QGIS API Documentation  2.12.0-Lyon
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /***************************************************************************
2  qgscomposermultiframe.cpp
3  ------------------------------------------------------------
4  begin : July 2012
5  copyright : (C) 2012 by Marco Hugentobler
6  email : marco dot hugentobler at sourcepole dot ch
7  ***************************************************************************
8  * *
9  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
10  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
11  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
12  * (at your option) any later version. *
13  * *
14  ***************************************************************************/
16 #include "qgscomposermultiframe.h"
17 #include "qgscomposerframe.h"
18 #include "qgscomposition.h"
19 #include <QtCore>
22  QgsComposerObject( c ),
23  mResizeMode( UseExistingFrames ),
24  mCreateUndoCommands( createUndoCommands ),
25  mIsRecalculatingSize( false )
26 {
27  mComposition->addMultiFrame( this );
28  connect( mComposition, SIGNAL( nPagesChanged() ), this, SLOT( handlePageChange() ) );
29 }
31 QgsComposerMultiFrame::QgsComposerMultiFrame()
32  : QgsComposerObject( 0 )
33  , mResizeMode( UseExistingFrames )
34  , mCreateUndoCommands( false )
35  , mIsRecalculatingSize( false )
36 {
37 }
40 {
41  deleteFrames();
42 }
44 void QgsComposerMultiFrame::render( QPainter *p, const QRectF &renderExtent )
45 {
46  //base implementation does nothing
47  Q_UNUSED( p );
48  Q_UNUSED( renderExtent );
49 }
51 void QgsComposerMultiFrame::render( QPainter *painter, const QRectF &renderExtent, const int frameIndex )
52 {
53  Q_UNUSED( frameIndex );
54  //base implementation ignores frameIndex
56  render( painter, renderExtent );
58 }
61 {
62  if ( mode != mResizeMode )
63  {
64  mResizeMode = mode;
66  emit changed();
67  }
68 }
71 {
72  if ( mFrameItems.size() < 1 )
73  {
74  return;
75  }
77  QSizeF size = totalSize();
78  double totalHeight = size.height();
80  if ( totalHeight < 1 )
81  {
82  return;
83  }
85  double currentY = 0;
86  double currentHeight = 0;
87  QgsComposerFrame* currentItem = 0;
89  for ( int i = 0; i < mFrameItems.size(); ++i )
90  {
91  if ( mResizeMode != RepeatOnEveryPage && currentY >= totalHeight )
92  {
93  if ( mResizeMode == RepeatUntilFinished || mResizeMode == ExtendToNextPage ) //remove unneeded frames in extent mode
94  {
95  bool removingPages = true;
96  for ( int j = mFrameItems.size(); j > i; --j )
97  {
98  int numPagesBefore = mComposition->numPages();
99  removeFrame( j - 1, removingPages );
100  //if removing the frame didn't also remove the page, then stop removing pages
101  removingPages = removingPages && ( mComposition->numPages() < numPagesBefore );
102  }
103  return;
104  }
105  }
107  currentItem = mFrameItems.value( i );
108  currentHeight = currentItem->rect().height();
110  {
111  currentItem->setContentSection( QRectF( 0, 0, currentItem->rect().width(), currentHeight ) );
112  }
113  else
114  {
115  currentHeight = findNearbyPageBreak( currentY + currentHeight ) - currentY;
116  currentItem->setContentSection( QRectF( 0, currentY, currentItem->rect().width(), currentHeight ) );
117  }
118  currentItem->update();
119  currentY += currentHeight;
120  }
122  //at end of frames but there is still content left. Add other pages if ResizeMode ==
124  {
125  while (( mResizeMode == RepeatOnEveryPage ) || currentY < totalHeight )
126  {
127  //find out on which page the lower left point of the last frame is
128  int page = qFloor(( currentItem->pos().y() + currentItem->rect().height() ) / ( mComposition->paperHeight() + mComposition->spaceBetweenPages() ) ) + 1;
131  {
132  if ( page >= mComposition->numPages() )
133  {
134  break;
135  }
136  }
137  else
138  {
139  //add an extra page if required
140  if ( mComposition->numPages() < ( page + 1 ) )
141  {
142  mComposition->setNumPages( page + 1 );
143  }
144  }
146  double frameHeight = 0;
148  {
149  frameHeight = currentItem->rect().height();
150  }
151  else //mResizeMode == ExtendToNextPage
152  {
