QGIS API Documentation  2.4.0-Chugiak
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 C_nmeaGPGGAGGA packet information structure (Global Positioning System Fix Data)
 C_nmeaGPGSAGSA packet information structure (Satellite status)
 C_nmeaGPGSVGSV packet information structure (Satellites in view)
 C_nmeaGPRMCRMC packet information structure (Recommended Minimum sentence C)
 C_nmeaGPVTGVTG packet information structure (Track made good and ground speed)
 C_nmeaINFOSummary GPS information from all parsed packets, used also for generating NMEA stream
 C_nmeaPOSPosition data in fractional degrees or radians
 C_nmeaSATELLITEInformation about satellite
 C_nmeaSATINFOInformation about all satellites in view
 C_nmeaTIMEDate and time data
 CQgsComposerLegend::AtomAtom is indivisible set (indivisible into more columns)
 CQgsInvertedPolygonRenderer::CombinedFeatureStructure where the reversed geometry is built during renderFeature
 CQgsInvertedPolygonRenderer::FeatureDecorationClass used to represent features that must be rendered with decorations (selection, vertex markers)
 CQgsVectorLayerFeatureIterator::FetchJoinInfoJoin information prepared for fast attribute id mapping in QgsVectorLayerJoinBuffer::updateFeatureAttributes()
 CQgsExpression::FunctionA abstract base class for defining QgsExpression functions
 CQgsConnectionPoolGroup< T >::Item
 CQgsInterpolator::LayerDataA layer together with the information about interpolation attribute / z-coordinate interpolation and the type (point, structure line, breakline)
 CLayerRenderJobStructure keeping low-level rendering job information
 CLine3DThis class represents a line
 CNodeNode is a class used by Line3D
 CQgsComposerLegend::NucleonNucleon is either group title, layer title or layer child item
 CParametricLineParametricLine is an Interface for parametric lines
 CPoint3DPoint3D is a class to represent a three dimensional point
 CQGisGlobal constants for use throughout the application
 CQgisPluginAbstract base class from which all plugins must inherit
 CQgsAbstractCacheIndexAbstract base class for cache indices
 CQgsAbstractFeatureIteratorInternal feature iterator to be implemented within data providers
 CQgsAbstractFeatureSourceBase class that can be used for any class that is capable of returning features
 CQgsAbstractGeometrySimplifierAbstract base class for simplify geometries using a specific algorithm
 CQgsActionUtility class that encapsulates an action based on vector attributes
 CQgsAttributeActionStorage and management of actions associated with Qgis layer attributes
 CQgsAttributeEditorContextThis class contains context information for attribute editor widgets
 CQgsVectorLayerCache::QgsCachedFeatureThis is a wrapper class around a cached QgsFeature, which will inform the cache, when it has been deleted, so indexes can be updated that the wrapped feature needs to be fetched again if needed
 CQgsClipperA class to trim lines and polygons to within a rectangular region
 CQgsComposerAttributeTableCompareHelper class for sorting tables, takes into account sorting column and ascending / descending
 CQgsComposerLegendStyleComposer legend components style
 CQgsConnectionPool< T, T_Group >Template class responsible for keeping a pool of open connections
 CQgsConnectionPoolGroup< T >
 CQgsContrastEnhancementManipulates raster pixel values so that they enhanceContrast or clip into a specified numerical range according to the specified ContrastEnhancementAlgorithm
 CQgsContrastEnhancementFunctionA contrast enhancement funcion is the base class for all raster contrast enhancements
 CQgsCoordinateReferenceSystemClass for storing a coordinate reference system (CRS)
 CQgsCoordinateTransformCacheCache coordinate transform by authid of source/dest transformation to avoid the overhead of initialisation for each redraw
 CQgsCredentialsInterface for requesting credentials in QGIS in GUI independent way
 CQgsDataDefinedA container class for data source field mapping or expression
 CQgsDataSourceURIClass for storing the component parts of a PostgreSQL/RDBMS datasource URI
 CQgsDatumTransformStoreKeeps track of datum transformations as chosen by the user
