
We communicate on mailing lists divided by topics and target groups. Feel free to subscribe to any of these lists. Please remember to contribute to the list by answering questions and sharing your experiences.

Please don't use these mailing lists to advertise your services or training courses. Use your local user group mailing lists to inform your local community about training offers.

QGIS Users list

The main list for user questions: used for discussion of QGIS in general, as well as specific questions regarding its installation and use.

QGIS Developers list

The main list for questions about the development of QGIS core or plugins. You can discuss about coding, build process, chime in, collect and discuss QGIS related UX (User Experience) / usability issues.

QGIS Community team

This list deals with topics like documentation, user guide, web sites, blog, mailing lists, forums and translation efforts. If you want to work on the user guide as well, this list is a good starting point to ask your questions.

QGIS Translations

This list deals with the translation efforts. If you want to work on the translation of the web site, the manuals or the graphical user interface (GUI), this list is a good starting point to ask your questions.

QGIS Project Steering Committee (PSC) list

This list is used to discuss Steering Committee issues related to overall management and direction of QGIS.

QGIS Web Client 2

This list is used to get help for setting up QGIS Web Client 2 (QWC2) and discuss future development of QWC2.