153  frameHeight = ( currentY + mComposition->paperHeight() ) > totalHeight ? totalHeight - currentY : mComposition->paperHeight();
154  }
156  double newFrameY = page * ( mComposition->paperHeight() + mComposition->spaceBetweenPages() );
158  {
159  newFrameY += currentItem->pos().y() - ( page - 1 ) * ( mComposition->paperHeight() + mComposition->spaceBetweenPages() );
160  }
162  //create new frame
163  QgsComposerFrame* newFrame = createNewFrame( currentItem,
164  QPointF( currentItem->pos().x(), newFrameY ),
165  QSizeF( currentItem->rect().width(), frameHeight ) );
168  {
169  newFrame->setContentSection( QRectF( 0, 0, newFrame->rect().width(), newFrame->rect().height() ) );
170  currentY += frameHeight;
171  }
172  else
173  {
174  double contentHeight = findNearbyPageBreak( currentY + newFrame->rect().height() ) - currentY;
175  newFrame->setContentSection( QRectF( 0, currentY, newFrame->rect().width(), contentHeight ) );
176  currentY += contentHeight;
177  }
179  currentItem = newFrame;
180  }
181  }
182 }
185 {
186  if ( mFrameItems.size() < 1 )
187  {
188  //no frames, nothing to do
189  return;
190  }
193  for ( ; frameIt != mFrameItems.end(); ++frameIt )
194  {
195  ( *frameIt )->setSceneRect( QRectF(( *frameIt )->scenePos().x(), ( *frameIt )->scenePos().y(),
196  ( *frameIt )->rect().width(), ( *frameIt )->rect().height() ) );
197  }
198 }
201 {
202  if ( !currentFrame )
203  {
204  return 0;
205  }
207  QgsComposerFrame* newFrame = new QgsComposerFrame( mComposition, this, pos.x(),
208  pos.y(), size.width(), size.height() );
210  //copy some settings from the parent frame
211  newFrame->setBackgroundColor( currentFrame->backgroundColor() );
212  newFrame->setBackgroundEnabled( currentFrame->hasBackground() );
213  newFrame->setBlendMode( currentFrame->blendMode() );
214  newFrame->setFrameEnabled( currentFrame->hasFrame() );
215  newFrame->setFrameOutlineColor( currentFrame->frameOutlineColor() );
216  newFrame->setFrameJoinStyle( currentFrame->frameJoinStyle() );
217  newFrame->setFrameOutlineWidth( currentFrame->frameOutlineWidth() );
218  newFrame->setTransparency( currentFrame->transparency() );
219  newFrame->setHideBackgroundIfEmpty( currentFrame->hideBackgroundIfEmpty() );
221  addFrame( newFrame, false );
223  return newFrame;
224 }
227 {
228  return tr( "<frame>" );
229 }
232 {
233  QgsComposerFrame* frame = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerFrame*>( item );
234  if ( !frame )
235  {
236  return;
237  }
238  int index = mFrameItems.indexOf( frame );
239  if ( index == -1 )
240  {
241  return;
242  }
244  mFrameItems.removeAt( index );
245  if ( mFrameItems.size() > 0 )
246  {
247  if ( resizeMode() != QgsComposerMultiFrame::RepeatOnEveryPage && !mIsRecalculatingSize )
248  {
249  //removing a frame forces the multi frame to UseExistingFrames resize mode
250  //otherwise the frame may not actually be removed, leading to confusing ui behaviour
252  emit changed();
254  }
255  }
256 }
259 {
260  if ( mComposition->numPages() < 1 )
261  {
262  return;
263  }
266  {
267  return;
268  }
270  //remove items beginning on non-existing pages
271  for ( int i = mFrameItems.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i )
272  {
274  int page = frame->pos().y() / ( mComposition->paperHeight() + mComposition->spaceBetweenPages() );
275  if ( page > ( mComposition->numPages() - 1 ) )
276  {
277  removeFrame( i );
278  }
279  }
281  //page number of the last item
282  QgsComposerFrame* lastFrame = mFrameItems.last();
283  int lastItemPage = lastFrame->pos().y() / ( mComposition->paperHeight() + mComposition->spaceBetweenPages() );
285  for ( int i = lastItemPage + 1; i < mComposition->numPages(); ++i )
286  {
287  //copy last frame to current page
288  QgsComposerFrame* newFrame = new QgsComposerFrame( mComposition, this, lastFrame->pos().x(),
289  lastFrame->pos().y() + mComposition->paperHeight() + mComposition->spaceBetweenPages(),
290  lastFrame->rect().width(), lastFrame->rect().height() );
291  addFrame( newFrame, false );
292  lastFrame = newFrame;
293  }
296  update();
297 }
299 void QgsComposerMultiFrame::removeFrame( int i, const bool removeEmptyPages )