 CQgsDetailedItemDataThis class is the data only representation of a QgsDetailedItemWidget, designed to be used in custom views
 CQgsDiagramRendererV2Returns diagram settings for a feature
 CQgsDistanceAreaGeneral purpose distance and area calculator
 CQgsErrorQgsError is container for error messages (report)
 CQgsErrorMessageQgsErrorMessage represents single error message
 CQgsExceptionDefines a qgis exception class
 CQgsExpressionClass for parsing and evaluation of expressions (formerly called "search strings")
 CQgsFeatureThe feature class encapsulates a single feature including its id, geometry and a list of field/values attributes
 CQgsFeatureIteratorWrapper for iterator of features from vector data provider or vector layer
 CQgsFeatureRequestThis class wraps a request for features to a vector layer (or directly its vector data provider)
 CQgsFeatureStoreContainer for features with the same fields and crs
 CQgsFieldEncapsulate a field in an attribute table or data source
 CQgsFieldsContainer of fields for a vector layer
 CQgsGeometryAnalyzerThe QGis class provides vector geometry analysis functions
 CQgsGPSConnectionRegistryA singleton class to register / unregister existing GPS connections such that the information is available to all classes and plugins
 CQgsGridFileWriterA class that does interpolation to a grid and writes the results to an ascii grid
 CQgsInterpolatorInterface class for interpolations
 CQgsLabelA class to render labels
 CQgsLabelAttributesA class to store attributes needed for label rendering
 CQgsLabelComponentMaintains current state of more grainular and temporal values when creating/painting component parts of an individual label (e.g
 CQgsLabelingEngineInterfaceLabeling engine interface
 CQgsLabelingResultsClass that stores computed placement from labeling engine
 CQgsLabelSearchTreeA class to query the labeling structure at a given point (small wraper around pal RTree class)
 CQgsLoggerQgsLogger is a class to print debug/warning/error messages to the console
 CQgsMapCanvasLayerA class that stores visibility and presence in overview flags together with pointer to the layer
 CQgsMapCanvasSnapperThis class reads the snapping properties from the current project and configures a QgsSnapper to perform the snapping
 CQgsMapLayerRendererBase class for utility classes that encapsulate information necessary for rendering of map layers
 CQgsMapSettingsConfiguration for rendering of the map
 CQgsMapTipA maptip is a class to display a tip on a map canvas when a mouse is hovered over a feature
 CQgsMapToPixelPerform transforms between map coordinates and device coordinates
 CQgsMessageOutputInterface for showing messages from QGIS in GUI independent way
 CQgsNineCellFilterBase class for raster analysis methods that work with a 3x3 cell filter and calculate the value of each cell based on the cell value and the eight neighbour cells
 CQgsObjectCustomPropertiesSimple key-value store (keys = strings, values = variants) that supports loading/saving to/from XML in
 CQgsOgcUtilsVarious utility functions for conversion between OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) standards and QGIS internal representations
 CQgsOverlayAnalyzerThe QGis class provides vector overlay analysis functions
 CQgsPluginLayerRegistryRegistry of plugin layers types
 CQgsPluginLayerTypeClass for creating plugin specific layers
 CQgsPointA class to represent a point geometry
 CQgsPointSampleCreates random points in polygons / multipolygons
 CQgsProjectBadLayerHandlerInterface for classes that handle missing layer files when reading project file
 CQgsProjectVersionA class to describe the version of a project
 CQgsPropertyAn Abstract Base Class for QGIS project property hierarchies
 CQgsProviderMetadataHolds data provider key, description, and associated shared library file information
 CQgsProviderRegistryA registry / canonical manager of data providers
 CQgsPythonRunnerUtility class for running python commands from various parts of QGIS
 CQgsRasterRaster namespace
 CQgsRasterBandStatsThe RasterBandStats struct is a container for statistics about a single raster band
