QGIS API Documentation  3.14.0-Pi (9f7028fd23)
analysis library

The ANALYSIS library is built on top of CORE library and provides high level tools for carrying out spatial analysis on vector and raster data. It also contains high level tools for building network topologies and analysing them. More...


class  Bezier3D
class  CloughTocherInterpolator
class  DualEdgeTriangulation
class  QgsExifTools::GeoTagDetails
 Extended image geotag details. More...
class  HalfEdge
class  QgsGeometryCheckerUtils::LayerFeatures::iterator
class  QgsGeometryCheckerUtils::LayerFeature
class  QgsGeometryCheckerUtils::LayerFeatures
class  LinTriangleInterpolator
class  NormVecDecorator
class  ParametricLine
class  QgsAlignRaster
 QgsAlignRaster takes one or more raster layers and warps (resamples) them so they have the same: More...
class  QgsAnalysis
class  QgsAspectFilter
class  QgsDerivativeFilter
class  QgsExifTools
 Contains utilities for working with EXIF tags in images. More...
class  QgsFeaturePool
class  QgsGeometryAngleCheck
class  QgsGeometryAreaCheck
class  QgsGeometryCheck
class  QgsGeometryCheckContext
class  QgsGeometryChecker
class  QgsGeometryCheckError
class  QgsGeometryCheckErrorSingle
class  QgsGeometryCheckerUtils
class  QgsGeometryCheckFactory
class  QgsGeometryCheckFactoryT< T >
class  QgsGeometryCheckRegistry
class  QgsGeometryCheckResolutionMethod
class  QgsGeometryContainedCheck
class  QgsGeometryContainedCheckError
class  QgsGeometryDangleCheck
class  QgsGeometryDegeneratePolygonCheck
class  QgsGeometryDuplicateCheck
class  QgsGeometryDuplicateCheckError
class  QgsGeometryDuplicateNodesCheck
class  QgsGeometryFollowBoundariesCheck
class  QgsGeometryGapCheck
class  QgsGeometryGapCheckError
class  QgsGeometryHoleCheck
class  QgsGeometryIsValidCheck
class  QgsGeometryIsValidCheckError
class  QgsGeometryLineIntersectionCheck
class  QgsGeometryLineLayerIntersectionCheck
class  QgsGeometryMissingVertexCheck
class  QgsGeometryMissingVertexCheckError
class  QgsGeometryMultipartCheck
class  QgsGeometryOverlapCheck
class  QgsGeometryOverlapCheckError
class  QgsGeometryPointCoveredByLineCheck
class  QgsGeometryPointInPolygonCheck
class  QgsGeometrySegmentLengthCheck
class  QgsGeometrySelfContactCheck
class  QgsGeometrySelfIntersectionCheck
class  QgsGeometrySelfIntersectionCheckError
class  QgsGeometrySliverPolygonCheck
class  QgsGeometrySnapper
class  QgsGeometrySnapperSingleSource
class  QgsGeometryTypeCheck
class  QgsGeometryTypeCheckError
class  QgsGraph
 Mathematical graph representation. More...
class  QgsGraphAnalyzer
class  QgsGraphBuilder
 This class used for making the QgsGraph object. More...
class  QgsGraphBuilderInterface
 Determine interface for creating a graph. Contains the settings of the graph. QgsGraphBuilder and QgsGraphDirector both use a "builder" design pattern. More...
class  QgsGraphDirector
 Determine making the graph. QgsGraphBuilder and QgsGraphDirector implemented using "builder" design patter. More...
class  QgsGraphEdge
 This class implements a graph edge. More...
class  QgsGraphVertex
 This class implements a graph vertex. More...
class  QgsGridFileWriter
class  QgsHillshadeFilter
class  QgsIDWInterpolator
class  QgsInternalGeometrySnapper
class  QgsInterpolator
class  QgsKernelDensityEstimation
class  QgsMeshCalculator
class  QgsMeshContours
class  QgsNativeAlgorithms
 Native c++ processing algorithm provider. More...
class  QgsNetworkDistanceStrategy
 Strategy for calculating edge cost based on its length. Should be used for finding shortest path between two points. More...
class  QgsNetworkSpeedStrategy
 Strategy for calculating edge cost based on travel time. Should be used for finding fastest path between two points. More...
class  QgsNetworkStrategy
 QgsNetworkStrategy defines strategy used for calculation of the edge cost. For example it can take into account travel distance, amount of time or money. Currently there are two strategies implemented in the analysis library: QgsNetworkDistanceStrategy and QgsNetworkSpeedStrategy. QgsNetworkStrategy implemented using "strategy" design pattern. More...
class  QgsNineCellFilter
class  QgsRasterCalcNode
class  QgsRasterCalculator
class  QgsRasterCalculatorEntry
class  QgsRasterMatrix
class  QgsRelief
class  QgsRuggednessFilter
class  QgsSingleGeometryCheck
class  QgsSingleGeometryCheckError
class  QgsSlopeFilter
class  QgsTinInterpolator
class  QgsTotalCurvatureFilter
class  QgsVectorDataProviderFeaturePool
class  QgsVectorLayerDirector
 Determine making the graph from vector line layer. More...
class  QgsVectorLayerFeaturePool
class  QgsZonalStatistics
class  TriangleInterpolator
class  Triangulation
class  TriDecorator
class  Vector3D

Detailed Description

The ANALYSIS library is built on top of CORE library and provides high level tools for carrying out spatial analysis on vector and raster data. It also contains high level tools for building network topologies and analysing them.