300 {
301  if ( i >= mFrameItems.count() )
302  {
303  return;
304  }
306  QgsComposerFrame* frameItem = mFrameItems[i];
307  if ( mComposition )
308  {
309  mIsRecalculatingSize = true;
310  int pageNumber = frameItem->page();
311  //remove item, but don't create undo command
312  mComposition->removeComposerItem( frameItem, false );
313  //if frame was the only item on the page, remove the page
314  if ( removeEmptyPages && mComposition->pageIsEmpty( pageNumber ) )
315  {
317  }
318  mIsRecalculatingSize = false;
319  }
320  mFrameItems.removeAt( i );
321 }
324 {
326  for ( ; frameIt != mFrameItems.end(); ++frameIt )
327  {
328  ( *frameIt )->update();
329  }
330 }
333 {
334  ResizeMode bkResizeMode = mResizeMode;
336  QObject::disconnect( mComposition, SIGNAL( itemRemoved( QgsComposerItem* ) ), this, SLOT( handleFrameRemoval( QgsComposerItem* ) ) );
338  for ( ; frameIt != mFrameItems.end(); ++frameIt )
339  {
340  mComposition->removeComposerItem( *frameIt, false );
341  delete *frameIt;
342  }
343  QObject::connect( mComposition, SIGNAL( itemRemoved( QgsComposerItem* ) ), this, SLOT( handleFrameRemoval( QgsComposerItem* ) ) );
344  mFrameItems.clear();
345  mResizeMode = bkResizeMode;
346 }
349 {
350  if ( i >= mFrameItems.size() )
351  {
352  return 0;
353  }
354  return mFrameItems.at( i );
355 }
358 {
359  return mFrameItems.indexOf( frame );
360 }
362 bool QgsComposerMultiFrame::_writeXML( QDomElement& elem, QDomDocument& doc, bool ignoreFrames ) const
363 {
364  elem.setAttribute( "resizeMode", mResizeMode );
365  if ( !ignoreFrames )
366  {
368  for ( ; frameIt != mFrameItems.constEnd(); ++frameIt )
369  {
370  ( *frameIt )->writeXML( elem, doc );
371  }
372  }
373  QgsComposerObject::writeXML( elem, doc );
374  return true;
375 }
377 bool QgsComposerMultiFrame::_readXML( const QDomElement& itemElem, const QDomDocument& doc, bool ignoreFrames )
378 {
379  QgsComposerObject::readXML( itemElem, doc );
381  mResizeMode = ( ResizeMode )itemElem.attribute( "resizeMode", "0" ).toInt();
382  if ( !ignoreFrames )
383  {
384  QDomNodeList frameList = itemElem.elementsByTagName( "ComposerFrame" );
385  for ( int i = 0; i < frameList.size(); ++i )
386  {
387  QDomElement frameElem = frameList.at( i ).toElement();
388  QgsComposerFrame* newFrame = new QgsComposerFrame( mComposition, this, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
389  newFrame->readXML( frameElem, doc );
390  addFrame( newFrame, false );
391  }
393  //TODO - think there should be a recalculateFrameSizes() call here
394  }
395  return true;
396 }
Specifies the behaviour for creating new frames to fit the multiframe's content.
virtual void recalculateFrameSizes()
Recalculates the portion of the multiframe item which is shown in each of it's component frames...
void clear()
QDomNodeList elementsByTagName(const QString &tagname) const
static unsigned index
virtual bool writeXML(QDomElement &elem, QDomDocument &doc) const
Stores item state in DOM element.
A base class for objects which belong to a map composition.
QString attribute(const QString &name, const QString &defValue) const
void setHideBackgroundIfEmpty(const bool hideBackgroundIfEmpty)
Sets whether the background and frame border should be hidden if this frame is empty.
Qt::PenJoinStyle frameJoinStyle() const
Returns the join style used for drawing the item's frame.
virtual QString displayName() const
Get multiframe display name.
virtual double findNearbyPageBreak(double yPos)
Finds the optimal position to break a frame at.
const T & at(int i) const
A item that forms part of a map composition.
void removeAt(int i)
Definition: qgis.h:390
ResizeMode resizeMode() const
Returns the resize mode for the multiframe.
virtual void setFrameEnabled(const bool drawFrame)
Set whether this item has a frame drawn around it or not.
virtual QSizeF totalSize() const =0
Returns the total size of the multiframe's content.
QColor backgroundColor() const
Gets the background color for this item.
bool disconnect(const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method)
double spaceBetweenPages() const
Returns the vertical space between pages in a composer view.