 CQgsRasterBlockRaster data container
 CQgsRasterCalculatorRaster calculator class
 CQgsRasterCheckerThis is a helper class for unit tests that need to write an image and compare it to an expected result or render time
 CQgsRasterDrawerThe drawing pipe for raster layers
 CQgsRasterFileWriterThe raster file writer which allows you to save a raster to a new file
 CQgsRasterHistogramThe QgsRasterHistogram is a container for histogram of a single raster band
 CQgsRasterIdentifyResultRaster identify results container
 CQgsRasterInterfaceBase class for processing filters like renderers, reprojector, resampler etc
 CQgsRasterIteratorIterator for sequentially processing raster cells
 CQgsRasterPipeBase class for processing modules
 CQgsRasterPyramidThis struct is used to store pyramid info for the raster layer
 CQgsRasterRangeRaster values range container
 CQgsRasterRendererRegistryRegistry for raster renderers
 CQgsRasterRendererRegistryEntryRegistry for raster renderer entries
 CQgsRasterResamplerInterface for resampling rasters (e.g
 CQgsRasterShaderInterface for all raster shaders
 CQgsRasterShaderFunctionThe raster shade function applies a shader to a pixel at render time - typically used to render grayscale images as false color
 CQgsRasterTransparencyDefines the list of pixel values to be considered as transparent or semi transparent when rendering rasters
 CQgsRasterViewPortThis class provides details of the viewable area that a raster will be rendered into
 CQgsRectangleA rectangle specified with double values
 CQgsReliefProduces coloured relief rasters from DEM
 CQgsRenderCheckerThis is a helper class for unit tests that need to write an image and compare it to an expected result or render time
 CQgsRenderContextContains information about the context of a rendering operation
 CQgsRendererV2AbstractMetadataStores metadata about one renderer class
 CQgsRendererV2RegistryRegistry of renderers
 CQgsScaleBarStyleAbstraction of composer scale bar style
 CQgsScaleCalculatorCalculates scale for a given combination of canvas size, map extent, and monitor dpi
 CQgsSimplifyMethodThis class contains information about how to simplify geometries fetched from a QgsFeatureIterator
 CQgsSnapperA class that allows advanced snapping operations on a set of vector layers
 CQgsSnappingResultRepresents the result of a snapping operation
 CQgsSymbolLayerV2AbstractMetadataStores metadata about one symbol layer class
 CQgsSymbolLayerV2RegistryRegistry of available symbol layer classes
 CQgsSymbologyV2ConversionThis class is not a part of public API, it is intended only for compatibility with older versions of QGIS (1.x)
 CQgsToleranceThis is the class is providing tolerance value in map unit values
 CQgsTransectSampleA class for the creation of transect sample lines based on a set of strata polygons and baselines
 CQgsVectorA class to represent a vector
 CQgsVectorFileWriterA convenience class for writing vector files to disk
 CQgsVectorLayerImportA convenience class for writing vector files to disk
 CQgsVectorLayerJoinBufferManages joined fields for a vector layer
 CQgsVectorLayerToolsMethods in this class are used to handle basic operations on vector layers
 CQgsVectorSimplifyMethodThis class contains information how to simplify geometries fetched from a vector layer
 CQgsXmlUtilsAssorted helper methods for reading and writing chunks of XML
 CQgsZonalStatisticsA class that calculates raster statistics (count, sum, mean) for a polygon or multipolygon layer and appends the results as attributes
 CQgsRuleBasedRendererV2::RuleThis class keeps data about a rules for rule-based renderer
 CQgsOWSSourceSelect::SupportedFormatFormats supported by provider
 CTriangleInterpolatorThis is an interface for interpolator classes for triangulations
 CTriangulationInterface for Triangulation classes
 CVector3DClass Vector3D represents a 3D-Vector, capable to store x-,y- and z-coordinates in double values
 CQgsExpression::VisitorSupport for visitor pattern - algorithms dealing with the expressions may be implemented without modifying the Node classes