layerType: Union[QgsMapToolIdentify.LayerType, QgsMapToolIdentify.Type] = QgsMapToolIdentify.AllLayers) → bool

Call the right method depending on layer type

identifyMeshLayer(self, results: Iterable[QgsMapToolIdentify.IdentifyResult], layer: QgsMeshLayer, point: QgsPointXY) → bool

Identifies data from active scalar and vector dataset from the mesh layer

Works only if layer was already rendered (triangular mesh is created)

New in version 3.6.

identifyRasterLayer(self, results: Iterable[QgsMapToolIdentify.IdentifyResult], layer: QgsRasterLayer, point: QgsPointXY, viewExtent: QgsRectangle, mapUnitsPerPixel: float) → bool
identifyVectorLayer(self, results: Iterable[QgsMapToolIdentify.IdentifyResult], layer: QgsVectorLayer, point: QgsPointXY) → bool
isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) → bool
keyPressEvent(self, e: QKeyEvent)

e (QKeyEvent) –

receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) → int

Clears canvas properties overrides previously set with setCanvasPropertiesOverrides()

New in version 3.4.

sender(self) → QObject
senderSignalIndex(self) → int
setCanvasPropertiesOverrides(self, searchRadiusMapUnits: float)

Overrides some map canvas properties inside the map tool for the upcoming identify requests.

This is useful when the identification is triggered by some other piece of GUI like a 3D map view and some properties like search radius need to be adjusted so that identification returns correct results. Currently only search radius may be overridden.

When the custom identification has finished, restoreCanvasPropertiesOverrides() should be called to erase any overrides.

New in version 3.4.

setLayer(self, vl: QgsVectorLayer)

change the layer used by the map tool to identify


vl (QgsVectorLayer) –

timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)
toCanvasCoordinates(self, point: QgsPointXY) → QPoint

transformation from map coordinates to screen coordinates

toLayerCoordinates(self, layer: QgsMapLayer, point: QPoint)QgsPointXY

transformation from screen coordinates to layer’s coordinates

toLayerCoordinates(self, layer: QgsMapLayer, point: QgsPointXY) -> QgsPointXY transformation from map coordinates to layer’s coordinates

toLayerCoordinates(self, layer: QgsMapLayer, rect: QgsRectangle) -> QgsRectangle trnasformation of the rect from map coordinates to layer’s coordinates

toMapCoordinates(self, point: QPoint)QgsPointXY

transformation from screen coordinates to map coordinates

toMapCoordinates(self, layer: QgsMapLayer, point: QgsPointXY) -> QgsPointXY transformation from layer’s coordinates to map coordinates (which is different in case reprojection is used)

toMapCoordinatesV2(self, layer: QgsMapLayer, point: QgsPoint)QgsPoint

transformation from layer’s coordinates to map coordinates (which is different in case reprojection is used)


available in Python bindings as toMapCoordinatesV2