QString tr(const char *sourceText, const char *disambiguation, int n)
void setBlendMode(const QPainter::CompositionMode blendMode)
Sets the item's composition blending mode.
int numPages() const
Returns the number of pages in the composition.
void update(const QRectF &rect)
int size() const
T value(int i) const
double frameOutlineWidth() const
Returns the frame's outline width.
int indexOf(const T &value, int from) const
QDomElement toElement() const
bool _readXML(const QDomElement &itemElem, const QDomDocument &doc, bool ignoreFrames=false)
Restores state information about base multiframe object from a DOM element.
QPointF pos() const
void setNumPages(const int pages)
Sets the number of pages for the composition.
int count(const T &value) const
qreal x() const
qreal y() const
void recalculateFrameRects()
Forces a recalculation of all the associated frame's scene rectangles.
QgsComposerMultiFrame(QgsComposition *c, bool createUndoCommands)
Construct a new multiframe item.
void setFrameJoinStyle(const Qt::PenJoinStyle style)
Sets join style used when drawing the item's frame.
virtual void addFrame(QgsComposerFrame *frame, bool recalcFrameSizes=true)=0
Adds a frame to the multiframe.
int transparency() const
Returns the item's transparency.
void setAttribute(const QString &name, const QString &value)
int toInt(bool *ok, int base) const
QgsComposerFrame * createNewFrame(QgsComposerFrame *currentFrame, QPointF pos, QSizeF size)
Creates a new frame and adds it to the multi frame and composition.
virtual void setFrameOutlineColor(const QColor &color)
Sets frame outline color.
QList< QgsComposerFrame * > mFrameItems
void removeFrame(int i, const bool removeEmptyPages=false)
Removes a frame from the multiframe.
bool _writeXML(QDomElement &elem, QDomDocument &doc, bool ignoreFrames=false) const
Stores state information about base multiframe object in DOM element.
void removeComposerItem(QgsComposerItem *item, const bool createCommand=true, const bool removeGroupItems=true)
Remove item from the graphics scene.
bool hideBackgroundIfEmpty() const
Returns whether the background and frame border should be hidden if this frame is empty...
void setBackgroundEnabled(const bool drawBackground)
Set whether this item has a Background drawn around it or not.
bool pageIsEmpty(const int page) const
Returns whether a page is empty, ie, it contains no items except for the background paper item...
Graphics scene for map printing.
void handlePageChange()
Adapts to changed number of composition pages if resize type is RepeatOnEveryPage.
Frame item for a composer multiframe item.
iterator end()
QColor frameOutlineColor() const
Returns the frame's outline color.
virtual void setFrameOutlineWidth(const double outlineWidth)
Sets frame outline width.
Definition: qgis.h:391
QgsComposition * mComposition
void deleteFrames()
Removes and deletes all child frames.
qreal width() const
void setBackgroundColor(const QColor &backgroundColor)
Sets the background color for this item.
QPainter::CompositionMode blendMode() const
Returns the item's composition blending mode.
virtual bool readXML(const QDomElement &itemElem, const QDomDocument &doc)
Sets item state from DOM element.
bool hasFrame() const
Whether this item has a frame or not.
T & last()
void setResizeMode(ResizeMode mode)
Sets the resize mode for the multiframe, and recalculates frame sizes to match.
virtual Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void render(QPainter *p, const QRectF &renderExtent)
Renders a portion of the multiframe's content into a painter.
double paperHeight() const
Height of paper item.
bool hasBackground() const
Whether this item has a Background or not.
int page() const
Gets the page the item is currently on.
int frameIndex(QgsComposerFrame *frame) const
Returns the index of a frame within the multiframe.
qreal height() const
QgsComposerFrame * frame(int i) const
Returns a child frame from the multiframe.
void update()
Forces a redraw of all child frames.
void setContentSection(const QRectF &section)
Sets the visible part of the multiframe's content which is visible within this frame (relative to the...
int size() const
bool readXML(const QDomElement &itemElem, const QDomDocument &doc) override
Sets item state from DOM element.
const_iterator constEnd() const
const_iterator constBegin() const
qreal height() const
bool connect(const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method, Qt::ConnectionType type)
void addMultiFrame(QgsComposerMultiFrame *multiFrame)
Adds multiframe.
void handleFrameRemoval(QgsComposerItem *item)
Called before a frame is going to be removed.
iterator begin()
qreal width() const
void setTransparency(const int transparency)
Sets the item's transparency.
void changed()
Emitted when the properties of a multi frame have changed, and the GUI item widget must be updated...
QDomNode at(int index) const
QRectF rect() const